Short Response 2

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Short Response 2

Name: Ranjot Kaur

Course Code: SOCI-277-NNA

Student Number: N01464793

Submission Date: 2022/10/13

Word Count: 557 Words

I have maintained Academic Integrity in my work by adhering to the values of honesty and

integrity. I declare that this work respects APA requirements as well as policies within the

Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness.

Student digital signature: Ranjot kaur

LGBTQ Bullying and Violence

Bullying of homosexual people is something which could be counted as one of the biggest issues

in today’s world. LGBTQ community not only has faced bullying in the past but in this modern

era too many people are facing such situations on daily basis. Bullying includes physical

assaulting, harassment, verbal bullying and many other. The consistent bullying has lead young

youth to take fatal decisions in their life which includes suicidal thoughts, suicides and use of

drugs and alcohol. The community has faced many backlashes which includes the thoughts of

other people towards LGBTQ people such as many people used to believe that gay men are the

real cause of the AIDS. According to Alfaro, (2022) the violence in 1990s towards the queers in

US lead to anti-LGBTQ violence act and also in 2009 the Obama administration came up with

Hate Crimes Prevention act. The LGBTQ community people faced many inequalities in different

fields which includes military and the marriage. The topic of same sex marriage took quite a time

to get accepted into the society socially but still there are many places and people who find such

things a taboo. Bullying of transgender people is also something very vulnerable as even today

many people physically and verbally exploit them about their gender. Physical exploitation of the

transgenders in different places like restrooms and at their jobs could be seen as people make fun

of their identity. Many school students are facing many such traumatizing situations in schools

with regards to their gender choices as other students use homophobic slurs to make fun of them.

Many positive steps are being taken to stop violence and bullying against LGBTQ people as the

human rights states that freedom is for everyone, and every person has a right of what or who

they want to be. Still there is a long way to go as there are many places and communities which

feels oppressive to talk about LGBTQ openly and feels that there is no such thing which exist.

For the global adaption the study of the gender and equality should be provided to the children
from the young age so that they can learn and understand this crucial topic at young age.

Children should also be guided in a way where they accept and interact with all the genders

openly. People need to understand that the adaption of the gender is solely a choice of a human,

and everyone should be respected with accordance to this.


Alfaro, A. (2022). Week 8 ppt.

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