Film Review Rubric

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Outstanding Acceptable Poor No

(100%) (75%) (50%) Evidence/Inaccurate

(0 pts)
Definition and Provides Provides Provides Provides entirely
Thesis/Argument accurate accurate partially inaccurate
(20 pts) definition(s) to definition(s) to accurate definition(s)
principle(s) principle(s) BUT definition(s) AND/OR provides
used lacks a strong AND lacks a no
in their own thesis statement. strong evidence to assess
words AND OR thesis performance.
provides an Partially statement.
argument/thesis accurate
(What are you definition(s) (or,
trying to not in own
convince the words) BUT
reader of in this strong thesis
paper?) statement.

Application of Provides Provides Provides Provides entirely

Principles to accurate accurate accurate inaccurate examples
Film examples from examples BUT examples AND/OR provides
(20 pts) film AND provides weak BUT no
articulates a justification for provides NO justification to
strong examples. justification. assess
justification for performance.

Writing Uses well- Few Fragmented Errors prevent

Mechanics & formed grammatical sentences reader
Guidelines sentences errors. with from understanding
(10 pts) with no Doesn’t meet all frequent content of paper
grammatical of the required grammatical and
errors. paper structure errors and none of the paper
1 page, single- guidelines. none of the structure guidelines
spaced required are
& uses paper met.
required paper structure
heading. guidelines

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