Yoga and Music

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"Yoga is like music.

The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul
creates the symphony of life."
– B.K.S. Iyengar.

Have you ever felt a moment when you immerse deep into a beat and feeling your breath and body
aligning perfectly with the rhythm? You are flowing in rhythm, lost in space, with your body acting
as an instrument, an enchanting fusion of mind, body, breath, and beat. Music and Yoga are consid-
ered vital parts of alternative medicine, and individually, they hold extraordinary healing potentials.
Listening to music and performing Yoga are exercises that, despite their contrasts, are intrinsically
similar: They make us feel centered and enhances our wellbeing. 

Fusing music and Yoga can generate infinite possibilities of healing and peace. The innumerable
physical benefits of regular yoga practice have been studied extensively; even though people can
practice Yoga in silence, they can amplify its impact with the right music. An analysis of 400 stud-
ies in the Trends in Cognitive Sciences journal proposes that music can decrease anxiety and lower
cortisol levels. Recent studies show that music can allow a person to reach a "flow state," an opti-
mal state of mind where a person feels and performs at their best. In Yoga, we achieve "flow"
through the process of letting go, with breathing as a tool and the body as a vehicle. While not every
yoga practitioner uses music and has their preferences, but we cannot miss the power of an effective

How music enhances your Yoga Experience:

Improves meditation: People want to believe that meditation is only possible in silence. Music can
help people focus more than silence, especially in times with innumerable sounds around us. It
calms airy thoughts and allows users to seek stillness.

Creates a positive mood: People have experienced instant upliftment by listening to their favorite
songs. Nothing affects as many regions of our brain as music. Therefore, music can influence a per-
son's state of mind and health.

Enhances movement: When practicing Yoga, some asana poses may appear to be complex or chal-
lenging. On the other hand, music eases the problem, and Yoga becomes a dance with simple pos-
tures. It allows people to transition from one pose to another effortlessly.

The Right Music for Yoga:

Not all kinds of music bring out relaxing benefits, therefore choosing the right music for Yoga is
very tricky:

• Sounds of Nature: A person can never go wrong with natural music. The sounds of birds
singing, a flowing river, the sound of waves, etc. Yogis used to visit the forests to practice
Yoga and would listen to the sounds of nature. 
• Traditional Yoga Music:  Stemming from the Indian culture, where Yoga originates, tradi-
tional Yoga music uses conventional Indian instruments combined with balanced mantra

• Classical Music: Most classical music is orchestral; it provides a soothing melody to help

ease the listeners' minds.
Listening to music and doing Yoga feels good to most people; with the right music and proper
asanas, almost any situation feels manageable, and it can change a person's life. Together they have
been considered highly beneficial to boost both physical and mental wellbeing. Music and Yoga is
the dream duo, and they provide powerful healing experiences and therapy for hidden and unex-
plained illnesses. Bringing music and Yoga together can create a powerful experience.

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