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Candidate’s Name: Mr.Khalid Zaheer

Proposed Position: Nutrition Nurse
Referee Name: Barialay Mohammadi Position: manager Company: irc

What was the last position the candidate held in your company?

Reason for leaving last employment? He was looking for a job that where he can grow with this company and
his father was sick

Using the given scale, how would you rate him/her on the following competencies:
(Please support your rating with specific examples. Scale: 1=Poor, 2=Standard, 3=Good, 4=Excellent)

Competencies Rating Example of behavior / Comment

Team Leader Good

Analytical & Excelle

Decision-Making nt
Assertiveness & Excelle
Alertness nt

Organizational & Good

Task / Good
Interpersonal Excelle
Skills nt

1. Describe briefly how you know the candidate commenting on his/her competence and indicating notable
assets or limitations.

I know this person he is really energetic and great communicator he was very intelligent students in our
course he have bachelor degree in nursing and he having very experience in this position
2. Main strengths, which would be useful to the position we have offered them?
He consider herself hard working/reliable / dependable/ helpful …etc

3. Area of limitations or any weaknesses where they need guidance or further training?
He is perfectionist and expect others to be as committed a I am

4. Has there ever been any concerns regarding their credibility/integrity?

No . He is a credibility and integrity person

5. Is there anything else that you would like to mention?

I refer an ok this person

6. Your overall assessment of the candidate:

👍 Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Thank you very much for your time and the feedback; the information you have provided is of great value to us
to proceed further and will remain confidential.

Signature of Referee: ……………………………………………….……. Date: 2022 /12 /5………………………….

Full name of Referee: Barialay Mohammadi ……………………………………………….……. Contact details:


CTG Global Recruitment Division

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