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BHU Management Review | Vol.

9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

Merger and Acquisition Effect on Financial

Performance of SBI
Gaurav Sisodia*
Nilmani Tripathy**

The banking system is the lifeblood of Banks have become a crucial piece of our
any country’s financial system. Without an lives, from setting aside cash to reserve tickets
efficient banking system, a country will and advancing cash-related activities. Banks
not be able to face the complex have become the extension that interfaces us
environment of the outside world. This with cash. Banks are located physically, with
study compares the pre-post financial customers using banking services like ATMs
performance of SBI and its Associates and safety deposit boxes. However, many
(SBI Consolidated) using 'ROE,' 'Debt- banks started to operate online this time, and
Equity ratio,' 'Return on long term funds,' all the transactions with a commercial bank
‘Interest Income to Total Income’ and were done electronically.
‘Total Advances to Total Assets.' The
1.1. Concept of Mergers and Acquisitions
study covers four years, -2yrs merger and
+2yrs merger. The findings revealed that Merger and acquisition is an umbrella
all the ratios under study observed phrase for integrating enterprises or resources
insignificant t-value; thus, there are no using various monetary considerations,
significant changes in the period after the including combinations, amalgamations and
merger compared to the pre-merger takeovers. The terms “mergers” and “acquisi-
period. However, these conclusions are tions” are frequently used inter-changeably,
merely based on observations that could though they are both separate terms with
not accurately present the impact of the different meanings. With the goal of
merger on the State Bank of India. abundance augmentation, organizations
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; continue to assess various freedoms through
Financial performance M & A (Nelson, 2018).
1.1.1. Acquisitions
Whenever one business takes control of
the other and acquires its ownership, this
purchasing behavior is called acquisition.
From the legal point of view, the target
organization’s identity no longer exists, the
acquirer takes over the enterprise, and the
bidder firm’s securities continue to be traded
in the market. In contrast, the acquired
organization's stocks are no longer traded in
the market.

* Research Scholar, Amity University, Gurugram, Haryana, e-mail:

** Assistant Professor, Amity University, Gurugram, Haryana

BHU Management Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

1.1.2. Mergers supply. E.g., the clothing store can be

confident that apparel will be delivered by the
In contrast to the acquisition, a merger
material manufacturing plant (Hanson, 2016).
occurs when two roughly comparable-sized
enterprises join forces to move forward as a 2.3. Concentric Mergers
single new entity rather than remaining Concentric mergers happen when two
separate entities. It is known as an "amalga- companies serve closely related clients in the
mation of companies." The securities of both same industry but do not offer the same
the companies are surrendered, and the new products and services. Their products may
entity's securities are issued instead of old complement one another but are not identical.
firms. For example, X Ltd and Y Ltd. ceased These are typically used to entice buyers
when the two companies were combined. A because it is easier to sell them together.
new entity, XY Ltd, is formed. The agreement Trying to sell one of the products will also
of combining two firms is also called a facilitate the sale, resulting in increased
merger. revenue for the establishment. These mergers
2. Types of Mergers and Acquisitions allow companies to venture into new business
areas, reducing uncertainty and accessing
2.1. Horizontal Mergers
previously inaccessible resources and markets
Horizontal mergers happen when one (Hanson, 2016).
company merges or gets possession of another
company that provides the same or compa- 2.4. Conglomerate Mergers
rable product offerings and administrations to When two companies work in a
the last purchasers, implying that they are in completely distinctive industry, a merger is
the same industry and at the same stage of known as a conglomerate merger regardless of
development. Companies are often immediate the development stage. For instance, a
contenders in this case. For example, if a watchmaker getting a concrete producer, a
company that makes PDAs merges with steelmaker procuring a product organization,
another company that makes mobile phones, and so on, the fundamental target of a
this is a horizontal merger. The benefit of this combination merger is to accomplish a
type of consolidation is that it eliminates significant size. This is typically done to
competition, which pushes the organization to enhance different businesses, decreasing risk
grow its share of the total industry, earnings, (Hanson, 2016).
and profits (Hanson, 2016).
2.5. Reverse Mergers
2.2. Vertical Mergers A reverse merger is an appealing vital
A vertical merger is performed to connect choice for privately-owned supervisors to
two organizations with comparable worth and acquire public organization status. It is a less
provide comparable services, with the sole tedious and less exorbitant option than the
difference being the stage of production at usual initial public offerings (IPOs). The
which they are functioning. For example, if a public organization appreciates more
clothing store acquires a material manu- prominent adaptability regarding financing
facturing factory, this is a vertical merger choices, and the organization's financial
because the business is similar. However, the backers appreciate more significant liquidity.
creation phase is distinct: one entity works in Public organizations face extra consistency
the tertiary region while another operates in loads and guarantee that adequate time and
the optional region. These mergers are energy remain committed to running and
commonly used to ensure the supply of becoming the business. A fruitful reverse
essential products and avoid interruptions in merger can expand the estimation of an
BHU Management Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

organization's stock and liquidity (Sjostrom, that all the banks should minimize their gross
2007). profit margin for the improvement of financial
performance and efficiency and also suggested
2.6. Hostile Takeover
to pay attention to increasing capital efficiency
Aforced or hostile takeover is an and should rely more on equity financing than
acquisition of a company called the target debt.
company by the other company known as the
Kumar and Murty (2017), in their research
acquirer. The later company forcibly gains
“Financial Performance of selected Public
access to the organization's resources and
replaces the top management body of the and Private Sector Banks based on CAMEL
company. A hostile takeover can be prevented model concerning Indian Banking Sector,"
examined the financial soundness of banks
or avoided by making a delicate offer or
implementing counter-strategies. Sometimes a (public and private) using the CAMEL model
from 2012 to 2016. For the analysis, two
company's management will use dubious
public sector banks were used as samples, i.e.,
practices, such as the ‘poison pill,' 'the crown-
SBI and Bank of Baroda and two private
jewel safeguard,' a ‘hangout,' or ‘the Pac-Man
sector banks, viz. ‘ICICI Bank’ and ‘AXIS
defense,' to protect against unwanted hostile
Bank.' The selected banks were analyzed
takeovers (Ganti, 2021).
based on CAMEL parameters and ranked for
3. Review of Literature each parameter. The results have shown that
Ishwarya (2019), in her research “Study on ICICI should strengthen its role in terms of
Mergers and Bank Acquisition: A Case Study Asset quality and capital adequacy. SBI must
on SBI and its Associates,” examined the strengthen its liquidity while the Bank of
banks’ before and after merger financial Baroda should strengthen its earnings quality.
performance utilizing specific financial The study also found that, while the ratios
parameters. The study also observed the trends differed for various banks in the selected
in mergers and acquisitions in the Indian private and public sectors, there was no
banking sector. The analysis revealed no statistical difference in the CAMEL ratios.
significant alterations in the profitability of the Shrestha et al. (2017) conducted an “A
post-merger period. Research findings comparative study of merger effect on the
indicated that the merger between a strong financial performance of banking and
bank and a distressed bank did not prove financial institutions in Nepal." Six financial
beneficial to a substantial bank as it was to a institutions and banks were chosen to be
sick bank. sampled for the analysis, alongside 120
Rehan et al. (2018), in their research respondents were interviewed for the data.
“Effects of Merger and Acquisition on the The analysis used eight financial ratios to
Profitability of Banks," used a collection of evaluate the bank’s pre-and post-merger
nine pre & post-merger and acquisition financial results. A paired sample t-test was
Pakistan's bank data from 1996 to 2016. For employed to observe the changes due to
research purposes, pre-post mergers and mergers in the financial performance of
acquisition status were compared using commercial banks. The study shows that the
metrics such as "Gross Profit Margin," "Net merger is optimistic when the bidder banking
Profit Margin," "Return on Capital and financial institutions are commercial
Employed," and "Debt-Equity Ratio." The banks of a relatively large scale. The
paired sample t-test was employed to evaluate efficiency of the loan decreased substantially
the effect before and after the merger and after the merger, and the profitability
acquisition. It was recommended by the study calculated in terms of ROA and ROE was

BHU Management Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

negatively affected in some instances just after Singh and Gupta (2015), in a paper titled
the merger. The study also points out that “An impact of mergers and acquisitions on
mergers and acquisitions can be achieved by productivity and profitability of consolidation
recognizing the need rather than pushing it. banking sector in India," examined the effects
of M&A’s on profitability as well as a
Satyanarayana et al. (2017), in their study
productivity based on fourteen ratios, which
on “A case study on mega-merger of SBI with
compared the before and after merger status of
its five Subsidiaries," explored the factors that
identified banks (public and private) from
triggered the merger of SBI with its five 2004-05 to 2014-15. The study covers a public
Associate banks and also attempted to sector bank merger between SBI and State
evaluate the challenges and opportunities of Bank of Saurashtra, held in 2008 and a private
Mega-merger. It is suggested that there are sector bank merger between ICICI Bank and
several economic and strategic advantages to Bank of Rajasthan, held in 2010. A t-test,
the merged entity. However, the new entity is mean, standard deviation, and p-value were
not free from challenges. It must gear up to employed to compare selected bank mergers'
face new challenges to come in the future. financial performance. The study revealed a
Njogo (2016), in the study “The Impact of rise in the post-merger financial performance
of banks being studied.
Mergers and Acquisitions on the Performance
of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria," assessed Gupta (2015), in the research "Mergers
the financial performance of ten banks over and Acquisitions in the Indian Banking Sector:
the period ranging from 2001 to 2010 using A Study of Selected Banks," assessed the
nine variables. The research examined the impact of mergers and acquisitions upon the
bank's pre and posted mergers and financial performance of certain banks. Two
acquisitions, employing a paired sample t-test bank mergers were taken as a sample, viz.
sample. The findings revealed a considerable ‘ICICI Bank-The Bank of Rajasthan’and
‘HDFC bank-Centurion Bank of Punjab.' The
difference in the performance of deposit
research compared the before and after
money banks on Return on Assets, Return on
financial merger results based on different
Equity and leverage ratios in the pre and post-
ratios and parameters. The study tried to find
merger periods, but that there was not much the discrepancy in the financial results, pre
impact on the position of deposit money banks and post the merger, using t-Test. The
on other variables. research results showed that the financial
Tanwar (2016) examined Indian banks' performance of selected banks improved
performance in the period of M&As. The compared to the pre-merger period.
paper examined the “Financial and Operating Duggal (2015), in her paper “Mergers and
Performance of merged banks from 2006- Acquisitions in India: A Case Study on Indian
2010”. The CAMEL method was employed to Banking Sector," focused on understanding
assess the financial performance of acquiring the effects of mergers on the bank's financial
banks before and after the merger. Statistics performance. The research considered only
like mean, standard deviation, and coefficient eight public sector banks' mergers announced
of variance were analyzed to examine the from January 2001 to December 2006. The
variation in the bank’s performance from a result showed that analyzing different
pre-merger situation. The findings revealed a financial ratios for a three-year pre-period and
considerable difference in the merged five years post- period using t-test with a 0.05
institutions’ overall performance during the level of confidence. A significant effect was
merger period. noticed in return to asset ratio, as most banks

BHU Management Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

reported significant results. At the same time, ¾ On 1st April 2019, ‘Dena Bank’ and
ROE and EPS turn out to be the least ‘Vijaya Bank’ were merged into ‘Bank of
performing ratios. ROCE and Net Profit Baroda.' This merger was beneficial for
Margin showed a significant improvement. the banks' shareholders as they were
Singh (2015) undertook a study, “An provided 110 and 402 equity shares,
analysis of the profitability position of a respectively, of Rs 2 for every 1000 shares
private bank in India,” focused on the they had of Bank of Baroda.
profitability ratio including "Interest Spread,"
"Net Profit Margin," "Return on long-term ¾ ‘Oriental Bank of Commerce’ and ‘United
funds," "Return on Net Worth," "Return on Bank of India’, on April 1, 2020, merged
assets," and "Adjusted Cash Margin." The with Punjab National Bank. Shareholders
researcher has used statistics like mean, in both banks received 1150 shares of
standard deviation, coefficient variance and PNB and 121 shares of PNB for every
ANOVA as statistical analysis tools. 1000 shares they held. As a result of this
According to the study, there was no merger, PNB became the country’s
significant relationship between the identified second-largest public sector bank.
Indian private sector banks regarding the
¾ Canara bank is expected to power over
above ratios.
Syndicate Bank on first April 2020.
Masud (2015) emphasized the “impact of Partner Bank investors got 158 value
merger and acquisition on the financial shares for every 1000 offers held in
performance of banks." To examine this Canara Bank.
effect, three banks were selected that merged
during 2005-2011, but data was gathered from ¾ In April 2020, ‘Andhra Bank’ and
2000-2012. Financial performance is ‘Corporation Bank’ was merged into
measured based on ROA & ROE, and paired ‘Union Bank of India.' After consolidation,
t-test was used to examine the bank's ‘Union Bank of India' has become the fifth
performance. The study showed a decline in most prominent public sector bank with
financial performance in the first year of the resources of Rs. 14.59 lakh crore and 9609
merger, but after that, it increased slightly and branches in various sections of India.
continued to rise.
¾ On first April 2020, Allahabad Bank was
4. Mergers & Acquisitions Of Various
merged into Indian Bank. The consoli-
Public Sector Banks In The Period
dation has made the country's seventh
biggest public sector bank with resources
¾ On 13thAugust 2008, ‘State Bank of worth Rs. 8.08 lakh crore.
Saurashtra’ was merged into SBI. At that
time, the State Bank of Saurashtra had 423 5. Research Methodology
branches stretched in more than 15 states. The current study attempts to measure,
State Bank of Indore was authoritatively assess, and compare SBI and its associate
converged into SBI on 26th August 2010 banks' financial performance using ‘Return on
and had more than 470 branches over 300
Equity,' 'Debt-Equity Ratio,' and ‘Return on
urban areas and towns at the hour of
Long Term Assets,' 'Interest to Total Assets,'
consolidation. SBI was converged with the
and 'Total Advances to Total Assets.' Because
remaining five Associate banks in April
2017 alongside Bhartiya Mahila Bank. India's largest bank merger of public and

BHU Management Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

private sector banks opens up many research ¾ The government of India gives
opportunities. appropriation and commitment to
5.1. Objectives of the Study imperfect obligation recuperation and
offers cash flow to SBI and its partner
The present study has two primary banks. It then will turn out to be simple for
objectives, mentioned as follows: the government to help this single
1. To examine the before and after merger amalgamated bank instead of giving it
financial performance of SBI and its independently to SBI and its partner
Associate (SBI consolidated) banks.
2. To identify the reasons and effects of the ¾ SBI’s profitability has been declining for
merger of SBI and its Associate (SBI several years, and the combining of will
consolidated) want to represent a better situation of
profits in SBI's books. The group's net
5.2. Collection of Data
profit fell from Rs. Twelve thousand two
Secondary data is used for the study. hundred twenty-five crores in the Fiscal
Secondary data corresponds to data obtained Year 2016 to Rs. Two hundred forty-one
by someone other than the primary/current crores in the Fiscal Year 2017, owing
researcher/user (Schutt, 2006). The data is primarily to partner banks.
gathered from Annual reports of SBI and its
¾ The merger of SBI with its associate banks
Associate Banks, RBI website, moneycontrol.
was critical to recovering bad loans and
com and various statements and reports, and
reducing the NPA of SBI and its associate
books and journals.
banks in the future.
6. Data Analysis
¾ SBI and its partner banks will meet their
6.1. Reasons for Merger of SBI with its obligations in a monetary emergency.
Associate Banks
¾ SBI has developed more than before as a
Regardless of whether it is an assembling result of the mergers. It now has a large
organization or administration association, the capital base and ranks among the top 50
fundamental reason for any association is to banks globally.
develop year on year as far as benefits and
¾ Managing the bank will become relatively
client base. The associations should be
simple, as previously, all branches were
proficient at dealing with their activities and
supervised by autonomous administration,
fulfilling their clients to build benefit.
but the owner was the same, making the
Associations, including banks, are falling back
entire cycle cumbersome.
on mergers and acquisitions to address
expanding rivalry, diminish the general ¾ The cost of supervising an extensive
expense of activities, increment productivity, network of branches will significantly
and increase benefit. The fundamental reason reduce, increasing bank efficiency.
for mergers and obtaining action is to bring 6.2. Results
collective energy between two elements.
Following are the purposes behind the The following results were obtained with
mergers. the available data analysis.

BHU Manaagement Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

Figgure 1: Retu
urn On Eq
quity (Sourcce: Annual Reports
R of State
S Bank oof India Gro

Table 1: Mean
M Compparison on the Return on Equity
Returnon Eq
quity Meean SD Sig

Pre-Merger -200.20 25.72

.411 Insights
Post-Mergger -342.87 1360.55

The above
a table gives the mean
m Comparison of reeturn on equuity; in the pre-mergerr situation,
return onn equity is (M = -20.220, SD=25..72) while for post-meerger, the ssame is (M M=-342.87,
SD=13600.55), whichh shows a siignificant difference
d in
n mean on thhe other hannd if one lo
ooks at the
t-value ass it stands to
t be insignnificant (t(4))=.411, p=.7
702) which shows no ssignificant difference
amongst pre
p and posst-merger coonditions.

Figgure 2: Deb
bt Equity Ratio
R (Sourcce: Annual Reports
R of State
S Bank oof India Gro

BHU Manaagement Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

Table 2: Mean
M Com
mparison On Debt-Equ
uity Ratio
Debt Equityy Ratio M
Mean SD Sig

Pre-Merrger -
-1.44 2.98
-1.26 insight
Post-Merrger 2
2.12 3.85

The above
a table gives the mean
m Compparison of thhe debt-equuity ratio; thhe pre-mergger period
debt-equiity ratio is (M=-1.44,
( S
SD=2.98) w
while for post-merger, the
t same is (M=2.12, SD=3.85),
which shoows a signiificant difference in meean on the other
o hand. Further, thee t value staands to be
insignificcant (t(4)=-11.26, p=.274), which shows
s no siignificant difference
d beetween pre and post-
merger coonditions.

Figure 3:: Return on

n Long Terrm Fund (SSource: Ann
nual Reportss of State Baank of India
a Group)

Taable 3: Mean Comparisson on Retu

urn on Lon
ng Term Fu

non Long Term
T Funds M
Mean SD Sig

Pre-Mergger -199.47 23.34

.4166 Inssights
Post-Merrger -3447.28 1363.75

The above
a table gives the mean Com mparison of return on long-term
l fu
funds; in pre-merger
situationss, return on long-term funds
f is (M= =-19.47, SD
D=23.34) while
w for posst-merger, th
he same is
(M=-347.28, SD=13363.75), whhich shows a significaant differennce in meann on the otther hand.
Further, the
t t value stands to be b insignifiicant (t(4)=.416, p=.6999), which shows no significant
differencee between pre
p and postt-merger conditions.

BHU Manaagement Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

Figure 4:
4 Interest Income/To
I otal Incomee (Source: Annual Reporrts of State B
Bank of Indiia Group)

Tablee 4 : Mean Compariso

C on on Interest Incomee to Total In
Intereest Income to Total In
ncome Mean SD Sig

Merger -.973 1.81
.2833 In
Merger -1.64 3.67

The above
a table gives the mean
m Compaarison of innterest incomme to total iincome; if we
w see the
above tabble, we willl find that innterest incoome to totall income is (M=-.973, SD=1.81) in i the pre-
merger situation
s w
while for poost-merger same is (M=-1.64,
( SD=3.67) which sho ows mean
differencee. Howeverr, it is not siignificant, which
w is alsso shown byy (t(4)=.2833, p=.791), indicating
no signifiicant differeence betweeen pre and post-merger
p r conditions of the ratioo.

Figure 5:: Total Advvances/Totaal Assets (SSource: Ann

nual Reports
ts of State B
Bank of India
a Group)

BHU Management Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

Table 5: Mean Comparison on Total Advances to Total Assets

Total Advances to Total Assets Mean SD Sig

Pre-Merger -1.17 3.20

-.710 Insights
Post-Merger .95 4.07

The above table gives the mean Comparison of total advances to total assets; in the pre-
merger situation, total advances to total assets is (M=-1.17, SD=3.20), while for post-merger
same is (M=.95, SD=4.07), which shows a significant difference in mean. Further, the t value
stands to be insignificant (t(4)=-.710, p=.517), which shows there is not much difference in both
the conditions.
Conclusions from
The study shows that the financial
performance of the State Bank of India has not Ishwarya, J. (2019). A Study on Mergers and
shown much significant difference post- Acquisition of Banks and a Case Study on SBI
merger period. All the ratios understudy, and its Associates. International Journal of
‘Return on Equity,' 'Interest Income to Total Trend in Research and Development,
Income,' 'Debt-Equity ratio,' 'Return on Long September22, 26.
term funds,' and 'Total Advances to Total Kumar, K. A., & Murty, A. V. N. (2017).
Assets ratio’ seems to be experienced no Financial Performance Of Selected Public
change from the pre-merger period. However, And Private Sector Banks Based On Camel
these conclusions are merely based on Model With Reference To Indian Banking
observations that could not accurately present Sector. International Journal in Management
the impact of the merger on the State Bank of & Social Science, 5(4), 99-107.
Masud, N. (2015). Impact Of Merger And
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BHU Management Review | Vol. 9, Issue-1, Jan – June 2021

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