Performance Appraisal in The Workplace

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Performance Appraisal in the Workplace

PSY 302 I/O Psychology

Dr. Henry

July 3, 2012

Performance Appraisal in the Workplace

The only experience with performance appraisal in the workplace that I would like to share is one of the

most memorable experiences I had in my life because not only did I find out what an asset I was to the company

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but how much my co-workers enjoyed the working environment that I generated with my happiness. So will try

to describe the strengths and weakness of the evaluation process using the concepts provides from this week’s

reading. Plus will try to describe what that evaluation did for me personally, changed the way I perceive myself

in the workplace and what I have learned in that process with the dream of someday sharing it with another in

the future hoping to do the same for them.

The company that I worked for some fifteen years ago, I thought to myself, “oh not one of those

evaluations again”, never thinking the weight they carried because I was not use to having them at any other one

of the companies I work for before. So I just figured the evaluation was only about what my boss thought and of

course I knew he loved me, my work and could not see where there would be a problem. What I did not know

was that every other employee had to fill one out for me because I pretty much running the engineering

department. The company had a form for everyone individually depending on the job they held believe when I

say that I was unaware of this until I was getting ready to give my two week notice to leave my position.

The type of appraisal that this company did was very similar to the one that our text informs us about

which is the, “Objective performance measures are quantitative measures of performance that can be found in

unbiased organizational records. They are generally easy to gather and include two types of data: production

measures (such as sales volume, number of units made, number of error occurrences) and personnel measures

(such as absenteeism, tardiness, theft, and safety behaviors). Both measures are also usually evaluated according

to the quality of performance” (Yousef, C. & Noon, A. 2012) The only difference is that not only did my boss

fill out for me, but the engineering for software, the engineering and all the staff who had a direct interaction

with me on a daily bases allowing my boss and his boss to have complete evaluation of my work performance

in every direction possible.

So when my boss, the chief of the engineering department would tell me every quarter, Rachel you

passed with flying colors I did not know to what extent he was talking about. Since I filled out the same form

for each and every employee that I worked with was pretty my redundant I assumed they were the same. Well

needless to say, when I gave them my two week notice they were not happy about the news. I had some life
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changing things accrue in my having to due to Hurricane Allen that left me in town where I felt alone, had sold

all my belonging and had purchased my ticket to come back to my hometown. I was complete taken when the

following day my boss and his boss called me in for a meeting. I thought they will probably want me to train

another employee. But to my amazement these men were sitting there with all my evaluations that had these

points about me that I had never realize or recognized before that precise meeting. My co-workers said, she

always has such a feeling smile, she gives so much of herself, and she does excellent work with little to no


This comment from an engineer really blows my mind, he actually said, we will be in trouble if we ever

have to replace her. I responded with a phase I learned when I first started working. “Everyone is replaceable”.

The CEO said, that is the thing, we do not want to replace you. We will double your salary, pay for you and

your children to move into town, whatever it takes to keep you working for us is what we will do. I was home

sick, too young to understand the value of their offer, and maybe one of the things I can say I regret in life.

What I did take with me was they just did not see me as an employee, but an asset and what do we do with

assets, we take care of them. We were all treated in the same matter, from the person who swept the follows, to

the engineers and those high paid software qeeks.

One of things that I can still say today is that this specific job allowed me to find happiness in the

position I held. Everyone always gave me respect, allowed me to work using my skills, they asked for my input

and they almost never second guess my work. How could anyone be unhappy in those working conditions? Plus

I was the center structure on billion dollar projects all over the world. I felt important, appreciated and found

great pleasure in handing in my reports knowing all the positive remarks that I would be receiving. I have not

found another job with the some structure and feel that this company has as much success as it does because of

the way they treat their employees.

The peculiar company use to have quarterly evaluations making them seem so unimportant when in all

actually it seems to be very important process that companies should follows not only for the employees but

even more so for the employers. For additional information about the importance of the evaluations in the
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workplace, “The performance appraisal should be continuing process that must be reviewed, since the welfare

of the organization and employees solely depends on it. Management should take the initiative and the

leadership necessary to ensure that it is adequately done. Management should not use performance appraisal as

a punitive instrument, rather as an instrument to help employee get their objectives. Management should

compensate employees based on the objective measures of performance, even though performance is at least

partially determined by factors beyond their control. Management should also address issues or problems

arising from performance appraisal immediately. Management should be fair in conducting performance

appraisal to protect itself against lawsuits for discrimination” (Chukwuba, 2012).

The strengths on the way this company handle it evaluations was that they took all the information they

collected before making a single decision on said an employee which only help their overall input when taking a

their own evaluation. The fact that the took everyone input is additional strength because not very CEO enter

acts with every employee and the last think that I take into consideration was that everyone’s input was taken

into consideration which show unity. The only weakness that I could find was that there were no self-

evaluations and that they did not share their results with their employees which could provide an employee

some motivation that they are not finding for themselves.

In conclusion of this paper is that evaluations are for both the employee and the employer, that a happy

employee is they type of employee and employer wishes to have for their company. So in having evolutions

make sure that you have one that will work for your company, have one that covers all of the employees aspects

from age, qualification, responsibilities, other employees inputs and whatever they might find important to said

evaluation. The key goal is to keep your good employee happy, the others working on the weakness and re-

staffing those who do not meet the companies’ goals.

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Chukwuba, K. (2012, 07 03). Chukwuba, K.. (2012). Performance Appraisal in the Workplace. retrieve on 07-
03-2012 from ABI/INFORM Global o. (Document ID: 2676140991). Journal of Management and
Marketing Research, p.

Youssef, C. &. (2012). Industrial/Organziational Psychology. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education.

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