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Assignment # 2

Instructions: Read the following questions carefully and answer them

concisely on a separate paper (25 pts. each)

1. What is the difference between verbal and non-verbal

communication? Provide Five example in each kind.
- Verbal communication uses spoken or written words to communicate a
message while the Non-Verbal communication uses body language,
gestures, facial expressions, and even posture to communicate.

Examples of Verbal Communication:

 Talking to a friend.
 Reciting in front of the class.
 Telling a story.
 Lecturing someone.
 Sending a text message.

Examples of Non-Verbal Communication:

 Kinesics / Use of Body.
 Paralanguage / Use of Voice.
 Proxemics / Use of Space.
 Chronemics / Use of Time.
 Silence.

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2. What special factors influence the kind of register to be used? Why
is there a need to be mindful of these registers?

- There are three types of Language Registers. These are Formal,

Informal, and Neutral. The Formal Language is used in a professional
context. This style is impersonal, highly structured and often allows a
prescriptive format. Meanwhile, the Informal Language or casual
register is conversational and appropriate when writing to friends and
people you know very well. Informal Language is casual, personal and
more intimate in its tone. Last but not the least, the Neutral Language.
Neutral Language is not necessarily formal or informal. It is used to
deliver facts and non-emotional type of language register.

The reason why we need to be mindful of these registers is the following;

to gain knowledge about it, to distinguish each register, and to apply it in
real-life conversations.

3. How can non-verbal cues contribute to communication

breakdown? (Breakdown is miscommunication among participants.)

- Cues such as body language, gesture, and facial expressions are

examples of non-verbal communication that can contribute to the
occurrence of communication breakdown by adding an additional
messages or backup information to the receiver to decode. (In case, he or
she didn’t understand the primary message of the encoder.)

4. Do you agree with the quotation” Action speaks louder than

words”? Explain.

- I definitely agree because people’s actions show their real attitudes,

rather than what they say. For example, a husband can say to his wife, “I
love you,” over and over again, but if he never does anything to show her
he loves her, then his words become empty or less meaningful.

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