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PART : PHYSIC: We have two spring block systems as shown in figure. 2k 9k 50gm 400gm During oscillation maximum speed of both block is same. Find the ratio of Amplitude of oscillation of Blocks ? 1 3 4 mt as @4 a) @) Van = oi At = a2 Ay _ og _VKo/me nin Yr ~ vax Vi00 2 A particle of mass 5 kg is thrown upwards from ground. It experiences a constant air resistance 10 N opposite to the direction of velocity of particle. The ratio of time of ascent to the time of descent is. [g = 10 mis] is fr 3 j2 1 og ae ® ys ay @) Let a be the retardation produced by air resistive force a = Fae = 2 = 2, ta and ta be the time of ascent and time of descent respectively. If the particle rises upto a height h then h=1 (g+ajt2 and h= 5 @-ate 1 2 | _ fora _ fio? | £ Ans. 2 i g+a Vi0+2 V3 3 Sol. Determine current in 000 10v I sy 1K For the circuit above current through Zener diode. (1) 1.125 mA (2) 2.25 mA (3) 4mA (4)4.5mA (4) 8090 10V5 5V 1kO. 10+ 8001+5=0 Ifthe ratio of intensity of to light is 9 : 4. Find the ratio of maximum to minimum intensity due to interference of the lights (15:1 (2)25:4 (3) 7:5 (4) 25: 16 (2) Given Proton, deuteron and a-particle are projected with same kinetic energy in uniform magnetic field in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. Then ratio radi in magnetic field is (yi: V2 : v2 (Q)1:v2 :2 (3) 4:42 24 (4)v2 : V2 = v2 (3) Sol. Ans. Sol. Ans. Sol. Ans. For circular path in magnetic field. During circular motion with constant angular acceleration, in 15 second, starting from rest covers 5 rotation. Then find number of rotation in next second. (5 (2) 12 (3) 10 (4)15 4) o=ot+ tat? Or= Fatty wll) 01402 = pay il) $0 02 = $0; =3x5=15 Hammer of mass 1.5 kg strikes to nail of mass 5 kg with velocity 20 ms. tn energy of hammeris transfer to nail, then find rise in temperature of nail, (s = 0.42) (1) 35K (2) 102 K (3) 90 K (4) 180 K (1) 4 Kinetic energy of hammer is converted into heat. Which is transfer to the nail Mrerrener sev?) = Ms sad 2 2 30 = 1 Moms V" _ 14.8(20)" _ 94 56K B Me S Bx5x0.42 Which of the following option have physical quantity of same dimension. (1) Angular velocity & Angular momentum (2) Wien's constant; Stefan's constant (3) Velocity gradient, decay constant (4) Torque, Force (3) Ans. Sol. 10. Ans. 11. Ans. Sol. Earth is revolving around sun in orbit of radius r with time period T;. If radius becomes 3r and time periods becomes Te, find 22 tt) V3 (2) ava (3) v3 (4) ava @) Aparticle attached to a light rod moving with constant speed in vertical circular motion. Select the correct, option (1) Tension is minimum at highest position _(2) Tension is maximum at highest position (3) Tension is maximum when string is Horizontal (4) Tension is minimum when string is horizontal (1) Aparticle of mass 5kg is projected is angle of 45% with horizontal att =0. Its velocity at t= 2 second is 20 mis, than maximum height of particle trom the earth surface. (1) 20m (2) 40m (3) 30 m (4) 10m a) Assume initial speed is u then eit 400 12. Ans. Sol. 13. Ans. Sol. In potentiometer circuit A cell of Emf E was balanced for balance length of 250 cm. Resistance of potentiometer wire = 200. Length of potentiometer wire = 10 m. Determine Emf E. wv Fy 300 | AN 20cm E-? (1) 8 (2)6 (3) 4 (4)2 (2) 20 R+R, 20+ Balance length = 250 cm = 2.5 metre E =y = Balance length = Fe 2.5 = 2 volt Ans. 2 valt Hot water at temperature 80%C start cooling in surrounding whose temperature remain constant AT = temperature difference between water and surrounding = time in minutes Graph showing variation of AT with time (t) in given. Determine t: in minutes, AT?C. (1) 16 min (2) 32 min (3) 45 min (4) 60 min (1) AT = Twater — Tsourounding = T - Ts Att=0 AT = 60 and T = 80°C 80-T; = 60 . Ts = 20°C Newton law of cooling =) _, At (x41) Sol. between 0 to 6 minute 1 ) 20 [[ S25" 20-20] between 6 to te minute 20 | 40420 after dividing by te = 16 min Two identical small block of same charge q = 2 x 10-7 are placed on rough surface at distance ¢ from each other. Mass of each block is 10 gm and coefficient of friction for each block is y - 0.25. If both charges are in equilibrium then find / (1) 10 cm (2)12cm (3) 4cem (4)6cm (2) a? T — umg , [kee _ | 9t0® xaxt04 Vig V0.2 10x10 10 rsa] 36x10 = 810-1 m= © m= 120m 25 5 5 Material used for making electromagnet have different properties of the following, which property best matches for type of magnet required. (1) High permeability & high retentively (2) low retentively and low coercively (3) low retentively and high coercively (4) High permeability & high coercively (2) Statement-1 : Reactance may be zero if L and C are connected in AC circuit. Statement-2 : Average power can never be zero. (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement.2 is False (4) Statement-1 is False, Statement.2 is True. (3) And. Sol. Sol. In heat engine source temperature is Ts - 727 °C & sink temperature is T2 - 127 °C. Ifit take 3000 Kcal heat from source in each cycle find work done (in Joule) by it in each cycle. (1) 900 J (2) 1800 J (3) 1800 x 4.2 (4) 1800 x 10° x 4.2 (4) Given 727 + 273 = 1000 K 227 + 273 = 400K 3000 Qs Efficiency W = 1800 K. cal -q is moving along circular path around solid long cylinder under the interference of electric force, Determine kinetic energy of particle rn 2 2 4) aeR' 2) eR’ (1) 34 (2) Bo (3) Charge (2) per unit length of cylinder cot I Ber eae d prR? pR? Qreot Onegr 2eor gxpR? _ mv? Zegna 20. Sol. Lamp emit electromagnetic wave uniformly in all direction lamp is 3.5% efficient in converting electrical power to electromagnetic wave and consume 100 W of power. Determine the amplitude of magnetic field associated with wave at a distance of 4 metre from lamp ezploss (2) 3.5 x 108T (3) 1.2% 108T (4) 6.4 x 108T 3.5 Power of light = Power = 100 x 700" Power 3.5x100 T= Intensity = FOWer_ . 4nt’ 100 4n(4)° wim? = 0.0173 wim2 2 i 1-5 Ge x2 ; Bom 1.2% 10°T Ho Ina process diatomic gas is used, work done by gas is Qand change in internal eneray is Q/4, find molar heat capacity of the gas in terms of R is : 25 25 =R =R one ak @) (2) given W=Q Aves 4 40=-W+aU=a+ 2 me 2p 25 af oy We know AU = Ena(ar) (1) &aQ=nCaT snel2) equation (2) & (1) ae) A capacitor have some charge say 'Q’ coulomb. If 2 coulomb charge more is given to that capacitor then energy of capacitor is increased by 44%. Determine initial charge 'Q' in coulomb. (2) 4c (3) 6 @ a? ~ 2 New charge = Q +2 Ve _ (Q+27 Ur =new energy = “22 p2U4+Ux -Ux UaU4Ue SU 1d nae cree (a+2F OF aad 2c” 2c Q+2=Qx Via4 Q+2-O« 12 =0.20 Q=10 coulomb PART : CHEMISTRY’ ‘Which of the following has highest metting point? (Ag (2)Ga (3) Cs (4) Hg (1) Metal Metting Point Ag 961 8c Ga 28.76°C Cs 28: Hg 38.3 Which of the following is pre'sent in fire extinguisher? (1) Backing Soda (2)Washing Soda (3) Caustic Soda (4) Soda ash () Fire extinguisher contain sodium bicarbonate (Backing soda) Correct increasing order of stability of C3" 03” N3"is (1) CONE (2) OF -.C.NE (3) NP.CP OF (4) OF NEG (4) lon Bond order oO & 3 WN 2 (i) OF 1 Among the fallowing how many are sulphide ores? (a)Galena —_(b) Copper pyrite (c) Zinc blende (d) Bauxite (03.00) (a) PbS- Galena (b) CuFeS2- Copper pyrite (c) ZnS - Zinc biende (0) AIO OH))a2x (0 < x < 1) - Bauxite Determine total energy of 1 mol of photons in J/mol having 2 = 600 nm Given h = 662 10%J-sec, c=3 x 10°ms* (1) 664x104 Jimol (2) 6.84108 Jmol (3) 1.24104 mol (4) 1.2410 mol Q) ey = Nanc x orer= 02x10" x6.62x10™ x3x10" 600x107 = 6.64%10*J/mal He is formed as by product during the formation of (1) NazCr2O7 (2)INaOH (3) Na metal (4) Nacl (2) In diaphragm cell: formation process of NaOH. Anode (oxidation) 2CH{aq) —> Chg) + 2e- Cathode (reduction) 2H2O + 2e- + H2 + 20H PCls is formed NCls is not formed why? (1) Phosphorous has vacant d-orbitals while nitrogen do not have vacant d-orbitals (2) PCls is stable while NCls is unstable (3) Phosphorous is more reactive while nitrogen is inert (4) Phosphorous has large size while nitrogen has small size (4) Nitrogen do not have vacant d-orbitals so it do not expands it's octet, while phosphorous have vacant 3d orbitals so it can expands it is octet Reaction invalved in the Hall-Herault process. (1) Ag + Or + H20 + NaCN—> Na[Ag(CN}e] + NaOH (2)Sn0+C —4+ Sn+ Co (3) AkOs +C —*-4Al + CO (4) CuO + CxS —4-> Cu + S02 3) Anode 207°—+ 02+ 4e~ 2C +O2+2CO Cathode Al? + 3e-— Al Which of the following complex have maximum Ao value [40 = octahedral splitting energy] (1) [Cr(H20).* (2) [Fe(H20)e)* (3) [Mo(H:O)eP* (4) [(Os(H20}eP* 5d series member have more value of Ao in comparison to 3d & 4d complexes. 10. Ans. 1. Ans. Sol. 412. Ans. In acidic solution Mn(Vl) become unstable and convert into it's two product ions. The difference in oxidation state of it's product ions is *’, then value of °K’ is. 3) In acidic solution Mn(V1) become unstable relative to Mn(VIl) and Mn(IV) # 4 3MnO3 (aq.) + 4H"(aq.) ——>2MnOj + MnO, + 2H20 So difference in oxidation state of product ions of Mn is = 3 Which of the following metal ion gives flame as Green with Blue centre (1)cu (2)Ba @k @u (1) Colour of flame Metal (i) Green with Blue center cu (i) Apple green Ba (ia) Pink violet K (iv) Crimson Red u ‘An electron shows transition fram lower Bohr's atomic orbit to higher orbit, then comment on potential energy (P-E), kinetic energy (K.E.) and total energy (T.E,) of electron. (1) All three are increase (2) All three are decrease (3) PE. and TE. increases while KE. decrease (4) PE. and TE. decrease while KE. increase (3) TE= Fe -KE 2 For hydrogen atom dev -0.85 eV. 1 5teV -3.4eV. -13.6eV. 10.26 n= Energy level diagram of H-atom 13. 14. 45. Ans. Ina 1 order reaction time taken in 90% completion reaction is X times of half life, then value af X is. [Report your answer to nearest integer] 3 Toon = 2303 08 2.303 |, (a) = 2. 2303 gto 2.303, (100) _ 2303 jae 2 ag (100) ae a. “t oh a Find value of Hy of CaHe (in kJ/mole) Using following enthalpy of combustion ‘AHeems, (C2He, 9) = 1560 kJ/mole ‘AHeam, (C, S) = -394 kuimole ‘SHeons. (Ho, 9) = -249 kJ/mole (25) Given ()—Cabetg) + L0x1g)—+2COMg) + 4:01) arene =—1560 kamale i) Cs) + O2(g) —> CO2Q) SHEamir = -394 kJ/mole (8) Halg)* $x) —sH2040) Hg =-248 ksmale Target 2C(s) + 3Ha(g)—+CzHe(g) SH?» = SHY (Cate, 9) AH? (reactant) — AH® (Product) = 2x(-394) + 3 (-249) -~(-1560) 188 — 747 + 1560 = 25 KJ/mole 3 gram of a gas at 300K have same pressure Bvalume equal to 0.2 gram hydrogen gas at 200 K, then molar mass of gas is: (45) ‘Sol. (PV ous Woo Mom Ys, (fie According to question: (PV)ox = (PV), 3 0.2 (ooo (2) =200 _ (3x3) _ Mere fra) a 120 gram of an organic compound on combustion analysis gives 330 gram of carbondioxide and 270 gram of water. % by mass of C and H in organic compound is: (1) 50% Cand 50% H (2) 60% C and 40% H (3) 80% C and 20% H (4) 75% C and 25% H (4) Weight of CO2= 330 gram Weight of H20 = 270 gram 330 270 Mole of CO:= 330 gram Mote of #:0= 270 gram Mole of C= 322 gram Weight of H = 222 1 gram = 330, = 270x100 _ weight of C= 332. 12 gram Hot = OT 28% = 33012100 ofc = Stew tOt = 75% For the equilibrium A(g) == 8(g) 4H = - 42 ki/mole If the ratio of activation energy of forward and backward reaction is 2 then value of Ew and Ewis respectively (1) 84 kJimole, 126 kJ/mole (2) 24 kJ/mole, 36 kJ/mole (3) 48 ku/mole, 72 kJ/mole (4) 90 kJ/mole, 135 ku/mole Ey 2 2 ve 2 y= Ee Ea ceed AH = Ew= Ew = 42 18. ‘Sol. 19. ‘Sol 2 SEn- Ew = 42 3 Ew = 42x3 = 126 kJimole Eu = 84 kJimole Find the value of cell constant for a given cell in which 0.1 molar solution have resistance 200 and molar conductivity 0.154*10~S crn? mor (1) 3.08x107emr (2) 90.8x10-7err1 (3) 0.908*10-%enr (4) 4.08%10-*er (1) w= Kx1000 Ta M wip = Kx1000 0154x109 Te] K = 0.154107 § onr4 Cell constant e) SHOR 154x107 *20 08*10-7 cr ‘Which of the following gas is not involved in heating of atmosphere (Green House Effect) (1) Ne (2) Os (3) #20 (4) COz 0) Green house gases are COz,CHs, Cholorofluoro carbon, Os, NzO, Hz0 Note : Gas, which is not a green house gas is nitrogen Which of the following is not a condensation polymer (1) Nylon-66 (2) Buna-N (3) Dacron (4) Silicones (2) Buna-N is a addition polymer of Buta-di-en and styrene. How many peptide linkage is present in given segment of proteins ? Alanyigiycinylleucinylatanyivaline (4) Ala-Gly-Leu-Ala-Val The amino acids are connected to each other by peptide linkage Ans. Sol. Ans. Ans. He HO dim CAs Suitable reagent for above reaction is (1) BHS/THF, H202/OH: then PCC (2) 30», then PCC (3) PCC Oxidation (4) BHSTHF, HIOs a) He ise ome Se of cA chp ‘Statement-1: Alkene has weak x bond, therefore less stable than alkane. ‘Statement-2: Weak x bond is less stronger than carbon-carbon sigma band. (1) statement-4 is only correct (2) statement-2 is only correct (3) Both statement-1 and statement 2 are correct (4) Both statement-1 and statement 2 are wrong (3) bond is weaker then o bond Identify the name of given compound cH, wr noon UI & € S N N~ \wucn, H (1) Cimetidine (2) Ranitidine (3) Histamine (4) novestrol (1) itis fact Identify the majar product ‘C' in given reaction sequence Hex-4~en= 2-015 42/0" _4g_MEw 5c (1) But-2-ene (2) But-t-ene (3) Pent-2-ene (4) Isobutene (1) IJOH: (OH OH oy a, aaa rar +CHis ie cao oN Order of stability of given carbocation is Ae (8) (c) (1)A>B>C (2)C>B>A (3)B>A>C (4)B>C>A (3) Bis most stable due to resonance In Duma's method of estimation of nitrogen, 0.2 gram of an organic compound gives 22.4 mi of nitrogen gas at STP. % of nitrogen in the organic compound is : (14) Vol of No gas = 22.4 mi at STP peed) ee Mole of Nz gas = 22400 = 1000 moje 1 Weight of Ne gas= 75% 28 4% of N in organic compound is 28 , 100 - yay, To00* 02 Which of the following sequence of reagents can perform the following conversion ? CH, - CH, - CH, -OH—?->CH, - CH, - CH, - CH, —NH, (1) SOCR,KCN HaPd (2) SOCkAgCN HaPd (3) PCls AgCN,Ha/Pa (4) Red Pri « CHs ~ CH, - CH; - OH—2%2_.CH, - CH, — CH; - Cl CH, ~ CH, - CH, - C—®""_+CH, ~ CH, - CH, - CN CHy - CH, - CH, — CN—2"4_,CH, - (CH, - CH, - CH, -NH, 1 The value of fe is equal to (1 +@")(sin°x+ c0s° x) (2) 2x (3)x (4) nia dx pil+e* ysin® x + cos® x) SS To (Gee ysin’x+ cos’) (Ire \(sin® x-+c0s°x) | ° m2 = dx 3 Sin°x +cos*x sectx - a Deas } tan? x-tan?x+4 fF (t+tan® (seo? tan’ x-tan?x+1 dx Let tanx =t => sec*x dx = dt 1 2 Le) = feta t2)dt =f eae t-+1 fe 4 Sol. Sol. Sol. (. = (, mw) 13 ir og x +5 Jong x — 3 )= goo" (x) then the number of solutions in the interval [-3x, 32] is (07.00) 2 27 cos*x—sin?= 3 cos? 2x 4 Aec0s2x 3 A agg2oy a 4 Now put the cos2x=t -1+2t=t st=1 cos2x = 1 => x=nx hence 7 solutions in the interval [-32, 3x] A tangent of a curve at point P intersect x axis at point Q and y-axis bisect line segment PQ. If cun passes through the point (3,3) then equation of curve is (1) y=3 (2) y= 3x (3) v= 5x (4) xy=5 Q) Tangent at P (xy) is Y-y=m(X=x) / point at x-axis is Q| x -20) om point at y axis is R (0,y — mx) Now R is mid point at PO Doe 1 oO 2 axel m = Fay =Lax yee = 2iny = Inx + Ine = y= ex it passes through (3,3) 9=3c50=3 ye=3x 4. Area enclosed between the curves y* = 2xandx+y=4is Ans. 18.00 Sol. On solving both equations y A (22) B (8,-4) ye +2y-8=0 sy=-4,y=2 so A(2, 2); B84) 2(, \ Required area = j (4-y)- : [or f 2 2 2 ni n n 5. The value of Ii = jis Te Pst )nsi) e422Ine2) (nan |nan J) 2mnden 3in2+n end +n Sin2+n ee 2) (a) Se Ans. (1) 2 A n Sol, Given lim $7 nei? sr] +r) a ilde 1t1-x a QoxX+1 Qox2+4 dx 4 [a 4 i = f(x +1) += tan 1x —— (n(x? +1) \2 Mx +1) 2 4 Mi | lo ‘Sol. Let f:(x) = 42x? — 8.x? +36x #48 be areal function. It 2.* is the greatest integral value of 2. for which f, is increasing function then the value f,-(1)+f,-(~1) is equal to (1)0 (2) 1 (Ce (4)2 (1) © f,(x)20,¥% => 12x? — 16x +36 20xER = Six? 4x +9 20, VxER =0 or 32 >0 and 4%7?-4.3,.950 27 2-2 4 = either = O 36 => fo(1) Ho(-1) = (24-48+36+48) + (-24-48-36+48)= 0 If(1+3+32+ ...... +3221) is divided by 50, then remainder is (04.00) 202: 4434324 gama = 3 yor 1011 x 5 ont} =1_ 1001+ Soa 10-2 «69, 4 5054 when divided by 50 gives remainder = 4 Number of real roots of equation x7 - 7x—2 = Ois/are (1)1 (2)3 (3)5 (4) 7 Q) ek =x? -Tx-2 (x) = 7 (xe i =T (x8 +1) (x? - 1) "(x)= 7 (#1) (x1) (24x41) (x2x+ 1) "(x) =0 has two real roots 0 f(-1) = So by graph f(x) = 0 has three real roots IFHCF (a, 24) =1 anda e{1,2,3, (1) 1634 (2) 1633 (3) 1635 (4) 1636 (2) Let n(a) = number of numbers divisible by a, so n(2) = {2,4,6......100} > 50 numbers n(3) = {3,6,9......99} > 33 numbers n(2n3) = {6,12,18......96} = 16 numbers 100}, then the sum of all values of a is = Sum of all numbers divisible by 2 = 2p +100] = 50x51 Sum of all numbers divisible by 3 = 2h+99] = 33x51 Sum of all numbers divisible by 6 = & [6 +96] = 1651 Sum of all numbers divisible by either 2 or 3 = 50 x 51 + 33 x 5116x514 = 67x51 ‘Sum of all natural numbers form 1 to 100 = eh +100] = 50*101 ‘Sum of required values of 'a' is 101 x 50-67 x 51 = 1633 Ifx and yare two positive numbers such that xy? = 2'5 then the least value of 3x+ 2y is (1)30 (2) 40 (3) 50 (4) 45 (2) We know that A.M2 G.M YY htt 1 = xt 2y2 52°F = Sxt 2y=40 Sol. Sol. Sol. Let A: Rajnish is a Judge B : Rajnish is Honest C: Rajnish is not Arrogant Then negation of "If Rajnish is a Judge and not Arrogant then he is Honest” is (1) (ANC) 1B (2) ~Ba (AAC) (3) ~B MAnC) (4) ~B, (AvC) (2) Given statement is (AnC) > B Negation is =((AAG) > B) (Aa C)a~B=~BA (AAC) 2 2 Ifthe hyperbola 5-2 —1 and the ellipse 3x? + 4y?= 12 have same llatusrectum, then the value of a 1 12(c%, + €2 jis equal to (where e..and es are eccentricities of hyperbola and ellipse respectively) Se) a ify = tam(seox— tars) and The number of 7 digit numbers which are divisible by 11 formed by 1,2,3,5,6,7 &9 is (288) Let number is arazasasasacar By divisibility test of 11 we can say (@2 + as+ ae) — (art ast as + a7) = 0 or 11 or—-11 (i) a1 + ast as+ ar = ant art ac Not possible as sum of given digit is 33 (ii) a1 + as+ as ar—(a2+ as+ac) = 11 = aitastas+ar=11+a2+ ast as a ae 1 3 7 (3! ways) o- (2 3 6 (3! ways) Total ways in this case = 2] 3| 4 = 288 (iil) a: + as+ a+ ar—(az+ astas) =—11 => aitast astart+11=a2t+ ast as a a as 6 7 9 (3! ways) Total ways in this case = | 3| 4 = 144 total case 288 + 144 = 432 (a If x* y=x2—y? such that (x * 1) *1= 1» (x1), then the value of 2sin~‘ x a @2 @ 4 (3) (#1) e1= 14 (x1) (= 1P 1 = 1-241 Putx21=t =ttP-2=0 => (t-1) (1? + 2t+2) =0 =t=1

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