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Brief reference must be made to the position of Tripoli.

(1868); E. G. Ravenstein, ``The Voyages of Diogo Cao and

forgiveness. In 1581 Alva entered Portugal, defeated Antonio,

or Bactriana was a province of the Achaemenian empire, and

South Russia, its larval host is the grub of Melolontha

he began his study of German philosophy, he returned to

intimately, seem to know of any other view ever having been

of the colony of German South-West Africa. For many years

Dublin. After careful consideration he declined to accede,

by Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Hermann Grassmann and others,

and requires only from 27 to 48 hours in the cool season; it

The truce was disturbed by raids on both sides, but in 1204

Another brother, BROOKS ADAMS (1848-- ), born in Quincy,

chemical compound the counteracting electromotive force should

them. The positive plates ought to show a rich dark brown

pia fidelis.

economic value to Afghanistan have been made of late

the shortest possible space of time, and this, in many of

Lincolnshire, where for several generations they lived as

133, 442; Ency. Bib., ``Serpent,''

The telegraphic system of Africa is on the whole older than

which is printed in H. Weber's Metrical Romances (vol. i.,

will only appear when the coloured parent is mated with

colonial Desmidiaceae, the break-up of the filament is a

they make use of atmospheric carbonic acid. A more important

Edinburgh and East of Scotland Agricultural College.

by Malcolm II. in 1004 to celebrate his victory there over

of geometrical constructions to the solution of algebraical

The Italians saw in him a pedantic foreign professor, blind

ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at

FIG. 6.--.Clairvaux, No. 1 (Cistercian), General

these develop only when the first host is swallowed

the angle u1 be very small, O'1 is the Gaussian image;

all his capacity for study he was a man of the world, and a

north rise the Buck of Cabrach (2368) on the Banffshire border,

be forwards, unless the body be over long. The cause is, for

most urgently needed for the protection of the public and

claim membership thereof. In the year 1885 the Society of

plays and indecent orgies. One of his boon companions was

while Conjugatae may be shut out from Chlorophyceae as an

which is strong''; (2) ``Jesus, on whom be peace, has said:

it. Each of the larger and older states has now a settled

(Jubilees, iii. 28; Jos. Antiquities, i. I, 4).

the extreme north and south (Egypt, Algeria, Cape Colony and

the Bible. A very good article, now somewhat antiquated,

1898), and art. on ``The Survival of Animal Sacrifices'' in

Very few specimens of early Palestinian altars remain. The

attacks by the neighbouring barons, and was strongly fortified,

city, a post which they named Fort Nassau. Three years later

Exploratory Laparotomy.---In many cases of serious intra-abdominal

acres. In the north Atlantic states the average was 376.4 acres

some of which are almost of the fineness of grains of sand.

fellow-guest at Roskilde, at the banquet given, in 1157, by

there remain many important alkaloids--quinine, morphine,

Everywhere there have been great and constant changes of

who desired it, might be admitted into communion with the

rocks are invariably overlain by white and brown sandstones,

made perfect who are at rest throughout the world.'' So

long e (e and e) as at Corinth, but e only, as in

axis near the ocean, followed by a belt of deformed and

north. This relation of the arctic to the alpine flora is all

Rhodokanakis, Leonis Allatii Hellas (Athens, 1872, are

Keimung und Haarinsertion von Batrachospermum,'' Bot.

two years later by the governor and Company of the Copper

granites, sandstones and limestones, the poorest from the

to in Isa. li. 3, Ezek. xxxvi, 35. Joel ii. 5; cp. Ezek.

already referred to, that if the total freight payable under

for the Persian generals. It was urged upon them by their

poisonous colour or flavour, or other ingredient deleterious

the key of the position; but his ships were dashed to pieces

prior, and were condemned to severe manual labour, fulfilling

army, and a treaty was signed in 1823. His second war with

behalf of their respective governments. He also wrote to Pope

foreign animals may be landed are Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow,

profitable return upon the food consumed. At the centenary

N2H3I3, by the addition of excess of standard sodium sulphite

particular form of the proceeding. The term is derived from

clergy, but adopted also by the laity, and the German word

them. They occur attached to the walls of crevices in

AETIUS, a Greek physician, born at Amida in Mesopotamia,

things sensible should be kept distinct from the ``knowledge''

they were, in truth, simple American gentlemen, of the

the outer layer of which is the primordium of the neurochord

Pond, to defray the expense of which a large sum of money was

has been given to the whole river. The Alpheus proper rises

father's brother) to his fifty sons, flee with Danaus to

(1819-1891), complete the group of the greater writers of New

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