Mazindrani and Ganjali 1997

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By Z. H. Mazindrani 1 and M. H. Ganjale

ABSTRACT: Terzaghi presented a graphical solution to the lateral earth pressure problem of cohesive backfill
with an inclined surface. This procedure becomes tiresome for solving practical retaining wall problems because
several Mohr circles need to be drawn to determine the lateral earth pressure profile. This paper presents an
analytical solution to this problem. The values of active and passive earth pressure coefficients k. and kp for
various values of cf>, ~, and c!'yz are presented in tabular form. An example is provided to illustrate the appli-

INTRODUCTION stress a von the soil element in Fig. l(a) on the face ab inclined
at angle ~ to horizontal. Thus
Terzaghi (1943), while analyzing the active and passive
Rankine states of stress in semiinfinite mass of cohesive soil a v = OA =-yz'cos ~ (4)
with level surface presented formulae for calculating earth
pressure on retaining walls with a vertical back as and a. = OB represents the lateral earth pressure to be found
in the present problem. The coordinates of point A are
P. = -yz Cl : ::::) - 2c II: :::: (1) OH = -yz' COS2~ (5)

I+sincf» I + sin cf>
PP = -yz ( 1 _ sin cf> + 2c 1 - sin cf>
(2) AH = -yz· cos ~. sin ~ (6)
we have
where P. = active Rankine earth pressure; PP = passive Rankine
earth pressure; -y = unit weight of soil; z = depth to any point P. = CT. = -yz·k.·cos ~ (7)
on the vertical back of the retaining wall from the level ground and
surface; c = soil cohesion; and cf> = angle of internal friction
of soil. In the case of active Rankine condition, depth of ten- OB BH' sin(w -~) cos ~ - sin ~'cot w
sion cracks Z. may be found by equating Pa to zero as k. =-OA =-- = =-....:....----:.---
AH sin(w + ~) cos ~ + sin ~'cot w

Z. = 2c
I + sin cf> = 2c tan
I-sincf> -y
(45 + ~)2 (3) Let OC = m, we have
tan w + tan ~ -yz . cos ~. sin ~

In the case of backfill inclined at an angle ~, Terzaghi

tan(w + ~) =1 - tan w·tan ~
= -YZ'cos ~ 2
- m

(1943) developed a graphical method for obtaining active and

passive Rankine earth pressures. This method becomes quite Cross multiplying and rearranging, we get
tedious for solving practical retaining wall problems since sev-
eral Mohr circles need to be drawn one each for several points
along the back of the retaining wall to determine the lateral
earth pressure profile. To the writers' knowledge, an analytical 7
<I 1
procedure is not available for solving this problem. This paper C

presents an analytical method together with a table of the ac-

tive and passive earth pressure coefficients k a and kp for vari-
ous ~, <P, and c/-yz values to facilitate solution of this problem.
An example is provided to illustrate the application.

Fig. l(a) shows a retaining wall of height H with inclined
cohesive backfill at angle ~, with <p, 'Y, and c being angle of
internal friction, unit weight, and cohesion of the backfill, re-
spectively. The cohesive backfill soil is assumed to be ho-
mogeneous and isotropic. Fig. l(b) shows the Mohr's diagram,
O'M rises at an angle <t> with intercept c on T-axis and OBA
rises at an angle ~. Point A in Fig. I(b) represents the vertical
'Prof. and Prin., K.B.N. Col1ege of Engrg., Gulbarga-585 104, India.
'Grad. Student, School of Engrg., Univ. of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, Iran.
Note. Discussion open until July I, 1997. To extend the closing date
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of
Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
possible publication on January 11, 1995. This paper is part of the lour-
nal 0/ Geotechnical and Geoenvironment4l Engineering, Vol. 123, No.
2, February, 1997. @ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241197/0002-0110-0112l$4.00
+ $.50 per page. Paper No. 9917. FIG. 1. Retaining Wall with Inclined Cohe.lve Backfill


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cot = (:: - 1)' cot /3 (10) PP' P. = 1 ,,- [2'Yz + 2c' cos <\> sin <\>
Substituting (10) into (8), we get

cos /3 - sin /3'(;; - I).cot /3 1-(;;-1) = - \ - [2'Yz + 2c' cos <l> sin <\> ± (2'Yz' sin <l> + 2c' cos <l»] - 'YZ
cos <l> (18)
o (Ila)
k = Cos/3+sin/3'(::-I)'Cot/3 = 1+(::-1) P. =_1_2- [2'Yz + 2c'cos <\> sin <\> - 2'Yz' sin <\> - 2c'cos <\>] - 'YZ
cos <\>
that is
=_I_[2'Yz(l- sin<\» - 2c'cos<\>(1- sin<\»] - 'YZ
2 cos 2<\>
ko=-'m- (lIb)
'YZ 2'Yz(1 - sin <\» 2c' cos <\>(1 - sin <\» 2'Yz
The value of m is obtained as follows. We have radius of = 1 - sin2<\> 1 - sin2<\> - 'YZ = 1 + sin <\>
Mohr's circle
2c .cos <\> 2'Yz - 'YZ - 'YZ sin <\> 2c'cos <l>
- - 'YZ=
R = (c' cot <l> + m)'sin <l> = C'cos <l> + m'sin <l> (12) 1 + sin <l> 1 + sin <l> 1 + sin <\>
But = z(1- sin <\» _ 2c 1 - sin <\>
2 'Y 1 + sin <l> 1 + sin <l> (19)
R = ('Yz' cos /3 - mi + ('Yz' cos /3' sin /3i (13)
Similarly, for the passive case, we get
Substituting for R from (12) in (13), we get

m = _1_ 2
2 hz·cos /3 + c'cos <\>'sin <\>
cos <\>
PP = 'YZ G: ~i: ~) + 2c
1 + sin <\>
1 - sin <\>

± V['Y2Z2·cos2/3(cos2/3 - cos2<\» + C 2'COS2<\> which are same as (1) and (2), respectively. To get the depth
z. of tension cracks,
we have
+ 2cyz 'cos2/3' sin <\>. cos <\>]} (14)
It may be noted that the positive sign in (14) is for passive COS2~ {2'YZocos2/3 + 2c'cos <\>'sin <\>
case and the negative sign is for active case. Substituting for cos ~

m from (14) into (11), we get ± V[4'Y 2z; cos 2/3(cos2/3 - cos 2<\» + 4c 2·cOS2<\>

kp , ko = ~ {2 cos2/3 + 2 (~)
cos~ 'YZ
cos <\>. sin <\> + 8C'Yzo' cos2/3 .sin <l>' cos <\>]} - 'YZo' cos /3 = 0 (21)
Rearranging and squaring, we get a quadratic equation in zo
± ~[4 2 2 2
cos /3(cos (3 - cos <\» + 4 (;zY 2
cos <\>
Z;('Y2cos4<l» + Zo( -4C'Y' sin <\> cos 3<\» - 4c 2 • cos4<\> = 0 (22)
that is
+8 (;z) 2
cos /3 sin <\> cos <\>]} - 1 (15)
z;('Y cos <\» + Zo(-4C'Y'sin <\» - 4c 2·cos <\> = 0
Hence 2 2
4C'Y'sin <l> ± VI6c2'Y2'sin2<\> + (4'Y ·cos <\»(4c ·cos <\»
:. Zo = 2'Y 2. cos <\>
Pp, Po = COS2~
cos ~
{[2'Yz' cos 2/3 + 2c' cos <\>. sin <\>
4C'Y'sin <\> ± 4C'Y (sin <\> ± 1)4C'Y 2c (sin <l> + 1)
± V[4 cos2/3(cos2/3 - cOS2<\»'Y 2Z2 + 4c 2·cOS2<\> = 2'Y 2 cos <\> = 2'Y 2 cos <\> =:y' VI - sin2<\>

+ 8C'Yz' cos2/3 . sin <\>. cos <\>]} - 'YZ cos /3 (16) 2c. (sin <\> - 1) 2c 1 + sin <\>
or =-
For c = 0, then 'Y VI - sin2<\> 'Y 1 - sin <l>

1 -2c 1 - sin <\>

kp , k o = ~ [2 cos /3 ± V4 cos2/3(cos2/3 - cos2<\»] - 1 or
cos ~ 'Y 1 + sin <\>
4 2 2 2
= 24 cos /32- 4 cos /3(cos /3 -2 cos <\» 2 - 1 Therefore depth of a tension crack is
cos <\>[2 cos /3 + 2 cos /3Vcos /3 - cos <\>]
2c 1 + sin <\>
4 cos2/3
Zo=- (25)
= - 1 'Y 1 - sin <\>
2 cos /3(cos /3 + V cos2/3 - cos2<\»
which is the same as (3). It may be noted that the depth of a
2 cos /3 - (cos (3 +: Vcos2/3 - cos2<l» tension crack is independent of angle /3.
= cos /3 + V cos2/3 - cos2<\> Terzaghi (1943) obtained the same result by using a more time
consuming graphical solution. Computed values of ko and kp de-
cos /3 ± V cos2/3 - cos2<\> rived from 15 are given in Table 1. The negative Ie" values in
cos /3 + V cos2/3 - cos2<\> (17) Table 1 show that tension develops within the soil behind the
wall leading to tension cracks in the soil. If the tension cracks
For /3 = 0, then are filled with water, hydrostatic pressures developed on the wall.

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TABLE 1. Values of k. and k p [Eq. (15)] for Various Values of cIJ, Ten.lon crack
p and cl-yz

Earth cl-yz , =15'
pressure c =10.5 kPa
Parameter coefficient J
(1) (2) ., =17.52 kN/m
(0) cl> = 15° H=6.S", fJ =5'
J3 =00 0.5888 0.5504

k. 0.5121 0.4353 -0.1785 -0.9459
J3 =0° k, 1.6984 1.7637 1.8287 1.9590 3.0016 4.3048
J3 =5° k. 0.6069 0.5658 0.5252 0.4449 -0.1804 -0.9518
J3 =5° k, 1.6477 1.7156 1.7830 1.9169 2.9709 4.2782
J3 = 10° k. 0.6738 0.6206 0.5707 0.4769 -0.1861 -0.9696
J3 = \00 k, 1.4841 1.5641 1.6408 1.7882 2.8799 4.1993 L _ _.lL_~::fi:=.=-__,50.48
J3 =15° k. 1.‫סס‬oo 0.7762 0.6834 0.5464 -0.1962 -1.‫סס‬OO
J3 =15° k, 1.‫סס‬oo 1.2506 1.3702 1.5608 2.7321 4.0718
(b) cl> =ZOO FIG. 2. Example Problem of Retaining Wall
J3 =00 k. 0.4903 0.4553 0.4203 0.3502 -0.2099 -0.9101
J3 =00 k, 2.0396 2.1110 2.1824 2.3252 3.4678 4.8959 TABLE 2. k. Values Calculated by Interpolation from Table 1
J3 =5° k. 0.5015 0.4650 0.4287 0.3565 -0.2119 -0.9155
J3 =5° k, 1.9940 2.0669 2.1396 2.2846 3.4353 4.8669 z cl-yz k. P. = 'Y z ' k.·cos Ii
J3 = \00 k. 0.5394 0.4974 0.4564 0.3767 -0.2180 -0.9320
J3 = \00 k, 1.8539 1.9323 2.0097 2.1622 3.3392 4.7812 (1 ) (2) (3) (4)
J3 = 15° k. 0.6241 0.5666 0.5137 0.4165 -0.2287 -0.9599
2.0 0.30 0.127 4.43 (kPa)
J3 = 15° k, 1.6024 1.6962 1.7856 1.9556 3.1831 4.6422
3.0 0.20 0.286 14.97
(c) 4> = 25° 4.0 0.15 0.365 24.48
J3 =0° k. 0.4059 0.3740 0.3422 0.2784 -0.2312 -0.8683 5.0 0.12 0.413 36.04
J3 =00 k, 2.4639 2.5424 2.6209 2.7779 4.0336 5.6033 6.5 0.10 0.445 50.48
J3 =5° k. 0.4133 0.3805 0.3478 0.2826 -0.2332 -0.8733
J3 =5° k, 2.4195 2.4989 2.5782 2.7367 3.9986 5.5713
J3 = 10° k. 0.4376 0.4015 0.3660 0.2960 -0.2394 -0.8884
J3 = \00 k, 2.2854 2.3680 2.4502 2.6135 3.8950 5.4765 2 X 10.5
J3 = 15° 0.4860 0.4428 0.4011 0.3211 -0.2503 -0.9140 /I-+- sin
- - 15
= 1 . 56 m (26)
J3 = 15°
k, 2.0575 2.1474 2.2357 2.4090 3.7264 5.3228 Zo = 17.52 I - sin 15
(d) 4> = 30°
J3 =0° k. 0.3333 0.3045 0.2756 0.2179 -0.2440 -0.8214 Table 2 shows ko values calculated by interpolation from
J3 =0° k, 3.‫סס‬OO 3.0866 3.1732 3.3464 4.7321 6.4641 Table I. As may be seen from Fig. 2, the earth pressure var-
J3 =5° k. 0.3385 0.3090 0.2795 0.2207 -0.2460 -0.8260
iation on the back of the wall is almost triangular. Hence
J3 =5° k, 2.9543 3.0416 3.1288 3.3030 4.6935 6.4282
J3 =\00 k. 0.3549 0.3233 0.2919 0.2297 -0.2522 -0.8399
J3 = \00 k, 2.8176 2.9070 2.9961 3.1737 4.5794 6.3218 50.48
= 15°
Po =-2- (6.5 - 1.56) = 124.7 kN (27)
(e) 4> =35°
J3 =00 k. 0.27\0 0.2450 0.2189 0.1669 -0.2496 -0.7701 - 6.5 - 1.56 646
y= =1. m (28)
P =0° k, 3.6902 3.7862 3.8823 4.0744 5.6112 7.5321 3
J3 =5° k. 0.2746 0.2481 0.2217 0.1688 -0.2515 -0.7744
J3 =5° k, 3.6413 3.7378 3.8342 4.0271 5.5678 7.4911
J3 = \00 k. 0.2861 0.2581 0.2303 0.1749 -0.2575 -0.7872 CONCLUSION
J3 = \00 k, 3.4953 3.5933 3.6912 3.8866 5.4393 7.3694
J3 = 15° k. 0.3073 0.2764 0.2459 0.1860 -0.2678 -0.8089
J3 = 15° k" 3.2546 3.3555 3.4559 3.6559 5.2300 7.1715 I. Eq. (I5) and, hence, Table I can be used for calculating
(I) cl> =400 k a and kp values for establishing earth pressure on the
J3 =00 k. 0.2174 0.1941 0.1708 0.1242 -0.2489 -0.7152 back of the retaining wall with inclined cohesive (c - 4>
J3 =00 k, 4.5989 4.7061 4.8134 5.0278 6.7434 8.8879
soil) backfill.
J3 =5° k. 0.2200 0.1964 0.1727 0.1255 -0.2507 -0.7190
J3 =5° k, 4.5445 4.6521 4.7597 4.9747 6.6935 8.8400 2. For given values of 4> and 13, active earth pressure co-
J3 = 10° k. 0.2282 0.2034 0.1787 0.1296 -0.2564 -0.7308 efficient ka decreases and passive earth pressure coeffi-
J3 = \0. k, 4.3826 4.4913 4.5999 4.8168 6.5454 8.6980
J3 = 15· k. 0.2429 0.2161 0.1895 0.1370 -0.2662 -0.7507 cient kp increases with increasing values of dyz.
J3 = 15° k, 4.1168 4.2275 4.3380 4.5584 6.3041 8.4669 3. For given c and 4>, k a increases and kp decreases with
(g) 4> = 45° increasing values of 13.
J3 =00 k. 0.1716 0.1509 0.1302 0.0887 -0.2426 -0.6569 4. Eq. (15) can be easily programmed on pocket calculators
J3 =0° k, 5.8284 5.9491 6.0698 6.3113 8.2426 \0.6569 to avoid interpolation from Table I or its graphical rep-
J3 =5° k. 0.1734 0.1525 0.1315 0.0896 -0.2444 -0.6604
resentation as the later introduce errors in calculation.
J3 =5° k, 5.7658 5.8868 6.0077 6.2496 8.1836 \0.5996
J3 =10° k. 0.1792 0.1574 0.1357 0.0923 -0.2497 -0.6711
J3 =10° k, 5.5795 5.7014 5.8231 6.0665 8.0085 \0.4299
J3 =15° k. 0.1896 0.1663 0.1431 0.0971 -0.2590 -0.6894
J3 =15° k, 5.2745 5.3978 5.5210 5.7670 7.7231 10.1535
The authors acknowledge the efforts of graduate students A. R. AIi-
zadeh and M. R. Hosseini for developing a computer program to calculate
the earth pressure coefficients.
Establish the active earth pressure profile on the back of the APPENDIX. REFERENCE
wall shown in Fig. 2. Calculate the total earth pressure Po Terzaghi, K. (1943). Theoretical soil mechanics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
(force) and its point of application y. New York. N.Y., 35-41.


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