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Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies

Topic: Job Satisfaction

Learning: It doesn’t matter whether small or big
job; what matters is job satisfaction.
Group Members:
1. Aayush Sapra- 1083
2. Bibhav Basyal-1095
3. Harsh Khandagale-1156
4. Kriti Chitransh-1114
5. Nageshwari Shetti-1120
6. Niraj Kabra- 1108
7. Udhaya Kumar Aishwarya-1147

Division: - FY-B
Date of Submission:-1st August, 2018
Introduction – Job satisfaction is one of the major interest to the field of organizational behavior. It reflects
employee’s attitudes towards their job and commitment to an organization. It simply refers to one’s feelings
or state of mind regarding the nature of their work. It also means how content an individual is with his or her
“The employee’s judgement of how well his job on whole is satisfying his various needs.” - Smith (1955)
Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation. It is linked to productivity, motivation, absenteeism, waste
accident, mental health, physical health and general life satisfaction. There are three important dimensions to
job satisfaction-
1. Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation. It can’t be seen, only inferred.
2. Job satisfaction is often determined by how well customers meet or exceed expectations.
3. Job satisfaction represents several related attitudes.

Importance – Job satisfaction is very important for a person’s motivation and contribution to production. Job
satisfaction may diminish irregular attendance at work, replacement of workers within a cycle or even the rate
of accidents. Job satisfaction is an employee’s thoughts and emotions towards their job and how they evaluate
their job.

It is important for organizations to care about their employee’s job satisfaction . It will promote employees
organizational commitment when they feel that they are satisfied with their jobs.
If the employees are satisfied with their job then they can give better customer service and we know that
customer retention and loyalty are dependent on the basis of the given service of the employees.

The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by Hoppock (1935). He revived 35 studies on job
satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that "Job satisfaction is combination of psychological and
environmental circumstances that causes a person to say “I am satisfied with my job”. Such a description
indicate the variety of variables that influence the satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing about the
nature of Job satisfaction.
Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by Pestonjee (1973) as a job, management, personal adjustment
and social requirement. Morse (1953) considers "Job satisfaction as dependent upon job content, financial and
job status and priding group cohesiveness.
One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne study. These studies (1924 -
1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School sought to find the effects of various
conditions (most notably illumination) on workers’ productivity.
Job satisfaction not only affects the employees but also the company, society and the economy of the country
as a whole.
1. The work done by the employees will be very good: One of the major benefits of job satisfaction is that the
work which you submit will automatically be of a superior quality. This is simply because the employees love
what they do and are willing to do whatever it takes in order to go from strength to strength. Those who do
not have any job satisfaction will never be willing to go that extra mile in order to impress the bosses rather
they will be content, simply doing the bare minimum amount of work.
2. You will be eager to work: Another major benefit of job satisfaction is that they will be eager to take on
new responsibility and their attitude towards their work will be rather positive as well.
3. You will automatically rise from strength to strength: A person who has job satisfaction will love his job
and will consequently perform all his duties to the best of his abilities. Companies do take note of those
employees who are performing all tasks with diligence and it is these hard working employees who are able to
bag promotions and rise from strength to strength. Those who have no job satisfaction and are dissatisfied
with their jobs will never be given promotions as they have no positivity or driving force within them.

1. You never want to leave your comfort zone: Though having job satisfactions is vital in order to help you
have a happy professional life, one of the chief limitations of job satisfaction is that you are so content with
what you do, that you will eventually refuse to leave your comfort zone.
2. You refuse to challenge yourself: People who have immense job satisfaction will never be willing to
challenge themselves with a daunting task. This is because they are afraid that if they challenge themselves
then the job will not remain as satisfying as it was. This having being stated, job satisfaction does not mean
that you only take on tasks which are easy for you and which you are used to doing, on the contrary, job
satisfaction means that you do your job irrespective of the challenges which are thrown your way, as you
know these challenges will only help you better yourself.
The Effects of Low Job Satisfaction:
1. It is bound to affect your mental and physical health: One of the worst parts about having low job
satisfaction is that overtime this dissatisfaction is bound to take a toll on your mental as well as physical
health. A person who has low job satisfaction will be constantly under stress and in addition to this he might
even go into depression.
2. Consequently your personal life will suffer too: Finally, once you have low job satisfaction, your personal
life is bound to be affected too. If you have low job satisfaction for some safety issue, due to work load, or
simply due to a low salary, then these issues are bound to play on your mind even when you have left the
office. If you feel that things are getting too much to bear then you should not think twice before handing in
your resignation. If you are a good and able worker, then any top company will be willing to hire you when you
send in your resume to them.
5 Key Factors to Job Satisfaction

1. Engagement - When you are engaged in your work, you are present, focused, and productive. One
reason you may not be engaging in your work is because you may not feel you are utilizing your skills
and abilities to your fullest potential. Undoubtedly, people are naturally more engaged in work that
puts their talents to good use.
2. Respect, praise, and appreciation -Regardless of the job, you want to feel respected in the workplace
as well as appreciated for the work you do. Employees are more satisfied in their positions when they
feel respected and are praised for a job well done, even if it’s a simple ‘Thank you’ from a company
3. Fair compensation - The importance employees place on pay as a contributing factor to job
satisfaction appears to be on the rise. But as important as compensation appears to be to employees,
many would choose recognition and praise from a higher-up over cash.
4. Motivation - Understanding your motivation behind the job you either already have or the job you
want may help increase job satisfaction as well. Asking yourself the following questions: What
motivated me to accept this job in the first place? What inspires me to do the work I do? Answers to
these questions can help determine where you are lacking satisfaction so that you can then do
something about it, whether that means switching jobs or changing your approach to your current
5. Life satisfaction - Perhaps unsurprisingly, people who are unhappy in life are less likely to find
satisfying work. The psychologists concluded that people who are predisposed to be happy and
satisfied in life in general are more likely to be happy and satisfied in their work. They note that
individuals who are generally unhappy in life and seek satisfaction in their work likely will not find it.
Perhaps nurturing yourself and enhancing your well-being will naturally lead you to satisfaction within
a working environment.
Problems Faced By Organizations Due To Low Job

1. Job Stress: When employees are not happy with their jobs, they are much more likely to
experience and report stress on the job. Workers who are satisfied or happy at work are much less
likely to report feeling stressed out by their job. This is basic human nature -- if you are not doing
something you enjoy, chances are you are going to feel dissatisfied and even little things will make
you feel stressed out and unhappy.
2. Poor Overall Morale: When one employee is miserable doing their job, all of the other
employees they come into contact with are going to be affected by their attitude. If they see
someone who is so obviously miserable, it will begin to color how they view their own jobs. Negative
attitudes can spread through a workplace like wildfire and, if they are not improved, the overall
morale of the employees will take a sharp decline.
3. Lack of Productivity: Low job satisfaction, coupled with low employee morale equals a lack of
productivity in the workplace. Again, we have basic human nature at work. When someone is
unhappy, they don't focus well and they don't pay attention to their tasks. They find hundreds of
other things to do that do make them happy, all the while ignoring the job they should be doing.
When one member of a team displays low productivity, it is only natural for other members of the
team to feel dissatisfied as a result, and their productivity will begin to decline as well. It is a vicious
cycle that is all too common.
4. High Employee Turnover Rates: Low job satisfaction also creates high turnover rates with
employees. Sooner or later, the employee is going to quit so that they can find a job they actually
enjoy doing. Many industries such as food service suffer from high turnover rates and the inability to
retain qualified workers. It is up to small business owners and managers to find a way to increase
job satisfaction, particularly in difficult industries in which the jobs are tough and the pay is low. For
example Hertz Global Holdings Inc. was ranked as one of the worst companies due to its long hour
and little return which led to job stress among its employee leading to their poor health .
How Can The Problem Of Low Job Satisfaction
Be Solved?

The Problem of Low Job Satisfaction Can Be Solved In The Following Ways:

1. Work on The Culture. The culture of an organization is influenced by the behaviors of leadership.

Employees empathize with each other and demand respectful treatment of all employees. Senior
leaders should set the example for these behaviors by demonstrating respect toward others.
2. Establish Trust with Senior Management. Employees need to be able to trust their seniors. Senior
management needs to establish trust with employees at all levels. This trust can be established by
demonstrating credibility and integrity in everything they do.
3. Expand job benefits.  Explore benefits that employees appreciate and value. Benchmark your total
benefit package to ensure your package is competitive. Focus on health and medical, paid time off,
defined contribution plans, defined benefit pension plans, work-life balance, and family friendly
4. Offer competitive compensation.  Look at all aspects of your compensation strategy.
Evaluate employee pay grades, health benefits and retirement contributions to ensure your
compensation package is competitive.
5. Foster job security. The recent recession has caused workers everywhere to feel job insecurity.
Employers can help ease this by communicating with employees about the financial state of the
organization, strategic goals and objectives and overall performance. It is also important to include
employees in global problem solving to ensure they feel like they are part of the process and solution
to organizational growth and success.
6. Strengthen employee relationships. Job satisfaction is also connected to relationships that the
employee has with coworker. Use employees on teams to problem solve and use team building
exercises to help develop and strengthen coworker relationships.
7. Focus on employee engagement.  Invest the time and resources in creating an
environment where employees thrive and love to work. Monitor employee engagement and
strengthen areas that foster it.
8. Provide opportunities for career advancement. Employees want to know that there are
opportunities within the organization to grow and advance their careers. Develop employees
through coaching and mentoring programs, leadership skill development and succession planning to
help ensure that employees are prepared when higher level job openings become available.
9. Train on job skills.  Employees value the investment organizations make into ongoing job skill
training.  This results in employees being more engaged in their roles, improved internal processes and
increased worker productivity.

Employee satisfaction or job satisfaction is one of the key goals of all HR personnel irrespective of what their
individual KRAs are. A satisfied employee is not just a retained employee but an ambassador for the brand,
internally and externally. She can help dispel the apprehensions of others and can defend the company in
various fora. Happy employees are more loyal to the company and its objectives, they go the extra mile to
achieve goals and take pride in their jobs, their teams and their achievements.

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