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INVERSE CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS tact 2P_ ooget av '( 2243) on 2019 (il) Bet sin Es cor ws) 4. What is tan {2 tant (3) equal = tan? 25, then what is 3 . In st to? equal to? » tan: 2 3 3 wt pra oa 2 @2 @2 of @ 2 mee OS 1d Po p+ 1- 6x? (2 6 ® ranfeww(5} ipa ipa * eatese © Wren, = 64 5-180 a alte te -ea100 ae Efe icrns — 2s 2 tart = [2a seen? = Qian” p-Pran tg =2tar's - 2 = tantan'| 3].2*8_ 8 * wor (i) set 3 1 1 S$. Ifsinx = = » S615) sin = Jp, siny =e, where O19 | L O OF @o 1 ® Wen 18 2-4 34 EANte tee. wo 6 sine = Je andsiny = 7 © (Wehave Wii of th ave aes of ar art tas mt int 4g agg S-% the solution(s) of the eral yaar wnt ‘equation s * tan”!(2x) + tan""(32) tan” "(@x) + tan”"(3x) Now,x + y=sint +0 Te 3 oa I (a) Oniy3 (e)2ands “i randa (Ona tall We © @Wehave, t oo a) fink | +e Fl aa [afew att] 3 | a ‘Lae We We *5] > "fat () : : -t fru -] = ‘ al " eostcos"'0.8) = cost = 028 * @. What is the a value of tw (20180 } 12. Consider the following wt wt © (©) Weave sir («23) or @ oz 1 The eins 8 (- -(o(e-3) srepinaptaectun'etey = ihn La ar snag fae aff afi (-£3) -[-33] ses (224-n) ef] era Sieh yt oes i Oonmeiie (Bom 1 and2 (6) Nether nor 2 omen ceo yet nerere, inumbers such that x, y.2 are in GP and tan-"s, tan'y and tan! are in AP Then which ‘one of the following is correct? fas=yaz (b)z=4 (hee yondy= 2 (des yendyez © (Sree, tas, ta yandia 2 monn. = tan" ye tan + tan" 2 2 fey) Yast PorH orem = oe xy, zainAP,butx, y,zerenGp _13+Consider the following Denne ome 2017) me a 8 The value of were Aa -1(3) tan '(!isequalto 11 What isthe value of sin! r4co0 ya sin(2) + ean (7) sea ‘cos (2 cos" 08)? | @2 wt (ost (b) 0.56 ‘- Which of the above statements is/are Wo Ay As 2 e048 (028 en © ©) Wehave, @® Wet 2cos~'a8 (a) Only 1 (0) Only 2 (©) Beth or:2 (Nother ror 2 © @Wervowinat t's «core F * artes tn (1)=3 < Stalement 1 fs Incorect less Gwen tat, sin"'s + cos"ty= F = emer conten E ‘Thies te torxe (01) «Statement 26 leo Incoect 14. Theale ofan (2tan"t 7) 3 oz 5 oF os os oz © yan(2er' 2-8) Whick ofthe above statements(s) lslare correct? (@) Onyt ©) Ony2 (@)Botnt and 2 (6) Nether t nor2 416. The equation and) ana a~Kis satisfied by (zt or @x=0 (x=! © Cian 2)+ tan) F a (2 =o az (a2 Pca) = Jew = 3-4 nO 4 HO (Q. Nos. 17-19) Consider “oeer} (a) vou} 17, What i x equal to? our (S) eta oe (2) om © @)Ghen, 2 = ata 22.21 -2(Se) [oem = 210/12) 48, What is x ~ y equal to? wr (S) om) ota" ft (ota Be (2008) a0 10, 288 ~on (Ses) ~ 49. Whatisx- y +2 equal to? ae wz oF at @Oe-y+ rw(S) “) = tar saeco) (450 x 99 - 6281 el “eet 20.2 in equ wt of wz 21. Consider the following statements Lan 1+ tan! 0.5) TE sin-"(1/3) + cos" !(1/3) = w/2 Which of the above statement(s) islare correct? (@)Oniyt ©) Onyyt (©)Bothiand (6) Nene nor © Lan 1+ tar 05) = tant t+tar'(3) starts oor (1) [ewe 14 cot"! 24 x2 Feta" A + cottA= n/2.W Ae A] sin-* (j}ro=" @ nie Frsiv A+ cos! athe 22-wnat oii 2) oq tt * 28 oe mee oz (6 Nowe at ne © 0) Wehave, so: 22,16 sandy ae postive anday> then what is tan“! x + tan“! y cua? cae (222) im) oe ws (E2 ) ay », ont y (oa ( iw, © () Wernow nat It and yare postive ‘andy> 1. then tara + tanty= x tant (E+¥ =) >0y>0

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