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Sto. Niño College of Science and Technology, Inc.

Bonifacio Street, 8100 Tagum City, Davao Del Norte, Philippines

Tel. Nos. (084) 655-6623 Email:
Elem. Government Recognition (R-XI) No. 006 s.2005; JHS Government Recognition (R-XI) No. 06, s.2005; SHS Government Permit (R-XI) No. 116 s.2017

First Quarterly Examination

Grade 7 - Science
S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: _____________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________ Date: ______________________

General Instruction: Read and understand the items carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.

1. What is the course taught in school that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to
perform day-to-day physical activities with ease?
a. Physical Fitness Test c. Physical Enhancement
b. Physical Activities Please
d. Physical attach also your
2. It refers to the process of removing impurities in children’s motor skills, answer
would lead to the
betterment of abilities in using and controlling their bodies?
a. Conditioning c. Warm-up
b. Emotional Development d. Physical Development
3. Which of the following statements below is a contribution in performing physical activities if one is
mentally developed?
a. Bring into advancement and refinement of motor skills
b. To help an individual in developing bonds with others.
c. It is the construction of mental activity to the overall intelligence.
d. Therapy for an individual.
4. John wants to participate in a vigorous training. But before he engage in that training, John
performed a 5-minute walking slowly in place. What phases of exercise John did?
a. Warm-up c. Conditioning
b. Stretching d. Cool-down
5. What do you think is being referred in this statement, “when the heart and lungs work together to
provide and supply oxygen that needed and fueled the body during workload”?
a. Muscular Strength c. Flexibility
b. Muscular Endurance d. Cardiovascular Endurance
6. Which of the following statement illustrate “Stretching”?
a. Bend your left knee, drop into a lunge, right leg straight behind you with your
toes on the ground. Place your right hand on the floor and twist your upper
body to the left.
b. Step up and down on a 12-inch bench for 3 minutes at a rate of 24 steps per minute.
c. The body must be in a push-up position from the toes. Hands just be outside the
shoulder, the back and legs straight, and the toes tucked under.
d. Begin by standing with your legs straight and your arms to your side. Jump up and
spread your feet beyond hip-width apart while bringing your arms above your head,
nearly touching.
7. What would happen if you do not apply the proper process in engaging exercise?
a. No risk arises when doing an improper exercise
b. May lead to minimal to critical injuries & unexpected results.
c. It may turn you into the fastest body development.
d. Doing proper or improper process, it may no sense to its healthy development.
8. As a student, do you think physical education subject in tertiary level is essential? Why?
a. No, it is insignificant in my daily life as a student.
b. No, I can accomplish my task as a student even if without performing any physical
c. Yes, because it develops competence and confidence and it also promotes a
healthy lifestyle, and avoids any illnesses.
d. Yes, to promote good characteristics that a student should have possessed.
9. What factor of physical fitness component that means to change from boosting into muscular
endurance, then to test the amount of body fat burn after performing?
a. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Muscular Strength
b. Flexibility d. Body Composition
10. Ana wanted to know how flexible her joint and muscles are. What physical activity would you
suggest her to perform?
a. 12 minutes run c. Sit and Reach
b. Ninety Degree Push-up d. Curl-up
11. In order to engage in different exercises or physical activities, one should assess his/ her own self
to uncover the health and lifestyle issues he/she may have. What particular method of assessment
should be used?
a. Heart Rate c. Maximum Heart Rate
b. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire d. All of the above
For Item No. 12-18

Name of Students Age Waist Height

John Flores 17 88.9 cm (34.99 inch) 175.26 cm 68.99inch
Ana Marie Franco 22 121.92cm (24 inch) 180.34cm (52.00 inch)
Robert Dio 25 122.88 cm (48.37 inch) 152.50 cm (60.03 inch)
Figure 1

12. What cardiorespiratory assessment refers to?

a. Recovery Heart Rate c. Waist-Hip Ratio
b. Body Fat Percentage d. Waist-Height Ratio
13. What is the waist-height ratio of John Flores?
a. 0.50 c. 34
b. 2,413 d. 105.98
14. Which of the following formula use to get the average?
a. Weight kg. X Height (meter) c. Weight (cm) + Height (inch)
b. Waist (cm). – Height (cm) d. Waist inch
Height inch.
15. What is the waist-height ratio of Ana Marie Franco?
a. 21,987 c. 118.98
b. 0.46 d. 23
16. What is the waist-height ratio of Robert Dio?
a. 2,903 c. 0.80
b. 108.4 d. 11.66
17. Who among students, got waist-height ratio indicator of “Highly Obese”?
a. Robert Dio c. Ana Marie Franco
b. John Flores d. None of the above
18. Who among students, got waist-height ratio indicator of “Healthy”?
a. Robert Dio c. Ana Marie Franco
b. John Flores d. None of the above
19. Which of following main purpose of getting one’s heart rate in physical fitness?
a. To check if the pulse is working properly.
b. To identify if the heart rate is ready for a fitness activity.
c. To recognize if the heart rate is getting lower or higher.
d. None of the above.
20. Which statement describes "Maximum Heart Rate"?
a. The desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise
b. The amount of energy that is expended at rest in a neutral environment.
c. An indicator of your risks for obesity, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and
d. The fastest and hardest your heart rate can.
21. What cardiorespiratory assessment is being referred to the amount of energy expended at rest in a
neutral environment after the digestive system has been inactive?
a. Resting Heart Rate c. Maximum Heart Rate
b. Basal Metabolic Rate d. Target Heart Rate

For Item No. 22-30: Refer to Figure 1.

Direction: Complete the table below by computing the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) and Target Heart
Range using the 60% and 80% baseline to get each range. Write your answer on the space
provided and use the corresponding formula to get the right answer.

Maximum Target Heart Range

Resting Heart
Age Heart Rate
Rate (RHR) 60% 80%
22. 25. 28.
17 57 bpm

23. 26. 29.

20 69 bpm

24. 27. 30.

24 76 bpm

Figure 1.

31. What are the basic requirements for all body processes, such as growth and development,
transport of substances between cells and repair of tissues?
a. Energy c. Food
b. Sleep d. All of the above
32. What would be the result if a person remains physically inactive?
a. Tired easily
b. Prone to heart diseases
c. No healthy improvement in body shape/appearance
d. All of the above
22. According to Ms. Ana Marie at her age of 57, she experienced difficulty in breathing, feeling light-
headed, or may faint and breaking into a cold sweat. What do you think Ms. Ana Marie has
a. Sign and symptoms of stroke c. Sign and Symptoms of
b. Sign and symptoms of catastrophic diseased d. None of the above
23. What is the characteristic of “angina pectoris”?
a. Characterized by pain or discomfort in the chest area
b. A symptom of a possible heart attack
c. Characterized by shortness of breath
d. All of the above
24. In energy system, it refers to the intensity of the activity from low to moderate-high?
a. Immediate c. Aerobic
b. Anaerobic d. All of the above
25. The following are the activities that used for aerobic system, EXCEPT _____________?
a. 30-minute walk c. 400-meter run
b. Zumba d. 1.5 mile
26. What are the three types of energy system that the body uses during physical activity?
a. Immediate, Anaerobic and Aerobic c. ATP-PC, Lactic Acid System, Aerobic
b. Explosive, Anaerobic, and Aerobic d. All of the above
27. In activity pyramid, the following are the activities found at the bottom part, EXCEPT __________?
a. Doing household chores c. Watching TV
b. Taking the stairs d. Walk to nearby establishment
28. The basic form of energy used by cell is known as__________?
a. Glucose c. Gycogen
b. Adenosine Triphosphate d. Fats
29. It is a chemical in food that our body needs and it is essential for the growth and replacement of
a. Food Pyramid c. Physical Activity Pyramid
b. Iron d. Nutrients

For Item No. 41-50

Direction: Analyze the different activities inside the box. Put the activity where it belongs.

Mountain Climbing 50 x Jumping Jacks Track and Field Throwing Events

400-meter track dash 1 push-up Lifting a pail of water
Zumba 200 meter swim sprint Dancing
100 m dash
Anaerobic Alactic Anaerobic Lactic  Aerobic Energy System
41. 43. 47.

Lifting a pail of water Track and Field Throwing Event Mountain Climbing
44. 48.

400-meter track dash Zumba

45. 49.
100 m dash Dancing
1 push-up 46. 50.

200-meter swim sprint 50 x Jumping Jacks

51.What is the three phases of exercise?

a. Warm up, Starter phase, Slow Progression phase
b. Warm up, Major exercise focus, Progression Phase
c. Warm up, Major Exercise Focus, Cool Down
d. Warm up, Starter phase, Major Exercise Focus
52. Which of the following statements that describe the muscular system?
a. It is composed of specialized cells called muscles fibers
b. It is the central framework in the body
c. It is a formed of bones and cartilage
d. None of the above
53. Which among phases of exercises that consist of light physical activity that lasts for about 5 to 10
minutes of exercise?
a. Static Stretches c. Warm-up
b. Flexibility d. Cool-down
54. Which of the following statement that pertains to flexibility exercises?
a. Neck rotation c. side to side hops
b. Side arm raises d. Side Bend
55. A property of muscle that has the capacity to respond to a stimulus?
a. Excitability c. Contractility
b. Extensibility d. Elasticity
56. A muscle can be stretched without being damaged even if with the application of force. What
properties of muscles it is?
a. Excitability c. Contractility
b. Extensibility d. Elasticity
57. They are capable of contracting or shortening the muscle after receiving a stimulus.
a. Excitability c. Contractility
b. Extensibility d. Elasticity
58. This refers to the ability of muscle to recoil to original resting length after stretched.
a. Excitability c. Contractility
b. Extensibility d. Elasticity
59. Which of the following are the main features of cardiac muscle?
a. Tubular and multi nucleated c. spindle-shaped, and uninucleated

b. Branched and uninucleated d. None of the above

60. Listed below are the account of words of a smooth muscle. Which of the following describes the
a. Fiber : striated, tubular and multi nucleated, voluntary, usually attached to skeleton.
b. Fiber : non-striated, spindle-shaped, and uninucleated, involuntary, usually covering
wall of internal organs.
c. Fiber : striated, branched and uninucleated, involuntary, only covering walls of the heart.
d. None of the above
61. Arrange the following activities, based on the phases of exercise.
1. 32 counts alternate shoulder Stretch 2. 20 push-ups in a row 3. 5-minute Slow Jog

a. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 3, 2
b. 2, 1, 3 d. 3, 2, 1
62. What do you think is the advantage of doing warm-up before engaging to the training proper?
a. It decreases the chance of pulling a muscle. c. It decreases the chance of joint pain.
b. It decreases the chance of injury. d. All of the above
63. Why do we need to have a cool-down after performing any major exercises?
a. It is the mandatory for exercise. c. To help remove lactic acid from the muscles.
b. To prepare the mind for the next exercises. d. None of the above
64. Which physical exercise below that pertains to the training proper?
a. Knee Bending c. Arms Rotation
b. Squat 1 Rep Max d. None of the above
65. Listed below are the types of movement in muscles, EXCEPT ___________?
a. Flexion c. Extension
b. Abduction d. Retention
For Items No. 66-90:
Direction: Identify the following major anterior muscle parts of the body. Write your answer on the
blank every after the number.

66.________________________ 87. ________________________

67.________________________ 88. ________________________
68.________________________ 89. ________________________
69.________________________ 90. ________________________

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