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2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

Automatic Indian Currency Denomination Recognition System based on Artificial

Neural Network
MrigankaGogoi1, Syed Ejaz Ali2,Subra Mukherjee*
PG student, Dept. of ECE, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, India
Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, India ,,

Abstract— Automatic detection and recognition of Indian Amongst the various security features shown in Fig.1,
currency note has gained a lot of research attention in recent one of the most non discriminating features unique for each
years particularly due to its vast potential applications. In this Indian currency note is the I.D Mark. Each currency has a
paper we introduce a new recognition method for Indian unique shape as the I.D. Mark as mentioned in Fig.2.
currency using computer vision. It is shown that Indian
currencies can be classified based on a set of unique non
discriminating features such as color, dimension and most
importantly the Identification Mark (unique for each
denomination) mentioned in RBI guidelines. Firstly the
dominant color and the aspect ratio of the note are extracted.
After this the segmentation of the portion of the note
containing the unique I.D. Mark is done. From these
segmented image, feature extraction is done using Fourier
Descriptors. As each note has a unique shape as the I.D. Mark,
the classification of these shapes is done with the help of
Artificial Neural Network. After feature extraction, the
denominations are recognized based on the developed
algorithm. The success rate of the proposed system is 97%
requiring a processing time of 2.52 seconds.

Keywords—Currency Recognition; Artificial Neural Network

(ANN); Feature Extraction; Identification Mark Detector (
IMD);Fourier Descriptor. Fig.1: Security features in a banknote[1]


In this age of technological advancement, when

automatic machines have become an integral part of our life,
an automatic currency identifier is the need of the hour for
all financial institutions and in every field where monetary Fig. 2: Identification mark for various denominations [1]
transaction is involved. Moreover such a system could be of
great help to visually impaired section of the society.
Identifying the denomination of currency note seems to be a Though a number of works has been done in this field, the
very simple task for human beings as our brain is need for a robust and efficient system still remains an open
extraordinarily proficient in learning new things and challenge.
identifying them later without much difficulty. However in Most of the work in literature is based on finding the
computer vision, this same task becomes very challenging, dominant color component of a particular currency,
particularly when the note becomes old, degraded, defaced, however the problem that lies in color based recognition is
faded and torn edges due to wear and tear. the increased error rate for old currencies as the color of old
Every Indian Currency has certain security features currencies generally become faded due to wear and tear.
which help in identification and recognition of the Also sometimes depending upon classification based on
denomination. An example of security features for a Rs. 100 dimension or texture might give inaccurate results as the
is shown in Fig. 1. notes undergo a lot of wear and tear during handling.
Also each denomination has a dominant color. A bank In this paper, we propose a method wherein we have
note can have different colors distributed over its surface; developed a method for denomination classification based
however the color component which is present in maximum on not just one feature but rather using a combination of
number defines the dominant color of a particular currency. three features i.e. “Color”, “Aspect Ratio” and most
For instance the dominant color of Rs. 500 is “Green”. importantly the “I.D. Mark”.
Also as mentioned in [1] each Indian currency has
unique dimension.

978-1-4799-5991-4/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 553

2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

We firstly localize the bank note and then we extract the without affecting the note original feature. The edge
color feature. Then we obtain the dimensions of the note and detection feature along with linear transformation is a better
calculate the aspect ratio.
feature extraction technique and helps to keep notes look
After this, we segment the portion of the note wherein the similar in varying conditions.
I.D. Mark is present. Then we obtain our most important Faiz M. Hasanuzzaman et al. proposed a component based
feature, i.e. the shape of I.D. mark with the help of “Fourier
Descriptor”. Once the feature extraction is done we employ framework for banknote recognition by using Speeded Up
Artificial Neural Network to classify the shapes and based Robust Features (SURF). SURF feature divides the image
on this classification, we recognize the denominations of into components and then matches test image with original
various Indian Currencies. image component. The SURF features are invariant to
The remaining of the paper is organized as follows: section conditions of image occlusion, image rotation, changes of
II discusses some of the related work in this field. Section scaling, illumination and the viewpoint [9]. In [10] also the
IIIgives an overview of the methodology employed authors have employed neural network for recognition of
followed by section IV where we discuss about the various
the currency notes. They have used Ensemble Neural
features and the respective feature extraction methods. In
Section V, we discuss the experimental results followed by Network ENN for this they have used three characteristics
Conclusion in section VI. size, color and texture characteristics. Image histogram is
used for calculating the plentitude of different color in
currency note and Markov chain concept to model texture of
paper currency as random process.
Over the years a lot of researches have been done in this
field of Currency note recognition. The authors have done Ahmed Ali et al.(2013) proposed a method to recognize
recognition based on Color, texture, security features etc. Pakistani currency note in which they have used KNN
Here in this section we mention a few related works in this classifier that is a nearest neighborhood classifier[11]. In
field. [12], the authors have proposed a technique for color image
Hanish and Padam[2] has done currency note recognition by retrieval. Here color indexing techniques is used by which
using the color feature of the currency note. Parminder images are extracted on the basis of color content of the
Singh Reel et al.[3] employed a method to recognize image.
currency note based on heuristic analysis of characters and Ms. TruptiPathrabe et al.(2011) developed an embedded
digits of serial number of Indian currency note. The main
system for currency note recognition. In this method they
advantages of using heuristic analysis are increase
computational performance, exclude different properties have used HSV(Hue, Saturation, Value) color space instead
which are invalid and reduced time for solving problems. In of RGB color space because HSV color space is more closer
another work [4] made a comparative study on various to human conceptual understanding of colors[13].
currency recognition technique. Here the authors proposed a FaridGarcía-Lamont et al.(2012) introduced a currency
method for currency recognition using ensemble neural recognition method for Mexican currency note. In this
network (ENN) particularly for Bangladesh currency. method they have used two feature i.e color and texture
Ensemble neural network consist of number of neural
using RGB model and Local Binary Pattern (LBP)
network and each neural network is trained independently.
Vipin Kumar Jain et al.(2013) employed a method for respectively to recognize the note. The classification is done
currency denomination identification by using Neural using LVQ (Linear Vector Quantization) network which is a
network matching technique and pattern recognition[5]. supervised version of vector quantization. Since the color
KishanChakraborty et al. [6] made a review on the recent and texture feature is combined the recognition rate is
developments in currency recognition system. Here they improved as compared to single color and texture analysis.
have found that the most common method for currency note They have got 97.50% recognition performance [14].
recognition is by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Suriya Singh et al presented an application for Indian
In most of the color based recognition methods, the RGB currency recognition on mobile. For this they have used
color model is employed. However in [7], the authors visual Bag of Words (BoW) recognition method. Here they
developed a method for recognition wherein theyconverted have used GrabCut algorithm to segment the foreground
theimage from RGB color space to HSV color space before from background. This process of segmentation work so
feature extraction. They used HSV color space because it is well that it can segment image from the cluttered
close to human conceptual understanding of color. In [8], background. After testing 2584 images they have got 96.7%
the authors proposed a method for currency note recognition accuracy [15].
by using ANN. Here a special linear transformation function
is adapted to wipe out the noise pattern from background

2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FOR INDIAN CURRENCY • Shape Classification: After the IMD feature
RECOGNITION extraction is done, the shape classification is done
employing Artificial Neural Network.
The word recognition means to identify objects in an image. • Decision Algorithm: Based on these three unique
The process of recognition starts with image processing features a decision algorithm is finally employed to
techniques. The different steps in currency recognition are: recognize the denomination of the Currency note.


Feature extraction is one of the most pivotal tasks in design
of CRS as it directly affects the performance of the classifier
directly. In this paper we have considered three Features:
Dominant Color (DC), Aspect Ratio (AR) and the
Identification Mark (IMD).
A. Color Feature Extraction
To determine the dominant color of Indian Currency notes,
we firstly need to employ a color model and keeping into
consideration the purpose the RGB model is the most
adequate model.
In RGB model each color appears with its primary spectral
components of RED, GREEN and BLUE. The model is
based in a Cartesian co-ordinate system; the RGB color
space is represented in Fig. 4 as a cube where, black is
located at the origin and white in the opposite corner to the
origin. The RED, GREEN and BLUE components are the
base vectors that form the RGB space. The colors are the
Figure3: General Flow diagram of proposed methodology
points located inside the cube defined by the vectors that
extend from the origin. For convenience we assume that all
the colors vectors are normalized; thus the cube in Fig. 4 is a
The various steps involved are explained below: unit cube [16].The color of every pixel is a linear
• Image Acquisition: It is a process of acquiring combination of the three dimensional base vectors RED,
image from a currency note by using digital camera. GREEN and BLUE.Thus based on experimentation on
The image is stored for further processing.Here the various currency notes we have found the dominant color of
image is acquired with a digital camera of 14MP. A each currency as tabulated in Table 1.
database of 50 images of each Indian Currency notes
(Rs. 20,50,100,500,1000) consisting of old, new,
blurred, faded notes, etc are taken for
experimentation and testing.
• Image Pre-Processing: Image pre-processing is
done to enhance some image features important for
further processing and analysis. In image pre-
processing size of the image is reduced and noise is
removed that may have appeared in the image while
Figure 4: RGB color space
transferring. Also the currency notes are localized
while removing the background.
B. Aspect Ratio
• Color Feature Extraction: Here the dominant color
Each Indian denomination has a unique dimension. So, we
(DC) of the currency note is found. Then the
have considered this as also one of the feature for
dimensions are found and Aspect Ratio is calculated. Classification. However wear and tear due to handlings
• Image Segmentation: The Portion of the currency sometimes reduces the original size of note, so we
containing the I.D. Mark is segmented. considered a threshold value based on experimentation.
• I.D. Mark Detection: From the segmented image Unlike height and width, the aspect ratio of a currency note
is independent of the distance from which the image is
feature extraction is done using Fourier Descriptor.
taken. In our experiment we have calculate the aspect ratio
Thus IMD is found. as:

2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

i. Segmentation
Here firstly based on experimentation a window of a
We have calculated the ARfor different currencies and particular dimension is selected in the note where the I.D
based on extensive experimentation we have set a threshold mark is present. Then based on this dimension the portion of
range for each denomination. The standard value according the currency where the I.D. mark is present is segmented as
to RBI guidelines and the obtained threshold after shown in Fig.5.
experimentation is mentioned in Table2.
TABLE 1: Dominant color of Indian Currency Notes

Dominant Figure 5: Segmentation and extraction of I.D. Mark

Denomination Notation Color
ii. I.D. Mark Feature Extraction
RED Once the segmentation is done, feature extraction is done
using “Fourier Descriptor”. Here we mainly focus on the
shape of the I.D. Mark present in the segmented portion of
DC50 RED the image. Many shape representations and retrieval method
exist; however most of those methods etiher do not
represent the shape well or are difficult for normalization
DC100 BLUE (making matching hard). Among them Fourier Descriptors
allow both well representation and well normalization.
For a given shape signature S(t) , t= 0,1,2,……,..,L
DC500 GREEN assuming its normalized to N points in the sampling stage,
the Discrete Fourier Transform of S(t) is given by :

DC1000 RED

TABLE 2: Threshold values of Aspect Ratio and RBI Std values

The coefficients Un, n=0, 1, 2,…..N-1, are usually called
Fourier Descriptors (FD) of the shape.
Denomination Notation Min Max RBI
Value Value Std
iii. ANN based Shape Classification and
Rs. 20 AR20 0.40 0. 43 0.42 Matching
Rs. 50 AR50 0.47 0.50 0.49 The identification of the shape obtained by extracting
Rs. 100 AR100 0.45 0.48 0.46 theunique Identification Mark is done by using ANN
Rs. 500 AR500 0.42 0.44 0.43 (Artificial Neural Network).
Rs. 1000 AR1000 0.39 0.42 0.41 Artificial Neural Network is a machine learning technique
which functions same as human brain. Human brain is
complex structures consist of billions of neurons connected
C. Unique Identification Mark Feature Extraction with synapses. The same concept is used to build where
Identification mark is a unique feature present on left of perceptrons or nodes or neurons are connected in a network
watermark window on all notes except Rs10. This feature is from input to output layer. Thus ANN is an interconnected
in various shapes for various denominations such as Rs 20- group of nodes where each node represents an artificial
vertical rectangle, Rs 50-Square, Rs 100-Triangle, Rs 500- neuron and arrow represents a connection from output of
Circle and Rs 1000-Diamond. The different shape for one neuron to input of all the neuron in the next layer. The
different notes is shown in the Fig.1. This feature is connections are weighted and job for each node is to
basically is in intaglio printing (high pressure printing) calculate some output value depending on weighted input
which raises the surface of the paper and helps the visually values. Neural network basically consist of three layers i.e
impaired people to identify the denomination. This feature input, hidden and output layer.
can be used for recognition of currency note from a bunch ANN works basically for approximation of unknown
of currency note. complex function and pattern recognition. Learning
This is one of the most unique features of Indian currency algorithm is used to train the network to function in a more
notes which differentiate one denomination from other. And desirable way. Training is a process to update the weights
it is this cue we have employed to recognize the most and tries to find values that give us good result. There are
unique feature of the Denomination of the currency, i.e. the two types of learning methods to train a network depending
I.D. Mark. on situation and application. The first method is
unsupervised learning where we don’t know if a certain

2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

input should map to some distinct output and let the network 17. Repeat steps 7 to 9.
to train itself. The second method is supervised learning 18. Obtain IMD.
where we have a set of training data. The set contains some {“Shape = Square
input examples connected with correct output and the output IMD50=1
value is often referred to as target value. In our project feed- Else IMD50=0 }
forward back propagation neural network has been used for
pattern association, classification and mapping. Back 19. If AR matches AR20
propagation is a method where with the help of derivatives 20. Repeat steps 7 to 9.
and mean square error of the output makes a gradient search 21. Obtain IMD.
to find new values to the weights. {“Shape = Rectangle
Else IMD20=0 }

22. If AR matches AR1000

23. Repeat steps 7 to 9.
24. Obtain IMD.
{“Shape = Diamond
Else IMD1000=0 }
25. If DC= GREEN and AR matches AR500 and
Fig.ure 6: Structure of Artificial Neural Network IMD500=1,
Then “Rs. 500 note detected”
In our work, the network employed is a feed forward ElseifDC= Blue and AR matches AR100 and
network using a log-sigmoid activation function. The neural IMD100=1,
network is trained with the Fourier descriptors obtained Then “Rs. 100 note detected”
from 23 images of each denomination. Elseif DC= RED and AR matches AR50 and
Elseif DC= RED and AR matches AR20 and
The complete algorithm for our proposed Indian Currency IMD20=1,
Recognition is given below: Then “Rs. 20 note detected”
1. Obtain the image of the currency note Elseif DC= RED and AR matches AR1000 and
2. Extract the Region of Interest by thresholding IMD1000=1,
method. Then “Rs. 1000 note detected”
3. Obtain the dimension of the image. ELSE “NOT A CURRENCY NOTE”.
4. Find dominant Color (DC)
5. Calculate Aspect Ratio(AR) VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
6. If DC= GREEN and AR matches AR500 The experimental stage consist on classifying a test set of
Then, 115 images of Indian banknotes; 23 per class denomination.
7. Now segment the portion containing I.D. Mark. In this set there are new, old, faded and worn out notes. The
8. Extract features using Fourier Descriptors. experimental results are as shown in Table 3.
9. Classify shapesusing ANN Feed forward network.
10. Obtain IMD TABLE 3: Success Rates
{“Shape = Circle Denomination Success Rate
IMD500=1 Rs. 20 96%
Else IMD500=0 Rs.50 96%
11. If DC= Blue and AR matches AR100 Rs. 100 98%
12. Repeat steps 7 to 9. Rs.500 98%
13. Obtain IMD. Rs. 1000 95%
{“Shape = Triangle
IMD100=1 Given below are some more experimental results of various
Else IMD100=0 stages. In Fig. 7, we show how the unique I.D. Mark for a
14. If DC= RED 100 rupee note is segmented, while Fig.9, 10 and 11 shows
15. Find AR the neural network training for 10,000 iterations,
16. If AR matches AR50 performance graph and training plot respectively. Detection

2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

and classification of the shape of I.D mark for a 100 rupee

note is shown in Fig. 8.

Figure 10: Performance graph Figure 11: Training plot

Figure 7: Segmentation of I.D.Mark Figure 8:Detection of
I.D. Mark in Matlab

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