Impact of ICT On Tertiary Education Quality in Nigeria Jibrilla Hamza Modibbo and Mary Opeyemi Fashola

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IAA Journal of Applied Sciences 8(1):147-154, 2022. ISSN: 2636-7246
The Impact of ICT on Economic Growth in Nigeria
Jibrilla Hamza Modibbo and Mary Opeyemi Fashola
General Studies Department, Federal Polytechnics Mubi. Adamawa State, Nigeria.

Economic drivers of most developed and developing nations are believed to be anchored
on their population growth, GDP per capita, inflation rate and most importantly ICT. This
study examines these drivers for the Nigerian economy using secondary data obtained
from World Bank and subjecting the data to Regression Analysis. Data gathered ranged
from 2008 to 2020 and Eviews is used for the analysis using Regression as the test tool.
The result reveals that increased inflation, population growth and GDP per capita have
negative effects on the number of Internet Users thereby affecting the economic growth
of the country. The study proffers recommendations that the Federal Government of
Nigeria can adopt to enhance ICT in Nigeria for its economic growth which include
enhanced funding and the development of an ICT master plan for the Nigerian State.
Keywords: Economic Growth, ICT, Population Growth, ICT Index and Inflation.

Information Communication sustainable development [12, 13].
Technologies (ICT) can be described as Recently, ICT is believed to foster
an electronic means of capturing, sustainable long-term growth as a
processing, storing and communicating production technology through carefully
information [1,2]. ICT may be computer designed ICT systems (Alani, 2012). The
hardware, software, and networks and principal function of ICT is in enabling
includes intermediate technologies like humans, governments and organizations
radio and television, literate to transform information into knowledge
technologies like books and newspapers as a strong driver in evolving lasting
and organic technologies based on change in the economy and society [14,
human body like brain and sound waves 15, 16].
[3,4,5]. In addition, ICT could be referred The role of ICT in economic growth has a
to as Information Technology (IT) that critical place in economic research;
lays emphasis on the function of the role although ICT has become an active area
of unified communications and the for investment because of its dwindling
harmonization telecommunications, cost of services and equipment most
which include computers telephone lines especially with the innovation of cloud
and wireless signals, as well as necessary computing and the investment into ICT
applications software, storage, and which includes computers and their
audio-visual systems, which enable users peripherals, software, and
to process information [6,7,8]. Studies telecommunications devices [17, 18, 19].
carried out, and still ongoing suggest Countries which comprise of the private
that innovation and technology are the and public-sector investors have
main indicators of improved economic invested in ICTs to improve their
growth realization in developed performance and to gain other benefits
countries (Villa, 2005) and there is a of ICTs thereby creating more jobs and
relationship between productivity information space for their citizens. It is
growth and technological progress pertinent to note that Worldwide ICT
[9,10,11]. The significance of ICTs in spending is expected to exceed $5.6T in
economic growth and development [20,21] and the amount of money spent
resulted from the fast growth of these on Information and Communication
technologies and their market in the Technology Research and Development
nineties. The world’s developed and (R&D) in the United States is expected to
developing countries started immensely reach 126 billion U.S. dollars and that of
to harness ICT for economic growth and other countries (Germany, Russia, China,

Modibbo and Fashola
India etc.) cumulatively is expected to in 2012 as against 10.43% in the second
reach 228 billion US dollars [22]. The quarter of 2018 [25,26]. This shows a
amount expended in the sector, reflects relatively contribution of the telecoms
the fact that the ICT sector contributes to industry to GDP resulting to economic
an economy by creating job growth. Furthermore, the Executive Vice
opportunities where this sector leads to Chairman of NCC, Prof Umar Dambatta of
create new job positions in the ICT Nigeria revealed that the ICT sector
production sector or ICT providing contributed N500 billion to the Nigerian
services. In Nigeria, for example ICT economy in 2014 and created about 2.5
sector has created thousands of jobs million jobs in 10 years and attracted $30
directly and indirectly. The Director- billion foreign investment between 2003
General of NITDA, Dr. Isa Ibrahim to 2014 [27]. The revolution of ICT in
categorically stated that Nigeria has been developing countries is expanding and
spending $2.8Billion annually for the spreading giving the hope for these
importation of various ICT products and countries to achieve technological
services [22,23]. advances that contribute in advancing
and developing their economies [21].
A survey carried out by the International Nigeria not being an exception has
Telecommunication Union [23,24] states benefitted from ICT in the areas of
that Nigeria has high population density banking, fight against terrorism, e-
and the sector of wires and wireless governance and human resource
communication is considered as the development. Nigeria being a developing
main sector that creates job positions country is in need of radical change in
especially the mobile phone sector. governance and this can only be achieved
Furthermore, in September, 2018, a by reengineering existing governance
survey carried out by the Nigerian processes with the help of ICT. The uses
Communication Commission (NCC) of ICT can lead the nation to overall
revealed that the contribution of the economic growth/development.
Telecoms Industry to GDP was rated 7.7%
Objective of the Study
The major objective of the study is Nigeria by evaluating the number of
evaluating the impact of ICT on the internet users in the country as a factor
Nigerian economy. This study examines of population, GDP per capita and the
the role of ICT in enhancing growth in inflation rate.
Significance of the Study

World leading powers have shown yearly number of internet users should provide
increase on the amount of money spent an avenue for Nigeria to adopt/provide
on ICT because these world powers have ICT services that enhance
realized the role ICT plays in stabilising communication with other countries.
and promoting their economies and this This study will present the effect of ICT
role reflected on the GDP in such on economic growth of the Nigerian
countries. Nigeria exited from recession economy considering that Nigeria is a
but Nigeria is still under abject poverty, developing country despite its various
threat and the large population of its challenges.
youth not employed [7]. The increasing
Literature Review
[5] examined how the drivers of growth of Arab 18 (eighteen) nations with
economic growth can be categorized the effect was tested using Econometric
under the following; Information and analysis. The research revealed an
communication technology (ICT), outcome which suggested that ICT and
population growth, gross capital other suggested factors affect the 18
formation, openness and inflation in Arab nations’ economic growth.
developing countries and used Arab Although, inflation had a negative effect
countries as a case study. They examined on economic growth for 18 Arab nations.
within the scope of 1995-2013 the effect [8], reviewed the growth benefits that the
of the suggested factors on the economic ICT sector has provided and its impact on

Modibbo and Fashola
the Nigerian economy and postulated [15], postulated that the Information and
that the growth rate as an apparatus to Communication Technologies (ICTs) play
the progression of economies of a major role in economic growth and
emerging countries like Nigeria in the economic development of India. He
21st century. ICT and ICT related examined and analyzed how ICT has
facilities aid in the development of driven economic growth of India. More
markets, decrease in transaction costs so, secondary data was to draw
and increased productivity and conclusion on data sourced collected
management in both public and private from numerous statistical report and
sectors of the Nigeria economy. They government websites. Findings showed
postulated the numerous impacts of ICT an assessment of sectors of the IT
in the four major sectors of the Nigerian industry and its effect on the economy.
economy, suggesting the prospects of [14], reviewed the notion of Information
the wireless technology platform in and Communication Technology (ICT)
fostering economic and social impact for and its effects on the Nigerian economy.
the populace. They further postulated with focus on
the pros and cons of ICT in economic
[12], reviewed long run effect of ICT on advancement as well as
economic growth in the Sub-Saharan recommendations geared towards
African (SSA) region. The analysis of the harnessing ICT for the overall
impact of ICTs use was assessed for a 27- development of the socioeconomic and
year period (1990-2014), before the political status of Nigeria. Their study
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) revealed that for Nigeria to be socially,
era (1990-1999) and during the MDGs era politically and economically competitive,
(2000- 2014). The nonlinear effect of ICT Nigeria has to adopt ICT in areas of
in the economic growth and their politics, health, business, education,
threshold values were also examined. poverty reduction and national security.
The research showed that mobile phone They further postulated that Nigeria
and internet were found to have direct its focus on positive development,
triggered economic growth. The results implementation and access of ICT to its
indicated that, except for financial populace.
development, human capital,
institutional quality and domestic [5], investigated the major roles that ICT
investment were the main growth can contribute in enhancing the
enhancing transmission channels of ICTs economies of rural areas in emerging
use in the economy. [8], postulated that countries, with its main focus on rural
Information and Communication areas. They further postulated that in the
Technology (ICT) is a tool that is capable last ten years, because of the quick
of enforcing sustainable economic and spread of mobile phones, ICT has had a
social development in the society. They great impact on the economic
further stated that the resultant effect of development by enhancing the business
ICT adoption can be seen in various activities of rural areas. ICT has provided
sector in Nigeria. Such sectors include, e- access to information for the market men
banking, telemedicine, e-learning, tele- and women with financial services at the
commuting, the use of ICT enhances the doorsteps of rural consumers and helped
possibilities of developing countries to in the exchange of business know-how
improve the standard of living thus and thereby linking themselves. They
promoting media networks, security, also proffered practicable solutions in
medical practitioners, governance, the disparity between the drivers of
safety, agriculture producers, research technology and the inherent
institutions, financial organizations, and beneficiaries in rural areas of developing
small business enterprises. They countries and also the opportunities
suggested possible ways to achieve ICT generated as a result of convergence of
growth in Nigeria which include Human ICTs. Their study revealed that the
Resource Development, infrastructure provision of a less expansion and
development, Research and efficient tools for providing cheap and
Development and Electronic efficient tools for access to information
Government. and exchange of ideas and knowledge
will serve as an enhancement tool for

Modibbo and Fashola
greater socioeconomic improvement and
ICT could assist in knowledge sharing
and information exchange.
Challenges of ICT in Nigeria
ICT which is the economic driver for the amount spent on ICT to foster
most developed economy has been economic growth.
identified as the key player in d) Low ICT Literacy Level and Lack of
economic/sustainable growth. The trained ICT Personnel- The low
following are the challenges of ICT in ICT literacy level of personnel in
Nigeria. the country has slowed down
economic growth, FGN needs to
a) . Inadequate ICT policy enforcing introduce the practical use of ICT
the use/adoption of ICT driven services in Nigeria by establishing
services- there are no adequate ICT internet driven centers with
rules in place to ensure the safe trained Personnel in every state of
use/adoption of ICT services in the Federation and the practical
the Nigerian State, while sectors use of ICT in primary to tertiary
like the banking sector fully adopt institutions. This will encourage
ICT in the execution of its persons who cannot afford
services, other sectors are yet to internet services the opportunity
fully adopt the use of ICT services to enhance his/her skills in such
in its service e.g. education and area.
tourism sectors. e) User Acceptance- since people
b) High Cost of ICTs Equipment in have not been enlightened on the
Nigeria- the exorbitant cost of ICT need to drive ICT with services,
equipment in Nigeria is a major they find it difficult to accept ICT
challenge of ICT growth in because of the fear of losing their
Nigeria. The Federal Government jobs, so they frustrate whatever
of Nigeria (FGN) should has not services that ICT can drive. f.
adequately protected the ICT Inadequate synergy between
sector through price control and Nigeria and other ICT driven
the ensuring the standardization developed Nations on the
of important ICT goods/services. transfer/adoption of ICT
c) Inadequate funding of the ICT knowledge to Nigeria- there is no
sector- According to [8], the cooperation between Nigeria and
amount of money been spent on other ICT developed economies,
ICT (Research and Development) this has led to poor transfer of ICT
in Nigeria is on the low side, knowledge, without this transfer
therefore for the pursuance of of ideas, and Nigeria cannot
economic growth through ICT, the enhance her ICT
FGN needs to urgently increase skills/knowledge.

The study adopts Eviews to analyse the study to ascertain the role ICT has played
indicators (sourced from World Bank) of in the enhancement of economic growth
the Nigerian economy which include in Nigeria. The study has ascertain
GDP, GDP per capital, inflation rate, whether or not the progression or
internet users, population, and retrogression of ICT will enhance
thereafter draw recommendation from economic growth. This has been
the findings of the study. The indicators achieved by running a Regression
of the Nigerian economy from the year analysis on the economic indicators
2008 to the year 2020 will enable this below.

The study adopts regression for statistical procedures used for

estimating the relationship between data estimating the relationships among
source from the World Bank, more so variables used for predictions and
regression analysis is a group of forecasting. The table below present’s

Modibbo and Fashola
data sourced on the indicators of the The above model depict GDP per capita,
Nigerian economy. Inflation rate (%), population and internet
users between 2008 and 2020. There is a
The study hypothesized that ICT has a clear indication that the number of
significant impact on the gross domestic internet Users have increased, which
product of Nigeria. The model proxies implies that ICT services can be deployed
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the to drive activities in the country,
endogenous variable to measure the although it should be noted that as of
trend of Nigeria’s economic growth while 2017, the number of internet users does
ICT users (ICTU), Population growth not reflect up-to 20% of the country’s
(PPG), and Inflation rate (INF) represent population. There was a sharp increase
the exogenous variables. This study on the inflation rate from the year 2015,
adopts a modified Ouedraogo (2015) which implies increased cost of goods
model that was developed by Brambor, and services. In 2017, the GDP per capita
Clark, and Golder (2006) as specified: increased significantly which, implies a
GDPit = α1 ICTUit + α2 PPGit + α3 INFit + εit growth on the economy.

Table 2

ARDL(1,0,1,0) Equilibrating Short Run Dynamics

(1) (2) (3)
Dependent Variable: 𝑙𝑛𝐺𝐷𝑃
Constant 0.534 4.195∗
(1.205) (9.279
𝑙𝑛𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑡−1 0.873∗∗∗
𝑙𝑛𝐼𝐶𝑇𝑈 0.050∗∗ 0.395∗
(0.022) (0.224)
𝑙𝑛𝑃𝑃𝐺 0.029 0.553∗∗
(0.023) (0.196)
𝑙𝑛𝑃𝑃𝐺𝑡−1 0.041∗
𝑙𝑛𝐼𝑁𝐹 0.033∗∗ 0.260∗∗
(0.016) (0.118)
𝐸𝐶𝑀𝑡−1 −0.127∗∗∗
Adjusted 𝑅2 0.99 0.367
Observations 32 33 33
F-Bounds Test: F-Statistic 6.823
Critical Value (3.670)
Significance level [0.05]
Serial Correlation Test 0.616
Heteroskedasticity Test 4.056
Note: *, ** & *** represent 10%, 5% & 1% significant levels.

The Summary table above depicts the can be reflected as one measure of the
values of the R, R2, adjusted R2 and the quality of the prediction of the
standard error of the estimate, the above dependent variable (Population), in this
values can be used to determine how well case a value of 0.99, which implies a
a regression model fits the data. More so, good level of prediction. The "R Square"
the "R" column signifies multiple column depicts the R2 value (coefficient
correlation coefficient. The value of R of determination), which is the

Modibbo and Fashola
proportion of variance in the dependent our value of 0.873 that our independent
variable that can be explained by the variables explain 87.3% of the variability
independent variables. One can see from of our dependent variable, Population.
Estimated Model Coefficients
The general form of the equation to extracted from the Coefficients table, as
predict Internet-Users from Population, shown above. Also, the "Sig." column
Inflation, and GDP per capita is: shows that all independent variable
predicted Internet-Users = coefficients are statistically significantly
511870187.600 - (2053674.917 x different from 0 (zero) excluding
Inflation) - (7213427.284 x GDP) this is Population.
Findings from the regression showed decrease in “Internet users” by 2.510
that unstandardized coefficients signify Nigeria is ranked 157 in the Human
how much the dependent variable varies Development Index rating in the world,
with an independent variable when all findings showed that with a population
other independent variables are held of 190 million, only an estimated 25.67
constant. For the effect of inflation, the million people do have access to the
unstandardized coefficient, B1, for worldwide network [9]. Nigeria still has a
Inflation is equal to -2053674.917. This lot to do to stand out in the rankings by
means that for each one-year increase in the United Nations to promote her
inflation, there is a decrease in “Internet Human Development Index (HDI), ICT
users” by 2053674.917. For the effect of which has helped countries like China,
GDP, the unstandardized coefficient, B1, USA and India can also be replicated in
for Inflation is equal to -7213427.284. Nigeria to promote her economic growth
This means that for each one-year thereby increasing its world ranking on
increase in GDP, there is a decrease in HDI. Also, the number of internet user’s
“Internet users” by 7213427.284. For the increase with increasing population and
effect of Population, the unstandardized decreasing cost of ICT infrastructure,
coefficient, B1, for population is equal to which implies that in the years to come
-2.510. This means that for each one-year ICT will provide sufficient jobs and
increase in population, there is a services to drive the Nigerian economy.
Information and communication world bank to predict the effect of
technology (ICT) activities are necessary Population, Inflation and GDP per capita
elements of any development activity in on the number of internet users in
this present age. The study reviewed the Nigeria. It was gathered that increasing
role of ICT has played in Economic inflation affects the number internet
Growth and used SPSS as a statistical tool users and a reduction in GDP per capita
and Regression as an analytical tool for also affects the number internet users.
the secondary data sourced from the
ICT in Nigeria has had a slow growth, as products and services which can be
a result this study proffers the following exported to other countries. 4. Develop
recommendations in order meet other an ICT master plan for Nigeria 5. Training
ICT driven developed economies. 1. The and retraining of Staff of the ICT
FGN should allocate more funds for the Regulation Agencies 6. Encourage youth
realization of an ICT driven Nigeria. 2. to go into ICT by creating an enabling
The provision of cheaper Internet facility environment. 7. Research on ICT driven
can be achieved with the collaboration economy with the collaboration of the
with the private sector Academics. 8. The application of ICT
(Telecommunication Companies) 3. services in all sectors of the country thus
Development of a knowledge base with promoting transparency and
developed ICT driven economies, thus accountability 9. Awareness/Provision of
the promotion of indigenous ICT ICT services in rural areas.
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