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1. Some
– Dù ng trong câ u khẳ ng định
 Some + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
Some pens are on the table.
There are some pens on the table.
 Some + uncountable noun + V(số ít)
There is some ink in the inkpot.
2. Many/ much
– Dù ng trong câ u phủ định và câ u nghi vấ n. “Much” thườ ng khô ng đượ c dù ng trong câ u khẳ ng định.
“Many” có thể dù ng đượ c trong câ u khẳ ng định nhưng “a lot of” thườ ng đượ c dù ng nhiều hơn trong
câ u
đà m thoạ i.
o Many + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
There are many books on the table.
There are not many boys here.
Are there many teachers in your school?
o Much + uncountable noun + V(số ít)
There isn‟t much fresh water on earth.
There is much milk in the bottle.
We didn't spend much money.
Nhưng chú ý rằ ng , chú ng ta dù ng “too much” và “so many” trong cá c câ u khẳ ng định:
We spent too much money.
3. A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of
– Dù ng trong câ u khẳ ng định
 A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
A lot of pupils/ lots of pupils are in the library now.
Plenty of shops take checks.
 A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of + noun (không đếm được) + V(số ít)
Lots of sugar is sold in the shop.
A lot of time is needed to learn a language.
Don‟t rush, there‟s plenty of time.
4. A great deal of (= much)/ a number of
A great deal of + uncountable noun + V (số ít)
A great deal of rice is produced in Vietnam
A large number of + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
A great number of + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
A large number of cows are raised in Ba Vi.
The number of + countable noun (số nhiều) + V (số ít)
The number of days in a week is seven.
The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite small.
5. A little và little
 A little (không nhiều nhưng đủ dùng) + uncountable noun + V(số ít)
 Little (gần như không có gì) + uncountable noun + V(số ít)
Ví dụ :
A: Can you give me some ink?
B: Yes, I can give you some. I‟ve got a little ink in my pen
( No, I‟m sorry. I‟ve got only little)
We must be quick. There is little time. (= not much , not enough time )
He spoke little English, so it was difficult to communicate with him
He spoke a little English, so we was able to communicate with him.
6. A few và few
 A few (không nhiều nhưng đủ dùng) + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
 Few (gần như không có) + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
Ví dụ :
The house isn‟t full. There are a few rooms empty .
Where can I sit now? - There are few seats left.
He isn't popular. He has few friends.
She's lucky. She has few problems. (= not many problem)
7. All
 All + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
All students are ready for the exam.
 All + uncountable noun + V(số ít)
Nearly all water on earth is salty.
8. Most of, all of, some of, many of
 Most/ some/ all/ many + noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều)
Some people are very unfriendly.
 Most of, some of, all of, many of + the/ his/ your/ my/ this/ those... + noun (số nhiều) + V(số
Some of the people at the party were very friendly.
Most of my friends live in Hanoi.

* Exercises
I. In some of these sentences much is incorrect or unnatural. Change much to many or a lot (of)
where necessary. Write 'OK' if the sentence is correct.
1 We didn't spend much money. - _____Ok________________________
2 Sue drinks much tea. - _____a lot of_____________________
3 Joe always puts much salt on his food. - _____a lot ò ______________________
4 We'll have to hurry. We don't have much time. - _____OK________________________
5 lt cost much to repair the car. - _____a lot of_____________________
6 Did it cost much to repair the car? - _____OK________________________
7 I don't know much people in this town. - _____many_______________________
8 Mike travels much. - _____a lot________________________
9 There wasn't much traffic this morning. - _____OK_________________________
10 You need much money to travel round the world. - _____a lot of______________________

II. Complete the sentences using plenty or plenty of+ the following:
hotels money room time to learn to see

1 There's no need to hurry. There's plenty of time__________________________________

2 He doesn't have any financial problems. He has plenty of money
3 Come and sit with us. There’s plenty of room
4 She knows a lot, but she still has plenty to learn
5 lt's an interesting town to visit. There plenty to see
6 I'm sure we'll find somewhere to stay. There’re plenty of hotels

III. Put in much/many/little/few (one word only):

1 She isn't very popular. She has few friends.
2 Ann is very busy these days. She has ____________ free time.
3 Did you take ____________ pictures when you were on holiday?
4 I'm not very busy today. I don't have _much__ to do.
5 This is a very modern city. There are ___few____ old buildings.
6 The weather has been very dry recently. We've had ____________ rain.
7 'Do you know Rome?' 'No, I haven't been there for ___many___ years’.
IV. Put in a (a few, a little) where necessary. Write 'OK' if the sentence is already complete.
1 She's lucky. She has few problems. OK
2 Things are not going so well for her. She has few problems. A few
3 Can you lend me few dollars? A few
4 There was little traffic, so the journey didn't take very long. OK
5 I can't give you a decision yet. I need little time to think. A little
6 lt was a surprise that he won the match. Few people expected him to win. OK
7 I don't know much Spanish - only few words. A few
8 I wonder how Sam is. I haven't seen him for few months.

V. Put in little / a little / few / a few.

1 Gary is very busy with his job. He has ___little_____ time for other things.
2 Listen carefully. I'm going to give you ____a little______ advice.
3 Do you mind if I ask you ____a few______ questions?
4 lt's not a very interesting place to visit, so ____few_______tourists come here.
5 I don't think Amy wou ld be a good teacher. She has ___little____ patience.
6 'Would you like milk in your coffee?' 'Yes, __a little_____
7 This is a very boring place to live. There's ___little______to do.
8 'Have you ever been to pans . ?' . 'Yes, I've been t here ____a few__ times’

VI. Complete these sentences with “no, none or any”.

1 lt was a public holiday, so there were ____________ shops open.
2 I haven't got ____________ money. Can you lend me some?
3 We had to wa lk home because there were ____________ taxis.
4 We had to walk home because there weren't ____________ taxis.
5 'How many eggs have we got?' ____________. Do you want me to get some?'
6 We took a few pictures, but ________________ of them were very good.
7 'Did you take lots of pictures?' 'No, I didn't take ____________.
8 What a stupid thing to do! ____________ intelligent person would do such a thing.
9 There's nowhere to cross the river. There's ____________ bridge.
10 I haven't read ____________ of the books you lent me.
11 We cancelled the party because ____________ of the people we invited were able to come.
12 'Do you know when Chris will be back?' 'I'm sorry. I have ____________ idea.

VII. Complete these sentences with ‘no- or any-+ -body/-thing/-where’.

1 I don't want anything to drink. I'm not thirsty.
2 The bus was completely empty. There was __nobody_______ on it.
3 'Where did you go for your holidays?' '. ___nowhere______ . I stayed at home.'
4 I went to the shops, but I didn't buy ___anything_____________.
5 'What did you buy?' ____nothing____________. I couldn't find _____anything___________. I wanted.'
6 The town is still the same as it was years ago. ____nothing____________ has changed.
7 Have you seen my watch? I can't find it ____anywhere____________ .
8 There was comp lete silence in the room. _____nobody___________ said ____anything____________.

VIII. Choose the right word.

1 She didn't tell nobody / anybody about her plans. (anybody is correct)
2 The accident looked bad, but fortunately nobody / anybody was badly injured.
3 I looked out of the window, but I couldn't see no-one / anyone.
4 My job is very easy. Nobody / Anybody could do it.
5 'What's in that box?' 'Nothing / Anything. lt's empty.'
6 The situation is uncertain. Nothing / Anything could happen.
7 I don't know nothing / anything about economics.
8 I'll try and answer no / any questions you ask me.
9 'Who were you talking to just now?' 'No-one / Anyone. I wasn't talking to no-one / anyone.

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