Philosophy Prelim

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San Ramon Catholic School, Inc.

Su-ay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental


September 21 – 22, 2022

NAME: _______________________________________
GRADE LEVEL & SECTION: ____________________

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: To assess the students’ understanding on Doing Philosophy up to

the topic Fallacies.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions
correctly and honestly. AVOID ERASURES.
INSTRUCTIONS: Identify the terms meant on each number. Write your answer on the space
1. A branch of philosophy that seeks to understand and determine the real 1.
nature of things- meanings, structures, principles and etc. ____________
2. The branch of philosophy that deals with the study of knowledge. 2.
3. The type of knowledge we acquire as we experience the world. 3.
4. Knowing how to paint, cook, and drive are examples of this type of 4.
knowledge. ____________
5. The term for the examination of oneself through an analysis of the 5.
meanings of life. ____________
6. The period in history wherein Christianity is at its peak. 6.
7. He was considered as the Father of Logic. 7.
8. The number of the mental operations logic have in its process. 8.
9. A prevailing idea which claims and assumes to be true. 9.
10. The opposing idea or the direct opposite of the answer to question 10.
number 9. ___________

INSTRUCTIONS: Provide what are asked on each number range. Write your answer on the
space provided below.

11 – 15. Enumerate in any order the fallacies that fall under the category of Fallacy of

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11. 12. 13.

_______________________ _______________________ _____________________
14. 15.
_________________________ ________________________


INSTRUCTIONS: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
16.Which among the questions below can be considered as a philosophical question?
a. What is the origin of cough? c. What is philosophy?
b. Who am I? d. What is my favorite color?
17.Determine which of the following is a question that falls under the Value Theory?
a. What is the meaning of time? c. Which book should I donate?
b. Is there a God? d. Is it possible to forget my memories?
18.Imagine a group of friends looking at the same apple however they have different
perspective and outlook on the existence of the apple. The shapes, colors, sizes, vary unto
how it is viewed by a person. The question is what branch of philosophy should we use in
order to seek the truth or reality of the existence of apple?
a. Logic c. Axiology
b. Epistemology d. Metaphysics
19.Kagura is concerned with the standards of beauty – is there a universal gauge for
measuring beauty? If this is her concern what branch of philosophy would better address
her inquiry?
a. Aesthetic b. Epistemology c. Logic d. Metaphysics
20.Choose the best answer: Lolita’s parents died when she was 17. She has two little
brothers aged four and six. She chose to work as hard as she can to provide for them.
Which virtue did Lolita exercise?
a. Negligence b. Piety c. Righteousness d. Responsibility
21.If one person acts in accordance to what he/she wants or what he/she wills, that person is
exercising this virtue.
a. Responsibility b. Righteousness c. Authenticity d. Meekness
22.This is the major shortcoming in religious perspectives. Religion may explain everything,
but it does not have an explanation for this nor the fundamental premise of its roots.
a. God’s Existence b. God’s Name c. Holy Trinity d. None of these is
23.When a person acts not in accordance with what he/she truly desires and is pretentious of
his/her deeds, existentialists would believe that this person is acting on this one.
a. Good character b. Bad Choice c. Good Faith d. Bad Faith
24.Analyze the following and determine whether it is a term, proposition, syllogism or
All men are mortal
Socrates is a man
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
a. Term b. Proposition c. Syllogism d. Conclusion
25.Based on the example on item number 24, determine the first term used.
a. All b. Socrates c. men d. mortal
26.Refer to item number 24. Determine the second term used.
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a. Man b. Socrates c. Mortal d. All of these

27.Still based on the example in item number 24, what is the third term used?
a. Socrates b. Man c. Mortal d. All

For items 28 – 30.

Consider the story below and categorize the statements in each number to belief, truth,
justification or acceptance.
Mr. Brown is a farmer who owns Tent Farm. One night, he saw flashing lights on the
field and he thinks it’s a UFO. Little did he know that it was a group of campers playing
with their camp lights by creating different images with its shadows. Upon further
observation, Mr. Brown concluded that it’s not a UFO because he went out into the field,
found nothing extra-terrestrial, and asked the campers what they were doing.

28. Statement: He thinks it's a UFO.

a. Truth b. acceptance c. belief d. justification
29. Statement: It was a group of campers playing with their camp lights.
a. Acceptance b. Truth c. Belief d. Justification
30. Statement: He went out into the field, found nothing extra-terrestrial, and asked the
campers what they were doing.
a. Justification b. Truth c. Belief d. Acceptance
31. Paquito persevered in practicing the art of boxing and mastered almost all of the
techniques. The type of knowledge he earned can be considered as?
a. Personal Knowledge c. Skill Mastery
b. Practical Knowledge d. Championship
32. Your classmate tells you that there is a ghost on the third floor of the building. He is
making a claim that there is a ghost on the third floor of the building. This is an example of
what type of knowledge?
a. Personal c. Propositional
b. Practical d. None of these
33. Why is Socratic dialogue considered as an active process?
a. Because it asks eccentric questions c. Because Socrates is a righteous
b. Because it is a two-way exchange of ideas d. Because I don’t know the answer to
this item
34. When using the Socratic dialogue what would be the most plausible follow-up question
to this statement: “Equality should govern all government.”
a. Who is the president? c. What does equality mean?
b. Wait a minute. Who are you? d. All of these is correct.
35. In which instance from the following can the dialectic method be used?
a. Introspection c. immense/simple world problems
b. lack of method d. Both a and b

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36. Which of the following can be the antithesis to this thesis statement: I am
a. Hello! Wake up are you dreaming? c. Yes you are. Of course.
b. What?!! Are you kidding me? d. I am not handsome/beautiful.
37. This mental operation is the first logical process of the mind. It is the process of grasping
an idea into the mind. This means being able to hold a certain concept in one’s mind.
a. Reasoning b. Judgment c. Simple Apprehension d. Ideogenesis
38. When one’s mind collects and at the same time connects ideas to prove something to be
true or not, this process is usually known as?
a. Reasoning b. Ideogenesis c. Simple Apprehension d. Judgment
39. Lito is the head of a certain company. One day, he told his secretary to do certain tasks
that go against the will of his secretary. He further implied that if his secretary won’t be doing
those tasks, she will be transferred into the janitorial service. What type of fallacy did Lito
a. Argumentum ad Misericordiam c. Argumentum ad Baculum
b. Argumentum ad Hominem d. Argumentum ad ignorantiam
40. It is a common fallacy committed by politicians during campaign period prior to election.
They tend to appeal to people’s sympathy as to gain support without even laying down proper
and clear platforms or plans for the country.
a. Argumentum ad Misericordiam c. Argumentum ad Baculum
b. Argumentum ad Hominem d. Argumentum ad ignorantiam
41. What fallacy is committed on this statement
Bishop moves diagonally.
Zeus is a bishop.
Therefore, Zeus moves diagonally.
a. Fallacy of Amphiboly c. Fallacy of Equivocation
b. Fallacy of False Cause d. Fallacy of Slippery Slope
42. Determine the fallacy committed on this statement: “If I had a flat tire, I won’t be able to
get to work, which would lead for me to have a sanction, which is bad in my records. Hence, I
won’t be able to get promotion due to a flat tire.”
a. Fallacy of Amphiboly c. Fallacy of Equivocation
b. Fallacy of False Cause d. Fallacy of Slippery Slope
43. Person A asked Person B with this statement: “Have you stopped beating your wife?”
The answer may either be yes or no but whatever Person B chooses will still lead to a
conclusion that Person do beats his wife in the past or still continuing up to now. What type of
fallacy was committed?
a. Fallacy of False Cause c. Fallacy of Complex Questions
b. Fallacy of Amphiboly d. Tu Quoque Fallacy
44. Aristotle created the hierarchy of beings which illustrates the level of existence of all
creatures. According to this hierarchy of being, this creature is the highest of them all since it
possess all the characteristics of the other levels with additional rationality which makes it
distinguishable from others.
a. Minerals c. Sentient
b. Vegetative d. Man
45. What fallacy was committed with the following statements?
Mother: You should stop smoking. It's harmful to your health.
Daughter: Why should I listen to you? You started smoking when you were 16!
Email Address: Mobile phone Number 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577

a. Fallacy of False Cause c. Tu Quoque Fallacy

b. Fallacy of Complex Questions d. Fallacy of Amphiboly

Instructions: Answer the question that follows. Construct your answer in at least 3 sentences.
Use the space provided. Rubric for scoring is provided below.

46 – 50. How can methods of Philosophy make us wiser individuals?


Level Description Points

Outstandin Well written and very organized. Excellent grammar mechanics. Clear and concise 5
g statements. Excellent effort & presentation with detail. Demonstrates a thorough
understanding of the topic.
Good Writes fairly clear. Good grammar mechanics. Good presentation and organization. 4
Sufficient effort and detail.
Fair Minimal effort. Minimal grammar mechanics. Fair presentation. Few supporting 3
Poor Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. Poor grammar mechanics. Confusing and 2
choppy, incomplete sentences. No organization of thoughts
Very Poor Lacking effort. Very poor grammar mechanics. Very unclear. Does not address topic. 1

“Rooted and grounded in love, you may be filled with the fullness of God”
Ephesians 3: 17
Student’s Signature over printed name

Checked and validated by: Prepared by:


SHS Academic Coordinator Grade 12 – St. Joseph and St. Mary Philosophy Teacher

Email Address: Mobile phone Number 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577



Assistant Principal

Email Address: Mobile phone Number 09175031082 (SEC) No. CN201537577

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