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Please adapt this template as necessary. Add extra paragraphs if you need to, and
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Title: Should Germany be blamed for Hitler’s rise to power

Introduction General Adolf Hitler was a German dictator in 1933 until his death in
introductory 1945. He was responsible for many atrocities that resulted in
remarks the deaths of millions of people.
Thesis Some people believe that the German people should be held
statement/ responsible for his rise to power. But others think otherwise.
scope This essay will discuss both views on the argument.
Paragraph 2 Topic sentence At the time Germany was facing many hardship and Hitler
patriotism lead to his popularity
Support Hitler rose to power through the Nazi Party, an organization he
forged after returning as a wounded veteran from the
annihilating trench warfare of World War I. He and other
patriotic Germans were outraged and humiliated by the harsh
terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which the Allies compelled
the new German government, the Weimar Republic, to accept
along with an obligation to pay $33 billion in war reparations
Paragraph 1 Topic sentence When Germany became a democratic republic known as the
Weimar republic many youth who came back from the war
were disillusioned and in combative spirit against the new
democratic experiment.

Support Adolf Hitler was among those youth disturbed by their nation's
defeat He found it in a political organization that already
existed called the German Workers' Party. And he rapidly
became a dominant figure in the movement because he had a
gift for public speaking. In early 1920, the party changed its
name to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or the
Nazi Party for short.
Paragraph 3 Topic sentence During the great inflation of 1923, Hitler saw his opportunity to
overthrow the new Weimar republic.

Support Hitler and about 2,000 supporters attempted to stage a coup in

which they took control of Munich. Although it failed and
Hitler was sent to prison, he was treated like a celebrity
gaining further support of the people.
Paragraph 4 Topic sentence Back then people knew what Hitler stood for, but they weren't
quite sure what his priorities were. Now we now that Hitler
was keen on removing the Jews and winning what he called
living space for Germany in the east.
Support Up until 1932, that's not what he talked about all the time. The
Nazis downplayed their anti-Semitic rhetoric. Their rhetoric
was, what's wrong with this country is the system. During the
vote a third of the electorate gravitated toward Hitler thus
became the person that the president chose to make
Conclusion Summary of Germany was facing immense political and economic hardship
main ideas after losing the war and Hitler shared the same emotions with
many of the youths at the time. With his public speaking skills
he was able to gain popularity in his political party and won
the votes to become a chancellor of Germany
Concluding In my opinion, Germany shouldn’t be fully blame for Hitler’s
remarks/recom rise in power because at the time the country was in many
mendations difficulties and so people saw him as a fitting leader for the

References (in full)

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