Eap 2

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Exercise 3

1. Clustering

their time at
work and
Being good
home Manage their
time at work
and home

each other of
their children

2. Outlining
Topic Sentence
Being good parents for our children is difficult thing to do
Supporting sentence
Parents should understand each of their children
Parent should talk patiently if they want to get some information from an
introvert child. An extrovert child will tell everything to his or her parents
without being asked.
Supporting sentence
Parent should manage their time at work and home.
They should prioritize both their work and their children. Children need their
parent’s love and care by being beside them in good and bad times.
Concluding sentence
It needs more wisdom and maturity to be good parents.

Exercise 4
1. S
2. G
3. S
4. S
5. G

Exercise 5
Topic Sentence
They may have annoyed you when you were younger, there are so many
advantage of having a brother and sister.
Supporting sentence
If you have a brother and sister, they can make you feel happy and alive.
You can have fun together doing the things that ou like. You can spend your free
time together.
Supporting sentence
You can always count on them when you need a helping hand.
They can help you with ypur homework and teach you about the subject that
you are not good at.
Concluding sentence
You should be grateful to have a brother or sister.

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