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Child Development, xxxx 2019, Volume 00, Number 0, Pages 1–16

The Me in Memory: The Role of the Self in Autobiographical Memory

Josephine Ross Jacqui Hutchison
University of Dundee University of Aberdeen and Abertay University

Sheila J. Cunningham
Abertay University

This article tests the hypothesis that self-development plays a role in the offset of childhood amnesia;
assessing the importance of both the capacity to anchor a memory to the self-concept, and the strength of the
self-concept as an anchor. This research demonstrates for the first time that the volume of 3- to 6-year old’s
specific autobiographical memories is predicted by both the volume of their self-knowledge, and their capacity
for self-source monitoring within self-referencing paradigms (N = 186). Moreover, there is a bidirectional rela-
tion between self and memory, such that autobiographical memory mediates the link between self-source
monitoring and self-knowledge. These predictive relations suggest that the self-memory system is active in
early childhood.

Episodic memory differs from other forms of base containing both episodic and semantic self-
memory in that its operations require a self. It is knowledge, the working self aims to maintain a
the self that engages in the mental activity that is coherent sense of identity, and to ensure that short-
referred to as mental time travel: there can be no term self-relevant goals (e.g., to pay a bill) are met.
travel without a traveler. (Tulving, 2005, pp. In this model, the self-concept therefore both drives
14–15) the capture of, and is maintained by, incoming epi-
sodic information (see Rathbone, Moulin, & Con-
The above quotation makes clear that there is a way, 2008). It follows from this bidirectional
close connection between self and memory; without relation that the developmental onset and growth
the meta-representative self, we have no sense of of autobiographical memory and the conceptual self
connection to the past or future, no access to our will be closely linked. However, very little empiri-
own autobiography. The “me” inherent in memory cal work has explored the relations between these
was recognized early (Hume, 1739/2003; James, systems across childhood. The current research
1890; Locke, 1690/1995), and the relation between addresses this gap in our understanding, examining
self and memory continues to guide modern theo- the association between 3- and 6-year-old children’s
ries of autobiographical processing. For example, self-source monitoring, self-knowledge, and autobi-
Conway’s influential self-memory system (SMS) ographical memories, in an effort to elucidate the
describes how the information that we encode and offset of childhood amnesia.
retrieve is dynamically driven by the goals of the
“working self” (Conway, 2005; Conway & Pleydell- Early Autobiographical Memory
Pearce, 2000). Drawing from an existing knowledge
It has been established for more than a century
This research was supported by a Leverhulme Trust Research that autobiographical memory development is asso-
Project Grant (2014-310) held jointly by Josephine Ross and ciated with a period of amnesia; we remember no
Sheila J. Cunningham, and employing the Jacqui Hutchison as a
postdoctoral researcher. We would like to extend our gratitude
personal events preceding our second or third
to the trust and to the children and families who participated in birthday, and relatively few from early childhood
this research.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Josephine Ross, Psychology, School of Social Sciences, University © 2019 Society for Research in Child Development
of Dundee, Scrymgeour Building, Dundee DD1 4HN, United All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2019/xxxx-xxxx
Kingdom. Electronic mail may be sent to DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13211
2 Ross, Hutchison, and Cunningham

(Henri & Henri, 1898; Pillemer & White, 1989; Tus- deferred imitation task spanning 1 week. They also
tin & Hayne, 2010). Although the cause of infant found that both mirror self-recognition and mater-
and childhood amnesia is yet to be established nal reminiscing style predicted children’s ability to
(Bauer, 2015), prevailing theories focus on the idea provide specific details of past life events.
that early amnesia may be offset by developments These studies support Howe’s contention that
in social, cognitive, and linguistic domains which the offset of infantile amnesia may be connected to
qualitatively change the manner in which episodic the development of the self-concept. However, they
memories are encoded and retrieved, and open the do not directly assess children’s ability to “tag”
possibility of autobiographical retention (e.g., Bauer, memories as their own. The development of self-
2015; Fivush, 2011; Hayne, 2004; Howe & Courage, source monitoring offers a potentially valuable
1993, 1997, 2004; Howe, Courage, & Edison, 2003; source of evidence here. Traditionally, measuring
Johnson, Hashtroudi, & Lindsay, 1993; Nelson & this ability requires children to specify the source of
Fivush, 2004; Perner & Ruffman, 1995; Welch-Ross, their action memories as imagined, witnessed, or
1995a). Of current relevance, Howe and Courage performed (Foley & Johnson, 1985; Welch-Ross,
(1993, 1997, 2004; Howe et al., 2003) take the logical 1995b), or to identify the source of semantic knowl-
standpoint that the development of an objective edge (e.g., how did you find out X?; Drummey &
concept of self is a minimal requirement for the Newcombe, 2002; Perner & Ruffman, 1995).
encoding and retrieval of an event which one Although self-actions are implicated in such para-
remembers experiencing. digms, the role of the self is typically not consid-
The mirror mark test of self-recognition provides ered. A notable exception comes from the
the first evidence of an idea of “me.” In the mark overlapping developmental literature on the sub-
test, children are surreptitiously marked in a visu- ject-performed task (SPT) effect (see Ross, Ander-
ally inaccessible area of the face before being shown son, & Campbell, 2011a study 1). Typically
their reflection in a mirror. By the age of 2 years, developing children as young as 3 years show bet-
children typically connect the mirror self-represen- ter memory for action phrases which they have
tation with their body in the real world, as demon- enacted, relative to action phrases they have
strated by their reaching to their face to explore the encoded passively. This research implies that per-
unexpected mark (Courage, Edison, & Howe, 2004). sonally experiencing an event makes it more memo-
Drawing attention to the parallel emergence of mir- rable for children, and is keeping with Howe and
ror self-recognition and the earliest autobiographi- colleagues’ idea that autonoetic experiences lead to
cal memories, Howe and Courage (1993, 1997, 2004; stronger or distinct memory traces.
Howe et al., 2003) suggest that until self-representa- Indeed, a number of theorists have highlighted
tion is present, children cannot explicitly reflect on the importance of binding a memory to source
experiences as belonging to the self. As a result, information in order for it to be reexperienced in an
they cannot store self-referent memories of early life autonoetic manner (Bauer, 2015; Hayne, 2004; John-
events. The idea that the salience of self may influ- son et al., 1993; Newcombe, Drummey, Fox, Lie, &
ence the strength of a memory can also be found in Ottinger-Alberts, 2000; Perner & Ruffman, 1995; Raj
literature describing the “reminiscence bump” in & Bell, 2010). According to these accounts, memo-
adolescence/early adulthood, thought to be tied to ries encoded with contextual information pertaining
the defining role of this period in constructing per- to the subjective experience of the event (emotions,
sonal identity (Conway, Wang, Hanyu, & Haque, smells, sounds) are qualitatively richer than memo-
2005; Rathbone et al., 2008; Rubin, Wetzler, & ries encoded without this information, which might
Nebes, 1986). be considered semantic. In this model, encoding
There is some direct evidence to support a rela- agentive experience is viewed as necessary to enrich
tion between the emergence of self and autobio- the memory trace, creating a memory that is resis-
graphical memory. Howe et al. (2003) tested a tant to forgetting (Bauer, 2015; Hayne, 2004; see
cohort of 15- to 23-month-old children on the mir- also Prudhomme (2005) for evidence linking this to
ror mark test, and involved them in hiding a toy. mirror self-recognition). Meta-cognitively reflecting
Up to 12 months later, those who were self-recogni- on this information to identify the source of the
zers at the time of the hiding event were more memory as being experienced by “me” is also
likely to remember the location of the hidden toy. viewed as important (Johnson et al., 1993; New-
Likewise, Harley and Reese (1999) reported a posi- combe et al., 2000; Perner & Ruffman, 1995; Raj &
tive association between 19-month olds’ self-recog- Bell, 2010; Welch-Ross, 1995a). Meta-cognitive
nition and their ability to sequence actions in a reflection distinguishes the state of “remembering”
The “Me” in Memory 3

as distinct from the subjective state of “knowing” clever, honest) are self-descriptive. When compared
(Tulving, 2005), and is by definition necessary for to trait words processed in reference to another per-
autobiographical recall. First emerging between the son (Is Trump clever?), or non-socially (Is this word
ages of 3 and 4 years (Pillow, 1989) and increasing in upper or lower case?), memory for self-processed
across childhood (Piolino et al., 2007); Welch-Ross trait words is superior. The SRE is thought to arise
(1995a) argues that it is the remember-know distinc- from organization and elaboration of the trait word
tion that allows children to enter into dialogues within a rich body of existing semantic and autobi-
with others about personally experienced events ographical self-knowledge (Klein, 2012; Symons &
(rehearsing and elaborating the memory), and Johnson, 1997). The SRE may also arise from prefer-
allows remembered events to be stored as belong- ential encoding (Cunningham & Turk, 2017; Turk,
ing to the self. The available evidence suggests that Cunningham, & Macrae, 2008), since self-relevant
both autonoetic source monitoring capacity and cues in the environment are likely to capture atten-
binding of specific details within an event develop tion (Bargh, 1982; Bredart, Delchambre, & Laureys,
gradually across early childhood (see Raj & Bell, 2006). These attentional, elaborative, and organiza-
2010 for review). However, developments in self- tional explanations of the SRE are entirely consis-
specific source monitoring in childhood have not tent with the multifaceted role of self described in
been empirically related to developments in autobi- Conway’s SMS (Conway, 2005; Conway & Pleydell-
ographical memory. This evidence is necessary to Pearce, 2000).
support Howe and Courage’s (1993, 1997, 2004; Although children can show an SRE on the tradi-
Howe et al., 2003) theory that tagging an event as tional trait paradigm, reported developmental pat-
self-referent is key to the offset of childhood amne- terns are mixed (Bennett & Sani, 2008; Halpin, Puff,
sia. Accordingly, linking the development of self- Mason, & Marston, 1984; Pullyblank, Bisanz, Scott,
specific source monitoring to autobiographical & Champion, 1985), perhaps because the trait task
memory is a key aim of the current article. Our sec- is developmentally challenging (Cunningham, Breb-
ond key aim was to link age-related change in the ner, Quinn, & Turk, 2014). Using more age-appro-
self-concept to age-related change in autobiographi- priate measures of self-referencing, children as
cal memory in early childhood. Using mirror self- young as 3 years have been found to show a mem-
recognition to test Howe and colleagues’ theory ory advantage for stimuli linked with the self (Cun-
limits the period of qualitative change to the period ningham, Vergunst, Macrae, & Turk, 2013;
of 18–24 months. However, amnesia persists Cunningham et al., 2014; Ross et al., 2011a; Sui &
beyond infancy, as reflected in the slow growth of Zhu, 2005). Although the SRE has rarely been
memories for events in early childhood (Hayne, related to the childhood amnesia debate (see Ross
Gross, McNamee, Fitzgibbon, & Tustin, 2011; Nut- et al., 2011a), the finding that young children can
tall, Valentino, Comas, McNeill, & Stey, 2014; Tus- benefit from the SRE provides indirect support for
tin & Hayne, 2010). Howe and colleagues argue Howe and Courage’s (1993, 1997, 2004; Howe et al.,
that the gradual offset of childhood amnesia is 2003) theory that the self is active in strengthening
related to gradual development in the self-concept, event memories in early childhood.
strengthening the anchor to which memories are Exploring the emerging SRE in more depth, Cun-
attached. However, this critical aspect of their the- ningham et al. (2014) adapted the traditional para-
ory remains untested. digm for use with children by substituting the trait
adjective for a picture of a toy or household object,
which the child was asked to assess for desirability
Early Self-Reference Effects
to themselves (when pictured with own face) or
The self-concept may act as an effective anchor another child (when pictured with another face).
for memories by offering a psychologically rich net- Cunningham et al. (Experiments 1 and 2) found
work of knowledge in which to embed incoming that 4- to 6-year olds had a robust SRE, remember-
information. This supportive role of the self in ing more of the items shown with their own face
memory is exemplified by the “self-reference effect” than those presented with the other child. Interest-
(SRE). This describes a mnemonic advantage for ingly, this effect emerged regardless of whether
information encoded with reference to self (Rogers, conscious evaluation was required during encoding;
Kuiper, & Kirker, 1977). Well-established in adults when the task was modified such that the identity
(see Symons & Johnson, 1997 for meta-analysis), the of the face was incidental to the task (by asking the
SRE is typically measured by asking participants to child to report the locus of the object rather than its
process whether psychological trait words (friendly, desirability), Cunningham et al. (Experiment 3)
4 Ross, Hutchison, and Cunningham

found that images presented with the self were still “Who am I?” test (Montmayor & Eisen, 1977;
better remembered. This “incidental” SRE (see Turk Wang, 2004). Using this methodology, the current
et al., 2008) was similar in magnitude to the “evalu- article provides the first comprehensive test of the
ative” SRE, and was age-invariant. Critical to auto- relation between the self and memory described by
biographical processing, 4- to 6-year-old children in Howe and Courage (1993, 1997, 2004; Howe et al.,
Cunningham et al.’s (2014) study also showed a 2003); assessing the importance of both the capacity
self-bias in source memory for incidentally and to anchor a memory to the self-concept (as mea-
evaluatively self-relevant items. This is important sured by source monitoring), and the strength of
because a) source memory elevates recognition the self-concept as an anchor (as measured by self-
scores to fulfill the criteria for episodic recall, description).
demonstrating conscious self-processing, and b) the Following extant research, we expect to replicate
children’s source-bias implies that they have the finding that self-performed actions and self-
entered the SMS system, in which self-relevant referenced stimuli are better remembered by young
events have mnemonic priority. children than stimuli linked with others (Cunning-
Source monitoring within the SRE paradigm ham et al., 2014; Ross et al., 2011a). We also expect
therefore allows one to determine if an episodic source monitoring capacity (Drummey & New-
memory has been tagged as self-referent, and if this combe, 2002; Foley & Johnson, 1985; Welch-Ross,
tagging has any mnemonic benefit. Moreover, 1995b), the quantity of specific autobiographical
unlike the mirror mark test of self-recognition, the details of past events (Hayne et al., 2011; Nuttall
SRE paradigm is not limited to a binary perspective et al., 2014; Tustin & Hayne, 2010), and the quan-
on the quality of memories before and after the tity of self-descriptive detail to increase with age
onset of mirror self-recognition at 2 years. Rather, (Eder, 1989, 1990; Harter, 1999; Montmayor &
the capacity for binding an event to self across vari- Eisen, 1977; Wang, 2004). Crucially, we assess for
ous levels of self-processing (e.g., incidental, evalua- the first time [to our knowledge] whether these
tive) can be employed to probe the potentially age-related changes are predictive of one another,
complex role of self-development in the critical per- even when controlling for vocabulary and memory
iod of amnesia recession. This allows elucidation of capacity. It is important to control for vocabulary
Howe and Courage (1993, 1997, 2004; Howe et al., given that the amount of detail provided in chil-
2003) and Welch-Ross’s (1995a) suggestions that the dren’s self-descriptions and autobiographical
offset of infantile amnesia is not sudden, but reports may vary with linguistic capacity. Control-
recedes gradually across childhood as the self-con- ling for general memory capacity is important to
cept grows in size and complexity (Eder, 1989, support Howe and Courage’s (1993, 1997, 2004;
1990; Harter, 1999; Montmayor & Eisen, 1977; Howe et al., 2003) claim that the offset of child-
Wang, 2004). hood amnesia is self-specific.
Specifically, we hypothesize that source monitor-
ing in SPT and SRE tasks, alongside the volume of
The Current Inquiry
children’s self-descriptions, will be predictive of the
We aim to examine, for the first time, the relation volume of autobiographical event details. If the for-
between the autobiographical memory system and mer relation is self-specific, and not a consequence
the self-concept in early childhood (3–6 years). We of general memory processes, then self-source mon-
assess the quantity of detail provided in children’s itoring within the SPT and SRE paradigms should
autobiographical event memories, and relate this to be a better predictor of autobiographical memory
source memory for self- and other-referenced stim- than other-source monitoring (where the child iden-
uli in the SRE paradigm, and for self- and other- tifies another person as the source of their knowl-
performed actions in the SPT. Source monitoring in edge). This predictive model would provide clear
incidental, evaluative, and physical self-reference evidence for the idea that tagging a memory as
paradigms is included since each aspect of these one’s own improves its memorability, due to the
memories is necessary to form mature autobio- supportive nature of the self-concept in motivating
graphical memory; one must autonoetically remem- the capture of and organizing the storage of self-
ber experiencing the event (SPT task), attend to the referent information. Moreover, recognizing the
role of self (incidental SRE), and integrate the event bidirectional nature of self and memory, we
with extant self-knowledge (evaluative SRE). Along- hypothesize that children’s self-knowledge will be
side these memory measures, we assess self-knowl- predicted by the volume of their autobiographical
edge by asking children to respond to the standard event narratives. These predictive relations would
The “Me” in Memory 5

provide evidence for the idea that the autobio- correct for guessing, the proportion of false
graphical memory base (described by Conway’s alarms was calculated for self and other actions
SMS) is responsible for maintaining and growing (number of other actions incorrectly identified as
an idea of “me.” self or other/12) and subtracted from raw scores
to give a final, corrected score for self-source
(proportion self hits proportion self false alarms)
Method and other-source (proportion other hits propor-
tion other false alarms).
NIH Toolbox Vocabulary Task. This task was
A total of 186 three- to six-year-old children performed on a touchscreen laptop provided by
were recruited (M = 56.99 months, range = 36– the experimenter (see Akshoomoff et al., 2014).
85 months; 54% female). All children had English Within each trial, a set of four pictures was pre-
as a first language, were predominately White, and sented onscreen simultaneously with a spoken
were pupils at Scottish nurseries or schools of med- word that described one of the pictures. Partici-
ium to low socioeconomic status. The children were pants were then asked to select the picture that
tested with the written consent of a parent or guar- best matched the spoken word by touching the
dian, and their own assent, and the research was appropriate picture on the laptop screen. Partici-
approved by Abertay and Dundee University’s Psy- pants were given as much time as required to
chology Ethics Committees. complete each trial. Due to the lack of reading or
literacy requirement, this task was deemed suitable
for children of all ages and abilities. This is a com-
Procedure and Materials
puter-adapted task whereby the difficulty of each
The children were tested individually over three successive item presented is based on the current
sessions on five tasks measuring: autobiographical estimate of the participant’s ability level, as esti-
memory, self-description, memory for self-per- mated by their responses to the previously admin-
formed action, self-relevant action, and receptive istered items on the test. Items were administered
vocabulary. Testing was carried out in the child’s to match each participant’s ability with item diffi-
place of education, with each child completing one culty. Each participant was exposed to 25 trials
session per week for three consecutive weeks. At and the task lasted on average approximately
the end of each session, the child was thanked, 5 min. The children received an age corrected
given a sticker, and taken back to class. score with a normative mean of 100 and standard
deviation of 15.
At the end of Session 1, each participant’s pho-
Session 1
tograph was taken for use in the subsequent testing
SPT. During the first session, the children session. This picture was used to cue self-reference
completed a subject-performed action task (the in the SRE task, which replicated the methods of
SPT) adapted from Ross et al. (2011a). Participants Cunningham et al. (2014).
were introduced to a fictional character called a
“wug.” Across a series of 24 picture cards
Session 2
revealed in turn, the Wug was depicted perform-
ing everyday actions. The experimenter and par- SRE task. Before seeing the child for a second
ticipant acted out alternate actions modeled by time, the experimenter cropped the photograph
the wug, with the order of the actions counterbal- taken in Session 1 using picture editing software,
anced across experimenter and participant. After a creating a 250 9 250 pixel (72 dpi) image of the
delay in which participants completed the NIH child’s face on a transparent background. This pic-
Toolbox Vocabulary Task (see next), they were ture was used to cue self-referencing. Facial pho-
then asked to free recall the actions, and identify tographs of age-matched controls who were
the source of each (i.e., indicate whether they unknown to the participants, were modified in the
were performed by self or the experimenter). To same way to create gender and age-matched other-
provide a self-source score, the proportion of hits referent cues named “Sam” as a unisex name. On
for self-actions was calculated (i.e., number of self arrival, the child sat at a table facing a 15 inch lap-
items correctly attributed to being conducted by top with a touchscreen. The experimenter sat beside
self/12 = total number of self-actions). The equiva- the child, in front of the laptop. The experiment
lent score was calculated for other-source. To was run using EPrime experimental software,
6 Ross, Hutchison, and Cunningham

(Psychology Software Tools, Pittsburgh, PA) and the experimental trials, the children were praised
consisted of an encoding task followed by an unex- for their concentration before being introduced to
pected recognition memory test. the memory task.
In the encoding phase a face was presented on a The stimuli and procedure for the incidental ver-
white background in the center of the touchscreen sion of the cognitive SRE task exactly followed that
monitor for 2,000 ms. In half of the trials, this was of the evaluative version, with the exception that
the child’s own face (“self-referent” trials). The instead of being asked to evaluate each object with
other half comprised “other-referent” trials, in reference to self or the other-referent, the children
which the face of the unknown, same-sex child was were asked simply to report on which side of the
presented. Self-referent and other-referent trials screen the object had been presented. This involved
were presented in an order randomized by the soft- presenting two yellow circles as response buttons,
ware. During the trial, 500 ms after the onset of the with no neutral or smiley faces. The size, color,
face, an object was shown in a box to the left or brightness, and position of these “left” and “right”
right of the face. Objects (e.g., toothbrush, broccoli), buttons were exactly matched with the face
and were presented as 250 9 250 pixel (72 dpi) response buttons presented in the evaluative ver-
color photographic images on a white background. sion. All the children recognized themselves and
The presented objects were taken from a total of 72 were able to follow the task instructions. Since
for the 3- to 4-year-old children, and 108 for the 5- piloting indicated that the evaluative and incidental
to 6-year-old children (with age-appropriate stimuli SRE tasks interfered with one another if given on a
set lengths determined by pilot testing). The objects within subjects basis, children completed either
were split into three equal lists. For each child, one the evaluative or incidental version (random
of the three lists was presented in self-referent tri- assignment).
als, one was presented in other-referent trials, and In the memory phase, children completed a one-
the third was reserved to be used as foils in the step source memory test, with participants being
subsequent recognition memory test. The use of asked to respond to each picture with one of the
these lists was counterbalanced across participants. following answers: “New picture,” “Shown with
Two versions of this task were used: “evalua- me,” or “Shown with Sam.” The children were told
tive” and “incidental” versions, following Cunning- they could guess if they were not sure of their
ham et al. (2014). In the evaluative version of the answer. The child responded by pressing the appro-
SRE task, the children’s task was to evaluate the priate key on the keyboard. Keys were annotated
object with reference to the faces. Specifically, they with “New,” “Me,” and “Sam.” Once the child had
were asked, “Would you [Sam] really, like this made their response, the object disappeared and a
object, or would you [Sam] not like it?” The two 1,000 ms intertrial interval preceded presentation of
images (i.e., face and object) remained onscreen the next object. Following Cunningham et al.
together for 1,500 ms, then a 100-ms blank inter- (2014), the self-source score was calculated by sub-
stimulus interval preceded presentation of two yel- tracting the proportion of “self” false alarm rate
low circle “buttons” depicting a smiley and neutral (New items incorrectly identified as “Shown with
face, respectively. The children were asked to touch me”/total number of new items) from the propor-
either the smiley face or neutral face button to tion of self-referent items correctly identified as
indicate the outcome of their evaluation. Following “Shown with me.” Likewise, the other-referent
the child’s response, the faces disappeared and a source score was scored by subtracting “other” false
blank 1,000 ms interval preceded presentation of alarm rate (New items incorrectly identified as
the next trial. Before beginning the experimental shown with Sam/total number of new items) from
trials, each child was given three practice trials items correctly identified as shown with the other-
(two self-referent and one other-referent trial) to referent. This correction method ensures that the
ensure that they recognized their own face, under- data analyzed focus on accurate source plus recog-
stood the task instructions, and were able to evalu- nition data, that is, data which fulfill the criteria for
ate their own and the other-referent’s likely episodic recall. These data are corrected for guess-
feelings toward the objects. All the children recog- ing by subtracting data from foils, for which there
nized themselves and were able to follow the task is no accurate memory. Children also make source
instructions. After the practice trials, the children confusions, that is, identifying old items with the
were encouraged to keep attending to the items wrong source. These may represent familiarity
onscreen to avoid missing any objects, and were rather than recall and are not included in the calcu-
asked not to talk during the task. After completing lations here.
The “Me” in Memory 7

verbatim onto paper at a later date (Wang, 2004).

Session 3
Responses referring to qualities, opinions, or traits
During the final testing session, participants were were coded as abstract (e.g., “I love to cycle”);
interviewed about their early memories and self- responses referring to physical traits or facts (e.g.,
knowledge following a procedure used by Wang “I have glasses”; “I live on a farm”) were coded as
(2004), and their responses recorded on a Dicta- concrete self-descriptions (Wang, 2004). Since the
phone and subsequently transcribed. The experi- volume of abstract responses was relatively low,
menter told the child that they had some questions analyses were based on total self-description scores,
to ask and would record their responses. The child created by summing the number of abstract and
was assured there was no right or wrong answer concrete details provided.
and just to respond with whatever they could think The autobiographical memory and self-descrip-
of. tion tasks were completed in this fixed order to
Autobiographical memory. To elicit autobio- replicate Wang (2004), and since piloting indicated
graphical event narratives, the experimenter asked that the autobiographical memory task was a more
the children “What can you remember about your effective conversation opener than the free self-
first day of school/nursery?”, and “What can you description task. Inter-rater reliability for coding
remember about your last birthday?” These events within the autobiographical memory task (specific
were chosen because they objectively happened to vs. general) and self-description task (abstract vs.
all of the children in the past and are culturally concrete) was established by having the data coded
considered memorable. Following each response, by two independent raters (authors 1 and 3), and
the experimenter used standard prompts such as yielded a robust Cohen’s kappa score (j = .971
“What else can you remember?” and “Is there any- overall, j = .929 specific vs. general, j = .993, con-
thing else?” until the child indicated by speech or crete vs. abstract). Raters were blind to any details
gesture they had finished. of the child’s age or performance when coding
Propositions, as described by Fivush, Haden, autobiographical reports and self-descriptions.
and Adam (1995; see also Wang, 2004) as subject-
verb propositions, were used as the coding unit
with each new proposition counting as a new unit
(e.g., “I dance” was one unit; “I dance and swim”
was two units). The propositions that made up chil- The first section next (a) describes checks that our
dren’s memory reports were coded as either specific data yielded predicted patterns regarding self ver-
if they referred to a memory that occurred at a par- sus other-referent encoding, and age. Thus, the
ticular point in time (e.g., I had a Spiderman birth- sample was split by median age to create two equal
day cake) or general for memories that referred to age groups (N = 93 each) for comparison in
events that took place on multiple occasions or hap- between subjects analyses (younger age group 36–
pened regularly (e.g., I had a birthday cake; Wang, 55 months; older age group 56–85 months). The
2004). Following Wang (2004), specific memories two age groups were combined for the main results
were given a score of 1, and general memories a section (b), in which age by months was included
score of 0, to preserve a focus on autobiographical as a covariate for detailed analysis regarding our
rather than semantic information. The total number key theoretical predictions.
of specific memory propositions provided was
summed across memory reports to create an overall
score. This coding method is designed to provide a Referent and Age Patterns
meaningful measure of both volume and specificity
Effects of Self Versus Other-Referent Encoding
of autobiographical reports.
Self-description. Next the experimenter used an Table 1 shows performance in the SRE and SPT
open-ended question to elicit the child’s self- tasks. Recall accuracy was highest on the SRE tasks,
description. The experimenter told the child “I won- which were supported by forced choice picture
der if you can tell me some things all about you, prompts, and particularly high when encoding
some things that would describe [child’s name] to required evaluation of the to-be remembered item
me?” The experimenter prompted the child after (as would expected from this deeper processing).
each response with “What else could I write about There was a bias for accurate self-source memory
you?” until the child indicated by speech or gesture across all tasks, which was similar for younger and
that they had finished. Interviews were transcribed older children.
8 Ross, Hutchison, and Cunningham

Table 1
SPT and SRE Performance, Overall and Split by Median Age

Proportion of accurate responses

Overall Younger Older

Task Corrected M (raw M), SE Corrected M (raw M), SE Corrected M (raw M), SE

SPT self-source .090 (.114), .008 .046 (.076), .011 .134 (.15), .011
SPT other-source .064 (.077), .007 .020 (.038), .010 .109 (.118), .010
Incidental SRE self-source .226 (.417), .028 .136 (.475), .038 .316 (.453), .040
Incidental SRE other-source .150 (.289), .024 .096 (.286), .033 .205 (.291), .035
Evaluative SRE self-source .375 (.60), .027 .164 (.537), .039 .589 (.671), .039
Evaluative SRE other-source .271 (.417), .024 .083 (.305), .033 .458 (.528), .034

Note. SRE = self-reference effect; SPT = subject-performed task.

The SPT scores were analyzed using a 2 (refer- children (see Table 2). Likewise for self-descriptions,
ent: self, other) 9 2 (age group: younger, older) although the volume of self-description was vari-
mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA). Both main able in both age groups, older children tended
effects were found to be significant with source to provide a higher volume of self-descriptive
memory increasing with age F(1, 182) = 56.10, information.
p < .001, partial g2 = .24; and more self-actions The volume of specific autobiographical detail
attributed to the correct source relative to other was analyzed using a univariate ANOVA with age
actions, F(1, 177) = 8.55, p = .004, partial g2 = .05. as a between-subjects factor (age group: younger,
There was no interaction between Referent and Age older). This analysis confirmed a main effect of age,
Group, F(1, 182) = 0.01, p = .94, partial g2 = .00. with older children producing more specific details
The two SRE scores were submitted to a com- than younger children, F(1, 168) = 12.48, p < .001,
bined analysis, using a 2 (referent: self, other) 9 2 partial g2 = .07.
(SRE task: evaluative, incidental) 9 2 (age group: Self-description scores were also analyzed a uni-
younger, older) mixed ANOVA. All three main variate ANOVA with age as a between-subjects fac-
effects were found to be significant, with source tor (age group: younger, older). A main effect of
memory being better in the evaluative SRE task age was found, with older children producing more
(M = 0.32, SE = .02) relative to the incidental self-descriptive details than younger children,
SRE task (M = 0.19, SE = .02), F(1, 176) = 18.02, F(1, 184) = 28.54, p < .001, partial g2 = .13.
p < .001, partial g2 = .09; increasing with age F(1, In sum, these initial analyses confirm that the
176) = 74.02, p < .001, partial g2 = .30 (M = 0.12, expected memory advantage for self-referenced
SE = .02 and M = 0.39, SE = .02, respectively); and items emerged in our sample, as did the predicted
being better for self-referent items (M = 0.30, age effect in source monitoring, volume of
SE = .02) relative to other-referent items (M = 0.21,
SE = .02), F(1, 176) = 25.59, p < .001, partial
g2 = .13. There was no evidence of any interactions:
Referent 9 SRE Task interaction F(1, 176) = 0.64, Table 2
p = .42, partial g2 = .00; Referent 9 Age Group Self-Reported Autobiographical Memory and Self-Description Volume,
interaction F(1, 176) = 3.07, p = .08, partial g2 = .02; Split by Median Age
Referent 9 SRE Task 9 Age Group interaction Volume
F(1, 176) = 0.70, p = .79, partial g2 = .00.
Self-report Younger Older

Self-Knowledge and Autobiographical Memory in Specific M = 2.76, M = 4.51,

Younger and Older Children autobiographical SD = 2.96, SD = 3.50,
detail range = 0–12 range = 0–14
The quantity of information about autobiographi- Total self-knowledge M = 1.14, M = 2.72,
cal events was highly variable across both age SD = 1.49, SD = 2.44,
groups, but on average older children provided a range = 0–7 range = 0–12
higher volume of specific details than younger
The “Me” in Memory 9

autobiographical details recalled, and self-descrip- general age-related improvement in source monitor-
tions produced by older children. ing, which is associated with age-related growth in
both autobiographical memory and self-description.
Since 27 correlations were run, the Benjamini–Hoch-
Relation Between SRE Source Scores, Self-Knowledge,
berg false-discovery rate procedure was run to
and Autobiographical Memory
assess Type 1 error; the only previously significant
The theoretical predictions of the current inquiry relation to lose significance was between autobio-
were tested by analyzing all of the key measures as graphical memory and SPT other-source.
continuous variables (age, SRE self- and other-score, Given these broad relations across tasks, a linear
SPT self- and other-score, autobiographical score, multiple regression was performed to assess the
self-description scores). Given that there were no best predictors of autobiographical memory from
SRE task interactions, we collapsed across inciden- this group. This analysis tested our theoretical pre-
tal and evaluative SRE scores so that all children dictions that the ability to tag (as measured by self-
could be included in a single analysis. source monitoring) and store memories as part of
To assess the relation between tasks, correlations the self-concept (as measured by self-description)
were calculated between specific autobiographical may account for age-related change in autobio-
memory score, SPT self- and other-scores, SRE self- graphical memory. Age in months and vocabulary
and other-scores, total self-descriptions, age in were entered in the first step of the analysis, fol-
months, and vocabulary score (receptive vocabulary lowed by measures of other-referenced memory
M = 102.08, SD = 11.98, range = 67.25–127.96). As abilities (i.e., other-performed items in the SPT
shown in Table 3, these analyses indicated that paradigm, other-referenced items in the SRE para-
specific autobiographical memories correlated mod- digm) in Step 2. Having controlled for the contribu-
erately with self-descriptions (p < .001), self-source tion of age, vocabulary, and general memory
scores (SPT self p < .001, SRE self p < .001), and age capacity in this way, we then entered our self-speci-
(p < .001), and weakly with other-source scores fic measures (i.e., self-performed items in the SPT
(SPT other p = .012, SRE other p = .009). Total self- paradigm, self-referenced items in the SRE para-
description scores correlated weakly with self- (SPT digm, and self-descriptions) in Step 3.
p < .001, SRE p = .001) and other-source (SPT At Step 1, the model was significant, R2 = .118,
p = .002, SRE p = .001) scores and moderately with F(2, 169) = 11.169, p < .001, accounting for 11.8% of
age (p < .001). Source scores also consistently corre- the variance in autobiographical scores. Age
lated within and across tasks, and with age (b = 0.086, p < .001) but not vocabulary (b = 0.006,
(p < .001 for all). Vocabulary scores were unrelated p = .754) was an independently significant predic-
to the majority of measures, correlating only with tor. This confirms age-related change in autobio-
age in months (p = .005) and self-source scores in graphical memory. At Step 2, the model remained
the SRE task (p = .001). This pattern confirms a significant, R2 = .120, F(4, 169) = 5.601, p < .001,

Table 3
Summary of Correlations for SRE Source Scores, Self-Knowledge, and Autobiographical Memory Tasks, Including Relations to Age and Receptive

description SPT self-source SPT other-source SRE self-source SRE other-source Age Vocabulary

Autobiographical memory .421** .313** .193a,* .322** .199** .343** .090

Self-description — .281** .229** .244** .248** .362** .042
SPT self-source — .417** .317** .354** .482** .133
SPT other-source — .363** .364** .453** .143
SRE self-source — .678** .610** .257**
SRE other-source — .562** .121
Age — .210**

Note. SRE = self-reference effect; SPT = subject-performed task.

Nonsignificant when corrected for false detection rate.
*p < .05. **p < .001.
10 Ross, Hutchison, and Cunningham

accounting for a similar proportion of variance at

12%. Age (b = 0.081, p = .001) continued to have
predictive value superior to that of both vocabulary
(b = 0.006, p = .787) and other-referencing (SPT
other-source: b = 1.421, p = .596; SRE other-source:
b = 0.016, p = .989). At Step 3, where the self-speci-
fic variables were entered, the predictive value of
the model more than doubled to 26.5%, R2 = .265,
F(7, 169) = 8.347, p < .001. Moreover, age dropped
out as an independent predictor (b = 0.025,
p = .323). Instead, each of the self-specific variables
made independent predictions: SPT self-source:
b = 4.913 p = .042; SRE self-source: b = 2.452,
p = .018; self-description b = 0.503, p < .001). Vocab-
ulary (b = 0.002, p = .930) and other specific vari-
ables remained insignificant (SPT other-source:
b = 1.304, p = .610; SRE other-source: b = 1.731,
p = .147). Regression lines for Step 3 are displayed
in Figure 1. These results imply the self-knowledge
and self-source monitoring account for a significant
proportion of the age-related change in autobio-
graphical memory between 3 and 6 years. These
analyses also confirm that the strongest relation
between autobiographical memory and source mon-
itoring is self-specific, and not domain general.
To explore the potentially bidirectional relation
between autobiographical memory and self-knowl-
edge predicted by Conway’s SMS model, we then
ran a regression analysis to predict self-description
scores. As before, age and vocabulary were entered
in Step 1, other specific variables in Step 2, and
self-specific variables (including SPT self-source,
SRE self-source and autobiographical memory) in
Step 3. At Step 1, the model was significant,
R2 = .121, F(2, 169) = 11.521, p < .001, accounting
for 12.1% of the variance in self-knowledge. Age
(b = 0.058, p < .001) but not vocabulary
(b = 0.005, p = .688) was an independently signifi-
cant predictor. This confirms age-related change in
self-knowledge. At Step 2, the model remained sig-
nificant, R2 = .132, F(4, 169) = 6.259, p < .001,
accounting for a similar proportion of variance at
13.2%. Age (b = 0.047, p = .003) continued to have
predictive value superior to that of both vocabulary
(b = 0.005, p = .688) and other-referencing (SPT
other-source: b = 2.157, p = .214; SRE other-source: Figure 1. Regression lines between autobiographical memory
and self-reference effect (SRE) self-source (panel a), subject-per-
b = 0.312, p = .663). At Step 3, where the self-speci-
formed task (SPT) self-source (panel b) and self-description
fic variables were entered, the predictive value of (panel c).
the model rose to 23.6%, R2 = .236, F(7,
169) = 7.157, p < .001. Again, age dropped out as
an independent predictor (b = 0.030, p = .068). In p = .619; SRE self-source: b = 0.441, p = .539),
this instance, autobiographical memory emerged as vocabulary (b = 0.005, p = .674), and other specific
the only significant predictor (b = 0.222, p < .001). variables (SPT other-source: b = 1.713, p = .312;
Self-source scores (SPT self-source: b = 0.802, SRE other-source: b = 0.535, p = .501) did not make
The “Me” in Memory 11

a significant contribution. These analyses suggest Cunningham et al., 2014). Extending extant
that autobiographical memory is a powerful predic- research, we identified for the first time predictive
tor of age-related change in self-knowledge. relations between self and memory. We hypothe-
Together, the aforementioned analyses suggest sized that source memory for self-referenced actions
that self-source memory and self-knowledge predict and objects would predict the volume of children’s
autobiographical memories, and that autobiographi- autobiographical memory as a result of increased
cal memories predict self-knowledge. This implies self-specific binding at encoding, and our analyses
that the positive relations between self-knowledge confirmed this relation. We also hypothesized that
and self-source monitoring reported in Table 3 may self-description details would predict autobiograph-
be mediated by a common link with autobiographi- ical memory because growing self-knowledge pro-
cal memory. To test this theory, we ran Haye’s vides a framework in long-term memory. Again,
PROCESS mediation analyses, using self-knowledge this relation was supported. Finally, we found evi-
as the outcome variable, self-source score as the dence to support the hypothesis that the relation
independent variable, and autobiographical mem- between autobiographical memory and self-knowl-
ory as the mediator, fitting the data to Model 4. For edge is bidirectional, as described in Conway’s SMS
both SPT (b = 2.26, BCa CI [1.15, 3.80], Z = 2.24, model (Conway, 2005; Conway & Pleydell-Pearce,
p = .001) and SRE tasks (b = 0.840, BCa CI [0.453, 2000).
1.39], Z = 3.33, p = .001), there was a significant This pattern of results provides support for
indirect effect of self-source monitoring on self- Howe and Courage’s (1993, 1997, 2004; Howe et al.,
knowledge through autobiographical memory. The 2003) theory, which postulates that the self-concept
theoretical outcome of these key regression and might be viewed as a cognitive anchor around
mediation analyses is displayed in Figure 2; depict- which episodic memories can be organized and
ing a cyclical relation between autobiographical elaborated, entering the autobiographical system.
memory and self-knowledge, which the capacity to Our results suggest that as the self-concept devel-
self-source monitor feeds into. ops across 3–6 years, the special mnemonic proper-
ties associated with self-reference may facilitate the
capacity to encode memories as part of a personal
narrative. As the self-concept expands, as indexed
here by the volume of self-descriptions, so too does
The current inquiry examined the relations between the likelihood that more specific autobiographical
autobiographical memory, source memory for self- details will be recalled. This is an important step in
and other-referenced stimuli, and self-knowledge in providing empirical evidence to support the
children. Consistent with previous research, source hypothesis that growth in autobiographical memory
monitoring ability increased with age across early is functionally related to the development of the
childhood (Drummey & Newcombe, 2002; Foley & self. Guided by Conway’s SMS theory, the role of
Johnson, 1985; Welch-Ross, 1995b), as did autobio- self in memory is well-evidenced in adults (Con-
graphical memory (Hayne et al., 2011; Nuttall et al., way, 2005; Conway & Pleydell-Pearce, 2000; Rath-
2014; Tustin & Hayne, 2010), and self-descriptive bone et al., 2008), and the mutual emergence of
details (Eder, 1989, 1990; Harter, 1999; Montmayor these systems in 2-year-old children has some sup-
& Eisen, 1977). We also found the expected age- port (Howe et al., 2003). However, the co-develop-
invariant memory advantage for both actions and ment of self and autobiographical memory systems
objects encoded in a self-referent context (see across early childhood has remained purely specu-
lative, so our results are of considerable theoretical
By contributing the advancement in knowledge
outlined earlier, the current study provides proof of
concept for the idea that the SRE paradigm might
be usefully adapted to elucidate autobiographical
memory development (as proposed by Ross et al.,
2011a). Adding to extant developmental demonstra-
tions of the cognitive SRE in childhood (Bennett &
Sani, 2008; Halpin et al., 1984; Pullyblank et al.,
Figure 2. The predictive relations between self-source monitor-
1985; Ross et al., 2011a; Sui & Zhu, 2005), our find-
ing, autobiographical memory and self-knowledge. ings support the concrete SRE paradigm adapted
12 Ross, Hutchison, and Cunningham

by Cunningham et al. (2014) and confirm an age-in- claim to provide uncomplicated evidence of the role
variant early self-referential bias on memory. of meta-cognitive remembering. Moreover, although
Although the SRE observed here was likely primar- there were domain general relations between source
ily attention-driven (Cunningham et al., 2014), the monitoring and the level of specific detail recounted
self-processing it engendered was deep enough to for early life events, self-source memory emerged
predict autobiographical retention. Our adaptation across two tasks (SPT and SRE) to be independently
of the SPT task (Ross et al., 2011a Study 1) was predictive of autobiographical memory. These
similarly successful in demonstrating a robust, low- results might be viewed as supporting an emphasis
level memory advantage for events linked with self on self-source binding skills (Johnson et al., 1993;
at encoding, which was associated with autobio- Newcombe et al., 2000; Perner & Ruffman, 1995;
graphical recall. These findings confirm that the Raj & Bell, 2010) over general binding ability
capacity for self-processing has a significant impact (Bauer, 2015; Hayne, 2004). Finally, we cannot fully
on the memorability of events within early child- assess the role of language in the offset of infantile
hood, despite the nascent nature of the self-concept. amnesia using the current design. An individual’s
Of course, the level of self-reference present in each expressive vocabulary or verbosity may contribute
of the memory tasks described is open to debate; to the strength of the relation between self-knowl-
perhaps, the SPT functions as a simple depth of edge and autobiographical memory, since both
processing effect, and the SRE on the basis of famil- capacities were measured through verbal self-
iarity. However, it is indubitable that the depth of report. Thus, although we do not find evidence that
processing and familiarity effects arising from being receptive vocabulary is related to memory develop-
a physically embodied self are unique, thus ment, the contribution of expressive vocabulary
whether conscious or not, the effects are self-speci- may nonetheless be important (see Nelson &
fic. Moreover, in each of the tasks, the children Fivush, 2004; Welch-Ross, 1995a). One way to test
were asked to explicitly tag the event as “self-refer- the contribution might be to elicit a non self-refer-
ent,” making it difficult to argue that conscious ent semantic control narrative. However, finding a
self-reference did not play a role (see Ross et al., topic which is neither self-referent nor informed by
2011a). autobiographical memory may be challenging.
The current results clearly speak to Howe and The finding that the self may play a “special”
Courage’s (1993, 1997, 2004; Howe et al., 2003) the- role in memory is in accord with a growing body
ory of childhood amnesia, and are highly consistent of neuroscience literature which implies that self-
with SMS theory (Conway, 2005; Conway & Pley- referencing in memory across a number of diverse
dell-Pearce, 2000; Rathbone et al., 2008). As dis- paradigms is associated with increased activation in
played in Figure 2, self-source memory can be the medial prefrontal cortex relative to when non-
viewed as a proxy for the working self in action, self-items are processed (e.g., Kelley et al., 2002;
leading to autobiographical memory, which itself Pfeifer, Lieberman, & Dapretto, 2007; Pfeifer &
draws from and feeds the self-knowledge system. Peake, 2012; Ray et al., 2009). The tendency for the
Our results are also broadly consistent with com- self to automatically trigger attentional responses
peting theories of the childhood amnesia. The rela- has also been captured neuropsychologically (e.g.,
tion that we observe between self-source memory Bredart et al., 2006; Gray, Ambady, Lowenthal, &
and autobiographical memory, together with the Deldin, 2004; Sui, Zhu, & Han, 2006). Further, it is
bias for self-referent memories, supports the idea clear that source monitoring and binding abilities
that remembering the experience of an event adds a may be dependent on maturation of specific brain
depth of processing which supports autobiographi- regions (see Raj & Bell, 2010 for review). However,
cal recall (Welch-Ross, 1995a). Our findings are also as the vast majority of brain imaging work is done
consistent with the idea that binding a memory to with older adults and children, there is a need for
source information, and the ability to retain specific further investigation of the neural developmental of
details of the event, are skills supportive of autobio- the SMS in early childhood.
graphical recall (Bauer, 2015; Hayne, 2004; Johnson Importantly, if the self does have a special role
et al., 1993; Newcombe et al., 2000; Perner & Ruff- in memory in childhood, as supported by the cur-
man, 1995; Raj & Bell, 2010). rent study, then it has significant real-world impli-
However, since we do not measure the distinc- cations. Firstly, there are educational implications
tion between remembering and knowing directly, whereby self-referential methods could be embed-
and the children do make some source errors ded in educational practices to aid memory for
(implying knowledge rather than recall), we cannot material without recourse to expensive resources or
The “Me” in Memory 13

additional time pressures on staff. For example, (2004) sociocultural theory, suggesting that chil-
Cunningham and colleagues have demonstrated dren’s social context might scaffold the develop-
how SREs can be usefully applied to support the ment of autobiographical memory. However,
processing and retention of maths and literacy infantile and childhood amnesia and early adult-
curricula (Cunningham, Scott, Hutchison, Ross, & hood reminiscence bumps are universal; implying
Martin, 2018; Turk et al., 2015). that although the quality of self and memory
A second key application of this work is in clini- may vary cross-culturally, the SMS may be invari-
cal intervention. Self-processing systems have been ant (Conway et al., 2005).
implicated in a number of conditions (see Klein,
2012). Of particular relevance to early development,
self-processing issues may be an important element
of autism. Studies of children (Gillespie-Smith, Bal- Contributing to broader gap in the literature
lantyne, Branigan, Turk, & Cunningham, 2018; concerning the functional development of self
Henderson et al., 2009) and adults (Grisdale, Lind, beyond mirror self-recognition (Ross, 2017; Ross,
Eacott, & Williams, 2014; Lombardo, Barnes, Anderson, & Campbell, 2011b; Ross et al., 2011a,
Wheelwright, & Baron-Cohen, 2007; Toichi et al., 2017), the current study presents novel empirical
2002) with autism suggest there may be unusual evidence of a relation between autobiographical
SRE patterns, which may be symptomatic of dis- memory and the self-concept. Pioneering the
ruptions in the SMS (see Lind & Bowler, 2009). empirical application of a robust source-based
Interestingly, brain imaging studies suggest that SRE in 3- to 6-year-old children (Cunningham
adolescents with and without autism show diver- et al., 2014; Ross et al., 2011a), we demonstrate
gent patterns of neural activation when engaged in for the first time that the volume and specificity
self-processing (Pfeifer et al., 2013). Crucially, of children’s autobiographical memories is pre-
understanding any divergent pattern in self-referen- dicted by both the volume of their self-knowl-
tial processing is only possible once we have a edge, and their capacity for self-source monitoring
greater understanding of typical development of within both physical and cognitive SRE para-
self-referential processing. A clear picture of self- digms. Drawing from the long theorized relation
processing development is therefore vital in order between self and memory (Hume, 1739/2003;
to develop successful strategies and interventions James, 1890; Locke, 1690/1995), these results
for children with developmental disorders associ- elucidate the emergence of Conway and Pleydell-
ated with disruptions in the self-concept and/or Pearce (2000) and Conway’s (2005) SMS and pro-
autobiographical memory. vide support for the theory that childhood amne-
Finally, it is important to establish whether the sia may be offset by the ability to explicitly
integrated development the self-construct and process event memories in relation to the self
autobiographical memory established here is repli- (Howe & Courage, 1993, 1997, 2004; Howe et al.,
cable cross-culturally. Adult studies suggest that 2003).
the self plays a reduced role in memory in non- Since the SREs we measure function at various
individualistic cultures (Sparks, Cunningham, & levels (physical, incidental, evaluative), which may
Kritikos, 2016; Zhu & Zhang, 2002). However, draw on different aspects of self-consciousness,
there is a lack of developmental work exploring future studies should address how the role of self
when this cultural difference emerges. Wang in memory develops (see Hutchison, Ross, & Cun-
(2004) found that 4- to 8-year olds’ self-descrip- ningham, in preparation; Welch-Ross, 1995a). It is
tions qualitatively differ cross-culturally, with Chi- also important to assess how this aspect of autobio-
nese children emphasizing their relations to other graphical development interacts with other impor-
people, in contrast to American children’s focus tant drivers of infantile and childhood amnesia
on personal attributes and psychological traits. including linguistic and sociocultural contexts
American children also tended to provide more (Fivush, 2011; Nelson & Fivush, 2004; Wang, 2004),
detailed and specific autobiographical memory domain general binding abilities (Bauer, 2015;
reports referencing themselves and their personal Hayne, 2004; Johnson et al., 1993; Newcombe et al.,
preferences. Drawing these findings together, 2000; Perner & Ruffman, 1995; Raj & Bell, 2010),
Wang (2003) suggested that an autonomous per- and cortical maturation (Bredart et al.,2006; Gray
spective on self may be more supportive of auto- et al., 2004; Kelley et al., 2002; Pfeifer & Peake,
noetic recall than more collectivistic perspectives. 2012; Pfeifer et al., 2007; Raj & Bell, 2010; Ray et al.,
This idea is in keeping with Nelson and Fivush’s 2009; Sui et al., 2006).
14 Ross, Hutchison, and Cunningham

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