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Parameter on Systemic Conditions Affected by Periodontal

The American Academy of Periodontology has developed the following parameter on systemic conditions
affected by periodontal diseases. It is well known that systemic conditions may affect the onset, progression,
and treatment of such diseases (see Parameter on Periodontitis Associated With Systemic Conditions, pages
876-879). The concept of periodontal diseases as localized entities affecting only the teeth and supporting
apparatus is increasingly being questioned. Periodontal diseases may have widespread systemic effects. While
these effects may be limited in some individuals, periodontal infections may significantly impact systemic health
in others, and may serve as risk indicators for certain systemic diseases or conditions. As part of the approach
to establishing and maintaining health, patients should be informed of the possible effects of periodontal infec-
tion on their overall well-being. Given this information, patients should then be able to make informed deci-
sions regarding their periodontal therapy. J Periodontol 2000;71:880-883.
Infection/complications; periodontal diseases/complications; risk factors; systemic diseases; periodontium/

CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS 3. Other health care providers may be consulted

Definition as indicated by the patient’s systemic health status,
The role of local infections in generalized disease is well periodontal condition, and proposed treatment. Any
established (for example, in oral-derived bacteremia consultation should be documented.
and infective endocarditis). While much information THERAPEUTIC GOALS
is available concerning the potential effects of sys-
The therapeutic goals are to diagnose periodontal
temic conditions and diseases on the periodontium,
infections which may impact on the patient’s sys-
less is known about the consequences of a diseased
temic health; to inform the patient of possible inter-
periodontium on systemic health. The periodontium
actions between the patient’s periodontal disease and
may serve as a reservoir of bacteria, bacterial prod-
systemic condition; and to establish periodontal health
ucts, and inflammatory and immune mediators which
which may minimize potential negative influences of
can interact with other organ systems remote from
periodontal infections.
the oral cavity. Periodontal infections may increase
Research and clinical experience indicate that peri-
the risk for certain conditions by contributing to dis-
odontal infections may have an impact on the fol-
ease pathogenesis or by serving as a source of infec-
lowing diseases or conditions:
tive organisms.
1. Diabetes mellitus;
Patient Evaluation 2. Pregnancy;
1. A comprehensive periodontal evaluation should 3. Cardiovascular diseases.
be performed as described in the Parameter on Com- Preliminary evidence suggests that periodontal
prehensive Periodontal Examination (pages 847-848). infections may also be associated with pulmonary
2. The medical history should be evaluated for disease and other remote site infections.
existing systemic diseases or conditions, medications,
and risk factors for systemic diseases. TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS
Diabetes Mellitus
* Approved by the Board of Trustees, American Academy of
Periodontitis may adversely affect glycemic control in
Periodontology, May 1999. diabetes. It may also be associated with an increased

880 Volume 71 • Number 5 (Supplement)

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Parameters of Care
risk of cardiovascular complications associated with Infective endocarditis. While bacteremias may
diabetes. Periodontal treatment, especially in patients occur in individuals with a healthy periodontium, they
with severe periodontitis and poorly controlled dia- may be intensified in patients with periodontitis.
betes, may result in improvement in glycemic con- Treatment considerations for patients at risk for or
trol. Treatment considerations for patients with dia- with existing cardiovascular diseases include:
betes mellitus include: 1. Diagnosis of the patient’s periodontal condition.
1. Diagnosis of the patient’s periodontal condition. 2. Consideration of consultation with the patient’s
2. Consideration of consultation with the patient’s physician to advise of the presence of periodontal
physician to advise of the presence of periodontal infection and proposed treatment. The American
infection and proposed treatment. Heart Association guidelines should be followed for
3. Consideration of diagnosis and duration of dia- patients at risk for infective endocarditis.
betes; level of glycemic control; medications and 3. Consideration of diagnosis and status of car-
treatment history; and risk factors for periodontitis diovascular disease; treatment and medications; and
which may influence diabetic complications. risk factors for periodontitis which may influence coro-
4. Education of the patient regarding the possible nary artery disease.
impact of periodontal infection on glycemic control. 4. Education of the patient regarding the possible
5. Periodontal therapy and patient motivation to impact of periodontal infection on the cardiovascu-
establish and maintain periodontal health. Consider- lar system.
ation may be given to the use of systemic antibiotics 5. Periodontal therapy and patient motivation to
in conjunction with mechanical therapy (see Para- establish and maintain periodontal health (see Para-
meter on Periodontitis Associated With Systemic Con- meter on Periodontitis Associated With Systemic Con-
ditions, pages 876-879). ditions, pages 876-879).


Women with periodontitis may have an increased risk The desired outcome of therapy is to prevent adverse
for pre-term low birth weight delivery. Treatment con- systemic consequences of existing periodontal infec-
siderations for pregnant patients include: tion via:
1. Diagnosis of the patient’s periodontal condition. 1. Knowledge of the patient’s medical history and
2. Consideration of consultation with the patient’s systemic status, the periodontal condition, and the
physician to advise of the presence of periodontal possible interactions between oral and systemic health
infection and proposed treatment. or disease.
3. Consideration of gestational period; status of 2. Reduction of clinically detectable plaque and
pregnancy; and risk factors for periodontitis which periodontal pathogens to a level compatible with peri-
may influence pregnancy outcomes. odontal health.
4. Education of the patient regarding the possible 3. Reduction of clinical signs of gingival inflam-
impact of periodontal infection on pregnancy out- mation.
come. 4. Reduction of probing depths.
5. Periodontal therapy and patient motivation to 5. Stabilization or gain of clinical attachment.
establish and maintain periodontal health (see Pa- 6. Control of acute periodontal infections.
rameter on Periodontitis Associated With Systemic 7. Addressing the risk factors for periodontal dis-
Conditions, pages 876-879). ease as they affect the systemic condition.
Cardiovascular Diseases
Coronary artery disease. Individuals with peri-
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