Performance Task #3 - "Life On Our Planet by David Attenborough - Movie Analysis"

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Movie Analysis (Analytical Reflection)

After watching Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough, these are the things I
have noticed. His account of the incident from the past, the present, and his outlook on
the future are all displayed in the documentary. David Attenborough's theme was all
about the environmental changes that occurred between the day of his birth and the
time he was growing up to his current age. As we can see from the film, there are both
lovely and helpful things as well as unsettling things that we should be concerned about.
Furthermore, the purpose behind why I wrote each of those will become clearer as I
continue to write.

The documentary film's opening sequence demonstrates how in good shape our
planet is. Due to the stability it provides to those who lived there before, I compared the
wilderness to the Garden of Eden. In this section of the film, there is plenty of life and
the air is clean, the temperature is just right, the surroundings are healthy, and there is a
lot of it. However, as the year goes on, the population grows and the amount of carbon
in the atmosphere rises as well, having an indirect impact on the wilderness. I can tell
from the movie that it is gradually slipping behind the quantity of land and marine
organisms, as well as the previously green and icy regions. The reason I compared
before and after is because of what is going on in the ocean. Initially, they caught a lot
of fish in their nets, but after a short period of time, their nets all over the world were
producing no fish. The same is evident of green and ice regions; initially, lands are
covered with a variety of green plants and trees, and there is a plentiful supply of ice;
but, after a few years have gone, the green regions are turning brown, and the ice
regions are shrinking. And then there are the animals. It is now challenging to view
animals moving in different locations and more difficult to find species that are going
extinct. In the past, we could see animals easily and focus more on learning what the
animals are that are yet to be discovered.

If there were no cause for those terrible events, they would not be possible. We
humans, with our brains, are to blame for those alterations that we hardly notice on a
daily basis. We are "evolved animals" with the capacity for an alternative thought.
Technologies have been developed as a result of the way people think, and people
have varied ideas—both good and bad—and reasons for what the environment can
provide. As a result, the balance of our world began to shift. The environment is growing
more polluted, the earth is warming up, more people are eating meat, etc. These are a
few of the imbalances that exist today. Our planet now is run by humankind for
humankind. Without noticing, little by little we are destroying it, not just ruining it.

However, since nothing is preventing or confining us, the only thing we can do is begin
those within ourselves. We know that the wild is far from unlimited. It’s finite. It needs
protecting. We must thus act in response to it. Stop denying what is taking place. Since
we are the ones that use up the environment, we will ultimately be the only ones to
suffer for all of our wrongdoings. Therefore, altering how we live on earth is the best
thing we can do. Our greatest ally is nature. Nature will take care of us if we take care of
it. Finally, everything here is about saving ourselves.

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