ImageBased Flow Simulations of Pre and Postleft Atrial Appendage Closure in The Left AtriumCardiovascular Engineering and Technology

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Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2019 (Ó 2019) pp. 225–241 ENGINEERING SOCIETY

Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage

Closure in the Left Atrium

Department of Mechanical, Aerospace & Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA; 2Brain
Korea 21 PLUS Project for Medical Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea; 3Yonsei-Cedars Sinai Integrative
Cardiovascular Imaging Research Center, Yonsei University Health System, Seoul, South Korea; 4Division of Cardiology,
Department of Internal Medicine, International St. Mary’s Hospital, Catholic Kwandong University College of Medicine,
Incheon, South Korea; and 5Division of Cardiology, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University Health System,
Seoul, South Korea
(Received 6 November 2018; accepted 28 March 2019; published online 5 April 2019)

Associate Editor Ajit P. Yoganathan oversaw the review of this article.

Abstract mesh generation procedure which transforms the surface

Purpose—For patients with atrial fibrillation, the left atrial geometry into a 3-D volume mesh and properly identified
appendage (LAA) is often the site of thrombus formation boundary planes, (3) performing CFD simulations with atrial
due to low atrial ejection fraction that triggers strokes and fibrillation flow boundary conditions, and (4) analyzing flow
other thromboembolic events. Recently introduced percuta- characteristics (velocity, flow patterns, streamlines, vortices)
neous LAA occlusion procedure is known to reduce LAA- within the LA for before and after LAA closure.
induced strokes. Despite having the procedure, there are still Results—Based on the LA/LAA segmentation of a 65 year
11% of the patients who continue to suffer from future old female patient with chronic atrial fibrillation, a CFD
strokes or transient ischemic attacks, not accounting for the analysis was pursued to examine flow characteristics upon
procedural related complications. The high failure rate is LAA closure. The results showed that the flow velocity
largely due to the variabilities in LAA’s shape, size, and magnitudes were significantly reduced by a maximum factor
contractility which may result in ineffectiveness of this of 2.21, flow streamlines were greatly stabilized, and mitral
procedure. To correctly identify the candidates and evaluate outflow appeared to be more organized. Vortices were
the effectiveness of the procedure, we rely on patient-specific dramatically reduced in size, number, intensity, as well as
CT scans which provides the exact LA and LAA geometries duration. During diastole, the peak vortex diameter was
and predictive hemodynamic analysis to assist in evaluating reduced from 2.8 to 1.5 cm, while the vortex duration was
quantitative flow parameters pre- and post-LAA occlusion reduced from 0.210 to 0.135 s. These flow characteristics all
procedures. Hemodynamic parameters are critical to predict indicated a reduced risk in future thrombus formation and
adverse hemodynamic flow patterns in LAA as well as the strokes based on the established relationship between flow
effectiveness of LAA closure in individual patient. The aim of and thrombus formation. For the patient case under study,
this paper is to establish an image-based patient-specific the effectiveness of the procedure is predicted and found to
computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation framework be consistent with the actual procedural outcome.
specific to the prediction of treatment outcomes of LAA Conclusions—This framework successfully predicted patient-
closure with atrial fibrillation. This framework utilizes specific outcome of a LAA closure procedure for one patient
automated LA/LAA image segmentation which yields sig- with atrial fibrillation. It can be further developed into a
nificant reduction in image processing. One set of patient useful tool for pre-procedural planning and candidate
data with successful procedure outcome is used to illustrate selection. More patient data are necessary for further
the potential of the proposed framework. validation studies.
Methods—The proposed LAA occlusion simulation frame-
work is composed of several components: (1) a novel image Keywords—Left atrial appendage, Computational fluid
segmentation procedure, which is fully-automated to identify dynamics, Atrial fibrillation.
LA/LAA geometries from CT images, (2) a finite-element

Address correspondence to Lucy T. Zhang, Department of
Mechanical, Aerospace & Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer
The left atrial appendage (LAA) is a long, tubular,
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA. Electronic mail: hooked structure derived from the left atrium (LA).40 This structure originally functions as a decompression
Dongjie Jia and Byunghwan Jeon contributed equally in this work. chamber when the left atrial pressure is elevated.40
1869-408X/19/0600-0225/0 Ó 2019 Biomedical Engineering Society
226 JIA et al.

However, in pathologic conditions such as atrial fib- in one of the lobes.7 Therefore, a better approach needs
rillation, enlarged and fibrillating LA and LAA serve to be sought out. Since the presence of thrombus is
as sources of thrombus formation thus causing strokes critical in identifying the LAA closure procedure can-
and other thromboembolic events.40,40,49 Most dra- didates, studying individual cases in an effective and
matically, up to 90% of embolic strokes are originated efficient manner allows us to gain better prediction on
from dilated, motionless pouch-like LAAs.9,22 Fur- future thrombus formation. The first logical step is
thermore, in a recent study, LAA was shown to trigger then to predict and evaluate the efficacy of performing
atrial fibrillation, appearing to be responsible for such a procedure using non-invasive means. From this
arrhythmia in 27% of the patients.8 perspective, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) sim-
Recently, percutaneous LAA occlusion procedures ulation of velocity, flow pattern, and vortices in LA
were introduced to reduce stroke risk.37,41 This per- and LAA can therefore provide useful information for
cutaneous procedure is to introduce device delivery the prediction of LAA thrombus formation, which can
catheter and establish LAA occlusion device without then be used with or in place of clinical TEE to dras-
surgical opening of the chest. The catheter enters from tically increase the accuracy in identifying the right
femoral vein puncture site through inferior vena cava candidates. Moreover, computer simulation can also
and interatrial septum, finally approaching LAA os- be used to predict the necessity and the efficacy of a
tium. Percutaneous LAA occlusion is an evolving LAA occlusion procedure.
therapy, which had been taken into consideration for Prior CFD studies have been done to analyze the
patients with atrial fibrillation with a high stroke risk hemodynamics in different LAA morphologies to
and contraindications for oral anticoagulants. Even identify potential relationships between the morphol-
though all patients with increased stroke risk and ogy and the risk of thrombotic events.10,18 Their sim-
contraindications to oral anticoagulants are possible ulation studies showed that LAA with a specific
candidates for LAA closure, there are still 11% of the morphology such as cauliflower results in higher risk of
patients with successful LAA closure suffer strokes or thrombosis. Otani et al. proposed a CFD framework
transient ischemic attacks, not accounting for proce- for hemodynamic analysis and its feasibility in
dure-related complications. The reason for such a high understanding the mechanism of intracardiac throm-
failure rate is mostly due to further thrombosis for- bosis and stroke in individual patients with LA struc-
mation in the LA upon LAA closure.22 In a recent tural remodeling.38 Masci et al. used a CFD model to
review on percutaneous LAA occlusion study,6 the quantify the hemodynamic implications of atrial fib-
authors emphasized the importance of proper patient rillation on a patient-specific basis.32 All the studies
selection. have a similar goal which is to identify the relationship
The amount of thrombus formation inside LAA between thrombosis and patient-specific LA model
varies greatly among individuals due to its variabilities through hemodynamic analysis. Several prior attempts
in its shape (morphology), volume size, and contractile have also been made to perform hemodynamic evalu-
function.15,51 LAA is generally classified into four ations33,35,53 in predictive medicine using patient-
types by morphology: chicken-wing (18.3%), windsock specific data. In Mittal et al.’s work,35 the authors re-
(46.7%), cauliflower (29.1%), and cactus (5.9%).51 viewed the current status of the emerging trends and
Based on a recent study,27 the volume size of LAA also challenges in cardiovascular modeling and simulations.
varies greatly by morphology, typically ranges It emphasized the clear need to create an efficient and
in12:6  5:2 ml. The contractile function (or dysfunc- automated pipeline for generating CFD-ready geome-
tion) of LAA is related to thromboembolic complica- try from medical images. Automatic 3D segmentation
tions, quantified by means of computing LAA ejection without any operators’ manual interaction is crucial
fraction (EF) using maximum and minimum LAA and is one of the challenges for clinically applicable
areas, and is found to be in the range of 39  8%.44 CFD simulations. As of today, no studies are focused
Collectively, these variabilities have strong effects on on the hemodynamic changes in the LA pre- and post-
the blood flow characteristics inside LA and LAA.15,17 LAA occlusion.
It is known that hemodynamics, such as velocity, In this study, we intend to address the gap by
flow pattern, vortices significantly affect the process of proposing a CFD framework using patient-specific
thrombus formation in LA and LAA.16–17,40,49 How- image to evaluate the potential effectiveness of percu-
ever, in clinical practice, besides the LAA emptying taneous LAA occlusion procedure. Our study, there-
velocity obtained from transesophageal echocardiog- fore, is aimed to establish a simulation tool for
raphy (TEE),17 other hemodynamic parameters, par- predicting patient-specific treatment outcomes of LAA
ticularly in the thrombus regions, cannot be assessed closures in severely diseased atrial fibrillation patients.
accurately using TEE, as it can either falsely label There are two major contributions in this work: (1) we
muscles as thrombi or miss identifying thrombi hidden propose a fully-automated LA/LAA segmentation
Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage 227

approach, and (2) we propose a computational

framework in assessing hemodynamic changes of a
LAA occlusion procedure using patient-specific CT
images. This framework provides the basis in devel-
oping a critical clinical assessment tool for percuta-
neous LAA occlusion procedures. Even though
imaged-based CFD analysis has been proposed for
many clinical applications, it is the first time such a
framework is proposed in the context of LAA occlu-
sion procedures.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in
‘‘Materials and Methods’’ section, we provide the
workflow for an automated LA/LAA segmentation,
meshing, and CFD analysis based on a patient-specific
case. In ‘‘Results’’ section, the CFD results are pre-
sented. In ‘‘Discussion’’ section, we discuss the hemo-
FIGURE 1. Work flow of the simulation framework.
dynamic findings of the study. Finally, study
limitations are presented in ‘‘Study Limitations’’ sec-
LAA, and compare them for pre- and post-
tion and the conclusions are drawn in ‘‘Conclusions’’
LAA occlusion;
(6) Determine the suitability of the patient for
percutaneous LAA closure based on the
changes in flow characteristics.
In this study, we use CT images of a patient who has
Patient-Specific LA/LAA Simulation Workflow permanent atrial fibrillation as a pilot study. The
The goal of this study is to establish a simulation candidate is a 67 year-old female who has chronic at-
framework that uses CFD analysis to predict patient- rial fibrillation. The patient has a LA with chicken-
specific percutaneous LAA closure. The framework is wing type LAA. The LAA occlusion procedure for the
targeted for patients with atrial fibrillation. Using pa- candidate is successfully completed. The Institutional
tient-specific computed tomography angiography (CT) Review Board approved this study and waived the
scans, hemodynamic analysis for pre- and post-LAA requirement for informed patient consent due to its
closure are performed and then compared. The work retrospective nature.
flow of the framework is described in Fig. 1. It includes
two major components: (1) automated imaging pro- Image Processing of LA and LAA
cessing using patient-specific CT scans and (2) CFD
simulation using the processed image data. The details The goal of image processing is to convert CT
are as follows: images into a 3D mesh ready for CFD simulations.
Image segmentation tools such as Mimics and 3D-
(1) Retrieve CT images from a patient. Use our Doctor1,34 typically offer semi-automatic segmenta-
fully-automated image segmentation tech- tion. Depending on the operator’s expertise, a suc-
nique to register, and accurately and effi- cessfully segmented LA and LAA usually takes 5–10
ciently identify LA and LAA from CT images; min per case. Localization is a prerequisite process that
(2) Process segmented image into CAD formats needs to be completed prior to the automated seg-
for pre- and post-LAA occlusion geometries; mentation process. Manual placement of a central
(3) Setup simulation model that includes volume point of the LA in 3D volume is a time consuming
discretization using finite elements, defining process. In this work, we introduce a fully-automated
inflow (pulmonary arteries) and outflow (mi- technique that acquires and processes the patient-
tral valve) boundaries, and applying atrial specific LA region from CT images within 0.5–1 min
fibrillation inflow and outflow boundary processing time. A fully-automated segmentation
conditions; process is important as a higher throughput of studies
(4) Perform CFD flow simulation until flow can be performed and in the meantime avoids inter-
reaches periodicity over each cardiac cycle; actions with un-experienced operators. Such a fully-
(5) Analyze flow characteristics, e.g. velocity, automated approach is able to consistently detect a
pressure, streamline, vortices, in LA and central point inside LA using anatomic knowledge.

228 JIA et al.

FIGURE 2. LA seed detection process: (a) original image, (b) candidates for two aortas (AA and DA), (c) detected regions and their
centroid points (p0 and p1 ), (d) all the results (AA, DA, LA) are visualized. LA region is anatomically located between them, (e) the
profile of intensity responses along z-ray (pm  z~t) is analyzed for detecting final 3D position p  :

FIGURE 3. Segmentation based on initial seed p  : the region growing method requires an initial 3D point inside the LA, and the
point can be detected automatically by using the method described in ‘‘Automatic LA Seed Point Detection’’ section. From the
point, LA region is automatically found by Algorithm 1.

In here, the LA region is segmented using a seed Automatic LA Seed Point Detection
point in LA that is automatically detected from iden-
To automatically detect the LA seed point, we uti-
tified ascending and descending aortas. In this study,
lize the anatomical fact that LA is located between the
CT images (I) are reconstructed as 512  512 pixels
ascending aorta (AA) and the descending aorta (DA)
with a pixel size of 0.38 mm  0:38 mm. They are
in an axial view, as shown in Fig. 2. The following
mapped using the Hounsfield unit (HU) with a value
steps are taken:
ranges between  1000 to 3000 HU, according to the
constituent of the patient’s body. (1) Identify ascending aorta (AA) and descending
aorta (DA) by detecting them in the axial
view. Two aortas are simultaneously identified
Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage 229

FIGURE 4. Validation of the proposed segmentation method by comparing to the ground truth (GT) on different slices: (a) at
z ¼ 155. (b) at z ¼ 185. The overlap regions between the GT and our segmented results are also identified. At the LA region, the two
boundaries, GT and the result are almost overlapped. The only ‘‘error’’ is due to the difference of with or without PV. The proposed
algorithm is designed to include some PV regions for simulations, as they are important parts to identify the inlets of the blood

FIGURE 5. X-ray images during the occlusion procedure of the current patient. (a) during contrast injection before the LAA
procedure, (b) the well-deployed Amplatzer device after LAA procedure, (c) during contrast injection after LAA procedure.

using their geometric anatomic relations such then simultaneously detected from the candi-
as the angle and the distance between AA and dates, labeled as p0 and p1 in Fig. 2c.
DA using the identification method detailed in (3) From the two detected aortas, the centroid of
Ref. 21 (Fig. 2a). the LA region is then identified and used as a
(2) Based on step 1, several 2D discrete candi- seed point (Fig. 2d). The intensity response
dates (Fig. 2b) are identified. AA and DA are along z-axis domain pm  ~ zt is profiled from
their mean point pm ¼ ðp0 þ p1 Þ=2. The seed

230 JIA et al.

FIGURE 6. 3D mesh construction process for LA with LAA (top) and without LAA (bottom): (a) surface meshing, (b) 3D part
generation, and (c) volumetric meshing (opaque).

algorithm is described in Algorithm 1, where the

Bayesian’s approach is used considering the intensity
and the distance constraints derived from Ref. 3. In
Algorithm 1, the input parameters lc and rc are the
expectation HU for LA contrast and its deviation,
respectively. p is the seed point inside LA described in
Fig. 2; and d0 and l0 are the prior distance and
threshold for the posterior probability, respectively.
For local variables, V is simply a 3D visit map which
has dimensions equal to the original image I and is
mapped to 0 or 1 for visiting check. A queue Q has a
list of potential points to examine their neighboring
points in 26 directional traveler considering 3D struc-
tures, which is illustrated in Fig. 3. C ¼ fpi j1  i 
N ¼ jCjg is simply a point set which has 3D points
finally forming the LA region.
FIGURE 7. Volume measurements of the left atrium with LAA
over a cardiac cycle.
This method is performed to expand the region
from a seed point p to a set of points C with similar
point p is finally detected in the middle of the properties and then measure the intensity by posterior
plateau as pz ¼ ðUpper boundÞ þ ðLower probability PðA j IÞ using Bayes’ inference, Eq. (1),
bound), which is visually described in Fig. 2e. until a geodesic distance criteria d0 is satisfied. The
The area of plateau is identified by the error final set C which is the region of the LA is finally
jlAA  Iðpm  ~ztÞj< where lAA is an average determined. The posterior PðA j IÞ is derived from
HU value from the samples inside AA, and Bayes’ inference:
 ¼ 60HU. PðA j IÞ ¼PðI j AÞPðAÞ=PðIÞ
LA/LAA Segmentation
where I is a CT image and A is a target object,
Once the seed point in the LA is clearly detected, the respectively. The likelihood PðI j AÞ is modeled for
segmentation can be achieved using a Bayesian infer- contrast HU and the prior P(A) is set to be the LA
ence region growing method that restricts growing region’s prior distributions using the distance between
volume based on the seed point. The segmentation
Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage 231

FIGURE 8. Finite element volumetric model for left atrium with LAA. Inlet boundaries (marked in blue) and outlet boundary
(marked in red), with pulmonary vein inlet flow and mitral valve outlet functions.

the centroid of LA to the LAA ends. Since P(I) is given

as a stationary data (static image where the distribu- 1 jjlc  IðpÞjj2
PðI j AÞ  pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp ð2Þ
tion remains unchanged in the Markov chain as time r 2p 2r2c
progresses), the normalization parameter P(I) is a
In the process of region growing, the Gaussian
constant value, therefore can be neglected. The likeli-
parameters lc ; rc are adaptively updated as described
hood PðI j AÞ for contrast HU is modeled as an
in Algorithm 1. The initial parameters lc ¼ 395:8HU;
approximation to a Gaussian distribution:
rc ¼ 70:3 are estimated using intensity samples in LA
regions from public CT images obtained from different
patients.45 The system updated with the parameters is

232 JIA et al.

FIGURE 9. Locations of measurement points in the LA with LAA (10 points in LA and 4 points in LAA).

optimized for the image as the region C expands beled manually. Figure 4 shows a direct comparison by
gradually. overlapping the two segmented volumes on two dif-
The prior P(A) is modeled to penalize the distance ferent slices z ¼ 155 and z ¼ 185. Since LA is a spa-
based on the distance from the centroid of the LA to cious blood pool, most of the GT and the
the farthest point of the LA including the LAA region. automatically segmented volumes overlap. The differ-
We approximate the distribution to a fall down cubic ence, most evidently on slice z ¼ 185, is largely due to
function52 as: the presence or the absence of PVs. The proposed
 3  2 algorithm is designed to include some PV regions for
dp dp simulation purpose as PV regions are important parts
PðAÞ ¼ 2 3 þ1 ð3Þ
d0 d0 in the simulations. The PVs are not manually labeled in
where dp is a geodesic distance at p from the seed point. the GT results. Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) is
Since the LA diameter is known to be in the range of used to quantify the similarity between the two vol-
43:1  6:4 mm29, d0 is a pre-determined distance suffi- umes, defined as:
cient to cover all contents including pulmonary veins 2jS1 \ S2 j
(PV) and LAA. Here, d0 is set to be 50 mm. DSCðS1 ; S2 Þ ¼ ð4Þ
jS1 j þ jS2 j
The fully-automated segmentation result is then
compared to the ground truth (GT) result that is la-

Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage 233

FIGURE 10. Blood flow velocity box and whisker plots at 10 locations in LA pre- and post-LAA closure.

To demonstrate the accuracy of the approach, we without LAA is made by cutting at the ostium of the
collected a total of five CT images and the corre- LAA.
sponding GTs that are manually labeled. The average
DSC measurement is found to be 86.3%. Most of the Surface and Volume Mesh Reconstruction
error is due to the inclusion of PV regions as men-
The surfaces of the LA with and without LAA are
tioned previously.
reconstructed based on the vertex, or the polygon file,
The entire process takes 0.5–1 min from detecting
obtained from the image processing steps described in
the LA seed point to obtaining segment C of the LA/
‘‘Automatic LA Seed Point Detection’’ and LA/LAA
LAA/PVs, to a defined geometry using vertex points.
Segmentation sections. The polygon file is imported
The initial segment C in Algorithm 1 by now contains
into Meshlab13 for surface construction and manipu-
some small branches of the PVs since their HUs are
lation. Since the polygon file only contains vertex
similar to the LA. We then manually cut the branches
location information, the normal for each vertex is
to make the inlet and outlet planes using 3D Slicer.25
computed using normals for point sets function refer-
Once the LA with LAA geometry is completed, it is
ring to 10 nearest vertices. The orientation information
further cut to represent the geometry of post-procedure
for the original vertex cloud is processed with default
of LAA occlusion. In this case, post-procedure geom-
settings in Meshlab which are suitable for performing
etry is a simple cut of the pre-procedure geometry with
screened poisson surface reconstruction.23 The surface
LAA. This simplification can be justified and con-
meshes are further coarsened/reduced for faster 3D
firmed by examining the X-ray images with contrast
geometry generation. Quadric edge collapse decima-
injection. Before the procedure of LAA occlusion,
tion19 is used to achieve 10,000 target elements for the
LAA can be observed by contrast injection (Fig. 5(a)).
geometry with LAA and 8,000 target elements for the
After the procedure, near plane-like boundary is
geometry without LAA. The final surface meshes for
observed at the ostium of LAA (Fig. 5(b)). Contrast
both cases are shown in Fig. 6a. After the surface
injection could not reach the LAA in the current case
geometry is cleaned up and smoothened, the surface
(Fig. 5(c)). Hence, the boundary near the occluded
mesh is converted into a volume mesh that represents a
LAA is assumed to be near plane, and the geometry
fluid domain filled with blood. The surface mesh gen-
234 JIA et al.

erated from the geometry is saved in Drawing Inter- continuity equation is converged to 105 and the
change Format and then imported into AUTODESK momentum equation is converged to 108 in each time
INVENTOR (Autodesk Inc., San Rafael, California, step. Each run requires approximately 8 computational
USA). The Stitch function is used to transform surface hours with Fluent serial processing on a AMD 1950X
information into a solid part, as shown in Fig. 6b. CPU with 16 processes of 4.0 GHz clock speed.
Planar cuts are performed at all four pulmonary ve-
nous inlet locations normal to the blood inflow direc- Blood Flow Modeling
tion, assuming the blood flow direction is parallel to
the vein centerlines. This step is necessary in making The blood in LA/LAA is modeled as Newtonian,
clearly defined inlet and outlet boundary planes that homogeneous and incompressible fluid with a density
are normal to the flow directions, since a non-tangen- of q ¼ 1060 kg/m3 and a dynamic viscosity of
tial initial velocity on the inlets would induce initial l ¼ 0:0035 kg/(ms). Bulk flow properties are sufficient
vortices. The final volumes are exported to ANSYS assumptions for physiological blood flow in large
Fluent2 with Initial Graphics Exchange Specification cavities such as the atrium.28,53 The four inlet pul-
(IGES) format for meshing. Tetrahedron mesh5 is used monary vein diameters range from 11.58 to 19.1 mm in
and the algorithm is set as patch independence to this case, which yield Reynolds numbers ranging from
achieve relative uniform element size. Each element 1,616 to 2,660 at the peak inlet velocity of 46 cm/s.
edge size limit is set to be between 4  103 and 5  These Reynolds numbers fall within the physiological
103 m. The final volume mesh for the LA with LAA range that does not require any turbulent models. The
contains 57, 357 nodes and 39, 741 elements. The final blood flow velocity v and pressure p are solved using
mesh without LAA contains 44,445 nodes and 30,319 Navier–Stokes equations,53 where the continuity and
elements. Both meshes, LA with and without LAA, are momentum equations are shown in Eq. (5) without
shown in Fig. 6c. Various mesh sizes are also con- considering the body force:
structed for mesh convergence tests. The final meshes rv¼0
described here are the optimal meshes without com- ð5Þ
qðv;t þ v  rvÞ ¼ rp þ lr2 v
promising solution accuracy.

Simulation Setup Boundary Conditions

Flow simulations are performed using ANSYS The simulation framework is targeted to patients
Fluent on both LA with and without LAA geometries. with atrial fibrillation. During atrial fibrillation, the
The calculations are run with a time step size of LA volume is at a dilated state with little change in
0:0013 s and 65 iterations per time step to ensure volume. The LA contractility typically ranges from
solution convergence. Each cardiac cycle is 0:52 s. A 26:3  10:4%, contrary to the LA contractility with
total of 4000 time steps is run, which represents 10 normal sinus rhythm (45:4  13:9%).20 The LA con-
cardiac cycles to ensure periodicity in the solution is tractility, or ejection fraction (EF, represented in %) is
achieved. The residual monitor indicates that the defined as:

FIGURE 11. (a) The current patient’s doppler data, (b) velocities during our simulation.

Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage 235

atrial ejection fraction ð%Þ atrial fibrillation. In this case, the LA of the current
max. volume  min. volume ð6Þ patient is at a dilated state with little change in volume.
¼ Justified by the small change in volume and to simplify
max. volume
the simulation process we assume the volumes of LA
The larger the EF value, the greater the contractility. and LAA do not change over the cardiac cycle. Cur-
We extracted LA segmentations for one cardiac cycle rently, this is a limitation in our capability in simu-
and the volumes are measured, shown in Fig. 7. The lating a wider range of atrial contractilities. This is
patient is seen to have only 13% LA contractility (min stated in ‘‘Study Limitations’’ section. We will include
volume = 156.63 ml, max volume = 180.73 ml) due to this feature in our future studies.
When the LA is relaxed (atrial diastole), blood flows
into the left atrium from the pulmonary veins. As
blood flows into the atrium, the pressure rises, the
blood moves passively from the atrium into the ven-
tricle. When the action potential triggers the muscles in
the atrium to contract (atrial systole), the pressure
within the atrium rises further, pumping blood into the
ventricles. The flow boundary conditions imposed in
this study emulate atrial fibrillation where an atrial
fibrillation waveform is prescribed with a forward
systolic (S) phase and a diastolic (D) phase.24,42,53 The
main feature of an atrial fibrillation waveform is the
missing of a proper atrial contraction phase. The
waveform for one cardiac cycle is shown in Fig. 8.
Since both geometries with and without LAA have the
same PVs, only the geometry of LA with LAA is
presented here to demonstrate the boundary condition
setup. Inflow velocity is prescribed on the four pul-
monary veins, labeled in Fig. 8.
The outlet of the flow is at the mitral valve. To
properly simulate the opening and closing of the mitral
valve, an outflow boundary condition is set to be at the
closed position during the systole phase (from 40 to
FIGURE 12. Blood flow velocity box and whisker plot of the 212 ms) within each cardiac cycle.36 During the
key points in LAA. remaining 348 ms in the cycle, the outlet boundary

FIGURE 13. Comparison of blood flow velocity patterns between left atrium with LAA (top) and without LAA (bottom) during (a)
systole, (b) between systole and diastole, (c) diastole, (d) end diastole, and (e) end/start of cardiac cycle.
236 JIA et al.

condition is set to be ‘stress-free’ representing a com- RESULTS

pletely opened mitral valve. The closing and opening
alternation is also shown in Fig. 8. The gauge pressure In this section, the detailed hemodynamics flow
at the flow exit is set to be 0 Pa. Setting such inflow and characteristics are closely examined for the cases of LA
outflow conditions may result in local violation of with and without LAA, representing the flows pre- and
mass balance equation (also observed in the slightly post-LAA closure. These flow characteristics, i.e.
higher residual in solving the continuity equation, 105 velocities, streamline, and vortices, are known to affect
vs. 108 for the momentum equation). But it overall thrombus formation.
does not severely impact the solution as some relax-
ations are allowed in the solving process. Flow Velocities
To compare blood flow velocities, ten location
points are chosen in the LA for both geometries pre-
and post-LAA closure (labeled in Fig. 9). Figure 10
compares the velocity magnitudes for the two cases at

FIGURE 14. Left atrium peak vortices region with vorticity colored: (a) early systole, (b) peak systole, (c) early diastole, (d) peak
diastole, and (e) end cardiac cycle.

FIGURE 15. The volume integral of vorticity over the fluid domain for the 5th to 10th cardiac cycles during the CFD simulation.
Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage 237

these 10 locations using box and whisker plots. Gen- strength and duration are often the key indications of
erally, average velocity magnitudes are significantly future thrombolic events.48 Vortex core locations are
reduced in post-LAA closure (median velocity: 8.61 plotted in both pre- and post-LAA closure cases. Five
cm/s, interquartile range (IQR): 5.92 to 11.07) com- snapshots are taken at (a) early systole, (b) peak sys-
pared to pre-LAA closure (median velocity: 11.66 cm/ tole, (c) early diastole, (d) peak diastole, and (e) end
s, IQR: 11.02 to 19.07) with P ¼ 0:002 by Wilcoxon cardiac cycle. The locations are identified by Q-crite-
test. The median difference of the average velocity rion at where the value Q is greater than 0.35. During
between pre- and post-LAA closure is 4:05 cm/s systole, the maximum diameter of the vortex core re-
(95% confidence interval 7:02 to 2:80, by Hodges– gion is smaller in the post-LAA closure model (1.0 cm)
Lehmann test). Except for the left superior pulmonary than in the pre-LAA closure model (1.7 cm). During
vein inlet velocity (54% decrement), velocity magni- diastole, peak vortex diameters are also reduced from
tudes in most pulmonary vein inlets and mitral valve 2.8 cm pre-LAA closure to 1.5 cm post-LAA closure.
outlet portions show slight changes (10 to 30% Furthermore, there are clear reductions in the number
decrement). However, in septal (51%), posterior and strength of vortices scattered in the LA. They can
(41%), and lateral wall (41%), the velocity magnitudes be visually identified by the color contours by com-
are significantly reduced after LAA closure. paring all phases throughout the cardiac cycle.
To validate the simulation result, we further com- In the pre-LAA closure model, the first set of vor-
pared the velocity near MV (exit) to the doppler data tices appears during the early systole phase between
of the patient, shown in Fig. 11. We found they have 110 and 175 ms lasting around 65 ms. The strength and
very similar magnitudes and patterns, notably the LA spread of the vortices peak at 135 ms (Fig. 14b). The
contractile phase is missing in the wave form resulting second set of vortices in the pre-LAA closure model is
from an atrial fibrillation. developed during mid-diastole and decreased during
Four additional location points are chosen in the late-diastole, from 210 to 420 ms. It results in a 210 ms
LAA (also labeled in Fig. 9): LAA ostium, LAA mid, duration and peaking around 245 ms (Fig. 14d). On
LAA mid deep, and LAA distal, to evaluate the the other hand, in the post-LAA closure model, the
velocity magnitudes inside LAA. The LAA ostium first set of vortices occurs between 130 and 170 ms
plane is defined as the plane where LAA orifice inter- continuing for approximately 40 ms, which is signifi-
sects with the LA. The mass flow rate through the cantly shorter than the pre-LAA closure model. The
LAA ostium plane is measured and found to be 0.02 spread and strength of the first set of vortices peak at
kg/s. Velocity magnitudes in LAA are significantly 155 ms (Fig. 14b). The second set of vortices in the
reduced as the flow goes deeper inside LAA beginning post-LAA closure model occurs between 230 ms and
at 5.78 cm/s in the ostium and ending at 0.29 cm/s in 365 ms during diastole, lasting for 135 ms which is also
the distal portion of LAA (shown in the box and significantly shorter than in the pre-LAA closure
whisker plot in Fig. 12). Most significant to note is that model. The peak vortices occur at 265 ms (Fig. 14d).
the velocity at distal LAA ranges from 0.04 to 1.31 cm/ Overall, the vortex duration is dramatically decreased
s, implying that the flow is almost stagnant. from 65/210 ms pre-LAA closure to 40/135 ms post-
LAA closure based on modeling, which is a significant
reduction as a result of the LAA closure.
Flow Streamlines and Vortices in the LA: Comparison
The total reduction of vorticity strength can be
Between Pre and Post-LAA Closure
quantified by the volume integral of the vorticity over
the LA domain. Figure 15 shows the volume integral
The blood flow is also depicted using streamlines of the vorticity over the last six cardiac cycles (5th–
(Fig. 13) at five distinct instances: (a) systole, (b) 10th) during the simulation, which clearly demon-
between systole and diastole, (c) diastole, (d) end strates the periodic pattern and a significant reduction
diastole, and (e) end/start of a cardiac cycle. The (25%) in the vorticity magnitude, from a peak of 8 
snapshots are taken during the fourth cardiac cycle in 103 to 6  103 m3 =s:
the simulation when the flow has reached a periodic
solution over each cardiac cycle. The streamlines show
more disorganized and turbulent patterns in the pre- DISCUSSION
LAA closure case than in the post-LAA closure case.
This is evident upon an observation that a more direct In this study, we aim to establish a predictive
path towards the mitral valve outlet is found upon framework for patient-specific CFD simulations of
LAA closure. percutaneous LAA closure procedures by comparing
To illustrate the flow patterns more clearly in 3D pre- and post-LAA closure states. The framework in-
views, vortices are presented in Fig. 14. Vortex cludes automatic segmentation of patient-specific CT
238 JIA et al.

images of LA with LAA, and CFD hemodynamic left heart system including left atrium, left ventricle,
analysis. and aorta based on an actual patient’s CT scan. They
To achieve a fully-automated segmentation process, presented the flow rates, vorticity magnitudes, and
we propose a novel LA detection and segmentation velocity vector scales of the left heart obtained from
algorithm. The concept of using geometric relations in 4D CT images using the temporal interpolation tech-
cardiac CT to achieve full automation was first intro- nique and non-linear image registration algorithm.12
duced by one of the authors.21 The method estimates The study was geared toward the left ventricle and
multiple objects simultaneously considering their therefore meant that a detailed evaluation of LA and
anatomical geometrical relations. To our knowledge, it LAA was not performed.16 To our knowledge, our
was the first of its kind ever introduced in the field. In study is the first to present a simulation framework
this work, we improve and expand this method to find evaluating the clinical impact of LAA and the efficacy
the centroid (a seed) of the left atrium (LA). The of the LAA closure in each individual based on CT
position of the LA can be detected automatically images.
without any user interactions. In addition, region
growing method is also much improved in this study.
Region growing is one of the general segmentation STUDY LIMITATIONS
methods. We modify and optimize the algorithm for
LA segmentation by adopting Bayesian estimation Our study has several limitations. In this study, we
with distance as the prior. We assume that the likeli- used one patient-specific LA/LAA case for the vali-
hood follows Gaussian distribution, and the expecta- dation of our proposed framework. To make the
tion in Eq. (2) is dynamically updated, which optimizes framework as a clinically-useful diagnostic and pre-
itself during the growing process. As a result, our fully dictive tool, more validation studies with patient data
automated segmentation approach (0.5 to 1 min) is are necessary.
significantly faster than semi-automatic segmentation Fixed LA and LAA volumes are assumed in this
(5 to 10 min) available using commercial software. study as the patient under study has atrial fibrillation
Upon image segmentation, a finite element model is with a LA contractility of only 13%. In reality, atrial
built including proper application of flow boundary fibrillation patients have fibrillatory LA and LAAs
conditions at the four pulmonary veins and mitral that are pathologically enlarged in concurrent with
valve. Dynamic CFD analysis is performed in both severely decreased contractility. Thus, representing the
pre- and post-LAA closure models. The CFD simula- precise irregular and rapid movement (of up to 300
tion results are presented as velocity magnitudes and beats/min) for the LA/LAA during a cardiac cycle is
patterns, visual flow patterns using streamlines, and challenging.30 Inevitably, a fixed boundary assumption
vortices which are considered closely related to had to be used in this study. The assumption of a non-
thrombus formation. We demonstrate that flow dilated LA is in fact a limitation in our study at this
velocity magnitudes are significantly reduced. The point. We are currently working on developing capa-
hemodynamics inside LAA are also investigated. In the bilities to handle moving and deformable boundaries
distal portion of the LAA, the velocity magnitudes using 4D patient-specific CT data so that a large range
decrease to nearly 0 cm/s during the entire diastolic of contractilities can be represented in the simulation
phase, indicating flow stagnation inside the deep framework.
pocket formed in LAA. In this condition, it is highly In this particular patient-specific study, the inlet and
probable that thrombi accumulate deep inside outlet blood flow boundary conditions are imposed
LAA.32,39,47,50 The flow streamlines are greatly stabi- with as an approximation rather than from directly
lized, and mitral outlet patterns appear to be more extracted from patient-specific data. In the follow-up
organized after LAA closure. More significantly, we studies, patient-specific boundary conditions will be
find that vortices are dramatically reduced in their size, incorporated for more accurate predictions of LAA
strength, number, and duration upon LAA occlusion. occlusion procedures.
A previous study presented the blood flow simula- The simulation studies currently do not include the
tions inside LA with appendage by using the fluid- prediction of quantities such as wall shear stress, par-
structure interaction finite element method, but the ticle residence time, wall shear oscillatory index, etc.
study was performed using an idealized geometrical These parameters provide more direct measurements
model.31 Since a geometric model was not obtained on thrombus formation risks of future thrombotic
from a real patient, the simulated results had limita- events. Further post-processing of primitive variables
tions and, as a result, clinically meaningful conclusions will be included in future studies.
for specific patients could not be drawn. A more recent
study showed the CFD simulation framework for the
Image-Based Flow Simulations of Pre- and Post-left Atrial Appendage 239

CONCLUSIONS (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Fu-

ture Planning (MSIP) (2012027176).
In this study, we demonstrated a clinically-relevant
CFD simulation study of the effect of LAA closure
using imaged-based LA and LAA. The framework CONFLICT OF INTEREST
involved first obtaining a patient specific CT image of
LA and LAA, which was then processed in an auto- All authors declare that they have no conflicts of
mated manner to setup for CFD analysis. Upon interest.
imaging segmentation, a finite element model was built
including properly applying flow boundary conditions
at the four pulmonary veins and mitral valve. In this ETHICAL APPROVAL
study, we specifically examined flow characteristics, No human or animal studies were carried out by the
e.g. velocity, flow patterns, and vortices in two cases, authors for this article. The institutional review board
LA with and without LAA, to mimic LAA closure approved this study and waived the requirement for
procedure. Comparison between the results showed informed consent due to its retrospective design.
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