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Chooses appropriate quantitative research design;

2. Describes sampling procedure and sample;
3. Constructs an instrument and establishes its validity and reliability.

Timeframe: 2 weeks (Q2-Week 1&2)

Student’s Name: ___________________________________________

Grade & Section: __________________________________________

Quantitative Research Designs

Concept Notes

Get ready to check the information below! If you have internet access, you may gather more information about them.

In quantitative research, “a research design refers to the overall strategy that a researcher uses
to logically and coherently integrate the various components of a study” (Barrot, 2017). The
research design of your particular study can help you clarify the methods or techniques in finding
answers to your research questions and in collecting data (Baraceros, 2017).
The appropriate choice of quantitative research design for your study is the initial step after
conceptualizing your research topic (Baraceros, 2017). It’s uses statistical analysis and
mathematical computations in order to generate a conclusion (Arcinas, 2016). The quantitative
research designs have certain advantages (verify results; filter out external factors and produce
unbiased results; verify qualitative researches and narrow down possible results; and variables can
easily be manipulated) and disadvantages (time consuming in data collection; difficult and
expensive to do; and requires statistical analysis; and very little room for uncertainty) (Arcinas,
1. Descriptive research design is the most common design that observes and reports certain
phenomenon or shows a picture of a group. It has no treatment/intervention (no manipulation
happened) (Barrot, 2017). It uses the demographic profile (include personal characteristics (sex,
age, education, employment, marital status, languages spoken, disability, dependent children) and
measures of community socioeconomic status and remoteness ( of the
respondents as basis of classifying the data. Common study designs include comparative descriptive
design; cross-sectional and longitudinal designs ( Uses Mean, Median,
Mode, and Percentage, Frequency, etc as common descriptive statistical tools.
2. Correlational research design seeks for connection between one variable and how it affects
another variable but not a “cause-and-effect” relationship which means no manipulation of variables
(Barrot, 2017). Common study designs include descriptive correlational designs, predictive designs,
etc. ( Statistical tools employed are inferential statistics such as:
Spearman’s rho (Spearman’s r) and Pearson product-moment correlation (Pearson’s r) (Baraceros,
3. Causal-comparative research design (Ex post facto) aims to infer the causes of a
phenomenon which have already occurred. No manipulation of variables and groups exposed to the
presumed cause are compared to those who are not. Uses questionnaire (Barrot, 2017) and employs
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test as the non-parametric statistical tool for the test of hypothesis.
4. Quasi-experimental research design aims to establish a cause-and-effect relationships
(Barrot, 2017) that it may or may not have a control group or subjects and subjects are not randomly
assigned to groups (Baraceros, 2017) (Uses intact groups or already existing groups). Common
study designs include pre and post-test designs, post-test only designs, and interrupted time series
designs ( and non-equivalent designs (Cristobal & dela Cruz-Cristobal,
2017). The Mann-Whitney U test for ordinal or continuous groups for the hypothesis testing may
be employed.
5. Experimental research design aims to establish cause-and-effect relationships and
randomly assign individual participants/subjects to the treatment and control groups (Barrot, 2017).
Common study designs include pre-test-post-test control group designs, post-test only control group
designs, and Solomon four-group designs (Cristobal & dela Cruz-Cristobal, 2017). A test of
hypothesis that employs parametric statistical tools such as t-test for independent sample (unpaired
t-test), One-way Anova, etc. It is bias-free selection that ensures objectivity of the results (Baraceros,

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. Worksheets

It’s time to test yourself!

Name: ______________________________ Strand & Section: ____________________

Date: _______________________________ Teacher: ____________________________

Worksheet # 1.1: Decipher the Research Design

A. DIRECTION: Identify the research design of the study shown in the pictures above. Write the
LETTER of the BEST ANSWER before each number: D



B. DIRECTION: Using the decision tree below trace the appropriate research design of the study
based on the research question. Write your answer before each number.

______________________ 1.
What percentage of learners
from the different strands of
SHS shows mastery level in
their summative tests in
Science and Mathematics?
_____________________ 2.
What is the effect of
scaffolding to the academic
performance of STEM 12A
and STEM 12B learners as intact groups?
____________________________ 3. What is the effect of blended learning approach to
systematically identified learners of TVL strands compared to online learning alone?
____________________________ 4. What is the connection between self-esteem and academic
performance of learners in the SHS?
____________________________ 5. What is the level of awareness of SHS learners about
COVID-19 mode of transmission and prevention?
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Name: ___________________________________ Strand & Section: ______________

Date: _______________________________ Subject- teacher: ____________________

Worksheet #1.2: Identifying Appropriate Quantitative

Research Design from the Situation
A. DIRECTION: Carefully study the situation, afterwards answers the questions concisely.
SITUATION 1: Gina heard the news that a teenager committed suicide because of depression. She
wanted to prove if depression is the cause of the incident. So she planned to purposively identify
two groups of respondents (one who experience depression and another group not experience it).
She prepared a questionnaire that detects feeling of depression.
Questions Answers
1. Is there a treatment in the study?
2. Is there a degree of variables manipulation?
3. What is the relationship of variables?
4. What is the independent variable?
5. What is the dependent variable?
6. What is the research design?

SITUATION 2: Ms. Cruz is a Biology teacher. She wanted to improve the performance of her
learner in her subject. She wanted to test the effect of “Study Skills Training” to the performance of
Grade 12 STEM learners. Since the learners are already in their designated groups, she adapted
existing groupings and uses one group as Control without intervention and another group with study
skills training. She will use their quarter examination results as basis for the data.
Questions Answers
1. Is there a treatment in the study?
2. Is there degree of manipulation of variables?
3. What is the relationship of variables
4. What is the independent variable?
5. What is the dependent variable?
6. What is the research design?
B. DIRECTION: Identify the quantitative research design of a given situation or problem.
___________________________ 1. Ma’am Grace wanted to find out if the learning module in
Chemistry is effective in improving learners’ performance. She wanted to tap the first group of
Grade 10 learners only and will utilized data from their pre-test and post-test results.
___________________________ 2. Mr. Estante wanted to find out in his Physics class if the
problem-solving skills of Grade 12 learners are connected to their oral presentation skills.
___________________________ 3. Dr. Hum wanted to determine the knowledge level of
learners towards safety and health measures about COVID-19 pandemic.
___________________________ 4. Jenna wanted to find out if having physical education class
in the first period improves learners’ attention for the following hours. She plans to identify 15
learners who have PE as the first period class and another 15 who are attending a different subject.
She will let them answer the questionnaire she subjected to validity and reliability.

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Arcenas, M.M. (2017). Applied Research: An introduction to quantitative research methods and report writing.
Queuzon City: Phoenix Publishing House, pp 54-56.
Baraceros, E.L. (2017). Practical research 2. Recto Avenue: Rex Book Store, pp 66-72.
Barrot, J.S. (2017). Practical research 2 for senior high school. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc, pp 72-74.
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Describes Sampling Procedure and Sample

Concept Notes

The way in which we select a sample of individuals to be research participants is critical. How we select participants
(random sampling) will determine the population to which we may generalize our research findings. The procedure
that we use for assigning participants to different treatment conditions (random assignment) will determine whether
bias exists in our treatment groups (Are the groups equal on all known and unknown factors?).

Two Kinds Sampling

1. Probability Samples: each member of the population has a known non-zero probability of being
Methods include random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling

2. Nonprobability Samples: members are selected from the population in some nonrandom manner

Methods include convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling

Sampling Techniques

A. Random Sampling/Probability Sampling Techniques

1. A. Lottery or Fishbowl Sampling - This is done by simply writing the names or numbers of all the
members of the population in small rolled pieces of paper which are later placed in a container. The
researcher shakes the container thoroughly then draws n out of N pieces of papers as desired for a sample.
This is usually done in a lottery.
a. Sampling with the use of Table of Random Numbers - If the population is large, a more
practical procedure is the use of Table of Random Numbers which contains rows and columns or
digits randomly beginning at an arbitrary point in Random Numbers, closing your eyes and
haphazardly pointing at an entry in the Table. Then proceed in any direction, vertically,
horizontally coded elements in the population.

2. Systematic Sampling - This method of sampling is done by taking every kth element in the population.
It applies to a group of individuals arranged in a waiting line or in a methodical manner. For instance,
the objective is to get the opinion of employees regarding employee-management relations, a sample
size n will be selected from the list of employees arranged alphabetically or according to age,
experience, position or academic rank. By systematic Sampling, every kth employee from the listed
order will be included in a sample. If N is known, k be can be calculated as:
𝒌= 𝐧
where N, the population size,
n, the sample size
3. Stratified Random Sampling - when the population can be partitioned into several strata or subgroups, it
may be wiser to employ the stratified technique to ensure a representative of each group in the sample. Random
samples will be selected from each stratum. Selecting a sample with this technique is quite difficult and costly
since it requires a complete listing, called frame, of all elements in the population. There are two kinds of
stratified random sampling as illustrated below:
a. Simple Stratified Random Sampling
When the population is grouped into more or less homogeneous classes, that is, different groups but with
a relatively common characteristic, then each can be sampled independently by taking equal number of
elements from each stratum. This method is called simple random sampling. Suppose a population of
students taking History of size N =800 can be grouped according to year levels, then using simple random
sampling, 50 students will be taken randomly from each of the 4 groups and that comprise a sample size
of 200 students.

Population N Sample=n
4th Year 185 50
3rd Year 200 50
2nd Year 215 50
1st Year 200 50
total N=800 N=200

b. Stratified Proportional Random Sampling

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In some cases, the characteristic of the population is such that the proportions of the subgroups
are grossly equal. The researcher may wish to maintain these characteristics in the sample
with the use of stratified proportion technique.

Proportion Sample (n=200)
4th Year 120 15 30
3rd Year 200 25 50
2nd Year 220 27.5 55
1st Year 260 32.5 65
Total 800 100% 200

5. Cluster - This is sometimes referred to as an area sampling because it is usually applied on a

geographical basis. The population is grouped into cluster or small units, e. g. blocks or districts, in city
or municipality. Area sampling usually requires larger samples of elementary units than those required
in simple random sampling. It is not a common practice, however that every individual located in
selected area is interviewed. Often additional sampling stages are introduced.

6. Multi-stage or Multiple Sampling – This technique uses several stages or phases in getting the sample
from the population. This method is an extension or a multiple application of the stratified random
sampling technique. The number of stages depends on the number of population and the sample size
needed in the survey.

B. Non-random Sampling Techniques

1. Judgement or Purposive - This method is also referred as non-random or non-probability sampling. It

plays a major role in the selection of a particular item and/or in making decisions in cases of
incomplete responses or observation. This is usually based on a certain criteria laid down by the
researcher of his adviser.

2. Quota Sampling - This is relatively quick and inexpensive method to operate since the choice of the
number of persons or elements to be included in a sample is done at the researcher’s own convenience
or preference and is not predetermined by some carefully operated randomizing plan.

3. Incidental Sampling – This design is applied to those samples which are taken because they are the
most available. The investigator simply takes the nearest individuals as subject of the study until it
reaches the desired size. In an interview, for instance, an interviewer can simply choose to ask those
people around him or in a coffee shop where he is taking a break.

4. Convenience Sampling - This method has been widely used in television and radio programs to find
out opinions of TV viewers and listeners regarding a controversial issue. While the issue is being
discussed in a talk show, who will call their telephone operators. This method, of course, is bias
against those without telephones in their houses.

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It’s time to test yourself!
Name: ___________________________________ Strand & Section: ______________

Date: _______________________________ Subject- teacher: ____________________

Worksheet #2
DIRECTIONS: Identify the sampling method being described in each of the situation.
1. The average achievement in Research of 1,500 Grade 11 students in Iloilo City public schools were sought.
The average enrolment is 500 students in Iloilo City Public schools. Therefore, 50 students were randomly
selected within each school, and all grade 11 students were tested.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
2. A researcher is interested to know the stress levels of college students in West Visayas University. They
group the students depending on their course, determines the percentage of the total population in each
college course, and uses percentage to determine the number of students randomly selected from each group.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
3. A school has a population of 550 students in Mina, Iloilo. A researcher then decided to select 25 students for
his research survey. Each name is put on a separate pieces of paper and shuffled in a container. The
researcher then picks 25 pieces of paper on the container.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
4. Mr. Reyes is a Filipino scientist who works at Philippine Genome Center. He wants to find out the level of
awareness of Filipinos on the COVID-19 vaccine. Part of the plan calls for comparing the responses
according to the level of education obtained: elementary level, high school level, college level, and post-
graduate level. There is a total sample size of 400, and the research selects 100 respondents from each of the
predetermined groups.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
5. A researcher from the Humanities, and Social Sciences strand wants to determine the socio-political attitudes
of his batch mates towards relevant societal issues. First, a random sample of SHS Tracks is drawn, then
within the track selected, strands are randomly drawn. Then within each strand selected, 30 residents
comprise the sample.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
6. Ihra wants to know whether grade 12 students in Iloilo National High School who are watching the Korean
Drama “Start-Up” are either Team Nam Do-San or Team Ji-pyeong. Rather than choosing all students, she
selected 5 students from each section to comprise her sample.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
7. Joey wants to find out about the health care capacity of hospitals in the Philippines during a pandemic. She
groups hospitals first by region, then randomly selects 10 regions. And from those regions selected, she
selects five hospitals.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
Describe what sampling method you will choose in the following situations:

8. If you want to conduct a descriptive research with professors at the University of the Philippines regarding
their academic concerns. You want to include professors from each department, even the smallest ones.
Sampling Method: _______________________________________________________
Alternative Sampling Method: _____________________________________________
9. If you want to select a sample of Home Economics Grade twelve students using simple random sampling.
How would you do this?

10. If you are interested in sampling cancer survivors who survived a terminal disease. What sampling technique
would you use to come up with significant results?

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Instrumentation Construction, Validity and Reliability

Concept Notes
Get ready to check the information below! If you have internet access, you may gather more information about them.
a. Yes or No Type. Items are answerable by “yes” or “no”
b. Recognition Type. Alternative responses are already provided, and the respondents simply choose
among the given choices. It also contains close-ended questions.
Example: Educational qualifications: Elementary Graduate, High school Graduate,
Technical Graduate, etc.
c. Completion Type. The respondents are asked to fill in the blanks with the necessary information.
Questions are open-ended.
Example: In order to pass my failing subjects, I will ____________ regularly.
Coding Type. Numbers are assigned to names, choices, and other pertinent data. Entails
knowledge of the statistics.
Example: On a scale of one (1) to ten (10), how will you rate the skills of your manager?
d. Subjective Type. The respondents are free to give their opinions about an issue of concern.
Example: What can you say about teachers who are deeply committed to their work?
e. Combination Type. The questionnaire is a combination of two or more types of questions.
1.Concise to elicit the needed data. Two to four pages and a maximum of 10 minutes in answering it.
The desirable length of each question is less than 20 words.
2.Seeks information that cannot be obtained from other sources.
3.Questions are arranged in sequence, from simplest to complex.
4.Arranged according to the questions posed in the statement of the problem.
5.Valid and reliable.
6.Easily tabulated and interpreted.
Scales commonly used in an instrument
1.Likert scale. Commonly used which consists of several declarative statements that
express a viewpoint on a topic.
Example: Likert scale to measure attitudes towards Mathematics
1. I am interested in solving numbers and equations.
2. I enjoy using calculators.
3. I am so engrossed in reading too many instructions.
4. Symbols and numbers are visibly catchy.
5. I find it easy to memorize formulas.
Legend: SA -Strongly Agree A –Agree D –Disagree SD –Strongly Disagree
2. Semantic differential scale. The respondents are asked to rate concepts in a
Example: Description of the class president.
5 4 3 2 1
Competent Incompetent
Punctual Not punctual
Pleasant Unpleasant
Developing a Survey Instrument
 Use clear language and explicit instructions
 Typesandnumberofquestionswilldependonthepurposeandthetypeofsurveyplanned
 Types of items
 Open-ended items
 Multiple-choice items
 Yes/No items
Be mindful of lack of information here
 A scale is a type of composite measure that is composed of several items that have a logical or empirical
structure among them.
 Scales make use of differences in intensity among the indicators of a variable.
For example, when a question has the response choices of "always," "sometimes," "rarely," and
"never," this represents a scale because the answer choices are rank-ordered and have differences in intensity.
Another example would be
"strongly agree," "agree," "neither agree nor disagree," "disagree," "strongly disagree."

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The four commonly used scales in social science research and how they are constructed.
1. Likert Scale
 Likert scales are one of the most commonly used scales in social science research
 They offer a simple rating system that is common to surveys of all kinds
 The scale is named for the psychologist who created it, Rensis Likert
 One common use of the Likert scale is a survey that asks respondents to offer their opinion on
something by stating the level to which they agree or disagree.
It often looks like this: Strongly agree Agree; Neither agree nor disagree ; Disagree ; Strongly disagree
2. Bogardus Social Distance Scale
 The Bogardus social distance scale was created by sociologist Emory S. Bogardusas a technique
for measuring the willingness of people to participate in social relations with other kinds of
 Quite simply, the scale invites people to state the degree to which they are accepting of other groups
3. Thurstone Scale
•The Thurstone scale, created by Louis Thurstone, is intended to develop a format for generating
groups of indicators of a variable that have an empirical structure among them.
For example, if you were studying discrimination, you would create a list of items (10, for example) and
then ask respondents to assign scores of 1 to 10 to each item. In essence, respondents are ranking the items in
order of the weakest indicator of discrimination all the way to the strongest indicator.
4. Semantic Differential Scale
 The semantic differential scale asks respondents to answer a questionnaire and choose
between two opposite positions, using qualifiers to bridge the gap between them.
For instance, suppose you wanted to get respondents’ opinions about a new comedy television show. You'd
first decide what dimensions to measure and then find two opposite terms that represent those dimensions.
For example, "enjoyable" and "unenjoyable," "funny" and "not funny," "relatable" and "not
Steps in Instrument Construction
1. Content Validation: Refers to the extent to which the items on a test are fairly representative of the entire
domain the test seeks to measure. This entry discusses origins and definitions of content validation, methods
of content validation, the role of content validity evidence in validity arguments, and unresolved issues in
content validation (Salkind, 2010).
2. Face Validity: It refers to the degree to which an assessment or test subjectively appears to measure the
variable or construct that it is supposed to measure. In other words, face validity is when an assessment or
test appears to do what it claims to do. In the example above, Lila claims that her test measures mathematical
ability in college students. Since all of the participants who completed Lila's test and the follow-up
assessment agreed that the test appears to measure mathematical ability in college students, Lila's test showed
face validity Shuttleworth,2009).
3. Pilot Testing: A pilot study is a small feasibility study designed to test various aspects of the methods
planned for a larger, more rigorous, or confirmatory investigation (Arain, Campbell, Cooper, & Lancaster,
2010). The primary purpose of a pilot study is not to answer specific research questions but to prevent
researchers from launching a large-scale study without adequate knowledge of the methods proposed; in
essence, a pilot study is conducted to prevent the occurrence of a fatal flaw in a study that is costly in time
and money (Polit & Beck, 2017).
4. Final Administration: Final Questionnaires can be administered by an interviewer or answered
by the respondents themselves (self-administered). Self-administered questionnaires can be mailed
or given in person to the respondents. They are feasible in a literate population if the questions are
short and simple.
5. Evaluation of the test
a. Reliability
1. Reliability analyses: Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. Psychologists
consider three types of consistency: over time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal
consistency), and across different researchers (inter-rater reliability).The most widely
used internal-consistency coefficient, using Cronbach's Alpha formula, to computed for the
total instrument. It is used for the reliability of the Likert scale questionnaires after a pilot
testing. The most widely used internal-consistency coefficient.

Used for the reliability of the Likert scale questionnaires after a pilot testing.

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The range of the reliability coefficient is from 0 to 1. Rule of thumb for preferred levels of the
 For high stakes tests (e.g. college admissions), > 0.85. Some authors suggest this figure
should be above .90
 For low stakes tests (e. g. classroom assessment) > 0.70. Some authors suggest this figure
should be above 0.80
Sample Output

Note: If the Cronbach’sAlpha value is less than 0.07, try to improve the reliability value, by
checking the “Item Total Statistics”. Check the last column (Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted)
and Try to delete the item with highest value. Analyze again!

2.Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR 20) –A method measures the extent to which

items in one form of a test share commonalities with one another (item-total correlation).
𝑛 S𝐷𝑡 2−∑ 𝑝q
𝑹tt=(𝑛−1) S𝐷𝑡 2
Where: Rtt= reliability coefficient of the whole test
n = number of items in the test
SDt=Standard deviation of the total scores of the test
∑ 𝑝 𝑞 = tabulating the proportion of persons who answered correctly (p) and persons who
did not answer correctly (q) each item.
b. Validity
Validity analyses. Validity analyses consisted of three types — content, concurrent, and construct (two
First, content validity: Is the test fully representative of what it aims to measure? Content validity
assesses whether a test is representative of all aspects of the construct. To produce valid results, the
content of a test, survey or measurement method must cover all relevant parts of the subject it aims to
measure. If some aspects are missing from the measurement (or if irrelevant aspects are included), the
validity is threatened (Middleton, 2019).
Second, concurrent validity: Is the type of Criterion Validity. Do the results correspond to a
different test of the same thing? Criterion validity evaluates how closely the results of your test
correspond to the results of a different test. The criterion is an external measurement of the same thing. It
is usually an established or widely-used test that is already considered valid. The criterion validity: To
evaluate criterion validity, you calculate the correlation between the results of your measurement and
the results of the criterion measurement. If there is a high correlation, this gives a good indication that
your test is measuring what it intends to measure (Middleton, 2019).
Third, construct validity: Does the test measure the concept that it’s intended to measure? Content
validity assesses whether a test is representative of all aspects of the construct. To produce valid results,
the content of a test, survey or measurement method must cover all relevant parts of the subject it aims to
measure. If some aspects are missing from the measurement (or if irrelevant aspects are included), the
validity is threatened (Middleton, 2019).

Everitt, B. S.; Skrondal, A. (2010), The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics, Cambridge University Press.
Gonick, L. (1993). The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. Harper Perennial.

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It’s time to test yourself!

Name: ___________________________________________Strand & Section: ____________________

Date: ____________________________________________Teacher: ____________________________
Worksheet # 3
Instructions: Match the definitions/examples with the correct type of reliability or validity. Technically
there may be more than one correct answer for each definition/example, but each term is intended to be
used only once.
_________1. Reliability _________4. Criterion validity
_________5. Internal reliability/Inter-item
_________2. Validity consistency
_________6. Face validity
_________3. Construct validity _________7. Content validity

Definitions and Examples

A. The Life Satisfaction Scale looks like it measures what it purports to.
B. If a depression scale truly reflects depression, it has good (specific type of validity) _______.
C. The degree to which responses to items are correlated. For instance, if a vocabulary test has
high ______, people tend to perform consistently across the questions. One way to assess this
is by using Cronbach’s alpha.
D. Consistency across repeated measurement.
E. The degree to which a scale/test actually measures what it intends to.
F. The degree to which two measures that reflect the same concept are correlated, such as if
MCCC creates its own reading placement test and correlates scores with scores from the
same students’ COMPASS reading placement. The answer is criterion (K), as the more
specific type of criterion validity, concurrent, is not listed as a choice.
G. If the Psychology GRE specifically samples from all the various areas of psychology, such as
cognitive, learning, social, perception, clinical, etc., it likely has good ____________.

I. Instruction: Read each question carefully and write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer on
your answer sheet. Use UPPERCASE LETTER.
_________8. What is the interpretation of the reliability result shown in the table below?

Cronbach’s alpha Cronbach’s alpha Based on No. of Item

the Standardized Item
.919 .919 50

A. The instrument has high reliability which can indicate high degree of consistency when used
B. The instrument has good reliability which can indicate high degree of consistency when used
C. The instrument has acceptable reliability which can indicate high degree of consistency when
used repeatedly.
D. The instrument has marginal reliability which can indicate high degree of consistency when
used repeatedly.
_________9. What type of questionnaire validation method refers to observing all the specific items on
the questionnaire to determine whether the questionnaire addresses the topic overall?
A. Predictive Validation C. Concurrent Validation
B. Content Validation D. Face Validation
_________10. Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) is a standard test used to determine the internal consistency of a
questionnaire. What (CA) value is recognized as acceptable?
A. 0.20 B. 0.40 C. 0.60 D. 0.70
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Note: Summative Test will be given via Google Forms

(Coverage will be Quarter 2 of Weeks&2)

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Name: ___________________________________ Strand & Section: ______________

Date: _______________________________ Subject- teacher: ____________________

Quiz #3
Directions: State your Research title in the space provide below. Based on your research Title, draft
questions or statements with the provided Likert scale.
Note: Output will be in group is highly encouraged except if the member did not contribute anything.
Thus, they will submit alone. (Worth 100 pts.)
Research Title: ______________________________________________________
Legend: SA -Strongly Agree A –Agree D –Disagree SD –Strongly Disagree
Questions/Statements SA A D SD



















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Pledge of Commitment


I commit fully to the accomplishment of the module with all honesty

and dedication.
I promise to spend _______________(no. of hours/specific day(s) of
the week) learning about Organization and Management.
Further, I promise that no part of this module will be posted publicly,
and I will not allow anybody to have it photocopied without a written
permit of my teacher.


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