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ATESEC 28 This wordbook is a reference for all AIESECers, in which we mentic AIESEC vocabulary. short forms that you'll be ned every abbreviation that one can possibly see anywhere i * Basic Track: C ers the most primitive ac AIESEC care + Advanced Track: Includes additional t m anc ronyms 2aring rms and abbreviations that you may occasionally st in some resou Detailed definitions to the terms. (We encourage you to always ask and seek!) * Download it so you cana * Whenever you see an abbreviation that you don't know/remerr use CtrI+F to open the search bar, and look it up in your devi Basics @Bo AIESEC A2020 Acc. Al AIVP ABS/AGR AN AM ASAP AIESEC (informally) AIESEC Bardo Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales* * AIESEC is no longer used as an acronym but simply as the name of the organization. AIESEC 2020 Account (alternatively Accomodation) AIESEC International AIESEC International Vice President Absolute Growth Acceptance Note Ante Meridiem (= Before Noon) As Soon As Possible B2B B2c BD ae cc CEED CF ° ATTR. * CONS. *VD + BA/B Adv. CoP cv X/CXP Business to Business Business to Consumer/Customer Business Development Congress Committee (alt. Customer Centricity) Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development Customer Flow + Attraction * Consideration * Value Delivery + Brand Advocacy Companies Opportunities Portal Curriculum Vitae Customer Experience FVII OMES K DM Digital Marketing DDL Deadline EB Executive Board/Body ECB Entity Controal Board ELD Experiential Leadership Development EP Exchange Participant ER External Relations EwA Engagement with AIESEC EXPA FIN/F&L/FLA/FNZ_ Finance & Legality / Finance & Legal Administration FACI Facilitator FVII OMES K G2K (EO) GA + LGA/EGA GcP GE GH GN + Americas *AP EU +*MEA GT GV Get to Know (Each Other) General Assembly + Legislative/Elective General Assembly Good Case Practice (8CP - Best Case Practise) Global Entrepreneur Growth Hack Growth Networks + North, Central & South America + Asia Pacific + Europe + Middle East & Africa Global Talent (formerly known as GIP - Global Internship Programme) Global Volunteer (formerly known as GCDP - Global Community Development Programme then GC - Global Citizen) ENTITIOMtS k HE IcB IM IPS IR IT IXP ae ie KPI > Hosting Entity Internal Control Board Information Management Incoming/Induction & Preparation Seminar International Relations Information Technology Integrated Experience Job Description Key Performance Indicator PNT TOMA k L&D Le LCPe-LCPc LDA LDM LDS LEAD Log. LQ * WC-SA- SO-EO Lv Learning & Development Local Chapter (also ka Local Committee) Local Chapter President elect - current Leadership Development Assessment Leadership Development Model Leadership Development Seminar/Summit Learn, Engage, Activate, Deliver* *LEAD is no longer used as an acronym but simply as the name of our leadership development program. Logistics Leadership Qualities + World Citizen - Self Aware - Solution Oriented - Empowering Others Local Volunteer PNT TOMA k wa > M&Comms/MarCom/MaC Marketing and Communication(s) MA Matching Process * Stranger * Open + Applied + Accepted * APP/APV/APR/APD - Approved + RE - Realized * CO- Completed MBA Marketing & Business Administration MC Member Committee MCEB Member Committee Executive Board/Body MKT Marketing MoS Measure/Measurement of Success PNT TOMA k NatCo NGO NPS NM oc ocP OcvP oD oP OPS > National Conference Non-Governmental Organization Net Promoter Score New Member (aka Newbie) Organizing Committee Organizing Committee President Organizing Comittee Vice President Organizational/Organization Development Opportunity (formerly known as TN - Training Nominee) (alt. Operations) Outgoing Preparation Seminar FVII OMES K PAI PD PM PPT PR PV R&D RA RG/RGR RIS RnR President of AIESEC International Partnership Development (alt. Product Development) Post-Meridiem (= After noon) (alt. Project Management - People Management - Presidents Meeting) Powerpoint File/Presentation Public Relations (alt. Pocket Recruitment) french. Procés Verbal (= Report) Research & Development Raise Relative Growth Reintegration Seminar Rewards and Recognition (aka Performance Recognitions) FVII OMES K s&D S&L SDGs SE SME SnS su SWOT TL TtT TXP Supply & Demand ™“ Service & Learning Sustainable Development Goals (aka GG - Global Goals) Sending Entity Small & Medium-sized Entreprises Standards and Satisfaction Start Up (formerly known as Specialized Unit) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Team Leader (formerly known as TLP - TL Programme) Talent Management (alt. Team Member, formerly TMP) Train the Trainers Team Experience FVII OMES K VD VP *OGX +ICX xP XPP Y4GG YOP YSF - YSS - YSI > Value Delivery Vice President (alt. Value Proposition) Exchange (alt. Experience) * OutGoing Exchange/Experiences + InComing Exchange/Experiences Experience Exchange Products Policies Youth for Global Goals Youth Opportunities Portal (aka Students Op Portal) YouthSpeak Forum - Survey - Insights BRO k Advanced Four Disciplines of Execution Alumni of AIESEC International Alumni Advisory Board/Council Alumni Relations (alt. Action Research) Account Delivery Account Management Application Programming Interface Business to Employees Brand Building Breaking Borders for Americas Business and Customers Marketing Big Hairy Audacious Goal (aka WIG - Wildly Important Goal) Business Intelligence Business Model Canvas Board of Advisors Board of Directors Balance Scorecard Brand Experience Central Asia and Caucasus Region Competencies Assessment Tool Chapter Development (aka LCD - Local Chapter Development) k Central and Eastern Europe (No Longer Used) Customer Flow for Enablers Customer Loyalty for Organizations Code of Ethics (alt. Culture of Excellence) Customer Relationship Management Case Solving Civil Society Organization Critical Success Factors Customer Solutions & Innovation Corporate Social Responsibility Call To Action Customer Experience for Enablers / Enablers Experience Customer Experience for Youth / Youth Experience Data Analysis Data Analysis for Advanced Leverage Database Defining Elements Delegate Date Of Birth Delegates Services Delegates Experience (alt. Digital Experience) East Africa (alt. Early Adopter) East Asia and the Pacific Entity Development External Exchange Program (No Longer Used) Expansion Initiative (formerly known as CU - Contracted Unit) Entity in Debt Expansion Manager (alt. Educate Me project) EP Buddy EP Identity EP Manager Entity/National Support Team Entity Entity to Entity Entity Partner Functional Area Meeting Frequently Asked Questions Feasibility Study Report Full Member Front Office-Back Office Finance Subcommittee Global Committees Index Global Competencies Model Global Citizen for Organizations - for Students (No Longer Used) Global Finance Board Global Expansions Board (formerly Global Expansion Committee) Global Exchange Product (alt. Global Exchange Partner/Partnership) Global Exchange Amplifiers Product Global Entrepreneur + Global Talent Global Information System Global Leader Program (No Longer Used) Governance & Legislation Subcommittee Global Learning Environments (aka LEAD Environment) Global LEAD Conference Global Leaders Summit Global Marketing Summit Global Plenary (alt. Global Planning - Growth Path) Goals, Reality, Opportunities, Way forward Global Service Fees Global SupportTeam Goal, Target/Timeline, Channel, Message Heading for the Future Human Resources Information System Improve & Invent Inner & Outer Journey Introduction to AIESEC International Congress (alt. Internal Communication - In Campus) Individual Career Plan Invitation Letter International Legislation Meeting Inter Local Committee Exchange Programme Information Management Subcommittee International Presidents Meeting Information System Job Questionnaire Knowledge Management Information Management (alt. Impact Model) Keynote Latin America Life-Long Connection Members Education Cycle Membership Tracking Tool Market Expansion Middle East & North Africa Member in Alert Matching Mania Multi-National Corporation Measure of Impact Manual of Functions (french = Manuel des Procédures) Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding Mid-term Ambition Members Selection Interviews Membership Subcommittee Most Valuable Person/Professional/Product/Project National Affiliation Fees (aka Invoice) National Exchange Partnerships Network Management One to One Official Expansion (formerly CU - Contracted Unit) Out Of Campus Opportunity Manager Opportunity Taker Orientation Seminar (aka Department Day) (alt. Organizational Strategy) Operational Support Team Plug and Play Peer to Peer Peak for Peak Project Based on Exchange Personal Development Talks Personal Evaluation Talks Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental Personal Goal Setting Personal Interview Pioneers East African Seminar Premium Partners Council Quarter Quality Case Quality Education Quarterly Report Quality Management Research Group Research Initiative Risk Management Raise, Match, Realize Return On Investment Regional Support Team Service to Service Sub-Committee Sales Development Program Search Engine Marketing South-East Asia Supervisory Group Sales Management Plan Social Media Management (aka CM - Community Management) State of Global Association/Affairs State of Local Association/Affairs State of National Association/Affairs Standard Operating Procedure Summer Peak Steering Team Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics South-West Asia (alt. South and West Africa) Team Bonding (formerly known as Team Building) Team Day To Be Announced Task-Based Induction Talent Capacity Talent Operations Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, Strengths (Reversed SWOT + Advanced) Travel Costs Sharing Task Force Team Standards (formerly known as TeMi - Team Minimums) User Interface University Relations Virtually Allocated Market Virtual Expansion Virtual Legislative Meeting Value Proposition Canvas West Africa Connecting Seminar East African Pioneers Summit Work Breakdown Structure West Europe and North America (No Longer Used) Winter Peak Workshop Work To Do Exchange and Projects Summit Exchange and Leadership Development Summit h Youth to Business AIESEC “tah, oe sl peeiie caged

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