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Sub Document
Brand Standardisation
& IM Principles

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 1


Logo Variables

Clear space around the logo

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 2

1. Logo Guidelines:
1.1 Internal & External usage of the logo:
1.1.1. The AIESEC logo and its official variations that are allowed on any media or official
documents are the ones specified in the AIESEC Blue Book Brand Toolkit published
by AIESEC International.

1.1.2. All the official logos and their variations cited in the AIESEC Blue Book Brand Toolkit
can be found in the Brand Package, available in the Resource Hub.

1.1.3. AIESEC brand cannot be used by any LC on any social media handle. Usage of brand
on partner pages can only be done after permission from the Member Committee.

1.2 Formatting the Logo:

1.2.1. The logo cannot be used as a replacement for the word AIESEC.

1.2.2. Transparent logo: Designers / members cannot tweak the logo improperly to derive a
transparent of .png version of the logo. They are made already and stored in the Logo
package for use.

1.2.3. Resizing the logo: The logos in the package may be resized but with the ratio clipped or
intact. No stretching / shearing allowed.

1.2.4. Colours in the logo: The colours in the logo cannot be altered or played around with for
the sake of aesthetic compositions anywhere, online and onground. Till date, there are four
versions (blue on white, white on blue, white on black and black on white). The hex code for
the AIESEC logo is #037ef3 (blue) or R:3 G:126 B:243.

1.2.5. Safe area & surrounding text: The safe area, as illustrated in the image on the left, must be adhered to while placing
the logo anywhere. The width and height of this safe area is equal to the height of the band
enclosing ‘AIESEC’. The logo cannot be suffixed with the name of an entity in text. In case of the need to use ‘powered by’ logos for brand endorsement, the pre-made
logos in the Brand Package available in the Resource Hub, must be used

1.3 Affiliated logos:

1.3.1. The Global brand toolkit (the most recent one available) must be used as reference
for the Sub-brands / products (Global Volunteer, Global Talent, Global Teacher, YouthSpeak,
Youth 4 Global Goals, etc.)

1.4 AIESEC Human can be used for branding purposes without tweaking the original form.

1.5 AIESEC Logo must be used for all type of promotional materials including events and


AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 3

2. Reference to Entities:

2.1. AIESEC is a single organisation operating around the globe, headquartered in Montreal Canada.
Accordingly, an officially recognised operating unit of AIESEC in India (a local chapter or an official
expansion) is allowed to be referred to an official entity of AIESEC in India.

2.2. An entity can be referred to ONLY as AIESEC in <City/University/OfficiallyRecognisedRegion

ofOperation> Exception: AIESEC India since we are legally registered as a society in this name.

2.3. AIESEC is currently operating in around 100+ countries and territories. Given the
existence of several delicate diplomatic issues, we never only refer to “Countries” or “Nations”, as this
will indirectly imply AIESEC taking a political stand in such cases. This is a very sensitive topic, so
attention needs to be paid while making these references in both internal and external capacities.

3. Channels of Communication:
3.1 Only the national association, AIESEC in India is allowed to create and manage independent

3.2 Channel Mandates:

3.2.1 YouTube Mandate: AIESEC India is allowed to have one account on YouTube. Entities are required to put in a request if they want videos to be posted on
AIESEC in India YouTube account. MC will review the video within 48 hours, if
accepted then the video will be uploaded. The link for the request is here.

3.2.2 Twitter Mandate: AIESEC in India is allowed to have one account on Twitter named as "AIESEC
India" No other Entity is allowed to have their own separate Twitter Page for any
Purpose Entities are required to put a request for all their upcoming events upon
which the post shall be posted on the AIESEC in India Twitter page after auditing
within 48 hours. The link for the request is here.

3.2.3 Facebook Page Mandate: AIESEC in India is allowed to have one account on Facebook named as
"AIESEC India" No other Entity is allowed to have their own separate Facebook Page for any
Purpose. All member groups must be invisible in a search by an external, they must be
secret groups. The national association AIESEC in India is the only entity that is allowed to
have a Team Page.

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 4 Entities are required to put a request for all their upcoming events upon
which the post shall be posted on the AIESEC in India Facebook page after auditing
within 48 hours. The link for the request is here. Each LC will have only one Ad Account.

3.2.4 LinkedIn Mandate: No entity profiles are allowed on LinkedIn. Entities are required to put a request for all their upcoming events upon
which the post shall be posted on the AIESEC in India LinkedIn profile after auditing
within 48 hours. The link for the request is here.

3.2.5 Instagram Mandate: AIESEC in India is allowed to have one account on Instagram named as
"aiesec_india" No other Entity is allowed to have their own separate Instagram Page for any
Purpose except Internal Communication. Entities are required to put a request for all their upcoming events upon
which the post shall be posted on the AIESEC in India Instagram page after auditing
within 48 hours. The link for the request is here. Instagram pages created for Internal communication by every entity should
have Private account settings.

3.3 Website / Landing Pages Mandate:

3.3.1 LCs/entities are not allowed to run independent websites, splash pages, wix sites or any
search engine discoverable space on the web nor are they allowed to have any blogs.

3.3.2 However, any link-sharing based landing page with only as the CTA can be
used. These landing pages need to be checked/audited by MCVP Marketing within 48 hours
before the LC can start sharing it.


are the only Call to Action to be used by each LC for product registrations/product
promotions. Shortened URLs (eg: etc.), only with a UTM tag can be used as CTA for
product registrations/product promotions.

3.3.4 to be used as a CTA for all ICX opportunities.

3.3.5 All Individuals wanting to join AIESEC need to register through or as the sole registration links for Recruitments.

3.4 On-ground Channels:

3.4.1 Apparels & Merchandise: Apparels and merchandise must adhere to the logo and visual guidelines.

3.4.2 Banners & Logo Spaces

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 5 Banners and logo spaces of an entity or those in association with stakeholders must
contain the right version of the AIESEC logo, without mentions of the name of the entity as
text around the logo.

3.4.3 Appearances: Outdoor media appearances such as flexes or hoardings must carry the right version
of the AIESEC logo without mentions of the name of the entity as text around the logo. Media appearances such as print or paper ads must carry the right version of the
AIESEC logo without mentions of the name of the entity as text around the logo.

3.4.4 Physical Forms: LCs should not use any physical forms for Recruitments, MC provided link should be
used for Recruitments at all points. Receipts to be issued to every interviewee upon collection of Recruitment Fees.

3.5 Automated Messaging Services:

3.5.1 The automated messaging services such as Email Automation, Mass Messaging through
an External Service, SMS Service, Automated Calls, and Missed Call services can only be
operated by the AIESEC in India MC. LC's cannot run or utilise any of the above mentioned
services for communication or lead nurturing.

4. Communication Etiquettes:
4.1 Use of “aiesec” in lower case is allowed only in “with aiesec.” and “join aiesec.” campaigns. Its
usage must be in accordance with the latest campaign guidelines. The official way of referring to the
organization is and will continue to be “AIESEC” in capitalised.

4.2 Pertaining to Social Decorum:

4.2.1 A member is not allowed to be indulging in smoking / drinking / narcotics consumption
activities in AIESEC t-shirts or anything that identifies with the organization.

4.2.2 Content encouraging/ publicizing/ showing AIESECers drinking and smoking should
not be uploaded or published through both personal and official channels.

4.2.3 Content which is sexually explicit, abusive or violent should not be uploaded or
published through both personal and official channels.

4.3 Template Standardisation:

4.3.1 MC to suggest Email Signature and Visiting Card templates to the LCs

4.3.2 If any LC wants to use a template other than the MC suggested template, they must get
an approval from the BSC prior to its usage.

5. Information Management:
5.1 The Information Management principles for AIESEC determine and make explicit the way in
which AIESEC India Member Committee and Local Committees operate together for the successful
development of the Information Management subsystem in all the levels of the organization. All Local

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 6

Committees and official expansions have the right to access and use the National Information System
under the present principles.

5.2 As a Member Committee we follow the International Information Management Principles and we
are part of the Global Information System.

5.3 Definition: The National Information System comprises as a main tool and Podio
as a complementary tool for specific needs.

5.4 Implementation: National Information Systems will be implemented effectively by Local

committees with support from the member committee.

5.5 Support and Education: AIESEC India Member Committee shall provide the education framework
for the users of the National Information systems as well as enable efficient support and feedback
channels for them.

5.6 Tools Development: Any Local Committee interested in designing and developing tools to be
integrated to the National Information System should follow the process and principles mentioned

5.7 Communication: Member committee and brand sub-committee are responsible for the quarterly
review of this document and communication of the same through Focus commission.

5.8 Principles:
5.8.1 All Local Committees shall use the National Information Systems as the primary tool that supports
their organizational processes and communication.

5.8.2 Local Committee information systems shall not be developed as an alternative tool to the National
Information System.

5.8.3 Local Committee information systems shall be completely aligned with the AIESEC Way, Our Brand
and AIESEC Experience and not violate APIP and Code of Ethics.

5.8.4 Local Committee is responsible to ensure the members registration on

5.8.5 Local Committee is responsible to ensure knowledge management sustainability of an entity through

5.8.6 Local Committee is responsible for delivering the training and learning circles needed at all levels of the

5.8.7 Local Committee will ensure all communication will happen through an official

5.8.8 AIESEC India Member Committee will follow the process mentioned below (‘Tools development
Methodology’) to be in position to recommend which Local Committee information system can build new
tools to be piloted and implemented at National Level

6. Violations:
6.1 Not adhering to the regulations of the Brand Booklet, sub-document of the AIESEC India
Compendium along with the reference of the AIESEC Blue Book Brand Toolkit is identified as a
violation to the brand in its market, purpose, internal and external representation of any kind.

6.2 In case of any seeming issue that cannot be placed directly under a ruling provision such as the
Compendium, the Brand Sub-Committee will supervise and take a decision.

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 7

6.3 An entity making a brand violation will be notified by the Brand Sub- Committee (BSC) and the
concerned LC must remove the content / act upon it in 24 hours from the time of notification over

6.4 Failure to do so will result in a mandate fine of INR 5000, followed by an additional fine of
INR2000 per violation for every 48 hour delay post notification by BSC with the upper cap being
maximum 25000 INR at one legislative meeting. The mandate shall hold good from one compendium
conference to another.

6.5 In Case of Data Breach Template Policy present in Document L8 shall be used [Click Here]

6.6 Mandate Fine of INR 20,000 will be levied on a Local Committee if any online/offline form or the
source through which data is being collected doesn’t have the applicable Privacy Policy. (,,

6.7 The MCP shall appoint the Data Protection Officer for AIESEC in India at the beginning of the
MC Term each year.

6.8 LC’s cannot transfer System/Tools Data which contains personal information of Registrants to a
locally hosted sheet, any LC found transferring data through Export or Copy Paste Function to be
fined under the GDPR Compliance Data Breach Policy present in Document L8 [Click Here]

7. Data Protection:

7.1. Basic Definitions:

7.1.1. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural
person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly
or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification
number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the
physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that
natural person.

7.1.2. Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on

personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as
collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration,
retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise
making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

7.1.3. Sensitive personal data includes personal data about a person’s racial or ethnic
origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership,
genetic, biometric, physical or mental health condition, sexual orientation or sexual life. It
can also include data about criminal offences or convictions. Sensitive personal data can
only be processed under strict conditions, including with the consent of the individual.

7.1.4. The terms mentioned above and any other expressions must respect the definitions
given by the General Data Protection Regulation and the appropriate local/national laws.

7.2. Considerations:

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 8

7.2.1. AIESEC in India processes personal data about members/employees, volunteers,
applicants, alumni and customers, being committed to protecting and respecting the
privacy of every stakeholder.

7.2.2. Personal data must be processed lawfully and appropriately.

7.2.3. The provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and [insert local/national
laws regarding data protection here] must be respected by AIESEC in India.

7.3. Data Protection Officer:

7.3.1. AIESEC in India must have a responsible for data protection, which shall be
appointed every.

7.3.2. The selection of the responsible for data protection must take into consideration
the following criteria: His/Her duties must be compatible with the duties of a Data Protection
Officer; His/Her duties must not lead to a conflict of interests; He/She shall be designated on the basis of professional qualities and, in

particular, expert knowledge of data protection law and practices and the ability to
fulfil the tasks: this should be proportionate to the type of processing carried out by
the entity.

7.3.3. The duties of the Data Protection Officer are: To inform and advise the entity and the members/employees who carry out
processing of their obligations pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation
and to other data protection laws; To monitor compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, with
other data protection laws and with the policies of the entity in relation to the
protection of personal data, including the assignment of responsibilities,
awareness-raising and training of staff involved in processing operations, and the
related audits; To provide advice where requested as regards the data protection impact
assessment and monitor its performance; To cooperate with the supervisory authority; To act as the contact point for the supervisory authority on issues relating to
processing, including the prior consultation referred to in the Article 36 of the
General Data Protection Regulation, and to consult, where appropriate, with regard
to any other matter.

7.3.4. The Data Protection Officer shall be bound by secrecy or confidentiality concerning
the performance of his/her tasks.

7.3.5. The contact details of the Data Protection Officer should be published, shared with
the relevant supervisory authority and communicated to individuals.

7.3.6. The responsible for data protection can be a member of the staff of AIESEC in India.
AIESEC in India may also contract out the role of Data Protection Officer externally.

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 9

7.4. Data Protection Principles:
7.4.1. Personal data must be: processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data
subject; collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further
processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the

purposes for which they are processed; accurate, and where necessary, kept up-to-date; kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than
is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data,
including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against
accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational

7.4.2. AIESEC in India must make reasonable steps so as to guarantee the principles
mentioned in "7.4.1.", including setting retention policies and internal procedures for
deletion of data.

7.4.3. Whenever consent is the lawful basis for processing, it must be AIESEC in India
must: make sure that it was granted in a free, specific, unambiguous, explicit and
informed manner.  The request for consent shall be presented in a manner which is
clearly distinguishable from the other matters, in an intelligible and easily accessible
form, using clear and plain language; be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented to the processing
of his/her personal data; guarantee that the data subject will have the right to withdraw his/her
consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent
before its withdrawal. Prior to giving consent, the data subject must be informed
thereof. AIESEC in India must also guarantee that it is as easy to withdraw as to give

7.5. Information to Individuals:

7.5.1. Whenever personal data relating to an individual is collected, AIESEC in India must
inform the individual about: The purpose or purposes for which AIESEC in India intends to process that
personal data, as well as the legal basis for the processing; Where AIESEC in India relies upon the legitimate interests of the business to
process personal data, the legitimate interests pursued; The recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, if any;

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 10 The fact that AIESEC in India intends to transfer personal data to a
non-EU/EEA country or international organisation and the appropriate and suitable
safeguards in place; The existence of each of the rights of the data subject and a explanation about
each of them, paying special attention to the right to request from AIESEC in India
(*considering that it is the "data controller") access to and rectification or erasure of
personal data or restriction of processing as well as the right to object to processing
and the right to data portability. Information about the period that the information will be stored or the
criteria used to determine that period; The right to withdraw consent at any time (if consent was given) without
affecting the lawfulness of the processing before the consent was withdrawn; The right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority; The existence of automated decision-making (including profiling) and

meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the
envisaged consequences of such processing for the individual; The identity and contact details of AIESEC in India (*considering that it is the
controller), of its Data Protection Officer and, where applicable, of its representative.

7.5.2. In case the information was collected directly from the individual, he/she must be
informed about the points mentioned in "7.5.1." at the time when personal data is
obtained. Besides, he/she must also be provided with the following: Whether the provision of the personal data is a statutory or contractual
requirement/obligation, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, as well
as whether the individual is obliged to provide the personal data and any possible
consequences of failing to provide the data.

7.5.3. In case the information was collected from a third party, the individual must be
informed about the points mentioned in "7.5.1." as soon as possible, but at latest within
one month of obtaining it. He/She must also be provided with: The types or categories of personal data which are to be processed; The source the personal data originates from and whether it came from
publicly accessible sources.

7.6. Rights of the Individuals:

7.6.1. AIESEC in India must process all personal data based on the rights of the
individuals, including: right to be informed about the processing activities; right to access his/her personal data; right to rectification; right to object to (part of) the processing, including for direct marketing
purposes; right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"); right to restriction of processing;

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 11 right to data portability; right to not to be subject to automated decision-making (including profiling)

in certain circumstances. In case it happens, the individual shall have the right to be
informed, to express his/her point of view, to challenge the decision and to obtain
human intervention; right to liability/compensation in case of violation of privacy rights, as well as

to lodge a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority.

7.6.2. AIESEC in India must set communication channel(s) and procedures so that the
individual can enforce his/her rights within one month of the original request.

7.7. Data Security:

7.7.1. AIESEC in India must take appropriate security measures against unlawful or
unauthorised processing of personal data, and against the accidental or unlawful
destruction, damage, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of or access to personal
data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

7.7.2. Procedures and technologies must be in place to maintain the security of all
personal data.

7.7.3. Personal data shall only be transferred to a data processor if there is a contract and
if it agrees to comply with the procedures and policies and/or puts in place adequate
measures itself.

7.7.4. AIESEC in India must maintain data security by protecting the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of the personal data, including, if possible, measures such as

7.8. Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data:

7.8.1. AIESEC in India may share personal data internally.

7.8.2. Personal data shall not be sold to externals nor handled by individuals outside
AIESEC in India.

7.8.3. Personal data shall not be transferred to people or organisations situated in

countries without adequate protection and without firstly having advised the individual.
Transfers of data to other countries shall be subject to the requirements of the General
Data Protection Regulation.

7.9. Documentation:
7.9.1. AIESEC in India must keep records of the activities, being able to demonstrate
compliance upon request.

7.9.2. AIESEC in India must follow the internal Data Protection Policy, the provisions of
the General Data Protection Policy and the national/local laws regarding data protection.

7.9.3. The local entities of AIESEC in India are subject to the clauses focused on data
protection and must abide by these rules,

AIESEC India Compendium - Subdocument Brand Standardisation & IM Principles 12

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