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This role involves monitoring user generated content, which can be text, photos, audio, or video. Some of this
content is very difficult to view, at times revealing the worst of humanity, and may have the potential to negatively
impact your emotional or mental health. As a result, this role is not for everyone. Please read the following
carefully before agreeing to become a content moderator.

1 I understand I will access a confidential application that contains user generated content (the "Tool"). While working
in the Tool, I will view and identify certain types of content that are potentially unlawful, disturbing, inappropriate, or
otherwise not permitted under the client's policy ("Objectionable Content").

2. While my work seryes as a very important safeguard of protecting other users, including children, from seeinE
Objectionable Content, it means I may encounter content such as the following:

. child exploitation and abuse (which could include sexual images of children);
. graphic violence (which could include images showing murders or other types of fatalities or
serious bodily injury or mutilation);
. self-destructive behavior (for example, illegal drug use, self-harm or suicide);
. nudity, pornography, and other sexually explicit images, including rape and other sexually
violent content;
. animal cruelty;
. hate speech (which could include offensive material of a religious, gender, sexual, sexual
orientation, physical/intellectual disability, age related andl or racial nature);
, credible threats of serious crimes; and
. terrorism.

How I willwork - Fundamentals of using the Tool

ln this role, lagree that I will

'r only use the Tool for work and not for any unauthorized purpose;
fiot view or access information that is contained in the Tool while working on Accenture or client
systems other than the Tool;
. protect my credentials (for example, my user lD or password) and not share my credentials with
anyone; and
. not distribute the information obtained from the Tool (including emailing, uploading, or storing),
except as specificaliy directed by my supervisor.

I understand my access to the Tool will be, to the extent permitted by applicable law and Accenture policy, under
constant monitoring/surveillance to ensure that I am complying with the use restrictions. I will not use the workstation
for the purpose of any private matters and I expressly consent to such monitoring.

Maintaining my wellness - The weCare program

1. I understand that viewing Objectionable Content has the potential to negatively impact my emotional or
mental health.

2. I understand that Accenture provides several support services through its weCare Program

3. I agree that using these services, and meaningfully engaging with these services. is essential for me to
hold this role. I understand that participation in the program is an essential part of being able to successfuliy
manaEe the challenges of this job. I understand that Accenture tracks my attendance at wellness meetings,
and my conttnued engagement as a content moderator is based in part on participating in these support

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4. I agree to attend and participate in the following weCare programs:

. one-to-one confidential meetings with a wellness coach at least once per month;
r group wellness sessions at least once per month;
. periodic refresher wellness training; and
. aoy other wellness sessions or training as required by Accenture.

Additional Support

While the weCare Program support services are important to help me strengthen wellbeing strategies and cope
with impacts the job duties may have and the content I may review, the weCare Prograrn services, standing
alone, may not be able to prevent my work from affecting my mental health.

1. I am aware that there are further support services available to me, I understand that lcan at any time
request to speak to a wellness coach outside of my regular sessions. I acknowledge that the wellness
coach is not a medlcal doctor and cannot diagnose or treat mental health disorders.

2. I am aware that Accenture provides Accenture employees/contractors and their families access to a
confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I understand that if l, or any of my family members, need clinical services as a result of my job, we can
contact EAP.

3. I am aware that if I have any other concerns because of my work, I can reach out to my HR People Advisor
or equivalent person from my employing company.

4. I understand this job is not for everyone, and I agree to make it a priority to immediately address any
distress I may experience associated with viewing Objectionable Content so that I safeguard my mental

5. I understand that no job is worth sacrificing my mental or emotional health. I understand how important it
is that I monitor my own mental health, particularly since many psychological symptoms are primarily
apparent only to me. Therefore, if I believe I may need any type of healthcare services beyond those
provided through weCare and the Employee Assistance Program, or if I am advised by a counsellor to do
so, I will seek them.

I understand the content I will be reviewing may be disturbing. lt is possible that reviewing such
content may impact my mental health, and it could even lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). I will take full advantage of the weCare program and seek additional mental health
services if needed. I will tell my supervisor/or my HR People Advisor immediately if I believe that
the work is negatively affecting my mental health.

I am aware that strict adherence to all the requirements in this document is mandatory. Failure to rneet the
requirerrents would amount to serious misconduct and for (i) Accenture employees, may warrant
disciplinary action up to and including termination, or (ii) others providing services, may result in the
termination of my ment.

Signature Date
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