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Kias barangay is one of the 129 barangays of Baguio City.

It is located around ten

(10) kilometers southwest of downtown Baguio and can be easily reached by a 10-15 minute
jeepney ride passing by the Baguio City Export Processing Zone (BCEPZ) compound
overlooking the Loakan airstrip. The jeepney stop is right at the junction of Kias.

In early 1960s, Kias was an association named Neighborhood Association. Mr. Alejo
Benbenen the president and Mr. Martin Sagudin the Vice president efforts for water
requested fund from DILG, putting up a water tank in front of Texas Instrument. Water lines
of 1” G.I. pipe was laid out from that point to Purok IV now, but it could hardly supply the
few residents. Few elder-residents have to look for other higher sources. They found and
developed a source at the garden of Mr. Bagangan.

In the latest part of 1960s, Kias was proclaimed as a Barrio and Mrs. Florence C.
Pudlao was the first elected Barrio Captain. During her leadership, BCI donated two (2) tanks
and a manual pump.

In the middle part of 1970’s, the barrio officials led by Mrs. Florence C. Pudlao made
a resolution for a better pump thru DILG. They were able to get one and had replaced the
manual pump to a Diesel Run Pump that supplied water to the community by scheduled
time for their house use only. This is not sufficient until JVOFI came to rescue in 1986 with
paper works, memos thru the leadership of Mrs. Diaz and supported by elders.

Barangay Kias in early 1980s was composed of four puroks namely, Purok I, Purok 2,
Purok 3, and Purok 4. While there was no official count for the number of households,
about 150 households were estimated to be sparsely distributed in the puroks in 1986.

In 1986, JVOFI sent the late Mrs. Shirley Angway to talk to Mrs. Teresita Diaz if she
could contact the members of the Kias Barangay official and elders because JVOFI is willing
to give financial assistance for the Community Livelihood Project. During the meeting, the
community responded that “Kias is indeed suitable for Livelihood Projects such as hog
raising, backyard gardening and others.” However, insufficient water supply to support
these projects as well as the household needs of the community is the more urgent problem
that needs immediate funding support from JVOFI.

After series of meetings between the JVOFI and Kias elders, JVOFI finally approved
and decided to help Kias residents in their water problem without necessarily sacrificing the
Livelihood Thrust of the collaboration program. The concept of enabling the community to
implement the Livelihood Projects was a built-in component of the water system project.

The leaders were then instructed to prepare all necessary documents to register the
association to a proper government agency to legalize the operation of the water system
after meetings and series of seminars. The community elders were placed as incorporators,
and board of trustees. Mrs Diaz as the President, Mrs. Fernandez as the secretary, Mrs. De
Guzman as the treasurer, Mrs. Flores as the bookkeeper, Mr. Vicente Pangang-at as the
pump operator, and Mr. Sagudin as a water distributer were also put in place. Hence a
coop-type of organization was formed. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were also
prepared and on January 25, 1990, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the

In the meantime, Mrs. Diaz together with some of the barangay leaders met with
Col. Paraan who was the appointed OIC-Mayor of Baguio City and also a member of the
Board of Trustees of JVOFI. With his initiative, JVOFI approached the Baguio Water District
for their technical assistance and made arrangements for the purchase of all necessary
materials needed for the water system.

A project proposal was then designed and funded by the JVOFI Benguet Operations.
The technical assistance was then provided by the Baguio Water District and the community
on the other hand provided labor as their counterpart in the site development and is
responsible for the installation of pipes.

On July 10, 1987, the JVOFI, BWD and the Baguio City Government signed a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the construction, development and improvement of
the water system of Kias. JVOFI provided a fund amounting to Four hundred fifty three
thousand three hundred seven pesos (Php 453,307.00). The MOA was signed much later
than the actual start of the project in August 1986. Hence, it appeared that the internal
agreement between these parties was honored despite the absence of a formal agreement.

As revenues started coming in and problems on the distribution and maintenance

cropped up, the need to clarify rules and to define responsibilities of the parties involved
become very essential. Hence, in May 1988 another MOA was entered into by and among
JVOFI, BWD, and WCAK wherein 75% of the revenue is for WCAK as trust fund and to be
kept by JVOFI and the remaining 25% of the revenue is for BWD for their technical
assistance in maintenance and operation of the water system.

Latest part of 1992, the association experienced a leadership vacuum when the
president, Mrs. Diaz left for abroad. She appointed Engr. Aquintey the chairman of the
Board of Directors to take over the responsibility to act as manager. Again, after few
months of assuming as a manager of the association, Mr. Aquintey has to leave for South
Mindanao to work. He just sent a letter to Mrs. Florence Pudlao to assume the
responsibility of the association. As one of the Board of Director, she tried to contact the
rest of the Board of Directors regarding the vacant office but none wanted to take over as
there was no honorarium. So she was forced to assume the office as president.

In the early 1993, Mrs. Pudlao took over the responsibility as WCAK project
manager. As a project manager, she called for a meeting with Mr. Pangang-at, Mr. Sagudin
and the rest of the elders. This is to discuss about the vacant office of a secretary and
treasurer as the members of the management staff resigned. With series of meetings,
nobody wants to assume the vacant office. The elders together with Mr. Pangang-at and
Mr. Sagudin suggested to Mrs. Pudlao to appoint whoever is capable to do the job. So she
appointed Mrs. Catherine M. Quinacman as a secretary and Mrs. Francie U. Alisto as a
treasurer. Mrs. Maribel Pasngadan, the previous bookkeeper continued her responsibility
to the association. After completing the set of management staff, Mrs. Pudlao submitted it
to JVOFI for approval. And on the same year, during the General Assembly meeting, the
General Assembly approved the new set of management staff.

In March 1993, the pump is not functioning so BWD technicians were requested to
come and repair the said pump. They suggested purchasing another pump as the first pump
can no longer be repaired. There was chaos among members for water supply due to the
irreparable pump.

The management staff has to march every now and then to JVOFI’s office at Carantes
St. For replacement but were answered negatively. Mrs. Pudlao called for the Management
staff and all members of the water system to address this problem.

Second Pump. Information was gathered from some pump suppliers in which Mr.
Dodie Mauri of Dank Enterprise came in. After so many inquiries, they learned that a pump
cost is One hundred nineteen thousand pesos (Php 119,000.00). So Mrs. Pudlao called for a
general meeting again informing the members about the pump cost. In order to raise this
amount, Mr. Delfin Bagangan suggested that each member, 210 in all, will contribute Five
hundred seventy pesos (Php570.00) in order to purchase the pump and this suggestion was
unanimously approved by the members. The collection was very slow. The down payment
could hardly be met for the pump to be delivered. A loan under the name of Mrs. Pudlao
amounting to Forty Five thousand pesos (Php45,000.00) using her house as collateral made
the purchase of the second pump possible. Despite of slow collection, the second pump
was purchased and the remaining balance was eventually paid for more than one year.

Third Pump – WCAK Trust Fund

Fourth Pump - JVO Trust Fund.

Distribution of water supply hardly met again the need of the community. The
General Assembly last 2005, during the General Assembly Meeting suggested to look for
other water sources and drilling was approved.

JVOFI representatives suggested drilling area is at the side of the playground and at
the side of the Philex road but, Mrs. Pudlao insisted and stood firm that drilling should be
done at Purok 6 at the present site now.

The task to look for drillers passing the canvassing for cheaper driller to do is the
next problem. Again, good friends from BWD came to rescue which at first JVOFI
representatives seems not to like. With so many discussions and deliberations, they finally

Mrs. Pudlao has to accept the challenge given to her by JVOFI representative to
answer all incurred expenses if the drilling site will not work. God is good. Water flowed
even at 200 ft below with the 400 feet recommended by drillers. The site now has worked.

Bidding of the drilling project was made by NARSO Industrials (Mr. David Apacway),
Baguio Water District and Australian driller recommended by the JVO. NARSO Industrials, a
business company registered with the Department of Trade and Industry, with the principal
address at AE-14A Western Buyagan, La Trinidad Benguet, represented by Mr. David
Apacway as the contractor won the bidding and started the drilling project amounting to
One Million Two Hundred Thirty-three thousand one hundred ten pesos (Php1,231,110.00).
Drilling finally started on May 11, 2007.

Year 2007 was the year of crises due to El Nino. Consumers/Members had
temporary disconnection from WCAK water system. Despite of little water from the spring
source, NARSO Industrials used it for the ongoing drilling project at Purok 6. . After the
drilling project, the community started to enjoy abundant water supply. The project was
successful and was inaugurated on September 15, 2007

Year 2008 is the year of heartaches to the management staff. New set of Board of
Directors who knew nothing about the system and with no research on how the
Management had been working for success of the system dismissed two staff (the secretary
and treasurer) and also removed the manager as a signatory of checks. They also withdraw
the Livelihood money amounting to Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (php 250,000.00)
and appointed Mrs. Arcelli who is not a member of WCAK to manage the Livelihood fund.
Prompting the dismissed management staff to seek justice, they filed case against the
existing BOD to the Bureau of Labor. As a result, the management staff won the case.
WCAK has to pay the treasurer, Mrs. Alisto and the Secretary, Mr. Quinacman their back
wages amounting to Six Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php 6, 500.00). WCAK also paid
JVOFI Php 13, 000.00 quarterly (Php 52,000.00 yearly) for supervision fee. As per policy
made by the new set of Board of Directors, they extended the supervision of JVOFI from 5
years to 10 years. WCAK had to pay the Board of Directors Php 12, 000.00 to revise the

Anyway, in spite of the difficulties faced by the Management Staff, the staff kept
moving on. Doing their duties honestly and earnestly, improving what should be improved.

Project done by the management are as follows:

1. Lay outing of the 2” transmission lines from the spring down to the tank deposits,
though is not completely done as we are out of the needed materials.
Again, problem of where to get the labor for the men hired to work for the above
project was encountered. Mrs. Florence Pudlao had to pay for the labor amounting to
Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Pesos (Php 16,600.00) and was refunded after two months
when the money was withdrawn from the livelihood fund.

On September 15, 2011, thru the efforts of Atty. Reenan R. Orate, JVOFI turn over
the trust fund under them to WCAK amounting to One million Ninety-six thousand Pesos
(php1.96 Million).

Few months after the turn-over, the manager called for a management staff meeting
and proposed for a complete rehabilitation of the transmission lines, distribution lines,
putting up meter stands for better and equal distribution of water and bringing out all
meters to the meter stand in conspicuous place for better reading of consumption.

2013 is the year of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of 1” distribution lines, meters

within the compound of the members were placed at the designated meter stands in their
areas, and the rusty transmission lines were changed to new G.I. pipes.

During the rehabilitation, the crew tracked down;

a. Illegal tapping,
b. Disconnected meters placed in their kitchen and directly connected to
distribution lines and,
c. Directly connected busters to the distribution lines.

Projects done are as follows:

1. Lay-outing of extension of distribution line at Purok I.

2. Partial lay-outing of 1’’ distribution lines for Purok III, Purok IV and Purok V.
3. 90% of connection placed at manifolds.
4. Maintain the semi-annual cleaning of the spring, sump tank, and the three
distribution tanks.

The next project was to put up the WCAK office which was realized after almost 8
months from March 17 to October 12, 2014 and was inaugurated on October 14, 2014.
After which is the fencing of the water source and tanks at Purok II and Purok III.

In 2017, additional 1 layer (height of 1.20 M) to the existing three-layer old tank from
March 20 to April 24, 2017 was done. On September 2, 2017, the fencing of water source,
tanks and office located at Purok 6 was started and was successfully done on January 26,

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