Sample Exam in Science With Tos

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Amistad, Lopez Jaena Street, Tayug, Pangasinan


Name: _________________ Date: ____________________ Score: ______________________

Gr & Section: _________________

Direction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is Newton’s First Law of Motion?
a. Law of Inertia c. Law of Momentum
b. Law of Acceleration d. Law of Interaction
2. When can you say that the force applied is unbalance?
a. If there is a change in position. c. If there is a change in speed.
b. If there is a change in momentum. d. If there is a change in direction.
3. Law of Inertia states that, “A body will remain at rest or move at constant velocity unless ”.
a. acted upon by balanced force c. acted upon by unbalanced force
b. acted upon by weak force d. acted upon by strong force
4. Who postulated the three laws of motion?
a. Sir Essac Newton b. Sir Issak Newton c. Sir Isaac Newton d. Sir Essak
5. Law of Interaction states that, “For every action, there is ”.
a. unequal and the same reaction c. an equal and opposite reaction
b. unequal and opposite reaction d. an equal and the same reaction
6. What is magnitude?
a. Refers to the distance covered by car. c. Refers to the size or strength of the force.
b. Refers to the weight of an object. d. Refers to the mass of an object.
7. If the standard unit of distance is m, how about the unit for magnitude?
a. N b. J c. Cal d. kCal
8. Which doesn’t describe to the forces acting on an object?
a. point of application b. direction c. line of action d. speed
9. What is the name of the straight line that passing through the point of application?
a. line of incident b. line of reflection C. line of action d. line of application
10. Interpret the graph below. What is the relationship between acceleration and force?
a. Acceleration and force are inversely proportional.
b. Acceleration and force are proportional.
c. Acceleration and force have an equal value.
d. Acceleration and force have no relationship.
11. What is the unit for force?
a. J c. N
b. kg d. m
12. What is the unit for acceleration?
a. m/s c. km/s
b. m/s₂ d. km/s₂
13. How are you going to solve problems in finding the Kinetic Energy of an object?
a. KE= mv b. KE=⅟₂ mv c. KE=⅟₂ mv² d. KE=mgh
14. How are you going to solve problems in finding the Potential Energy of an object?
a. PE= mv b. PE=⅟₂ mv c. PE=⅟₂ mv² d. PE=mgh
15. What is the unit for KE and PE?
a. J b. N c. m/s² d. km/hr²
16. A boy is stretching his rubber brand. What type of energy does the stretching of rubber
band exhibits?
a. Kinetic Energy b. Potential Energy c. Solar Energy d. Radiant Energy

For Nos.17-18, Consider the diagram below to question below:

17. ‘’

19. Mechanical waves transport energy from one place to another through
a. Alternately vibrating particles of the medium c. Vibrating particles and traveling particles
b. Particles traveling with the wave d. None of the above
20. In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium .
a. move in circles c. move parallel to the direction of travel
b. move in ellipses d. move perpendicular to the direction of travel
21. The higher the frequency of a wave, .
a. the lower its speed c. the greater its amplitude
b. the shorter its wavelength d. the longer its period
22. Waves in a lake are 5.00 m in length and pass an anchored boat 1.25 s apart. The speed is a
? a. 0.25 m/s b. 4.00 m/s c. 6.25 m/s d. 9.80 m/s
23. Energy from the sun reaches the earth through
a. ultraviolet waves b. infrared waves c. mechanical waves d. electromagnetic waves
24. Which of the following objects will produce sound?
a. soft objects b. radio stations c. vibrating objects d. objects under pressure
25. Which of the following best describes a high frequency sound? It has .
a. low pitch b. high pitch c. low energy d. A and C
26. Compared to a thin string of the same length and tightness a thick string produces sounds of
a. the same pitch b. lower pitch c. higher pitch d. lower then higher pitch
27. What is the other term for sound wave?
a. longitudinal wave b. transverse wave c. standing wave d. shock wave
28. Which of the following is not capable of transmitting sound?
a. air b. water c. steel d. a vacuum
29. Which of the following would most likely transmit sound best?
a. Steel in cabinet b. Water in the ocean c. Air in your classroom d. Water in a swimming pool
30. Which of the following is NOT an electromagnetic wave?
a. Infrared b. Radio c. Sound d. X ray
31. How does the wavelength of infrared (IR) compare with the wavelength of ultraviolet (UV) waves?
a. Infrared waves have longer wavelength. c. IR waves have the same wavelength as the
UV waves.
b. Infrared waves have shorter wavelength. d. IR is not comparable in wavelength with the UV
32. Among all the electromagnetic waves (EM), which has the highest frequency?
a. Infrared radiation b. Radio wave c. Ultraviolet d. Gamma rays
33. ROYGBIV is the basic component of white light. Which color of light carries the most energy?
a. Blue b. Green c. Orange d. Red
34. Light is an electromagnetic wave. Which characteristic is common in all electromagnetic waves?
a. amplitude b. frequency c. speed d. wavelength

For Nos.35-40, the illustration on the right shows a lady making a noodle soup using a pan made of metal.
Use this illustration to answer the questions below:

35. How does heat travel through the pan?

A. by radiation B. by dispersion C. by convection D. by conduction
36. How does heat travel through the soup?
A. by radiation B. by dispersion C. by convection D. by conduction
37. In what direction does heat travel through the soup?
A. from top to bottom B. both A and B C. from bottom to top D. neither A nor B
38. Which of the following explains why the lady is able to hold the handle of the pan with her bare
I. The handle is made of good insulator of heat.
II. The handle has low thermal conductivity.
III. The handle has high thermal expansion.
39. A. I and II only B. II and III only C. I and III only D. I, II, and III
40. Which of the following methods of heat transfer is NOT taking place in the given situation?
A. Conduction B. Radiation C. Convection D. None of them
41. What will happen when two like charges are brought together?
A. They will repel each other. C. They will neutralize each other.
B. They will attract each other. D. They will have no effect on each other.
42. Which of the following describes the usual way by which a material can gain a positive charge?
A. By gaining protons C. By losing protons
B. By gaining electrons D. By losing electrons
43. If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, what will happen to your hair?
A. It will remain uncharged. C. It will become positively charged.
B. It will be repelled by the comb. D. It will become negatively charged.
44. Which of the following can be attracted by a positively charged object?
A. Another positively charged object. C. A neutral object.
B. Any other object. D. No other object.
45. A negatively charged rod is brought near a metal can that rests on a wooden box. You touch the
opposite side of the can momentarily with your finger. If you remove your finger before removing
the rod, what will happen to the can?
A. It will be discharged. C. It will become positively charged.
B. Its charge will remain as it was. D. It will become negatively charged.
46. Is it possible to charge an electrical insulator?
A. No, because they hinder charges from passing through them.
B. No, because insulators have no free charges in them.
C. Yes, because they can also conduct electricity.
D. Yes, because electrons can be transferred between insulators through friction.
47. A charged object is brought near a metal ball that is mounted on a rubber sheet. If the metal
ball acquired a negative charge after it was grounded momentarily, what must be the charge of
the object that was brought near it?
A. Neutral B. Positive C. Negative D. Both positive and negative
48. What is really meant when we say appliance "uses up" electricity?
A. The current disappears. C. Electrons are taken out of the circuit.
B. The main power supply voltage is lowered. D. The PE of electrons is changed into another form.
49. Why do you think earthing is important in all appliances?
A. To avoid electrical shocks. C. To avoid damages of home appliances.
B. To avoid high consumption of electricity. D. To avoid short circuit.
50. What will happen if the circuit offers little or no resistance to the flow of charges?
A. There will be short circuit. C. There will be high consumption of electricity.
B. There will be explosion of fuses. D. There will be sparks in the appliances.

Prepared by: __Jessavel C. Quindoyos_____

Subject Teacher

Jacqueline L. Balza_______
High School Principal
Amistad, Lopez Jaena Street, Tayug, Pangasinan

Table of Specification for First Periodical Examination in Science 8

Competency Rem. Und. Ap. An. Ev. Creat. No. of %

1. describe the motion of an 1-5 5 10%
object in terms of distance
or displacement, speed or
velocity, and acceleration;

2. differentiate quantities 6-7 8-9 4 8%

in terms of magnitude and

3. create and interpret 11-12 10 3 6%

visual representation of the
motion of objects such as
tape charts and motion

4. infer that waves carry 13-15 16 17-18 6 12%


5. differentiate transverse 19-20 2 4%

from longitudinal waves,
and mechanical from
electromagnetic waves;

6. relate the 21 22-23 3 6%

characteristics of waves;

7. describe the 24 25 2 4%
characteristics of sound
using the concepts of
wavelength, velocity, and

8. explain sound 27 28 26 3 6%
production in the human
voice box, and how pitch,
loudness, and quality of
sound vary from one
person to another

9. describe how 31-32 2 4%

organisms produce,
transmit, and receive
sound of various
frequencies (infrasonic,
audible, and ultrasonic

10. relate characteristics of 29-30 2 4%

light such as color and
intensity to frequency and

11. infer those light travels 33-34 2 4%

in a straight line;

12. infer the conditions 37 35-36 38-40 6 12%

necessary for heat
transfer to occur;

13. describe the different 41 44-45 43 47-48 42;46 8 16%

types of charging
processes; and

14. explain the importance 50 49 2 4%

of earthing or grounding.

TOTAL: 50 100%

Prepared by: __Jessavel C. Quindoyos_____

Subject Teacher

__ Jacqueline L. Balza_______
High School Principal

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