Offerletter Writer Applicationid 256xf1v 1982021141538592021081954

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Date : Aug 19, 2021

Name : Mr. / Ms. Manikandan A

Address :
Employee Code :

Dear Manikandan A,

We are pleased to offer you employment in our company on the following terms and
conditions of service:

1. Current Job Title : ATM Operator / CIT Biker

2. Date of Joining : August 19, 2021

3. Grade : OPS

4. Base Salary : Rs. 4843/-

5. Other Benefits: Leave, gratuity, etc. as per company’s rules.

a) Bonus / Performance Bonus – As applicable.

b) Provident Fund participation as per the rules framed under the Scheme
subscribed to by the

c) Leave, medical, gratuity, etc. as per Company’s rules.

d) Salary increases may be granted for change in job function or for extraneous

e) House Rent Allowance Rs. 484/- per month.

f) Medical Allowance Rs.1250/- per month.

g) Conveyance Allowance of Rs. 1600 /- per month.

h) Personal Pay of Rs.5660/- per month.

6. Probation Period: You will serve a probationary period of one year. On satisfactory
of your probation period you will be considered for confirmation. If your application
towards training and conduct is not satisfactory during this period your training will
continue for a further period of 6 months.

7. Your appointment with the company is based on the information given by you to
us in your employment / personal data form and shall be considered null and void if a
material error/suppression or false detail is discovered therein at any time. In that
eventuality, the management can recover the payment made to you towards
remuneration during employment or such other damages suffered by the company as
the case may be.

8. The management shall have the right to have you examined by a doctor appointed
by the company at
any time during employment with the company. If for any reasons on grounds of
health you are unable to attend work for a period of 240 days in the preceding
twelve months, or in the opinion of the doctor appointed by the company, you are
unable to come to work on grounds of ill health, your services are liable to be
discharged on grounds of medical unfitness and you will be paid one month’s salary
in lieu of notice and you will be discharged from the services of the company.

9. The Company has appointed you for discharging the duties specifically on the
project for which you are deployed. Your appointment with the Company may
continue as long as Company’s contract with its clients/customer for service as
service provider in the project and further be deemed to be co-terminus with the
project on which you may be assigned or, earlier at the discretion of the
management. In other words your appointment shall come to an end once the
Company’s contract with its clients/customers for servicing those projects at such
locations is terminated.

10. Notice of Termination by the Company:

Your services are liable to be terminated by giving you one month notice or one
month wages/salary in lieu of notice.

11. Notice of Resignation:

You will be required to give the company /One (1) months’ notice in case you wish to
resign from the services with the company or one month wages/salary in lieu of
notice. Additionally, the company reserves the right to extend / reduce the notice
period to the extent it deems fit, at its sole discretion, at any time during the tenure
of employment.

12. You will be required to perform as per the directions of the company and achieve
such targets/results that have been determined and communicated to you from time
to time. If you fail to achieve the said targets/results/goals that have been
communicated to you and your performance does not come up to the requirements
of the company, your services are liable to be determined under this clause without
any notice or notice pay in lieu of notice. Any termination effected under this
clause may be appealed to the authority signing the letter of appointment/transfer or
any superior authority, for who is empowered to modify, rescind or confirm the said

13. Regularity in attendance and punctuality at work is an implied condition of service.

Absence for a continuous period of 8 days including absence when leave though
applied for but not sanctioned and when over-stayed for a period of 8 days would
automatically bring your lien on the employment to an end without any notice or
even intimation. In such an eventuality the management will draw an irresistible
presumption that by remaining absent continuously and unauthorized, you have
abandoned your employment with the company. Any termination effected under this
clause may be appealed to the authority signing the letter of appointment/transfer or
any superior authority, who is empowered to modify, rescind or confirm the said
order if the reasons for your absence is satisfactory.

14. The company shall be entitled to discharge you on grounds of loss of confidence by
paying you one month’s notice pay in lieu of notice if by any behavior or conduct you
forfeit the trust or confidence of the company. In the event of you not being
available for work in the company because of your being in jail, absconding or not
being available in spite of being intimated about your absence and there is no
communication from you regarding your absence.

15. Upon Separations of your employment, you shall:

a. forthwith deliver to the company or its nominee any and all documents,
memoranda, recordings, files, tapes, manuals, credit cards, keys, business cards
and all other materials (and all copies thereof) which may be in your possession
or control which relate in any way to the affairs or business of the company or its
associated companies;
b. forthwith deliver to the company upon request a written verification in the form
required by the company that all of the materials described in paragraph 14(a)
have been returned to the company or its nominee;

c. not solicit or induce any employee or contractor to terminate their employment

or engagement with the company;

d. not without prior company approval, for the next twelve months following notice
of termination of your employment, whether by yourself or as principal, agent,
employee, associate, representative, advisor or assistant of another, directly or
indirectly, solicit or promote; or contract with or accept or carry out any
business for any person who has at any time within six (6) months of the date of
termination of your employment, a customer of the company or its associates
companies in the countries with whom you personally dealt during the last six (6)
months of your employment;

e. treat as confidential the information you acquire at the Writer Corporation and
treat the same as the sole and exclusive property of the Writer Corporation. This
information is being entrusted to you as a fiduciary of the company and is not to
be disclosed to any third party now or at any time in the future, during or after
cessation of your employment with us. Post-employment possession or access to
or control over any such information would be a breach of trust. Furthermore,
post-employment solicitation for hire of any of our employees or soliciting of any
Writer Corporation account, customer or prospective customer with whom you
may have dealt with in the course of your employment with us, is not permitted.

f. not without the prior written consent of the company, except as required by the
law, divulge to any person the circumstances surrounding the termination of
your employment with the company, including the amount of any termination

16. Other Conditions:

Not withstanding anything contained in the Clause No. 9 of this letter –

a. The company reserves the right to change your job function, duties or place of
work at any time during your employment and / or require you to carry out
services for any subsidiary or related company.

b. Your services are liable to be transferred or deputed or assigned with/without

transfer, wholly or partially, from one department to another or to office/branch
and vice versa or office or branch to another office/branch of an associate
company, existing or to come into existence in future or any of the company’s
branch office or locations anywhere in India or abroad or any other concern
where this company has any interest. In such case, you will abide by
responsibilities expressly vested or implied or communicated and shall follow
rules and regulations of the department/office, establishment, jointly or
separately, without any compensation or extra remuneration or provision of
accommodation. You thereupon, may be governed by service conditions and
other terms of the said concern as may be applicable.

c. The company reserves the right to revise, modify, replace or withdraw any of the
terms and conditions of service applicable to you from time to time during the
course of your employment with the company

d. You are a whole time employee of the company and will devote your full time to
your job and you will not carry out other business or devote part of your time in
any capacity to any firm, company or person without prior written permission in
this regard.
e. You will keep us informed in writing of any change in your residential address
and on your failing to do so, all communications intended to be served on you
would be sent to you on your last known address and this will be deemed to be
sufficient service on you.

f. You will retire from the company’s services on attaining 58 years of age or the
completion and/or termination of the project to which you are assigned to
whichever is earlier

17. Termination:

Your employment with the company hereunder may be terminated forthwith by the
without notice to you if you:

a. Are held guilty of any misconduct (including but not limited to any serious or
separated breach of the terms of your employment) or dishonesty or act in a way
which in the reasonable opinion of the directors of the company may damage or
tend to damage the reputation of the company;

b. Have indulged in any act of sexual harassment or behaviour or conduct

unbecoming of a responsible employee of the company or likely to damage the
image and reputation of the company.

18. Territorial Jurisdiction:

The parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent to submit to the exclusive
territorial jurisdiction of the courts in Mumbai for any actions, suits or proceedings
arising out of or relating to this agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby
and the parties agree not to commence any action, suit, or proceedings relating
hereto except in such courts,. Each of the parties hereby irrevocably and
unconditionally waive any objections to the laying of venue of any action, suit or
proceedings arising out of this agreement or transactions contemplated hereby in
such courts and hereby further irrevocably and unconditionally waive and agree not
to plead or claim in such court that any such action, suit or proceedings brought in
any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum. In any action to enforce
any of the terms or provisions of this agreement or on account of the breach hereof
the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all its expenses, including without
limitations, reasonable lawyer’s fees.

19. Confidentiality
You will abide by the confidentiality policy as mentioned in Non Disclosure
Undertaking of this document.

20. If any provision of the terms of appointment stipulated in this letter is held to be
illegal or contrary to public policy or otherwise unenforceable, such invalidity or
unenforceability shall be deemed eliminated or modified to the extent which in the
court’s opinion it is necessary to make the remainder of the provisions enforceable.

We look forward to a long and fruitful association.

Very truly yours,

For Writer Safeguard Pvt. Ltd.

I accept the above terms and conditions of


Non Disclosure Undertaking

(Confidentiality Undertaking)


I, Manikandan A, do hereby solemnly upon honour, and as fully and inviolably as if

formally sworn, DECLARE that I will on no account or pretext whatever divulge the
secrets of the work undertaken for the clients of Writer Corporation, either during the
period in which I may provide services in any capacity or any future time, should I cease
to be a service provider to Writer Corporation.

AND I further pledge my word that in whatever capacity the directors, managers or
other responsible officers of Writer Corporation may deem fit to place me, I am bound
to faithfully and honestly preserve strict silence in reference to all transactions or
affairs of the Clients, that may come now or hereafter under my knowledge and
observations from either letters, records or any other source whatsoever and arrange to
conduct all my actions ethically and follow all policies of the company in this regard and
in the best interests of Writer Corporation and its clients.

AND I also agree that any violation of confidence on my part, as hereinbefore

expressed, shall render me liable to suitable disciplinary and / or legal action.

Signature: __________________________




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