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Mistreatment of Mothers and New Parents

U.S. Compared to Other Countries

Ashtyn D Cayias

FHS 2450 Intro Human to Sexuality

Professor Lucy Shirisia

Due: 11/14/22
As you mentioned during the lecture, women in the U.S. have the highest risk of dying

from complications associated with childbirth as well as other problems associated with

pregnancy when compared to the rest of the developed world; about 700 women die from these

complications every year. A high percentage of pregnant women who pass away during their

nine months of pregnancy, and 52% of those who pass away after delivery, so the most

dangerous time for pregnant women is during those nine months during which they are pregnant.

I didn’t even know that there were other places people could go to give birth besides a hospital or

at home! To me, it is insane that giving birth in a hospital is as expensive as it is, while there you

can’t pick your position when giving birth, which is another crazy thing about giving birth in a

hospital. A little more than 4% of every 1,000 births in our country are assisted by midwives,

making us one of the least commonly used countries in the world. Nevertheless, during the time

of covid, many people started to use midwives for their births, and that grew the demand

significantly for midwives.

In addition to the mother, postpartum care is an important necessity as well for the baby

and other members of the family as well. It is important to realize that the United States is one of

the only developed countries where postpartum home visits are not covered by health insurances.

It should also be noted that we are the only high-income country that does not guarantee paid

leave to mothers after childbirth. Not only that, we don't guarantee paid leave to their partners

after childbirth as well.

There is a wide range of complications that can occur during a woman's pregnancy, and

these complications are what lead to it being so common for women to die at this point in time

during the pregnancy and in the new parenting experience. A woman may experience

hemorrhaging following the birth of her child. Hemorrhaging is defined as excessive bleeding
after giving birth or infection that occurs after the delivery, and within this postpartum period, it

is one of the most dangerous things that can happen for a woman, and it often results in her

death. A stroke can also happen to them, as well as pulmonary embolism which means that

when blood is clots in the lungs, they are unable to get oxygen. As the list goes on, a few of the

conditions that are listed include cardiomyopathy, pulmonary embolism, depression, anxiety, and

substance abuse disorders. They also have cardiac and pulmonary fibrosis as well.

According to the most common definitions throughout all of the developed countries, the

postnatal period lasts for 40 days. It is important to know that the period following birth is

characterized by a number of special customs, including a special diet, isolation, relaxation, and

assistance for the mother. What seems to be the biggest problem for every country when it comes

to their approach to the moms recovery? Mental health, it is important to focus on the mental

health of new mothers, as postpartum depression is well acknowledged, however, this condition

involves so much more than just sadness. Mental illness is one of the most stigmatized problems

that exists in all nations, and we don't take it seriously enough, which is a huge problem. There

are a few places that treat new parents better even during the birth process, but overall, they still

lack the concept of "mother the mother".


Editors, P. (2005, October 3). Birth customs around the world. Parents. Retrieved

November 14, 2022, from


Maternal mortality and maternity care in the United States compared to 10 other

developed countries. Maternal Mortality Maternity Care US Compared 10 Other Countries

| Commonwealth Fund. (2020, November 18). Retrieved November 14, 2022, from


Nargund, G. (2009). Declining birth rate in developed countries: A radical policy re-think

is required. Facts, views & vision in ObGyn. Retrieved November 14, 2022, from

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