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movements of the masticatory structures


Mechanoreceptors: (located inside oral cavity)
Thermosensation- change in temperature detected Merkel's Disk
by oral cavity and orofacial region thru thermo • slow-adapting, unencapsulated nerve
receptors. endings that respond to light touch

Mechanosensation-the stimulus is tactile sensation Meissner's Corpuscles (low frequency vibration)

and proprioception. (sense of touch) • rapidly-adapting, encapsulated neurons that
responds to low-frequency vibrations and
How does oral cavity convey info towards the brain fine touch
to process tactile formation?
- Rough/smooth texture of food Ruffini Endings
• slow adapting, encapsulated receptors that
Importance of Mechanosensation respond to skin stretch (inner surface of
• To enable to fluent speech cheeks and lips)
• Precise manipulation of food particles
between teeth Pacinian Corpuscles (high frequency vibration)
• Forces of hundreds of Newtons generated • rapidly-adapting, deep receptors that
and exerted by the jaw in crushing food, yet respond to deep pressure and high-frequency
at the same time the immediately adjacent vibration.
tissues are kept clear of occlusal surfaces of
the teeth

The maximum bite force is measured how many

Newtons of force?
A. 400-600/ 40-60 kg
B. 500-700 N/ 50-70 kg (static occlusion)/not
C. 800-1000/ 80-100 kg (
answer: B

Forces of chewing food may range from:

A. 30-60/ 3-6 kp Mechanoreceptor : (orofacial soft tissue)
B. 70-150 N/ 7-15 kg (dynamic occlusion)/lowest
force of chewing food Mechanoreceptors in Orofacial soft tissues:
C. 60-120/6-12 kg • Slowly adapting (SA) type I : Underlies the
answer: B perception of form and roughness on skin
(more specific sense of touch)
Stimulus acquired in mechanosensation is received • Slowly adapting (SA) type Il: Respond to
by mechanoreceptors skin stretch
• Fast adapting (FA) type I: Flutter or slip on
Mechanoreceptors skin
• provide information about substances in the • Hair follicle receptors: Conveys touch
mouth, necessary for guiding formation, sensation
manipulation and cleavage of food bolus
during chewing Periodontal Mechanoreceptors
• They additionally serve as proprioceptive - The periodontal ligament is also an important
role in the specification of the positions and sensory organ that is richly supplied with
low-threshold mechanoreceptors (300
mechanoreceptive afferents) more specific; of periodontal mechanoreceptors since they are
located on the tooth itself sensitive to very low force levels.
§ 4 types: enamel, dentin, pulp, Clinical considerations: feels like theres nakasingit
periodontium (collection of sa dentition, very uncomfortable, dont use toothpick,
several different tissues like use floss with handle, since it will encourage
cementum, gingiva, alveolar bone, periodontits
and periodontal ligament
embedded in between periodontal BLOOD SUPPLY OF HMA
space or sometimes in the - Blood circulation
periodontal ligament. o blood vessel - composed of 2 main:
§ Tooth is embedded directly to the artery and vein
alveolar bone (embedded in the o artery - they bring oxygenated blood
socket but they are separated by a towards the organ or tissue; comes from
space and that space is maintained the heart
by periodontal ligament that is o vein - from organ or tissue, it will drain
attached to the tooth). going to the heart; deoxygenated blood
§ Periodontal ligament are
connective tissue that is
responsible for stabilizing the
dentition inside the alveolar

- This provide information about tooth loads

that is essential for fine motor control of the
jaw during function provide certain types of
information that are readily interpreted by the - Artery - brings nutrients and minerals, keeping
brain soft tissues alive; large diameter; main
- Receptors for the conscious perception of channels
tactile sensations that one experiences when 2 structures:
forces are applied to natural teeth o Arteriole - smaller diameter; if the
§ With braces, if newly adjusted or new artery will branch out
braces, you immediately feel the force o Capillaries - if arteriole will branch out
that is acting upon the tooth: - Heart à arch of aorta à common carotid
Periodontal mechanoreceptors are artery à external carotid artery à posterior
responsible for this sensation auricular artery (not included in arteries of
movement or forces applied to teeth: face) à facial artery à maxillary artery
periodontal mechanoreceptors. o arch of aorta - has several branches that
- Sensitive to changes in tooth load at very low the blood will pass through
force levels o common carotid artery - first stop;
divided into 2: internal carotid (towards
Clinical consideration: tooth filled with restorative the brain) and external carotid
filling material; feels like the pasta is high, because o external carotid is responsible for blood
going to the mouth and face
o posterior auricular artery - supplies External carotid artery à maxillary artery à
blood to the scalp; posterior to the Anterior superior alveolar artery and posterior
auricle (ear) and to the ear region superior alveolar artery
o facial artery – bifurcates into inferior
labial artery (lower lips), superior labial Pathway of Blood Supply (Mandibular)
artery (upper lips),
- submental artery (lower lip) External Carotid Artery à Maxillary artery à
o maxillary artery - Inferior alveolar artery



Facial Artery – came from the external carotid Descending Palatine Artery - branched from
artery maxillary artery
• Branches of Facial Artery Divided into two:
§ Superior Labial Artery – supplies • Greater Palatine Artery – supplies the hard
blood to the upper lip palate
§ Inferior labial Artery - supplies blood • Lesser Palatine Artery – supplies the soft
to the lower lip palate
§ Submental Artery - supplies blood to
the lower lip Clinical Consideration

- Greater palatine artery mostly located at the

Pathway of Blood Supply (Maxillary) sides (lateral). Be very careful when
performing surgery here.
Submental artery – supplies the submandibular

Muscles of Mastication
• Temporalis - deep temporal arteries
• Masseter – supplied by the masseteric
• Grafting – incise a tissue from a part of the • Lateral Pterygoid – supplied by
body then transplant it to other parts. pterygoid arteries
* Kapag kukuha ka ng graft for example • Medial Pterygoid - supplied by
there is a recession sa ngipin (exposure of pterygoid arteries
roots) we need to place another gingiva from *Accessory Muscle
the middle part of the palate (not the sides Buccinator – supplied by buccal arteries
because of the greater palatine artery
maaaring matamaan at dumugo to the point
na you can’t control the bleeding). Pharynx (throat)– supplied by the pharyngeal
• The palate is a good donor site because it

Lingual artery – branch from the external carotid

3 Subdivision/Trifurcation:
1. Dorsal lingual arteries – supply the posterior
part of the tongue (dorsum)
2. Sublingual artery – supplies the sublingual
gland and floor of the oral cavity
3. Deep lingual artery – supplies the anterior
part of the tongue and communicates at the
dorsal artery at the apex. The apex of the
tongue and anterior tongue is supplied.

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