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: Character 1: What?

Character 2: You know what you did

Character 1: They don't know who they're messing with!

Character 3: And Bobi?

Character 5: There is a god!

Character 3: What are you hiding? What are you hiding? I know you had something to do with
mom's death I swear Jerry I'm going to kill you here and now

Character 5: NO BOBI NO!

Character 3: He will ask you a few questions now and listen brother. The time to lie is over!

Character 2: We know you lie about your business and we know you got involved with janster

: Character 1: Wait!

Character 3: STAY THERE

Character 1: They think I had something to do with mom's death. They think so!

Character 2: You have a check for four hundred thousand! that you forgot to mention about
Mom's life insurance!

Character 1: Take out the policy for the girls, brother I had nothing to do with that please

Character 4: You made the pagooos

Character 3: how timely jerry when you seemed to have lost everything mom is killed by some
jansters and you win the lottery

Character 1: So, why did I make the insurance payments? I PAID HIS BILLS!

: Character 1: Where were you? Heee! How many years did I take care of her by myself? Please

Character 2: And why do you pay a killer like a suit? What the hell did he do for you, Jerry!

Character 1: What did he do for me? I ended my damn life. I put everything into that project! I bet
everything trying to win something for myself, trying to make it work because the bid guys wanted
their share

Character 3: You paid them Jerry you wallowed with him no

Character 1: NO NO NO I didn't pay them that's how they canceled me

Character 4: I thought the municipal council didn't do it!

Character 1: doglas please this is from stroy chuic he owns stroy, he's just jans in a suit, if I don't
pay them my loans will be cancelled! End of the story, end of the project
: Character 2: What about the 20 grand?

Character 1: I already told you, if you want to cross the bridge to what to pay for the trip, take
mom's insurance money to pay for the trip!

Character 2: Mom was a whore!

Character 1: Yeah until you guys messed it up!

Character 4: Go to hell, I'm going to destroy you!

Cursed, wretch

Character 3: Jack Jack!

Character 3: Haaaaaackkkk

Character 2: Let's all go down! Down!

Character 4: Bobiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Character 3: Jack

Character 2: Sofiii the weapons

Character 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy

Character 3: Jack recisteeeee

Character 5: yeri where are you going!

Character 2: I have daughters and a wife, pure family

Character 1: aaaah damn!

Character 4: aww, wretch!

Character 2: bobi bobiiiii! the truck

Character 4: Jack Jack look at me calm down recisteee, CALL AN AMBULANCE!

Character 2: Need help call emergency!

Character 2: Jack Jack please receive

Character 5: I'm calling!

Character 4: No, don't die, little sister, please, please, you have to breathe, please, please, please!

Character 3: plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Character 4: Tell me was suck, did my mother and my mother murder, thank God

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