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Received: 5 August 2022    Revised: 4 October 2022    Accepted: 24 October 2022

DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.15168

A n t h r o p o l o g y ; P a t h o l o g y/B i o l o g y

An unusual blunt force trauma pattern and mechanism to the

cranial vault: Investigation of an atypical infant homicide

Carolyn V. Isaac PhD1 | Jered B. Cornelison PhD2 | Clara J. Devota BS1 |

Brandy L. Shattuck MD3 | Rudolph J. Castellani MD4

Department of Anthropology, Michigan
State University, East Lansing, Michigan, Abstract
This case report presents an unusual fracture pattern in the cranium of a four-­month-­
Department of Pathology, Western
Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D.
old infant indicative of child abuse. Upon postmortem examination, the infant pre-
School of Medicine, Kalamazoo, Michigan, sented with numerous bilateral linear cranial fractures running perpendicular to
the sagittal suture with depressed and curvilinear fractures apparent on the supra-­
BLS Forensic Pathology, New York,
Syracuse, USA auricular surfaces of the cranium. Histological evidence indicates multiple traumatic
Department of Pathology, Northwestern events to the cranium. In addition, the stair-­step pattern of a parietal fracture may
University, Feinberg School of Medicine,
represent multiple contiguous fractures from repeated loading of the head at differ-
Chicago, Illinois, USA
ent times with variation of the focal points of compressive force. Additionally, the left
humerus, left radius, and left ulna have healing metaphyseal fractures, and the left
Carolyn V. Isaac, Department of
Anthropology, Michigan State University, ulna also has an antemortem diaphyseal fracture which resulted in the distal meta-
655 Auditorium Road, East Lansing, MI
physis being rotated 45 degrees medially. Integration of autopsy, anthropological, and
48824, USA.
Email: neuropathological reports for this case suggest multiple inflicted injury episodes with
a repeated atypical mechanism(s) to the cranial vault of the infant. During investiga-
Funding information
National Institute of Justice, Grant/Award tive interviews, the caretaker admitted to squeezing the infant's head and neck on
Number: 2017-­DN-­BX-­0166
multiple occasions to quiet the child. This reported abusive mechanism is consistent
with the pattern of symmetric cranial fractures and soft tissue injuries indicating as-
phyxiation. This case report provides forensic investigators with a potential trauma
mechanism to explore in cases when a similar pattern of cranial trauma is observed
and highlights the need for greater research on fracture propagation and fracture
healing in the infant cranium.

abusive head trauma, asphyxiation, child abuse, classic metaphyseal lesions, forensic
anthropology, forensic pathology, inflicted injury, metaphyseal fractures, non-­accidental injury,
skull fracture

• Multiple cranial and postcranial, including metaphyseal, fractures indicative of abuse.
• Gross and histological analyses revealed multiple stages of cranial fracture healing.

Presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 68th Annual Meeting, February 22–­27, 2016, in Las Vegas, NV.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-­NonCommercial-­NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-­commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Forensic Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

J Forensic Sci. 2022;00:1–12.  |     1

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2      ISAAC et al.

• Perpetrator admits to manually compressing the infant's head and neck on multiple occasions.
• Bilateral cranial fractures perpendicular to the sagittal suture are consistent with compression.
• Stair-­step pattern of parietal fracture may indicate multiple contiguous fractures from differ-
ent traumatic events.

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N remains unknown; however, it is estimated that abusive head trauma

in children less than a year old has an annual incidence of 33 to 38
Differentiating accidental from inflicted injury is a principal element cases per 100,000 children and nearly 25% of those cases result in
of medico-­legal death investigations in cases of infant mortality and death [13, 14]. Several studies have found that the presence of mul-
suspected child abuse. Non-­ambulatory infants with unexplained tiple cranial fractures and variable degrees of healing is more sug-
fracture(s) upon postmortem examination often prompt suspicions gestive of abuse [4, 8, 10, 12, 15], rather than the complexity of the
of inflicted injury. Fractures in these cases require a differential diag- fracture as was previously thought [6, 16].
nosis between child abuse, accidental injury, birth trauma, and natu- Understanding fracture patterns in forensic cases is difficult as
ral disease. Determination of abuse rarely hinges upon the presence few controlled studies of cranial impacts have been completed for
of a single fracture or fracture type, rather, in cases of suspected human skeletal material. While there are some experimental studies
inflicted injury, forensic investigators must consider contextual in- on fracture initiation and propagation in the human cranium [17–­
formation to understand the proximate cause. 26], few address the structural or biomechanical differences of the
Clinical literature provides guidelines for evaluating suspected developing infant head [27, 28] while others have utilized immature
cases of child abuse including assessing the developmental stage porcine models as a proxy for the infant cranium [29–­33]. These
of the child, the full scope of injuries, their severity, relative de- studies have demonstrated significant differences in the biome-
grees of healing, and medical history including the reported mech- chanical properties of infant bone and sutures compared to adults
anism of injury [1–­3]. Suspicions for child maltreatment are raised [27, 28] and have shown that the age of the child [29, 30], impact
if the child is a preambulatory infant with any injury, there are energy [30], impact surface [29, 30, 32, 34, 35], head entrapment
injuries to multiple organ systems, different stages of healing are [31], and impact shape [33] all influence the degree and pattern of
present, patterned injuries are observed, there are injuries to un- fracturing. To supplement the limited number of controlled experi-
usual locations like the torso, ears, face, neck or upper arm, there ments, retrospective clinical studies and case reports are often used
are unexplained serious injuries, or there is evidence of neglect [1, to inform fracture pattern interpretation in subadult individuals.
2]. Additionally, if no explanation or only a vague explanation of Unfortunately, in cases of suspected abuse, the trauma mechanism
the cause of the injury is provided, a history which is implausible is often unknown or unsubstantiated [1, 2, 36, 37].
for the child's physical or developmental stage, a delay in seeking This report presents a case of an infant who died with acute
medical care, inconsistencies in caretaker or witness accounts of and remote injuries indicative of an abusive history, including evi-
the injury event, or an explanation that is inconsistent with the dence of asphyxia, an unusual pattern of multiple cranial fractures,
pattern, severity, or age of the injury could also be indicators of and multiple metaphyseal and diaphyseal fractures of the left arm.
child abuse [1, 2]. Subsequently, the perpetrator admitted to a trauma mechanism
An important part of the investigation is determining whether which may explain the atypical cranial fracture pattern. The findings
the caretaker's explanation of the traumatic event is consistent of this case expand the spectrum of abusive head trauma mecha-
with the injuries observed. This requires an evaluation of the frac- nisms in infants, provide a pattern of skeletal trauma indicative of
ture pattern to estimate the trauma mechanism or the correlation abuse potentially resulting from bilateral compression of the cra-
of the fracture pattern with a known injury mechanism. The injury nium, and provide radiographic, gross, and histological evidence of
context and fracture pattern interpretation are especially important the fractures resulting from inflicted injury. Furthermore, this case
for cranial fractures as they are common injuries in children for both report highlights the need for further research into patterns of blunt
accidental and non-­accidental circumstances and have a lower speci- force trauma in the infant cranium and the development of methods
ficity for abuse than other injuries, such as rib fractures and metaph- for fracture age estimation.
yseal fractures [1, 4–­7]. The percentage of pediatric cranial fractures
attributed to abuse is relatively low compared to cranial fractures
resulting from accidental injury [1, 7–­9]. However, the association 2  |  C A S E R E P O RT
between a cranial fracture and abuse dramatically increases in in-
fants and young children. According to clinical studies, approxi- A four-­month-­old male infant was found unresponsive in a crib in the
mately one in three infants and toddlers with cranial fractures are early morning by the infant's mother. The mother attempted cardio-
victims of inflicted injury [10–­12]. These studies largely reflect pat- pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and law enforcement were called to
terns of abusive cranial trauma in living children. The frequency of the residence. Upon arrival, police continued CPR while the infant
cranial fractures in cases where the child died due to abusive activity was transported to the hospital where he subsequently died.

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ISAAC et al.       3

2.1  |  Medical history 2.3  |  Neuropathology findings

The infant was born vaginally at 33-­weeks gestational age with no Consistent with the forensic pathology findings, neuropathological
recorded complications or medical interventions associated with the analysis revealed focal subacute subarachnoid hemorrhages in the
delivery. The child was hospitalized for prematurity. Both the infant right frontal parasagittal region and left inferior parietal lobule of the
and the mother tested positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) fol- brain, approximately 1 centimeter in diameter and less than 1 cen-
lowing birth and a caseworker with Child Protective Services (CPS) timeter in diameter, respectively. There were no other observed ab-
was assigned to the family. A cranial ultrasound was performed normalities, pathological conditions of the brain tissues, or retinal
11 days after birth and was normal with no evidence for traumatic hemorrhages.
brain injury or cranial fractures. The infant was released from the
hospital 25 days after birth and was under the care of his parents for
3 months until his death. 2.4  |  Anthropological examination

The skull cap was radiographed (Figure  3) and photographed

2.2  |  Autopsy findings (Figure  4A,D,G) prior to histological sampling and maceration, re-
vealing numerous fractures. Histological samples were resected
The postmortem radiographic skeletal survey revealed multiple from three cranial fractures prior to processing (Figure 4B). The cal-
fractures to the neurocranium and radiographic evidence consist- varium, left humerus, left radius, and left ulna were macerated in an
ent with metaphyseal fractures of the left humerus, ulna, and radius incubator over a two-­week period with manual removal of the soft
(Figure 1). External examination of the remains indicated florid pete- tissues.
chial hemorrhage of the conjunctiva and face, most notable around The left parietal demonstrated a comminuted, slightly depressed
the right eye. Two blue-­purple contusions, measuring 1.2 and 0.8 defect (Fracture 1) with four associated simple, linear, radiating frac-
centimeters, were observed on the left arm. According to World tures (Fractures 2 through 5), all with rounded fracture margins and
Health Organization growth charts, the infant's body weight at the extensive subperiosteal new bone formation (Figure  4D–­F ). The
time of postmortem examination was less than the 5th percentile, majority of the Fracture 1 defect had no remaining fracture gap
the crown-­heel length was in the 10th percentile, and the head cir- and the inferior margin was nearly obliterated. While Fracture 2 ex-
cumference was less than the 5th percentile for a 10-­week adjusted tended between Fracture 1 and the anterior left parietal, Fractures
age male. 3 through 5 extended to the sagittal suture. Also evident in the left
Internal examination revealed hemorrhagic cerebrospinal fluid, parietal region was a curvilinear fracture (Fracture 6) and linear frac-
two areas of hemorrhage in the soft tissues of the left and right ture (Fracture 7) adjacent to the craniotomy cut (Figure 4D–­F ). Since
fronto-­parietal regions of the scalp, and corresponding hemorrhages only the cranial vault was available for anthropological evaluation,
in the soft-­tissues adherent to the skull underlying the scalp hem- the extent, number, and location of terminal points of these frac-
orrhages (Figure  2). Multiple cranial fractures extending from the tures could not be evaluated, but rounded fracture margins and sub-
areas of soft tissue hemorrhage were also observed. Scant amounts periosteal new bone formation associated with Fracture 7 provided
of subarachnoid hemorrhage were noted on the brain. The brain was evidence of healing.
retained for neuropathological analysis. The skull cap and elements The right parietal exhibited a simple fracture (Fracture 8) with
of the left arm were resected and submitted for anthropological an unusual morphology, changing direction multiple times in a stair-­
analysis. step pattern that extended between the sagittal suture and the

F I G U R E 1  Radiographic series
taken prior to postmortem examination
indicating (A) multiple fractures of the
cranial vault, (B) a metaphyseal fracture
of the left humerus (circled), and (C)
metaphyseal injuries of the left radius and
ulna (circled).

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4      ISAAC et al.

occipital, extending between the lambdoid suture and the craniot-

omy cut (Figure 4D–­F ).
In total, 14 fractures were identified in the cranial vault. In the
left parietal, Fractures 2 through 5 all communicated with Fracture
1. Fractures 6 and 7 did not intersect with any other fractures in the
portion of the cranial vault that was evaluated. The right parietal
presented a complicated fracture pattern with all identified frac-
tures [8–­13] intersecting with at least one other fracture. Fracture
14 was the only fracture observed in the occipital. All fractures ex-
hibited evidence of healing indicating they occurred antemortem
and were consistent with blunt force trauma to the head. There was
no evidence of perimortem trauma. It is important to note that each
fracture does not represent an individual impact as multiple frac-
tures may have occurred from the same traumatic event.
The left arm exhibited multiple healing osseous injuries. A me-
taphyseal fracture was observed radiographically (Figure 5A,B) and
grossly (Figure 5C,D) in the proximal humerus extending along the
F I G U R E 2  An image of the scalp reflected showing a soft tissue supero-­posterior and supero-­lateral metaphyseal margin and across
hemorrhage (arrow) and skull fractures (arrowheads). the physeal surface (Figure 5E). Subperiosteal new bone formation
was present along the margin. The metaphyseal fracture was largely
healed in the lateral aspect with no visible fracture line, while the
fracture line was visible posteriorly.
Healing trauma was also identified in both the left radius and
ulna. The left radius had subperiosteal new bone formation along
the shaft, proximally at the radial tuberosity and distally at the me-
taphysis (Figure 6). There was also a healing metaphyseal fracture
of the anterior distal metaphysis (Figure 6B,C) that extends to the
physeal surface of the metaphysis (Figure  6E). The left ulna ex-
hibited evidence of a healed fracture in the distal one-­third of the
diaphysis with the distal metaphysis rotated approximately 45 de-
grees medially relative to the proximal two-­thirds of the diaphysis
(Figure 7B,C). Due to extensive remodeling, the fracture type was
indeterminate, but the rotation of the distal ulnar metaphysis sug-
gests an oblique or spiral fracture. There was also a metaphyseal
fracture of the distal metaphysis of the ulna observed radiographi-
cally (Figure 7A) and grossly on the physeal surface (Figure 7E). The
metaphyseal fractures of the humerus, radius, and ulna, and the
fracture of the distal ulnar diaphysis suggest at least one traumatic
event to the left arm.

F I G U R E 3  Superior radiograph of the calvarium prior to

maceration showing fractures in the right and left parietals (anterior 2.5  |  Histological examination
is oriented at the top of the image).
Three cranial fractures were excised for histological analysis prior
craniotomy cut. Fracture 9, a complex linear fracture with branching to maceration to further investigate differential levels of healing.
(Fracture 10) extended between the sagittal suture with its other Fracture 4 grossly appeared to have rounded fracture margins and
terminus in the right parietal. A simple, linear fracture (Fracture 11) subperiosteal new bone formation. When observed histologically
connected Fractures 8 and 9. Fracture 12 is a simple curvilinear (Figure 8); however, the fracture gap was resolving on the ectocra-
fracture which extends between Fracture 8 and the intersection of nial and endocranial surfaces with bone formation and the gap was
the lambdoid suture and craniotomy cut (Figure 4G–­I). Fracture 13 infiltrated with fibrous connective tissue and areas of cartilage for-
is a simple, curvilinear fracture that extends between Fracture 12 mation. In addition, the healing fracture exhibited blurred fracture
and the lambdoid suture (Figure 4G–­I). The final cranial fracture ob- margins, numerous new capillaries, and new woven bone formation
served (Fracture 14) was a simple, linear fracture of the left lateral along and within the fracture gap.

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ISAAC et al.       5

F I G U R E 4  Cranial fractures identified in the calvarium from the superior (A–­C), left lateral (D–­F ), and right lateral (G–­I) views. The first
photo in each orientation (A, D, and G) shows the skull cap after resection with some fractures visible. The second set of photos (B, E, and H)
are of the cranial vault following histologic sampling, maceration, and soft tissue removal and highlights the fractures, several with open
margins. Cranial vault diagrams (C, F, and I) show the 14 fractures identified and areas of histological sampling indicated by the gray-­shaded

F I G U R E 5  Radiographic and gross evidence of skeletal trauma of the left humerus. (A) Anterior–­posterior radiograph; (B) lateral
radiograph; (C) anterior view; (D) posterior view; and (E) detailed superior view of the physeal surface of the proximal humerus.
Arrows indicate the radiographic and grossly observed evidence of a healing metaphyseal fracture.

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6      ISAAC et al.

F I G U R E 6  Radiographic and gross evidence of skeletal trauma of the left radius. (A) Anterior–­posterior radiograph showing a region
of subperiosteal new bone formation along the lateral margin, indicated by the white arrowhead; (B) lateral radiograph showing a healing
metaphyseal fracture in the anterior distal aspect indicated by the white arrow; (C) anterior view demonstrating subperiosteal new bone
formation at the radial tuberosity and distal metaphysis indicated by black arrowheads; (D) posterior view demonstrating subperiosteal
new bone formation indicated by black arrowheads along the shaft; and (E) detailed inferior view of the distal physeal surface of the radius
showing the healing metaphyseal fracture.

F I G U R E 7  Radiographic and gross evidence of skeletal trauma of the left ulna. (A) Anterior–­posterior radiograph showing a healing
metaphyseal fracture of the anterior distal metaphysis indicated by white arrow; (B) anterior view showing the healing metaphyseal fracture
indicated by the arrowhead and medial rotation of distal shaft; (C) lateral view showing a healed fracture between the white arrowheads;
(D) articulated ulna and radius demonstrating the medial rotation of the distal ulna; and (E) detailed inferior view of the distal ulnar physeal
surface showing the healing metaphyseal fracture.

The unusual stair-­step fracture (Fracture 8) presented grossly Visual examination of Fracture 9 near the sagittal suture exhib-
with a wide fracture gap, rounded margins, and profuse subperios- ited rounded margins and a distinct fracture gap while the area sam-
teal new bone formation along the margins. Histological assessment pled, located inferiorly, presented less distinct evidence of healing.
indicated minimal bone resorption, moderate fibrous connective tis- Histologically the sample did not exhibit a marked tissue response
sue that bridged the ectocranial fracture gap, and minimal new capil- compared to the other histological samples. There was minimal fibrous
lary formation (Figure 9). The fracture margins were also misaligned, connective tissue within the fracture gap, minimal new capillaries, and
with the right side displaced inferiorly. minimal evidence of bone resorption of the fracture margins (Figure 10).

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ISAAC et al.       7

F I G U R E 8  Histology of fracture 4 (H&E stain) overall fracture (top, scale 400 μm) and detailed view of the fracture gap (bottom, scale
200 μm) highlighting cartilage (Ca), fibrous connective tissue (FCT), and capillaries (C).

Histological and gross examination of the cranial fractures indi- 2.6  |  Additional investigative information
cated the presence of different degrees of fracture repair, providing
evidence of at least three levels of healing in the calvarium. These Interviews with the infant's parents were prompted after it was
different stages of healing include (1) an early stage in which the discovered at autopsy that the infant had multiple fractures.
fracture margin was open with rounded fracture margins, minimal Initially, the father claimed he accidentally hit the infant's head on
to moderate fibrous connective tissue, minimal new capillaries, and a wall corner, but later admitted to repeatedly hitting the infant
minimal evidence of bone resorption; (2) a reparative stage with the night the child was found unresponsive; however, it was un-
complete infiltration of the fracture gap with extensive fibrous con- clear how many times the child was struck as the father was under
nective tissue and cartilaginous tissue, numerous new capillaries, the influence of alcohol and marijuana. Eventually, the father ad-
and new woven bone along and within the fracture gap, and; (3) a re- mitted to repeated episodes of abuse in the attempt to quiet the
modeling stage in which the fracture margin was completely obliter- infant, including routinely striking the infant's head, tipping the
ated with persistent subperiosteal new bone formation as observed chin back and squeezing down on the neck, squeezing the infant's
grossly in Fracture 1. neck and skull while pushing back on the chin and squeezing his

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8      ISAAC et al.

F I G U R E 9  Histology of fracture 8 (H&E stain) overall fracture (top, scale 400 μm) and detailed view (bottom, scale 200 μm) highlighting
dense fibrous connective tissue (FCT) and capillaries (C).

skull while covering the face. These mechanisms are modeled in and anthropological analyses, the medical examiner concluded the
Figure 11. death was a homicide. The cause of death was deemed asphyxia
due to obstruction of the airways as evidenced by the multiple pe-
techiae on the face and conjunctivae. The blunt force injuries to the
3  |  D I S C U S S I O N head, evidenced by multiple skull fractures at varied states of heal-
ing, bloody cerebrospinal fluid, and scalp and subarachnoid hemor-
In this report, we detail the postmortem examination of a four-­ rhages, were recorded as contributory causes of death.
month-­old infant who presented with petechiae of the face and While the pattern of skeletal injuries presented in this case ex-
eyes, scalp and subarachnoid hematomas, fourteen calvarial frac- ample are consistent with clinical studies and forensic reports of
tures, three metaphyseal fractures and subperiosteal new bone child abuse, the cranial fracture pattern and purported mechanism
formation on the left arm, and a healed fracture in the left distal of abuse are unusual. The infant in this case presented with mul-
ulna diaphysis. In the differential diagnosis process, birth trauma or tiple bilateral fractures in the parietals, consistent with Meservy
fractures due to prematurity in the cranium were ruled out based on and colleagues’ [12] characterization of pediatric cranial fractures
the normal results of the cranial ultrasound performed during the in- observed radiographically where multiple skull fractures, bilateral
fant's hospitalization after birth. In addition, there was no evidence fractures, and fractures crossing sutures were more common in
of natural disease or accidental injury in the infant's history nor on cases of abuse. Theoretical consideration of the pattern of linear
examination. Based on the results of the autopsy, neuropathological, fractures running perpendicularly to the sagittal suture appears to

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ISAAC et al.       9

F I G U R E 1 0  Histology of fracture 9 (H&E stain) overall (top, scale 400 μm) and detailed view (bottom, scale 200 μm) highlighting fibrous
connective tissue (FCT) and capillaries (C).

be consistent with low velocity bilateral compression applied to the healing at the microscopic level evidenced by the progression from
lateral aspects of cranial vault. This is supported by the findings of soft-­tissue response to woven bone formation. Using the histological
a study by Hiss and Kahana [38] who reported bilateral temporo- method published by Naqvi and colleagues [39] to estimate the age
parietal fractures were only observed in infants who experienced of fractures in infants, Fractures 8 and 9 with fibrin formation and
bilateral compression of the head. A slow loading compression fibrous connective tissue/granulation tissue would most likely occur
force is also congruent with the abusive mechanism described by between 12 hours and 3 days after injury. Fracture 4 with granu-
the suspect whereby the palm of the hand covers the face of the lation tissue, cartilage, and woven bone would be consistent with
child, and the fingers squeeze the lateral aspects of the cranium an injury that is 5 to 7 days old. Although there was no histological
(Figure 11). Furthermore, the curvilinear fractures (Fractures 6 and sample taken of the fracture with the most advanced gross healing
12), and the depressed fracture on the left parietal (Fracture 1) may (Fracture 1), Naqvi and colleagues indicate fracture union occurred
represent focal trauma from the fingers and thumb to the supra-­ in most fractures in their sample 22 to 28 days after injury [39].
auricular sides of the head. However, Naqvi et al. [39] do not identify the skeletal ele-
All of the cranial fractures were antemortem with evidence ments utilized to develop the method nor has the method been
of healing. Fracture 1 was the most advanced in fracture repair independently validated on a sample of infant cranial fractures
with nearly obliterated fracture margins indicating remodeling. where the time elapsed since injury is known. The lack of re-
Histological analysis revealed two potential additional stages of search and methods for the accurate estimation of infant cranial

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10      ISAAC et al.

F I G U R E 1 1  Three confessed mechanisms of abuse used by the caretaker to quiet the child. (A) Tipping the infant's chin back while
compressing the neck; (B) squeezing the infant's neck and skull while pushing back the chin; and (C and D) compressing both sides of the
cranium while covering the infant's face.

fracture age limits the ability to correlate the histologic differ- injuries occurred is provided by the postcranial injuries which
ences between the fractures in this case with different traumatic are highly correlated with physical abuse. Metaphyseal fractures
events. Additional factors such as differences in the extent of in infants are due to the greater susceptibility of the developing
the fracture gaps and reinjury of a pre-­e xisting fracture fur- trabeculae in the primary spongiosa of long bone metaphysis
ther convolute determination of multiple traumatic events. The to planar failure near the bone's proximal or distal end and are
stair-­s tep morphology of Fracture 8 was also atypical in this highly correlated with inflicted injury in young children –­ particu-
case example, as this type of fracture has not previously been larly non-­a mbulatory infants [1, 43–­45]. Kleinman and colleagues
reported in the literature except in cases of thermal fracturing [43, 44] have suggested metaphyseal injuries are produced when
[40]. Considering the reported abuse mechanism, the stair-­s tep forces of torsion and/or tension are exerted on an infants' extrem-
pattern of Fracture 8 could represent multiple contiguous frac- ities. These forces are associated with yanking or twisting of the
tures from repeated loading of the skull at different times with arms and legs or the uncontrolled flailing of the limbs during shak-
variation of the focal points of compressive force (i.e., the place- ing episodes [43, 44, 46]. The medial rotation of the distal ulnar
ment of the hand and fingers). As Berryman and colleagues [41] head also indicates a torsional force applied over the left extrem-
describe, antemortem fractures may lengthen as the result of ity causing a fracture.
a new traumatic event if the energy imparted cannot be dissi-
pated by the preexisting fracture. However, the morphology of
Fracture 8 is not observed elsewhere in the literature nor have 4  |  CO N C LU S I O N
there been controlled fractography studies demonstrating the
pattern. As fractures initiate, they are expected to be straight, The interpretation of fracture pattern and timing is of utmost
propagating perpendicular to the maximum tensile stresses, but importance in the differential diagnosis of trauma, particularly if
the propagation path is influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic con- the injuries could be the result of either an accident or from an
ditions [42]. The conditions under which the stair-­s tep pattern inflicted injury and not from documented birth trauma or due to
will occur remain unknown. an underlying health condition. Often, these determinations are
Provided the current lack of controlled experiments on cranial contingent upon the type and location of fractures, the age and
fracture patterns and healing, the fracture pattern of the cranium developmental status of the child, and the history provided by the
cannot solely indicate repeated traumatic events and a history of caretaker. This report is illustrative of an infant with multiple inju-
abuse; however, clarity as to the circumstances in which these ries sustained over time. In this case, the perpetrator's admission is

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