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Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr.

Bayou Chane; April 2012


Gravity dams resist the action of forces imposed on them by their dead weight.

6.1 Forces Acting on Gravity Dams

Consider the section of a gravity dam given in Fig. 5-1.



F’H H’
FU Toe

B ≈ {0.75 – 0.80)H

Water pressure

(a) External water pressure force

FH = Horizontal component of hydrostatic force, acting along a line ⅓H

above the base
= ½ γ W H2
γ W = unit weight of water (= 1 t/ m3)
FV = vertical component of hydrostatic pressure
= weight of fluid mass vertically above the upstream face acting through
the center of gravity of the mass

(b) Internal water pressure

The internal water pressure acting on the base of the dam and possibly within the
masonry itself produces uplift. The effect of the uplift is to produce a reduction in the
effective weight of the structure.

There are two elements of uplift:

- Hydrostatic pressure of water at a point

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

- The percentage C of the area on which the hydrostatic pressure acts

(i) Hydrostatic pressure

h1 h1

h2 h2

γwh1 γwh2

When flow from upstream to
downstream face is allowed With upstream effective cut-off

h1 h1

γwh2 γwh2
With upstream effective cut-off With an intermediate cut-off

In practice dams are usually provided with cut-off walls or grout curtains (to reduce
seepage) and drain (to relieve pressure downstream from the cut-off). Actually, cut-off
and grout curtains may not be perfectly tight and hence fail to dissipate the head (h 1 –
h 2 ).

Usually a distribution like 1-2-3-4 is used with 3-4 a straight line (see Fig.).

Intensity Factor, ζ = (Uplift pressure intensity with cutoff provided) / (Uplift pressure
intensity without cutoff)

Opinions about the value of ζ are varied. Modern tendency is to take:

ζ = 0.85 (for normal loading cases)
ζ = 1.00 (for exceptional loading cases like earthquakes).

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

1-2-3-7: Perfectly tight cut-off

1-2-3-4: Less tight cut-off
1-2-5-6-4: Cut-off and drain
1-2-3-8: No cut-off and drain

Drain h2
1 2
6 3
7 5
γwh1 ζγwh1

(ii) Uplift area

If the base of the dam is completely lifted from the foundation, the uplift pressure acts on
the whole base area. However, in reality, the dam rests on the foundation, even if partly.
Values suggested for area factor are:
C = 0.25 to 0.40 (Henry)
C = 1.00 (Maurice Levy)
C = 0.95 to 1.00 (Terzaghi)

Hence, under all conditions, the value C = 1.00 is recommended.

6.1.1 Weight of dam

The weight of the dam/m length is its x-sectional area multiplied by the unit weight of

The unit weight of concrete γ c depends upon the ingredients. Hence, a careful analysis of
the available concrete materials should be made and core samples from already casted
concrete taken to arrive at a reasonable value of γ c . Then, revise statical computation if
need be.

For preliminary design purposes, use γ c = 2.4 t/m3 (= 24 KN/ m3)

6.1.2 Earth and silt pressure

Earth pressures resulting from backfilled foundation trench act both on the upstream and
downstream faces. Such pressures, being of minor effects, are neglected in design.

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Silt carried by the stream is deposited in the reservoir. Sluices that are periodically
flushed limit the depth of such deposits. Thus, pressure exerted by silt on storage dams is
usually neglected. However, for diversion dams, silt pressure can be the major pressure

γ (S S − 1) h2S
FS ≈
2 W
1 1 − sin φ
FS ≈ γ ss h2S
2 1 + sin φ
where h s = depth of silt and water mixture
S s = specific gravity of silt deposit
γ ss = submerged unit weight of silt deposit
S s ≈ 1.5
h S = depth of material
Ф = angle of internal friction of silt deposit
Vertical component is neglected.

According to Indian Standard code (IS 6512):

γ ss = 13.60 KN/m3 (for horizontal silt and water pressure)
γ ss = 19.25 KN/m3 (for vertical silt and water pressure)

6.1.3 Wind pressure

When the dam is full, wind will act only on the downstream face, thus, contributing to
stability. When the dam is empty, wind can act on the upstream face, but the pressure is
small compared to the hydraulic pressure of the water. Hence for gravity dams, wind is
not considered. For buttress dams, wind load on the exposed buttresses has to be

6.1.4 Wave pressure and wave height

Wave exerts pressure on the upstream face. This pressure force depends on fetch (extent
of the water surface on which the water blows) and wind velocity.

According to Molitor:
(For F < 32 km )
1 1
hW = 0.763 + 0.032 ( FV ) − 0.271 ( F )
2 4

(For F ≥ 32 km )
hW = 0.032 ( FV )

where h w - in meters
V - in km/hr and
F - in km

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Still water level


Water waver

Unobstructed Obstructed
wave wave

⅔ hw 1⅓ hw
Still water hw ⅜ hw
level 1/8 hw
⅓ hw


pressure diagram

pw = 2.4 γ w h w (Maximum unit pressure)

F WA = 2.0 γ w h w (= Area of the pressure diagram)

For high dams, the wave pressure is small

compared to other forces. Dam
≈ 1.5 hw
The wave rides up higher on inclined dam faces.

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

6.1.5 Earthquake forces

Earthquake results in both vertical and horizontal accelerations resulting in additional

inertial forces of both masonry and water.

Reservoir full Reservoir empty


Direction of
Earthquake forces should be applied in a direction resulting in the least stable structure.
For arch dams the most unfavorable direction of vibration is in the transverse direction
across the stream.

Vertical accelerations change the weight of the masonry and the water.

Inertia force of dam body:

p = ma = αg = αW Reservoir full
e g
where P e = inertia force of the dam body pe1
W = weight of section considered pe2
a = acceleration of earthquake
α = seismic coefficient or earthquake h1
factor (= a/g) pe4

P e acts through the center of gravity of the dam body.

Value of α for some places:

Europe , α = 0.10
Greece, α = 0.20
Japan, α = 0.30

Resonance: It results when the periods of vibration of the structure and earthquake are
equal. For an empty concrete gravity dam of triangular x-section,

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

E = 14000 KPa = 14 MPa

Westergeard estimated time of vibration in seconds as

T 0 = 0.00164

For H = 500 m and B = 375 m, T0 = 1.09 sec. Vibration of important earthquakes are in
the order of magnitude of 1 sec. Thus, resonance is not of serious concern for dams, say,
of H < 400 m.

Inertia force of water body:

For vertical dam faces,

P y = k α γ w H .y

2 FQWy
F Qwy = α γ w y H .y H y
where k” = earthquake factor for 0.4y
the water body. py
k =

 H 
1 − 7.75  
 100 T 

where T = period of earthquake in seconds,

γw = in t/m3,
H, y = in meters

The force acts at 0.4y from the dam joint being considered.

For inclined upstream face of dam:

P y = k α γ w H . y cos φ

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

6.1.6 Reaction of the foundation

The foundation should provide the FV1

required reaction to the resultant force
for the dam to be stable.
R z
' ''
p, p = A ± I
M c∑W h1

∑W ± 6 ∑ (W e) ΣH
B 2
y FH2
B y
∑W 1 ± 6 e  p ” p'
B  B  e

where B = width of the base of the

dam section
c = distance from the centroid B
of the base area to the
point at which the
stress is determined
∑ +
e = eccentricity = M VCG M HCG
ΣW = sum of vertical forces including uplift
M VCG = moment of vertical forces about the CG
M HCG = moment of horizontal forces about the CG

If e = B/6:
Reservoir full Reservoir empty

2∑ W
p" = 0 p' = = p" p" = 0

6.2 Requirements for stability

A masonry or plain concrete dam must be free from tensile stress, i.e., neither p’ nor
p” shall be negative.

e ≤ B/6 (Law of the Middle Third).

To limit compressive stress within the dam body, use:

p', p” if uplift always acts to the fullest extent.

p v ’, p v ” if uplift does not act always.

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

B/6 B/6
B/3 B/3 B/3 p"
P”v p’ p'v
Middle Third p”u

6.3 Horizontal foundation reaction B

Horizontal forces must be resisted both by shear and friction in the dam joint or in the

6.4 Rules Governing the Design of Gravity Dams

Rule1: Location of the resultant

No tension in any joint of the dam under all loading conditions (i. e., for full and empty
reservoir). Thus, resultant of all forces (including uplift) must intersect the joint within
the middle third.

Rule 2a: Resistance to sliding when shear is neglected

The tangent of the angle between the vertical and the resultant forces (including uplift
force) above any horizontal plane shall be less than the allowable coefficient of frictional
f of that plane.
∑P f ΣP
= tan θ ≤
∑W Sf
Table: Some values of f
Type of Surface Vale of f R
Masonry on masonry or masonry on
good rock or concrete on concrete 0.75
Concrete or masonry on gravel 0.50
Concrete or masonry on sand 0.40 ΣW
Concrete or masonry on clay 0.30

However, the value of f for specific cases should be obtained by test.

For empirical values of f, take factor of safety, S f = 2.

For foundation on earth, take S f = 3.

Rule 2b: Resistance to sliding when shear is considered

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

The total friction resistance to sliding on any joint plus the ultimate shearing strength of
the joint, must exceed the total horizontal force above the joint by a safe margin, i. e.,

f ∑ W + r. S a . A
S Sf
where S a = ultimate shearing strength of material
S sf = shear-friction factor of safety
A = cross-sectional area of joint
r = ratio of average to maximum shearing strength

Recommended values:

S sf = 5, r = 0.5
r x S a = 200 to500 t/m2

In analyzing resistance to sliding, first compute tanθ and if tanθ > f, apply Rule 2b. In
that case, S sf should equal or exceed the allowable value.

Rule 3: Governing compressive stresses

p v ’ or p v ” (maximum vertical stresses) are not the maximum stresses in the structure. The
maximum stresses occur at the end joints, on inclined planes, normal to the face of the

Maximum stress for downstream face, reservoir full:

' '
pi = pv 1+ tan φ
Maximum stress for upstream face, reservoir empty:
pi = pv 1 + tan φ 
'' '' '' 2

The inclined compressive stresses in the dam and
foundation shall not exceed the allowable values.

Usual value for concrete:

Ultimate stress, σ' c = 1400 to 3100 t/m2 (after 28 days of curing)

Working stress, σ c = σ' c /6

For foundation materials, some indications for allowable stress are:

Limestone rock ------ 200 to 350 t/m2

Granite rock ------ 250 to 300 t/m2

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Rule 4: Governing internal tension

The dam shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to avoid or adequately
provide for tension on interior planes: inclined, vertical or horizontal.

Rule 5: Margin of safety

All assumptions of forces acting on the dam shall be unquestionably on the safe side; all
unit stresses adopted in design should provide an ample margin of safety against rupture
and the shear-factors shall be considered.

Rule 6: Details of design and methods of construction

All details shall support and confirm to the assumptions used in design; masonry should
be of quality suited to the stresses adopted, protection against overflowing water shall be

6.5 Theoretical Versus Practical Section of a Dam

Considering only the two major forces acting on the dam, (i. e., weight of the dam and
the hydrostatic water pressure), the required section of the dam for its stability will be a
triangle of base width

s H

where H = depth of water

s = sp. gr. of concrete

For this section, the resultant will pass

through the upper middle third point of the
base when reservoir is empty and through H
the lower middle third point when the s
reservoir is full.


Reservoir empty Reservoir full

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Practical section:

- The pointed crest of the theoretical dam is unstable to resist shock due to floating
- There is need for a free board
- There is also need for top width for a roadway

For a practical section:

- Crest of the dam shall be a certain thickness depending on the height of the dam.
For non-overflow dams, most economical crest width≈14 % of the height (10 –
15 %) is normal.
- Free board is provided and usually 3 – 4 % of the dam height is used as a
maximum height of the free board.

tan φ ' =
γ c − 0.5cζ γ w

For high dams ϕ’

For low dams

Heel Toe

6.6 Design Procedure of Gravity Dams

There are two procedures of design – multiple-step method and single-step method.

6.6.1 Multiple-step method

This method deals with designing the dam joint by joint (block by block) beginning at the
top and making each joint confirm to all gravity dam design rules. This procedure results
in dams with polygonal face that may be smoothened up for appearance with no
appreciable change in stability or economy. The multiple-step method is always used for
the final design of dams with a height that does not encroach greatly on Zone V.

Zoning of high non-overflow dams:

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

A high gravity dam may be divided into seven zones according to design and stability
requirements. The characteristics and limits of these zones are given below.

Zone I: This is a rectangular section from the top of the dam to the water surface. The
resultant passes through the middle point of the base.

Zone II: This is also a rectangular section and extends to a depth where the resultant in
the reservoir full condition reaches the outer middle third point of the base.

Zone III: Upstream face of the dam is vertical but the downstream face is gradually
inclined so that the resultant in the reservoir full condition lies exactly at the
outer middle third point of the base. This zone extends to a depth where the
resultant in the reservoir empty condition reaches the inner middle third point
of the base.

Zone IV: In this zone both the upstream and downstream faces are inclined so that the
resultants both in the reservoir full and empty conditions lie at the middle
third points. The zone extends to a point where maximum permissible
compressive stress is reached at the toe of the dam.

Zone V: The slope of the downstream face is further increased to keep the stresses
within permissible limits. Resultant in the reservoir full condition is kept
within the middle third section. The resultant in the reservoir empty condition
follows the upper middle third section. This zone extends to a depth where the
stress at the heel of the section reaches the permissible limits in the reservoir
empty case.

Zone VI: The slope of the upstream face is rapidly increased so as to keep the stress at
the heel within the permissible limits in the reservoir empty condition. The
resultants in both conditions lie within the middle third section. This zone
extends to a point where the slope of the downstream face reaches 1:1. This
normally happens when the dam is 80 to 90 meters high.

Zone VII: It is better to avoid this zone. If one reaches this zone during design, it is
better to start again with a fresh design with increased crest width and/or
better quality concrete.

Zoning of overflow dams (spillways):

Zone I: The resultant in the reservoir full condition is out side the middle third point –
both horizontal and vertical forces exist. End of Zone I is at a depth where
resultant intersects downstream middle third point. Upstream face needs
reinforcement to take tension.

Zone Ia: This is the zone below Zone I. The end of Zone Ia is established by the plane
where only friction is sufficient to resist sliding.

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Zone II: Similar to Zone II of non-overflow dam with the only difference that the
downstream face is inclined in overflow dams. The rest of the zones are
similar to those of non-overflow dams.

Design example

Design a non-overflow dam by the multiple-step method using the following data.

Item Value Item Value

H max 60m (depth of headwater) ζ 0.5

he 3m (spillway crest to MWL) C 1
Tail water None σ' c 2940 t/ m2
γc 2.4 t/m3 F 6.4 Km (Fetch)
γw 1 t/m3 V 128 km/hr
f 0.75 Top width 7.5m (assumed)
Sa 560 t/m2 (Ultimate shear resistance Earthquake and Ignored
for concrete and rock for all joints) silt pressure
S sf 5

Zone I: Free board

Determine wave height.

hw = 0.76 + 0.032 (VF)½ - 0.26 (F)¼

= 0.76 + 0.032 (128 x 6.4)½ - 0.26 (6.4)¼ = 1.26 m

Rise of wave = 1.33 h w =1.33 x 1.26 = 1.68 m

With an allowance of 0.12 m, free board = 1.64 + 0.12 = 1.80 m =ZONE I

F WA = 2.0 γ w h w 2 = 2.0 x 1 x 1.262 ≈ 3.2 t/m

Point of application = 3/8 x1.26 = 0.47 m above still water level

7.5 m

Zone I

Zone II h

h 0.5h

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Zone II: For Zone II moments are taken about downstream middle third.

Description and Forces

Line Item dimensions (t) Lever Moment (t-m)
Horizontal Vertical (m)
1 W0 Zone I: 7.5x0.6x2.4 ---------- 10.8 1.25 13.5
2 W1 Zone II: 7.5xhx2.4 ---------- 18h 1.25 22.5h
3 WU Uplift: (1/2)7.5x0.5hx1 ---------- - 1.875h 2.5 - 4.7h
4 FH Water pressure: (1/2)h2 h2/2 ----------- h/3 - h3/6
5 F WA Wave action 3.1 ----------- 0.45 + h - (1.4 + 3.1h)
6 After finding the value
Σ of h 50.6 168.3 ------------ ---------------

M = 13.5 + 22.5h – 4.7h - h3/6 – 3.1h - 1.4 = 0

167h3 – 14.7h - 12.1 = 0

By trial, h = 9.75 m

Substituting h: ΣV = 10.8 + 18x9.75 – 1.875x 9.75 = 168.3 t

ΣH = 9.752/2 + 3.1 = 50.6 t

Check for sliding:

∑H 50.6
tan θ = = = 0.3 < 0.75, ( Safe)
∑ V 168.3
Friction alone is sufficient.

Check for stresses:

∑W 2∑ W 2(168.3)
PV = (1 + 6Be ) = = = 45 t / m2
Reservoir full:
B B 7.5

P v ’’ = 0, σ allow = fc’/6 ≈ 500 t/m2,>> 45 t/m2 (Safe)

∑ V 10.8 + 18(9.75)
Reservoir empty: = = 25 t / m2 << 500 t / m2 ( Safe)
Bx1 7.5 x1

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Zone III – Block 1:

h0 = 9.75 m, ∆h = 2.25 m, h = 12 m, B0 = 7.5 m



B 3

Line Item Description and dimensions (t) Lever Moment (t-m)
Horiz. Vertical (m)
1 W0 Zone I and II:
(0.60 + 9.75)x7.5x2.4 --- 18h 3.75 700
2 W1 Zone III: 7.5xΔhx2.4 --- 40.6 3.75 153
3 Trial 1: ∆B d = 0.9, B = 7.5 + 0.9 = 8.4, B/3 = 2.80, 2B/3 =5.60
4 W2 0.5x2.25x0.9x2.4 --- 2.43 7.8 19
5 Total Reservoir empty --- 229.23 (3.8) 872
6 WU 0.5x0.5x12x8.4x1 --- -25.2 2.8 -70.6
7 FH (1/2)x122 72 --- 4 288
8 F WA 3.1 3.1 --- 12.45 38.6
9 Total Reservoir full --- 204.03 (5.5) 1128
10 Trial2: ∆B d = 0.84, B = 7.5 + 0.84 = 8.34, B/3 = 2.78, 2B/3 =5.56
11 W2 0.5x2.25x0.84x2.4 --- 2.27 7.78 17.65
12 WU 0.5x0.5x12x8.34x1 --- -25.02 2.78 -69.50
13 Total Reservoir empty --- 229.07 (3.81) 870.65
14 Total Reservoir full 75.1 204.07 (5.53) 1127.75
13 Total Reservoir empty --- 229.07 (3.81) 870.65
14 Total Reservoir full 75.1 204.07 (5.53) 1127.75

Check for sliding:

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

tan θ =
∑H =
= − 0.368 < 0.75, ( Safe)
∑V 204.07

No need to check for shear capacity. Friction alone is sufficient.

Check for stresses:

Reservoir full:

∑W 204.07 6 x1.35
PV , PV = (1 ± 6Be ) = (1 ± = 48.3 t / m2 and 0.74 t / m2
' ''
B 8.34 8.34

Reservoir empty:

∑W 229.07 6 x0.36
PV , PV = (1 ± )= (1 ± = 27.5(1 ± 0.26) = 34.8 t / m2 and 2.04 t / m2
' '' 6e
B 8.34 8.34

∆Bd 0.84
tan φ ' = = = 0.37
h' 2.25
Pi = PV = (1 + tan φ = 48.3(1 + 0.37 ) = 55 t / m , ( Safe)
' ' 2 ' 2 2

Continue with the design block by block until you arrive at the required dam height or the
limit of Zone III, whichever comes first. If the dam height could not be obtained in Zone
III, continue the design block by block in the remaining Zones by fulfilling the design
Zone IV – Block 1: h0 = 23 m, ∆h = 4 m, h = 27 m, B0 = 14.57 m

W0 h0
y” = 3

W3 W2

∆Bu ∆Bd
8.61 2B/3
Z” B

Z’ = 20.57
Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

Line Item Description and dimensions (t) Lever Moment (t-m)
Horiz. Vertical (m)
1 W0 Concrete above h = 23 m --- 523.30 7.88 4120.00
2 W1 4x14.57x2.4 --- 140.00 10.29 1440.00
3 W2 Trial 1: ∆B d = 3
0.5x3x4x2.4 --- 14.40 18.57 266.75
4 Total partial empty --- 677.70 8.59 5826.75
5 Estimation: 2B/3 = Z’ – 8.59 = 11.98; B/3 = 5.99, B = 17.97; ∆B u = B – (B 0 + ∆B d ) =
17.97 – 17.57 = 0.40, Z” + B/3 = 2.6 + 5.99 = 8.59; Z” + 2B/3 = 2.6 + 11.98 = 14.58
6 W3 0.5x0.4x4x2.4 --- 1.92 2.87 5.51
7 Total reservoir empty --- 679.92 (8.59) 5832.26
8 W4 25x0.4x1 --- 10.0- 2.8 28.00
9 Wu 0.5x(27x17.95)/2 --- 121.2 8.59 - 1041.00
10 FH 27 /2 364.5 --- 9.00 3280.50
11 F WA Wave action 3.1 --- 27.45 85.20
12 Total reservoir full --- 568.42 (14.40) 8184.96
13 W2 Trial 2: ∆B d = 2.9
0.5x2.9x4x2.4 --- 13.92 18.54 258.10
14 Total partial empty --- 677.22 (8.60) 5818.10

Line Item Description and dimensions (t) Lever Moment (t-m)
Horiz. Vertical (m)
15 Estimation: 2B/3 = 20.47 – 8.59 = 11.88; B/3 0 5.94, B = 17.82; ∆B u = B – (B 0 + ∆B d ) =
17.82 – 16.47 = 0.35, Z” + B/3 = 2.65 + 5.94 = 8.59; Z” + 2B/3 = 2.65 + 11.88 = 14.53
16 W3 0.5x0.35x4x2.4 --- 1.68 2.88 4.86
17 Total reservoir empty --- 678.90 (8.59) 5822.96
18 W4 25x0.35x1 --- 8.75 2.82 24.65
19 Wu 0.5x1x17.82x27x0.5 --- - 120.3 8.59 - 1032.00
20 Total reservoir full 367.6 567.35 (14.41) 8181.31

Note: The outer middle third point is at 14.53 m, but the resultant for reservoir full
passes at 14.41 m. Thus, the section is larger than the minimum section required
to avoid tension at the joint (i.e., the section is not economical and the value of
∆B d has to be reduced further.

However, stresses will be checked assuming the section obtained is optimum.

Check for sliding

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

∑H 367.6
tan θ = = = 0.65 < 0.75, ( Safe)
∑ V 567.35
Friction alone is sufficient.

Check for stresses

Reservoir full:

P v' =
1 + 6e =
∑ 567.35
( )
1 + 6 x 2.85 = 31.9 x1.9645 = 62.5 t / m 2
P"v = 0

Pi' = P v' (1 + tan φ ') = 62.5(1 + 0.525) = 95.5 t / m2

σ allow = fc’/6 ≈ 500 t/m2 >> 95.5 t/m2 (Safe!)

Reservoir empty:

P"v =
1 − 6e =
∑ 678.90
( )
1 + 6 x 2.97 = 38 x 2 = 76 t / m 2

P v' = 0

P"i = P"v (1 + tan φ ") = 76(1 + 0.0875) = 82.65 << 500 t / m 2 (Safe!)
Continue with the design block by block until you arrive at the required dam height or the
limit of Zone IV, whichever comes first. If the dam height could not be obtained in Zone
IV, continue the design block by block in the remaining Zones by fulfilling the design

6.6.2 Single-step Method

This method considers the whole dam as a single block. It is used for final design of very
high dams that extend well beyond Zone V. It can also be used with an accuracy of 2 to 4
% on the safe side; for preliminary designs to obtain the area of the maximum section of
the dam.

The dam designed by single-step method has a straight downstream face. When extended
it intersects upstream face at the headwater surface.

Consider the sketch given below:

L = 10 – 15 % of h 2
H 10 = 3L (when earthquake is considered)
= 2L (when earthquake is not considered)
H6 = 1.33L

Department of Civil Engineering; CEng 3602 – Hydraulic Structures I; Instructor: Dr. Bayou Chane; April 2012

When designing (analyzing) a dam by the single-step method, the dam is considered as a
single block and base dimensions are determined in such a way that rules of Zone IV are

A h7
h10 1

0.75 h4
h5 C

ϕ” D ϕ’ h4

x y ζγwh4

ζγwh2 Wu


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