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Bernarte, Angelo R.

Btvted 1-B

Module 6: Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development


Read the following below


1. On situation 1: Why do you think Karen prefer the 20- peso bill?
 Karen prefer to choose the 20-peso bill because she do not know the value of
money at her young age of three. As long as she received money for her Aguinaldo,
no matter what value is.
2. On situation 2: Why do you think Riel answered ‘’Bears?’’ What does this say about how she thought
to answer the question?
 Riel answered bears because at his young age she can recognize things when she
looked a lot of bears than other stuff.
3. On situation 3: Why do you think baby Liza appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons?
 Liza appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons because at her young age she is on
sensorimotor stage. In this stage focuses on senses and muscle movement through
which the infant come s to learn about himself and the environment.


This activity focuses on a story involving the interaction of family members. Choose a story you want to
use for this activity. It can be from, a story you read or a movie or telenovela that you can watch or plan
to watch. Use the matrix below to relate the characters to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

Title of the story/ Movie: Amanda’s Story

Write a brief summary of the story:

Amanda and her three-year-old daughter Serena have recently become homeless and placed
in B&B accommodation where there are no cooking facilities so they live on sandwiches and fast food.
Serena goes to pre-school every afternoon but apart from that the family was not getting out of the
B&B. They now come to us every morning and stay for their lunch. Mum is starting to make friends here
and is coming out of her shell in the parenting classes. We are encouraging her to take part in cooking
sessions so that she can take some prepared meals home. Serena didn’t settle very quickly into the
nursery, she was snatching toys from other children and was quite disruptive. She couldn’t sit to listen
to a short story, and sitting at the table for lunch with the other children was a big challenge as it was so
unfamiliar. Over time she has grown in confidence with the praise she receives from the nursery staff;
they set her achievable goals that have allowed her to succeed. She can now listen to a story all the way
through, sit with the others for lunch without being disruptive, and she is a much happier girl. The
regular routine of attending the nursery has helped her grown in confidence and improved her social
skills. The support Mum has received here has made her more open and relaxed, which in turn has
enabled Serena to flourish

Character description Piagetian connection

Father What is his stage of cognitive development?

 Formal operational stage is the ability to come up with different

hypothesis about a problem and to gather and weigh data in order to
make decision.
Mother  Formal operational stage is the ability to come up with different
hypothesis about a problem and to gather and weigh data in order to
make decision.
Children  This characterizes ability to think logically but only in terms of concrete
1. Eldest brother objects.
2. Second sister
3. Youngest sister

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