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glish Word Formation jords, which fit in the gaps- Directions: Ise the words in brackets to form W« (COLLIDE) with 2 (FATAL). Now, a British company has (REDUCE) in the its cause. The Britain have a 21). Every year, more than 2,000 drivers in street lamppost ~ many ending 22) come up with an idea that may bring al number of deaths and serious 24) plan is to create a bendy lamppost: Sean cer hits a rigid metal lamppost the vehicle is brought to a sudd 25). (LOSE) of speed that can have such tragic 26) 3 (CONSEQUENT) for the passengers. The material used in the new lampposts made of a type of plastic, which has been reinforced with long strands of glass fibrey giving it the same 2) | (STRONG) as metal but greater 28) . . (FLEXIBLE). If 2 driver should have the 28). (FORTUNE) to hit one of these posts, then the design will allow the column to bend so that the car will ride up over i Sa ei ifacturers claim that the nev lamppost has already saved lives. One was it by a car travelling at more than 140 kilometres an hour, ‘and the driver walked away 30) (HARM) apart from a bruised knee. bout a dramatic 23) (INJURY) which such acciden jen halt, and it is this abrupt © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 27 Scanned with CamScanner PART 3: Task 2° Cloze Test Directions: Read the text and for each gap circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the word that best suits each space, Coming of Age ... when a teenager becomes an adult. For most people, this starts Physically at eighteen years of age but psychologically it is not something that just happens overnight, i is @ process. The 92) ........ age at which this transition occurs, as well as the circumstances 33) it can vary from one culture to another. For 34)... people, male and female, this can be a very exciting and challenging time. First of all, there are a number of legal 3) ... associated with becoming an adult. Most importantly, young people now 36) the right to live on their own, drive a vehicle, vote in elections and have a Job. Along with all of these 37) come a number of responsibilities. Young adults are expected to look after themselves and to be accountable for their actions - both by their families and society in ‘Coming of age’ is the 31) general. There are also social issues involved with this life-changing time. Young adults find they have a greater 38) of entertainment choices and more 39) .. - They are able to decide for themselves who they will associate with and what activities they will be involved in. Becoming an adult is a 40) of lfe. It is a time of great change and requires love and support from the surrounding environment, Having a positive role model to guide and help young people through this transition can be very helpful. Most importantly, they should trust themselves, make good decisions and leam from every experience. 31 A measure B time © period D stage 32 A real B authentic © actual D genuine 33 A surrounding B bordering © circling D blocking 34 A countless B loads various D many 35 A results B bartiers © consequences D effects 36 A gain B acquire © obtain D win 37 A assets B benefits C rewards D payofts 38 A collection B assortment © mixture D variety 39 A liberty B freedom © access D permission 40 A part B piece C area D morsel 28 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Scanned with CamScanner Sentence Completion Directions: Circle the answer (A, B, C or D) which best completes the meaning of each sentence. at Ihave very ... hope of having the chance to {46} meet her again. A few B afew C little D alittle “Are Martha and Frank at home?* “No, they Liverpool on business.” A. have just been to B have just gone to © have just been in D had just gone to They... for two hours when it suddenly started snowing. A walked © have been walking B were walking —_D_ had been walking Peter says that his girlfriend dresses ... than mine. ‘A much more smartly ~ B alot more smarter © much smartlier D very smartly | like spending time with Jack's father as I find him ... person. A quite an amused C quite an amusing B averyamused D very an amusing Jessica was watching TV when she heard someone ... in the street, A toscream © screams B screaming D to have screamed | will never forget ... Jenny for the first time some three years ago. A tomeet meeting B tobe met D having meet | thought | had lost all my money, but lucki «in my pocket. A didfindthem © found them B found it D finded it Terry loves cheeseburgers ... Alex is fond of pizza and spaghetti. A whereas © onthe other hand B inaddition Helen thinks that travelling by car is travelling by plane. A least dangerous © more less dangerous B less dangerous D the least dangerous D apart from . than © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Scanned with CamScanner 29 PART 3: Task 4 A Sentence Transformations 51 ©) Bill will not lend me his bicycle because he needs it at the moment, Bill would Melanie and Paul have not seen their daughter for about three and a half months. The last 8) He made us copy the text in our notebooks four times and learn the poem by heart. We .. It Is necessary for Julie to go to work on ‘Sunday as she needs to finish the report. Julie “Tum down the music as | am trying to do my homework for tomorrow!” Nina said to Jim. ‘Nina told Jim 30 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Directions: Rephrase the following sentences keeping the original meaning. Shall | give you a lift to the airport at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning? Would .. lam afraid we have run out of cucumbers, tomatoes, apples and peaches. tam atraid there ... My sister and I can't wait to spend our summer holiday at our grandparents’. My sister and | are ‘Ann and Keith can't decide what present to buy for their son's birthday. Ann and Keith can't make .. Dennis is a very sociable person and he makes friends very easily. Dennis is so Scanned with CamScanner

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