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An improved car parking facilities is also supposed to be done as par to of the project.

Potential sites
within the Harbour Zone are to be identified for the creation of the improved car parking facilities
(ADA, 2010).

1.1. Description of Environment

The geological information about Whitby town especially around the Harbour zone was studied and
the following information obtained.

1.2. The Lower Harbour Section

Geological cross section of the Lower Harbour section which covers Love Lane towards the Harbour
area is presented in the figure below.

Figure 1 Geological cross section of the Lower Harbour

The surface of the West Side of the Lower Harbour region is mainly made up of boulder clay soil
which is about 150ft deep. The boulder clay soil sits mostly on the glacial sand and lower deltaic
series (LDS). This part of the town consists mostly of residential and recreational with including
Whitby Beach front facilities some commercial facilities towards Whitby Harbour front. The east
side where the East Cliff is consisting of a thinner layer of the boulder clay sitting on the glacial sand
with the area being covered mostly by the lower delta series (LDS) (Chicago, 2022).

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