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“Topic Name”

Submitted to Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

Towards Partial Fulfillment Of

Degree of Master of Business Administration

(Specialization Name)


Mentor Name Student Name
Roll no.

Chapter Content Page

Declaration by the student
Declaration by the supervisor
Executive Summary
I Introduction
(a) Conceptual framework
II Literature Review
III Rationale and Objective of the study
(a) Rationale
(b) Objective
IV Research Methodology
V Data Analysis and Interpretation
(a) The study
(b) The sample
(c) The tools
(d) Data collection
VI Results and Findings
VII Conclusion
VIII Recommendation
IX References
Declaration by the student

I, Student Name hereby certify that the project titled “Topic

Name” has been undertaken under the Modern Institute of Professional
Studies, Indore towards partial fulfillment of degree of Master of Business
Administration in (Specialization)

It is further certified that the project report compile by me is my own work and
to the best of my knowledge, it does not contain any part of any work, which
has been submitted for the award of degree in this university without proper

Declaration by the supervisor

This is to certify that the project title is a piece of research work and has been
done by Student Name under my guidance and supervision toward partial
fulfillment of Degree of Master of Business administration (Specialization).
I recommend that the project to be submitted to Devi Ahilya University, Indore

(project guide)

Counter signed by

(External Examiner)

It is a great privilege to me to place this report of my project before the readers.

This report is concerned with “Topic Name”

In this present scenario there is a great competition between public and private
sector organizations, and by doing this project I want to understand the
absenteeism level and develop a better attendance policy in both public and
private sector organizations. For this views from both public and private sector
organizations had been taken.

This project is proposed in a very simple and understandable language, on the

basis of Primary data.

I would also like to state that although every possible care has been taken to
make this report error free but still the possibility of some errors creeping on
inadvertently cannot be ruled out. I shall feel highly obliged to all readers if the
same are brought to me notice, critical evaluation and suggestions for
improvement are most welcome and shall be greatly acknowledged.

Date: Project Guide


Completion of research Report and writing of the report is a satisfying

event and the pleasant part is the opportunity to thank those who inspired,
contributed and cooperated. First and foremost I would like to thank Mentor
Name,Prof. (MIPS) Indore and my Project Guide because without his support
this project would not have been successfully completed.
I am indebted to, Dr. Punit Kumar Dwivedi Group Director (MGI), who
encouraged and supported me and there after provided every possible help and
guidance for the completion of my project report.

I take the opportunity to offer my deep sense of gratitude and reverence to all those
people who supported me in completing the project.

Student Name

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