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ASH RAE Guideline 0-2013

(Supersedes ASH RAE Guideline 0-2005)

Includes ASH RAE addenda listed in Annex Q

• • •

See Annex Q for approval dates by the ASHRAE Standards Committee and the ASHRAE Board of Directors.

This guideline is under continuous maintenance by a Standing Guideline Project Committee (SGPC) for which the Standards Com-
mittee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely, doc-
umented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the guideline. The change submittal form, instructions, and
deadlines may be obtained in electronic form from the ASHRAE website ( or in paper form from the Manager of
Standards. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard or Guideline may be purchased from the ASHRAE website (
or from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: Fax: 678-539-
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© 2013 ASHRAE ISSN I 049-894X

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ASHRAE Standing Guideline Project Committee O

Cognizant TC: TC 9.1, Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems
SPLS Liaison: Janice C. Peterson
T imothy F. Corbett, Chair Walter D. Horn
Thomas R. Meyer, Vice-Chair Gerald J. Kettler
M ichael Amstadt, Secretary Kevin K. Knueven
Thomas E. Cappellin Guopeng Liu
Charles E. Dorgan Larry S. Ross
Justin Foster Garner


William F. Walter, Chair David R. Conover Malcolm D. Knight
Richard L. Hall, Vice-Chair John F. Dunlap Rick A. Larson
Karim Amrane James W. Earley, Jr. Mark P. Modera
Joseph R. Anderson Steven J. Emmerich Cyrus H. Nasseri
James Dale Aswegan Julie M. Ferguson Janice C. Peterson
Charles S. Barnaby Krishnan Gowri Heather L. Platt
Steven F. Bruning Cecily M. Grzywacz Douglas T. Reindl
John A. Clark Rita M. Harrold Julia A. Kee n, BOD ExO
Waller S. Clements Adam W. Hinge Thomas E. Werkema, Jr., CO
Debra H. Kennoy

Stephanie C. Reiniche, Manager of Standards

This Guideline was developed under the auspices of ASH RAE. ASHRAE Guidelines are developed under a review process, identifying
a guideline for the design, testing, application, or evaluation of a specific product, concept, or practice. As a guideline it is not definitive but
encompasses areas where there may be a variety of approaches, none of which must be precisely correct. ASH RAE Guidelines are written
to assist professionals in the area of concern and expertise of ASHRAE's Technical Committees and Task Groups.
ASHRAE Guidelines are prepared by project committees appointed specifically for the purpose of writing Guidelines. The project
committee chair and vice -chair must be members of ASHRAE ; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, all
must be technically qualified in the subject area of the Guideline.
Development of ASHRAE Guidelines follows procedures similar to those for ASHRAE Standards except that (a) committee balance is
desired but not required, (b) an effort is made to achieve consensus but consensus is not required, (c) Guidelines are not appealable, and
(d) Guidelines are not submitted to ANSI for approval.
The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:
a. interpretation of the contents of this Guideline,
b. participation in the next review of the Guideline,
c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Guideline, or
d. permission to reprint portions of the Guideline.

ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information and
accepted industry practices. However, ASH RAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components,
or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAE's Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its
Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.


ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating
purposes, by suggesting safe practices in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing
other information that may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASH RAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them,
and conformance to them is completely voluntary.
In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied,
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ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013,
The Commissioning Process
Foreword ...................................................................................................................... ......... ...... ................................ 2
1 Purpose ............................................................ ...... ............................................ ...... ......................................... 2
2 Scope ............. ......................... ......................... ...... ............................................ ...... ......................................... 2
3 Utilization ........ ...... ............................................ ...... ............................................ ...... ... ...... ................................ 3
4 Definitions ...... ......................... ......................... ...... ............................................ ...... ......................................... 3
5 Predesign Phase ..................... ......................... ...... ............................................ ...... ......................................... 4
6 Design Phase ..................................................................................................... ...... ......................................... 8
7 Construction Phase ................. ......................... ...... ............................................ ...... ... ...... .............................. 12
8 Occupancy/Occupation Phase ......................... ......................... ......................... ............... .............................. 16
Informative Annex A: Guide for Developing Supplementary Technical Guidelines for the
Commissioning Process ..................... ......................... ......................... ............... .............................. 19
Informative Annex B: Commissioning Process Flow Chart ............. ......................... ...... ....................................... 22
Informative Annex C: Cost and Benefits of the Commissioning Process ................. ...... ... ...... .............................. 24
Informative Annex D: Commissioning Process Documentation Matrix ................................................................. 25
Informative Annex E: Commissioning Process Request for Qualifications .............. ...... ....................................... 28
Informative Annex F: Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................... ...... ....................................... 31
Informative Annex G: Commissioning Plan .............................................................. ...... ... ...... ................... ........... 33
Informative Annex H: Acceptance Plan ................................................................................................................. 34
Informative Annex I: Owner's Project Requirements Workshop Guidance .............. ...... ....................................... 36
Informative Annex J: Owner's Project Requirements ...................... ......................... ...... ....................................... 38
Informative Annex K: Basis of Design (BoD) ............................................................ ...... ... ...... .............................. 42
Informative Annex L: Specifications ....................... ...... ............................................ ...... ....................................... 43
Informative Annex M: Construction Checklists ....... ......................... ......................... ...... ....................................... 49
Informative Annex N: Quality-Based Sampling Examples ....................................... ...... ....................................... 54
Informative Annex 0: Systems Manual .................................................................... ...... ... ...... ................... ........... 57
Informative Annex P: Training Manual and Training Needs .................................................................................. 59
Informative Annex Q: Addenda Description Information .......................................... ...... ....................................... 65


Approved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this guideline can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAE
Web site at

© 2013 ASHRAE
1791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 · . All rights reserved.
ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute.

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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Additional reproduction, distri bution,
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(This fore\\1ord is not part of this standard. It is merely Clear, concise, cornplete, and correct docu111enting of the
informative and does not contain requirements necessary OPR alloivs .fo r e111phasis 011 co111111issio11i11g as an integral
for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro- process .for achieving the .facilities 01vner's eXJJectations. The
cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard goal of a Guideline O Corn,nissioning Plan is a .fitlly .func-
and may contain material that has not been subject to tional, fine-tuned facility, including all .facility ele,nents and
public revie\\' or a consensus process. Unresolved objec- asse111blies, cornplete docu,nentation, and a trained operating
tors on informative material are not offered the right to and maintenance staf]'at the significant co111pletion milestone.
appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) ft provides a ,nethodology .for i1nple1nenting the conunission-
ing process to building ele,nents and asse,nblies for ne1,v con-
FOREWORD struction, and ,najor renovations to existing facilities at a
level co111patible 1vith Olvner input.
The latest version of Guideline Ocontinues in de,nonstrat- A Guideline O Co,n,nissioning Plan places ernphasis on
ing best practice principles for applying the ivhole-building docu,nentation that transfers the OPR to the design criteria
corn,nissioning quality process in .facility elernents. Guideline and construction docu111ents, and on continuity o.f i11;/or,nation
0 outlines the process.for achieving, validating, and docu,nent- f'ro,n one party to the next, providing value and the opportu-
ing the perfor111ance offacility elen1e111s in meeting the defined nity to i1nprove the ,,vork process. The Guideline O Co,
objectives and criteria o.f the 01,vne,: This quality process sioning Plan also provides for the .facility operating and
extends through all phases of neiv or ,najor renovation proj- ,naintenance personnel training using actual perfor,nance
ects, .fro,n predesign to oivner occupancy and operation, 1vith docu,nentation de,nonstrating the design, installation, and
tasks during each phase to ensure ver(/ication of'design, con- intent o.f the building ele,nents and assernblies in meeting the
struction, and operator training ,neeting the 01vner's Project OPR. O,vners can use this process in validating their stated
Requirements (OPR). Guideline Odescribes the overall co1n- objectives and criteria .fro,n the significant co,npletion tnile-
1nissioning process in providing a uniforrn, integrated, and stone on1vard. Application of this facility perfor,nance docu-
consistent approach.for co1n111issioni11gfacilities. rnentation provides the 01vner ivith the opportunity to
This edition of Guideline O recognizes and addresses continue the bene,/its o.f whole-building corrunissioning in
changes in project delivery syste,ns resultingfro111 the evolu- i,nproving facility performance during the post occupancy
tion of ,,vhole-building co111111issioning into the life cycle and phase and beyond.
sustainable .facilities 1neasure111ent and ver(fication pro- Annexes to this guideline have been included to assist in
cesses. Guideline O is a guide to 111ethods in, .further understanding the co,nmissioning process. Based on
rneasuring, validating, and docu1nenling infor1nalion in the specific project experiences, annexes suggest 1vays to ilnprove
design and building processes used in constructing ne,,v current practices. Annexes illustrate varying applications o.f
facilities and renovating existing facilities. These corrunis- com111issioning processes .for all projects, and can be vieived
sioning processes are applicable to all building elements as examples ,for ho111 to develop doczunents and to define
used in the construction process. oivner's needs, design criteria, basis of design, design con-
Guideline Oapplies to all project delivery phases in iden- cepts, verification and .functional perforrnance testing
tifying and applying the 111hole-building co,nmissioning pro- require111ents, docu,nentation, and operator training.
cesses, activities, and require111ents .for all building ele111ents The co,n,nissioning process, beginning at project incep-
and asse,nblies. This guideline provides thefor,nat that serves tion, is a valuable tool to the Olvner in controlling the project
as the pattern.for the Co,n,nissioning Plan for specijicfacility through each 1nilestone. Structuring the phases of a typical
ele,nents or asse111blies. This com,non content organization project around the OPR gives the o~vner the advantage o.f
focuses on specific infor,nation in achieving a closely coordi- continuously ,nonitoring the progress and the cost o.f the proj-
nated set of· docu,nents used together in any co,nbination ect on a real time basis. This includes predesign, design
accorn111odati11g specific OPRs. Varying OPRs and applicable developrnent, construction docurnents, construction, and
levels ofcorr1111issio11ing.follow a unifor111 111ethod. Guideline 0 postconstruction phases.
organization also provides .for technical com111issioning This update of Guideline O describes the total building
guidelines that avoid repeating general corn1nissioni11g pro- corn,nissioning process and the responsibilities of.the Conunis-
cesses, activities, and require111ents, ,naking the,n 111ore con- sioning Authority and the 01vner. Selecting and developing a
cise in focusing on their technical subjects. Co,n111issioning Plan _follo,ving Guideline O assures the Oivner
Guideline Oack1101vledges the integration and interdepen- of 1vhole-building co1n1nissioning meeting the OPR, and a sus-
dency o.f.facility ele,nents; i.e., a perfor,nance deficiency o.f tainable facility at the tirne offinal acceptance o.fthe work.
one ele,nent can result in less than optimal performance by
other ele,nents. To achieve satisfactory performance of the
far,ility and all ofits ele,nents, the entire.facility should experi- 1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to describe the Co1111nis-
e,ice corn111issio11ing beginning at the inception o.f the project. sioning Process capable of verifying that a facility and its sys-
'. This update of Guideline Oe111phasizes the irnportant role te1ns 1neet the Owner's Project Require1nents (OPR).
o.f the O,vner in deter,n ining the level and .focus o.f the Com-
m}ssioning Plan. This begins 1vith more e,nphasis on defining 2. SCOPE
arid clearly documenting the OPR in a Comrnissioning Plan 2.1 The procedures, 1nethods, and doctunentation require-
detailing the 01vner's objectives in the 1vork. 1nents in this guideline describe each phase of the project

Copyrighl ASHRAE
Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013
No rep1oduciion or networking permitted wilhout license from IHS Nol for Resale
© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Additional reproduction, distri but ion,
or transmission in eit her print or digital form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

delivery and the associated Comn1issioning Processes from cable regulatory requirements, standards, and guidelines. The
predesign through occupancy and operation, ,vithout regard docu1nent includes both narrative descriptions and lists of
to specific ele1nents, asse1nblies, or systems, and provide the individual iten1s that support the design process.
clrecklists: Verification checklists that are developed and used
a. Overview of Co1nmissioning Process Activities during all phases of the co1nmissioning process to verify that
the Owner 's Project Requirements are being achieved. This
b. Description of each phase's processes
includes checklists for general verification , plus testing, train-
c. Requiren1ents for acceptance of each phase
ing, and other specific requirements.
d. Require1nents for docu1nentation of each phase
e. Require,nents for training of operation and maintenance co111111is sio11i11g (Cx): See Conunissioning Process.
personnel Co111111issio11i11g A uthority (CxA): An entity identified by the
Owner who leads, plans, schedules, and coordinates the con1-
2.2 These Co1n1n issioning Process guideline procedures
1nissioning tean1 to i1nple1nent the Co1n1nissioning Process.
include the Total-Building Co1n1nissioning Process (TBCxP)
as defined by National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Co,n111issioni11g Pla11 (Cx Pllln): A document that outlines
in its Com,nissioning Process Guideline 0. the organization, schedule, allocation of resources, and docu-
1nentation requirements of the Co1nmissioning Process.
Co111111is sio11i11.g Process (Cx Process) : A quality-focused pro-
3.1 The application of this guideline depends on the Owner's cess for enhancing the delivery of a project. The process
Project Require1nents and how the project is designed, built, and focuses on verifying and documenting that the facility and all
operated. The process described in this guideline is written for a of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed,
generic project and 1nust be adapted to each project. tested, operated, and maintained to meet the Owner's Project
3.2 This l:,'llideline describes the Co1n1nissioning Process, and Requirements.
is supple,nented by co,npanion technical l:,'llidelines. A tech- Co111111issio11i11g Process Activities (Cx Process Activities) :
nical guideline describes the specific details to properly Co,nponents of the Commissioning Process.
i1nple1nent the Co1n1nissioning Process relative to a specific
faci lity syste,n or assembly. Annex A in this guideline pro- Co11111iissio11i11g Process Progress Report (Cx Process Prog-
vides the required format for developing technical guidelines ress ReporQ: A docu1nent that details activities co,npleted as
for the Co1n1n issioning Process. pa,t of the Co1n1nissioning Process and significant findings
fro,n those activities, which is continuously updated during
4. DEFINITIONS the course of a project. Usually incorporated into the Co1n-
1nissioning Plan as an ongoing appendix.
acceptance: A fonnal action, taken by a person with appro-
priate authority (which may or may not be contractually Co111missio11i11g Process Report (Cx Process Report): A docu-
defined) to declare that some aspect of the project meets n1ent that records the activities and results of the Conunission-
defined requirements, thus permitting subsequent activities to ing Process. Usually developed from the final Con1missioning
proceed. Plan with all of its attached annexes.
Basis of Desig11 (BoD) : A. document that records the con- Co1111nissioni11.g Tean, (Cx Teani): The individuals who
cepts, calculations, decisions, and product selections used to through coordinated actions are responsible for imple,nent-
meet the o ,~rner's Project Requirements and to satisfy appli- ing the Com1nissioning Process.

ASHRAE Guideline 0- 200 5, The Commissioning Process

(To be used as the foundation of both NIBS and ASHRAETotal Building Commissioning Process)

NIBS Guidelines 2- 200X through 14-200X

ASHRAE Guide line 1.1-2007, HVAC&R
Technical Requirements for the
Other Technical Commissioning Volumes,
such as roofing, lighting, fire, life safety,
Commissioning Process
interiors, envelopes, and plumbing

FIGURE 1 Relation ship between commissioning guidelines.

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co11structio11 checklist: A fonn used by the contractor to ver- similar product, asse1nbly, or system; or a random sampling
ify that appropriate co1nponents are on-site, ready for installa- that has scientific statistical basis. 1• 2• 3
tion, correctly installed, and functional. Also see checklists.
reco111111issioni11g: An application of the Commissioning Pro-
co11struction docu111e11ts: These include a wide range of doc- cess require1nents to a project that has been delivered using
tunents that vary fro1n project to project and with the Owner's the Co1nmissioning Process. This may be a scheduled reco.1n-
needs and with regulations, laws, and countries. Construction 1nissioning developed as part of an Ongoing Commissioning
docu1nents usually include the project 1nanual (specifica- Process, or it may be triggered by use change, operations
tions), plans (drawings), and general tenns and conditions of proble1ns, or other needs.
the contract. retroco111111issio11i11g: The Co1n1nissioning Process applied to
contract docu111e11ts: These include a \.vide range of docu- an existing facility that was not previously co,nmissioned.
rnents that vary fro1n project to project and \.vith the Owner's This guideline does not specifically address retroco,nmission-
needs and v.rith regulations, laws, and countries. Contract doc- ing. However, the same basic process should be followed
tunents frequently include price agreements, construction fro,n Predesign through Occupancy and Operations to opti-
rnanagement process, subcontractor agreements or require- mize the benefits of implementing the Co,nmissioning Pro-
rnents, requirements and procedw·es for submittals, changes, cess philosophy and practice.
and other construction requirernents, tirneline for completion, syste111s 111a1111al: A syste,n-focused co1nposite docu1nent that
and the construction docutnents. includes the operation 1nanual, 1naintenance 1nanual, and
coordi11ation dra,vi11gs: Drawings showing the work of all additional infonnation of use to the Owner during the Occu-
trades to illustrate that equipment can be installed in the space pancy/Operations Phase.
allocated ,~1ithout compromising equip1nent function or test procedure: A written protocol that defines methods, per-
access for 1naintenance and replacement. These dra,vings sonnel, and expectations for tests conducted on components,
giaphically illustrate and dimension manufacturers' recom- equipment, assemblies, syste1ns, and interfaces a1nong sys-
mended 1naintenance clearances. tems .

issues and resolution log: A formal and ongoing record of training p /a11: A document that details the expectations,
p~oble1ns or concerns-and their resolution-that have been schedule, budget, and deliverables of Com,nissioning Process
raised by n1en1bers of the Com1nissioning Tea1n during the Activities related to training of project operating and mainte-
course of the Comn1issioning Process. nance personnel, users, and occupants.
110111i11al group tech11iq11e: A fonnal, stn1ctured brainstonn- verificatio11: The process by which specific doctunents, co1n-
ing process used to obtain the 1naxi1num possible ranked ponents, equip1nent, asse1nblies, syste,ns, and interfaces
input frorn a variety of vie,vpoints in a short period of ti,ne. a1nong syste1ns are continued to co1nply ,vith the criteria
The typical approach is a workshop session where a question described in the Owner's Project Require1nents.
is presented; the attendees record their responses individually
on a piece of paper; the individual responses are recorded on a 5. PREDESIGN PHASE
flip cha11 without discussion in a round robin fashion, all of 5.1 Introduction
the responses are discussed; and then the participants rank
5.1 .1 Predesign is a preparatory phase of the project delive1y
their top five responses.
process in ,vhich the OPR is developed and defined. Jnfonna-
Ongoing Co111.11iissio1ii11.g Process (OCx): A continuation of tion about the project is gathered, including progra,n require-
the Commissioning Process well into the Occupancy/Opera- ments, co1n1nunity context, codes and regulations, site and
tions Phase to verify that a project continues to meet current cli,nate, facility context and function, facility technology, sus-
and evolving O,vner's Project Requirements. Ongoing Com- tainability, cost, schedule, and the client's (including owner,
missioning Process Activities occur throughout the life of the occupants, operators, and ,naintenance personnel) needs and
facility; some of these will be nearly continuous in implemen- capabilities.
tation, and others will be either scheduled or unscheduled (as 5.1.2 This phase is critical to the Cx Process because the
needed). docu1nented OPR fonns the foundation for the design, con-
Owner's Project Req11ire111e11ts (OPR): A document that struction, and occupancy and operation of the facility and are
details the functional require1nents of a project and the expec- the basis for the Cx Plan and schedule. Starting the Cx Pro-
tations of how it will be used and operated. These include cess during the Predesign Phase facilitates project co1n1nuni-
project goals, 1neasurable perfonnance criteria, cost consider- cation by 1nonitoring the OPR fio1n Predesign through
ations, benclunarks, success criteria, and supporting infonna- Design, Constn1ction, and Occupancy and Operations and by
tion. (The tenn Project Intent is used by so1ne o,vners for their verifying decisions in these phases with the written docu-
Con11nissioning Process Owner's Project Requirements.) 111ents called the Owner's Project Require1nents and the BoD.
5.1.3 Predesign-Phase Cx Process objectives include the
quality-based sa111pli11g: A process for evaluating a subset foll0\\1ing:
(sa1nple) of the total population. The sa,nple is based on a
known or esti,nated probability distribution of expected val- a. Developing the OPR
ues; an assu1ned statistical distribution based on data fro1n a b. Identifying a scope and budget for the Cx Process

Copyrighl ASHRAE
Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013
No rep1oduciion or networking permitted wilhout license from IH S Nol for Resale
© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

c. Developing the initial Cx Plan include testing soils, surveying, or other requirements during
d. Acceptance of Predesign-Phase Cx Process Activities Predesign.
e. Revie,v and use of lessons-learned inforn1ation fron1 pre- Responsibilities of the Cx Tean1 during the Prede-
vious projects sign Phase include the following:
5.2 Predesign-Phase Cx Process Activities a. Assist Owner in preparing requests for project services
5.2.1 Predesign-Phase Cx Process Responsibilities that outline the roles and responsibilities developed in the
Cx Plan. During the Predesign Phase, a Cx Team is fom1ed
b. Facilitate develop1nent and docu1nentation of the OPR.
to oversee, implement, and accon1plish the Cx Process Activ-
c. Develop scope and fonnat for project systems ,nanual and
ities detailed in this guideline. Responsibility for leadership
select/designate entity responsible for developing this
of the Cx Team should be defined and assigned at the begin-
,nanual. Add this entity to the Cx Team where appropri-
ning of the Predesign Phase. The term used for the person
with overall responsibility for the Cx Process is "Cx Author-
d. Develop scope and budget for project-specific Cx Process
ity (CxA)." The Cx Team me1nbers must be available for
1neetings, have the qualifications to contribute to the develop-
e. Verify that Cx Process Activities are clearly stated in all
1nent of the Owner's Project Require1nents, and have the
project scopes of ,vork.
authority to 1nake decisions binding on the firms/constituen-
f. Integrate the Cx Process Activities into the project sched-
cies they represent. Lines of authority and lines of co1nmuni-
cation in determining Cx Tean1 me1nbers' responsibilities
g. Build and maintain cohesiveness and cooperation among
shall be documented. The Cx Tea1n composition must be
the project tea111.
based on the scope of the Cx Process services established for
h. Coordinate O,vner's representative's participation as
the project.
defined in Section 5.2. 1.2. The Owner ,nust assign (or contract for) appropri- 1. Conduct and document Cx Tea1n meetings.
ate representatives to participate on the Cx Tea,n, both fro,n J. Identify who will accomplish the Cx Process Activities.
within and external to their organization. Cx Tea,n responsi- k. Reviev.r Predesign-Phase docu1nents for co,npliance with
bilities should be consistent with the agree,nents bet\veen par- the OPR.
ties involved in the project, and such agree,nents ,nust clearly I. Write the initial Cx Plan.
address Cx Process responsibilities. m. Develop the initial fonnat to be used for Issues and Reso- Essential tean1 me1nbers during the Predesign lution Logs throughout, and for each phase of, the Cx Pro-
Phase include Owner's representatives, the CxA, predesign cess.
and programming professionals, design professionals, and (if n. Track and doctunent issues and deviations relating to the
kno,vn) the construction/program/project 111anagers. The CxA OPR and docwnent resolutions in the Issues and Resolu-
can assist the O,vner in identifying and selecting these initial tion Log.
Cx Team 1nembers. O,vner's representatives will include the o. Write and revie\.v Cx Process Progress Reports.
project manager, occupants or users, facility 111anager, and
operation and maintenance personnel. Including operation 5.2.2 Develop OPR
and 1naintenance personnel on the Cx Tean1 will help ensure 5.2.2.l The OPR forms the basis from which all design,
that i1nportant operation and maintenance issues are included constn1ction, acceptance, and operational decisions are made.
in the O,vner's Project Requirements. The O,vner ,viii gener- An effective Cx Process depends on a clear, concise, and
ally need to reconcile conflicting project requirements and comprehensive OPR docu,nent. It includes information to
provide feedback on decisions to the Cx Tea1n. The design help the project tea1n to properly plan, design, constn1ct,
tean1 me1nbers and CxA can assist the O,vner in reconciling operate, and maintain systems and assemblies.
conflicting technical requirements. The CxA facilitates the develop,nent of the OPR.
Input ,viii be gathered from all tean1 1nen1bers.
5.2.l.4 The Cx Tea111 will evolve as a project progresses.
During successive phases, the active membership of the Cx Each item of the OPR shall have defined perfor-
Tea111 may shift to meet the unique require111ents of each 1nance and acceptance criteria. Those that can be bench-
phase. Contractors and vendors, for example, may join the Cx 111arked should have the benchmark defined in specific tenns
Tea111 after they are under contract or after the start of con- and the ,neans of 1neasure1nent defined.
struction . The OPR should include the following: Predesign-Phase Cx Process Activities described a. Project schedule and budget.
in this section to be perfonned by the design tea1n 1nust be b. Cx Process scope and budget.
included in the scope of services described in the "Owner- c. Project doctunentation require,nents, including fonnat for
Design Professional Service Agree1nent." These Cx Process submittals, training 111aterials, reports, and the syste1ns
Activities 1nay be 1nore than are nonnally required in their 1nanual. Consideration should be given to use of elec-
scope of services. The scope of services in the "Owner- tronic fonnat docu1nents and records where appropriate.
Design Professional Service Agree111ent" should also include d. O,vner directives.
the require1nent to cooperate with the CxA during Predesign, e. Restrictions and li1nitations.
Design, and Construction phases of the project. This 1nay f. User require1nents .
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g. Occupancy require1nents and schedules. reports and workshop outcomes, and other activities in the
h. Training requiren1ents for Owner's personnel. Predesign Phase.
1. Warranty requirements. 5.2.3 Identify the scope and budget for the Cx Process.
J. Benclunarking requiren1ents. The scope of the Cx Process will vary fro,n one
k. Operation and 1naintenance criteria for the facility that project to another. The Cx Team develops the scope for the
reflect the Ov.,ner's expectations and capabilities and the Cx Process. The experiences of the programming tea,n, users,
realities of the facility type. designers, CxA, and the Owner ,vith similar and previous
I. Equipment and syste1n maintainability expectations, facilities and projects can aid in establishing a scope for the
including limitations of operating and 1naintenance per- Cx Process. Additional insight regarding the scope of the Cx
sonnel. Process can be obtained fro1n code officials, regulations, pub-
m. Quality requirements for materials and construction. lished infonnation on similar facilities, and information in the
n. Allowable tolerance in facility system operations. technical Cx Process guidelines.
o. Energy efficiency goals. A well-defined scope permits the establishment of
p . Environmental and sustainability goals. an appropriate budget allocation for the Cx Process. The Cx
q. Co1nn1unity require1nents. Process budget should be realistic, distributed by phase, activ-
r. Adaptability for future facility changes and expansion. ity, and entity (Owner, CxA, design professional, and contrac-
s. Syste1ns integration requirements, especially across disci- tors), and not subject to reduction v,ithout an express change
plines. in the Cx Plan. Lack of a properly defined and maintained Cx
t. Health, hygiene, and indoor environment require1nents. Process budget will adversely affect the Cx Process and the
u . Acoustical requirements. success of the facility in n1eeting the OPR.
v. Vibration requirements. Typically the Owner ,viii focus the Cx Process
w. Seismic requirements. efforts on selected syste,ns or asse,nblies based on the budget,
x. Accessibility requirements. systen1s or assemblies where the Owner has experienced pre-
y. Security require1nents. vious proble,ns, on complex syste,ns and assemblies, or on
z. Aesthetics requirements. the criticality of the syste1n or asse,nbly in providing for the
aa. Constructability require1nents. OPR. The Cx Process can focus on the following:
ab. Co1nmunication require1nents. a. Substn1cture: includes base,nent and foundations
ac. Applicable codes and standards.
b. Shell: includes superstn1ctw·e, roof, walls, fenestration,
(See Table J-1 in Annex J for an exa1nple n1atrix that can and exterior doors
assist in the development of the OPR.) c. Interiors: includes interior construction, wall, floor, and Obtaining the information and criteria for the ceiling finishes, partitions, interior doors, stairways, hard-
OPR doctunent requires input fro1n all key facility users and ware, and fitting specialties
operators. The n1ethod used to obtain the inforn1ation should d. Services: includes controls, HVAC&R. systems, electrical
allo,v the different user groups and operators to interact. systems, fire and life safety systems and assemblies, secu-
No1ninal group technique workshops, interviews, and surveys rity systems, co1nmunication systems, plumbing systems,
can be used to obtain this input, with decreasing levels of conveying systems, and specialty or technology systems
interaction attained, respectively, for each type. See Annex I e. Equipn1ent and furnishings
for additional guidance. f. Sitework The OPR beco1nes part of the systems n1anual g. Landscaping
documentation .
5.2.4 Develop the Cx Plan The OPR is a document that evolves through each
project phase. As decisions are made during the Design, Con- The Cx Plan identifies processes and procedures
struction, and Occupancy/Operations Phases, this docun1ent necessary for a successful Cx Process. The Cx Plan addresses
will be updated to reflect the cw-rent project require1nents of the OPR and reflects the defined scope and budget for the Cx
the Owner. It is the pri1nary tool for bench1narking success Process.
and quality at all phases of the project delivery and through- The Cx Plan includes a schedule of Cx Process
out the life of the facility. Activities, individual responsibilities, documentation require- Make reference to the O,vner's Project Require- n1ents, con1munication and reporting protocols, and evalua-
1nents in the bidding docu1nents as "infonnation available to tion procedures. Evaluation procedures include the review
bidders." It must be noted in the contract docu,nents that the and verification to the OPR of the design docun1ents, contract
OPR is issued for infonnation only and that this docu1nent docu1nents, construction and test procedures.
shall not define, nor shall it be used to interpret, the require- The Cx Plan is continually updated during the life
ments of the contract. of a project to reflect changes in planning, design, constn1c-
' Use quality-based sa,npling for verification of tion, and occupancy and operations. DLu-ing the Predesign
each activity or task to determine ho,v well it n1eets or relates Phase, the Cx Plan focuses on the scope of the Cx Process
t9 the OPR in the Predesign Phase. This includes program- during the Design Phase. The Constn1ction-Phase and Occu-
n:ung docu,nents, defined scope-of-design services, special pancy/Operations Phases are included, but details are usually

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added during the Design Phase for the Construction and g. Description of the observed design, installation, or perfor-
Occupancy/Operations Phases (see Sections 6.2.3 and 7.2.5). 1nance issue, including any infonnation that 1nay be help- The Cx Plan contains the following information: ful in diagnosing or evaluating the issue
h. Reco1nmended corrective action, if apparent
a. Overvie\v of the Cx Process developed specifically for the
1. Identification of the Cx Tea1n 1ne1nber responsible for res-
olution of the issue, if apparent
b. Roles and responsibilities for the Cx Tearn throughout the
J Expected date of correction
project and specifically during the Predesign and Design
Phases. The roles shall differentiate the areas \Vith which k. Nan1e of the person docu1nenting the issue
each of the mernbers is involved, and the responsibilities Infonnation to be docu1nented when an issue is
shall detail the specific tasks that are to be cornpleted by resolved includes the following:
the individual ,nembers.
c. Docu,nentation of general co1nmunication channels to be a. Date of con1pletion of resolution.
used throughout the project. Design-Phase procedures b. Description of corrective action taken. Include description
should be clearly documented during the Predesign Phase. of diagnostic steps taken to determine the root cause of
d. Detailed description of Cx Process Activities and a sched- the issue and the value of resolving the Cx Process issue
ule of activities during the Predesign and Design Phases. for the owner, design team, contractor, or occupant.
The milestones should include the Cx Team rneetings, c. Identification of changes to the OPR or BoD that require
OPR development, design review periods, and the corn- action (if any).
pletion of the BoD and the cornmissioning specifications. d. State1nent that the correction was co1npleted and the sys-
e. General description of Cx Process Activities that will tem or assembly is ready for retest, if applicable.
occur during the Construction and Occupancy/Operations e. Nan1e of the person who resolved the issue.
Phases. f. Nan1e of person documenting the issue resolution.
f. Guidelines and fonnat that will be used to develop the Cx
Process doctunentation that facilitates cornmunication 5.2.6 Prepare Issues Report
a,nong the Cx Team and all other par1ies involved in the On a periodic basis, at least for each Cx Tea1n
project. 1neeting, a report shall be generated for review of outstanding
g. Cx Process fonns that will be used during the Predesign issues. The following infonnation should be included:
and Design Phases to comrnunicate and track critical Cx
Process information. a. Issue nu1nber
h. Project design document verification procedures. b. Short, descriptive title of the issue
1. The frarnework for procedures to follo\.v whenever Cx c. Date of the identification of the issue
Process verification does not comply \vith the OPR. d. Na1ne of the Cx Team mernber assigned responsibility for
J Quality-based sampling procedures for verification of resolution
co1npliance with the OPR during all project phases. e. Expected date of correction If properly developed, the Cx Plan fonns the core 5.2.7 Prepare Cx Process Progress Reports
of the Final Cx Process Report. Cx Process Progress Reports are periodic reports
5.2.5 Establish Issues and Resolution Log Procedures of the status of Cx Process Activities throughout the project
5.2.5. 1 An Issues and Resolution Log contains detailed and become part of the Cx Process Report. Cx Process Prog-
descriptions of design, installation, or performance issues that ress Reports should cover the following inforn1ation:
are at variance with the OPR. Issues are identified and tracked a. Cx Process Activities con1pleted since the last report,
as they are encountered during the design, construction, and including the current status of Predesign project activities. .
operation of a facility. It is reco1nmended that an Issues and b. Description of changes to the Cx Process schedule (e.g., ':
Resolution Log be maintained \.vith the status of all current early completion of or delays in \vork and early or late ;
and resolved issues. The information outlined in and delivery of items that impact the Cx Process Activities), : should be doctunented in the log as a 1nini1nun1. Cx Plan, and design, along with their effect on the OPR. 1 Jnfonnation to be docu1nented at the ti1ne an issue and BoD.
is identified includes the following: c. Include ne\.v and outstanding issues and list those that
have been resolved since the last Cx Process Progress
a. Unique nu1neric or alphanumeric identifier by which the
Repo11, including a brief description of actions taken to
issue may be tracked
resolve the issues. Also include planned activities to
b. Short, descriptive title of the issue
resolve outstanding issues expeditiously.
c. Date and time of the identification of the issue
d. Cx Process Activities anticipated during the period before
d. Test number of the test being performed at the ti,ne of the
the next Progress Report.
observation, if applicable, for cross-reference
e. Identification of system, equipment, or assembly to which The frequency of Cx Process Progress Reports
the issue applies depends on the a1nount of work being acco1nplished and
f. Location of the issue could vary fro111 every two weeks to every six 1nonths. A gen-

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era! guide to follo,v is one progress report for every four Cx 6.1.4 Use quality-based sa1npling for verification of each
Tean1 meetings. activity or task detennined to be related to the OPR in the
Design Phase.
5.3 Predesign-Phase Acceptance Requirements
6.1.5 If the Cx Process on a particular project starts at the
5.3.l During the Predesign Phase, the Cx Process should
Design Phase, then the Cx Process Activities described for
include the formal acceptance by the Owner of the OPR and
the Predesign Phase 1nust be co1npleted before the following
the Cx Plan.
Design-Phase activities are begun.
5.4 Predesign-Phase Documentation
6.2 Design-Phase Cx Process Activities
5.4.1 The Cx Process scope and budget, OPR, Cx Plan, 6.2.l Design-Phase Cx Process Responsibilities
Issues and Resolution Log and reports, and Cx Process Prog- During the Design Phase, the Cx Team ,vorks to
ress Reports are the pri1nary doctunentation require1nents for
verify that the construction documents meet and properly
the Predesign-Phase Cx Process.
convey the OPR.
5.4.2 The infonnation in the OPR and the Cx Plan is used Essential team men1bers during the Design Phase
throughout subsequent project phases (including Occupancy include the Owner's representatives, the CxA, design profes-
and Operations). sionals, and construction/program/project 1nanagers (if
5.5 Predesign-Phase Training Identification Requirements kI10,vn).
5.5. l Training require1nents for facility, syste1n, and asse1n- Responsibilities of the Cx Tea1n during the
bly operation and 1naintenance are addressed in the OPR. Design Phase include the following:
a. Build and 1naintain cohesiveness and cooperation a,n ong
the project team.
6.1 Introduction b. Assist Owner in preparing requests for project services
6.1.1 During the Design Phase of the project delivery pro- that outline the Cx Process roles and responsibilities
cess, the OPR is applied to the construction documents. A developed in the Cx Plan.
docu1nent called the BoD is created that clearly conveys the c. Verify that Cx Process Activities are clearly stated in all
assumptions made in developing a design solution that fulfills project scopes of,vork.
the intent and criteria in the OPR docu1nent. Narrative d. Develop the scope and budget for project-specific Cx Pro-
descriptions of facility systems and asse1nblies are developed cess Activities.
and included in the BoD, and the Cx Plan is expanded to e. Identify specialists who will be responsible for accom-
include the details of Construction and Occupancy/Opera- plishing the Cx Process Activities for specific syste1ns and
tions-Phase activities. asse1nblies.
f. Conduct and docu1nent Cx Team tneetings.
6.1.2 Design-Phase Cx Process objectives include the fol-
g. Inform all Cx Team members of decisions that result in
modifications to the OPR.
a. Verifying the BoD document ,vith the OPR docu1nent. h. Integrate the Cx Process Activities into the project schedule.
b. Updating the Cx Plan to include Construction and Occu- 1. Track and docu1nent issues and deviations relating to the

pancy/Operations-Phase Cx Process Activities. OPR and docu1nent resolutions in the Issues and Resolu-
c. Developing Cx Process require1nents for inclusion in the tion Log.
constn1ction docu1nents. J. Verify doctunentation and updating of the BoD.
d. Developing draft construction checklists. k. Develop constn,ction checklists.
e. Updating the scope and forn1at of the project systen1s I. Develop Construction and Occupancy/Operations-Phase
test requirements.
111. Develop training progran1 requirements.
f. Defining training require1nents.
n. Docu1nent Cx Process require1nents and integrate the1n
g. Perfonn ing co,n missioning-focused design review.
into the contract docutnents.
h. Acceptance of Design-Phase Cx Process Activities. o. Update the Cx Plan.
6.1.3 Design-Phase Cx Process Activities described in this p. R.evie,\1 Design-Phase documents for co1npliance with the
section that are to be perfonned by the design tea1n and spe- OPR.
cial consultants 1nust be included in the scope of services q. Update the OPR.
descri bed in the "Ov,ner-Design Professional Service Agree- r. Write and review Cx Process Progress Reports.
1nent." These Cx Process Activities 1nay be 1nore than are 6.2.2 Basis of Design (BoD) Documentation
nonnally required in their scope of services. The scope of ser- The BoD, developed and updated throughout the
vices in the "Owner-Design Professional Service Agree1nent"
Design Phase, is required with each design subtnission and
should also include the require1n ent to cooperate with the
should include the following:
CxA during Predesign, Design, and Construction phases of
the project. This 1nay include testing soils, evaluating or a. Syste111 and assembly options
checking existing conditions, surveying, or other require- b. Systen1 and asse1nbly selection reasoning
1nents during Design. c. Facility, syste1n, and assetnbly perforn1ance assutnptions

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l. Assumptions for calculations/sizing The co1nmunication protocols to be used during

2. Analytical procedures and tools the Construction-Phase and Occupancy/Operations Phase
3. Environ1nental conditions shall be clearly defined in the Cx Plan. This includes ho,v the
4. Li,niting conditions flow of information a1nong the tea1n men1bers ,viii be coordi-
nated and distributed.
5. Reference rnake and rnodel The Cx Process procedures to be implemented
6. Operational assumptions
during the Construction-Phase and Occupancy/Operations
d. Narrative system and assembly descriptions
Phase must be clearly docu,nented in the Cx Plan. These
e. Codes, standards, guidelines, regulations, and other refer-
include the following:
f. O,vner guidelines and directives a. Review of subn1ittals
g. Specific descriptions of systerns and assernblies b. Scheduling and holding of ,neetings
h. Consultant, engineering, and architectural guidelines for c. Site visit procedures
design developed by the design tea,n or others d. Issues identification, docu1nentation, tracking, and resolu- The BoD documents how each criterion in the tion
OPR is implemented in the design. For any criterion that e. Construction-Phase test preparation, i1nple1nentation, and
could not be ,net, documentation detailing what was done, its follow-up
impact on the OPR, and ho\.v the QPR was ,nodified shall be f. The responsibilities of each 1ne1nber of the Cx Tea,n
included. g. Who is responsible for costs related to verification and
6.2.3 Update Cx Plan testing- including retesting or ve,ification activities
h. Systems manual develop1nent and review The Cx Plan must be updated to reflect changes in
i. Training prograin
the OPR and include additional information developed during
the Design Phase. j. Occupancy/Operations-Phase test preparation, implemen-
tation, and follow-up During the Design Phase, the following is added
to or updated in the Cx Plan: The test procedure requiren1ents developed during
the Design Phase are general in nature, structure, and com-
a. Systen1s and asse1nblies to be verified and tested
plexity but 1nust clearly convey the level and an1ount of test-
b. Schedule of Construction-Phase and Occupancy/Opera-
ing (see Section 7.2.9) required by manufacturers and
tions-Phase Cx Process Activities
c. Roles and responsibilities of ne,v Cx Tea,n me,nbers
d. Construction-Phase and Occupancy/Operations-Phase 6.2.4 Cx Process Requirements in the Construction
doctunentation and repot1ing requirements, including pro- Documents
cedures and formats The Cx Process requires that certain quality-
e. Construction-Phase and Occupancy/Operations-Phase assurance and quality-control procedures, envisioned in the
communication protocols Cx Plan, be perfonned as part of the construction contract.
f. Construction-Phase and Occupancy/Operations-Phase Cx The OPR should be included in the contract docu-
Process procedures ments and labeled as for "Inforn1ational Purposes Only" to
differentiate- it fro1n the contractor's contractual obligations. The milestones to be incorporated in the schedule
In addition, as 1nuch BoD information should be included in
should include the prebid 1neeting, preconstruction 1neeting,
the contract docu1nents as possible. This infonnation is
Cx Tean1 1neetings, training sessions, shop drawing sub1nit-
included in the contract docun1ents to aid the contractors in
tals, syste1ns manual sub1nittal, special tests or code official
understanding the design, 1naterial requirements, sustainabil-
inspection and acceptance, tests, test periods, substantial
ity and energy goals, and the desired use and intent of the
con1pletion, occupancy, seasonal testing, initial Cx Process
facility. Such information aids in the successful i1nple1nenta-
Report submittal, ,varranty revie,v t\vo 1nonths prior to end of
tion of the Cx Process but does not relate directly to the con-
warranty period, lessons-learned 1neeting, and final Cx Pro-
tract requirements.
cess Report. The Construction-Phase and Occupancy/Opera- Specific Cx Process require,nents are included in
tions-Phase roles and responsibilities of the individual me1n- the contract specifications. For this guideline, specification
bers of the Cx Team, including any new 1nembers, should be division nu1nbers and section titles consistent with the Con-
clearly defined based on the unique experience and knowl- struction Specifications Institute MasterFonnat® are used.
edge of the tea,n me1nbers. Professional and services agree- T his is done to si,nplify a lengthy list of specification require-
n1ents 1nust be n1odified to reflect the scope of work. 1nents. Cx Process Activities that address syste1ns and asse1n-
blies need to be included in Division I sections and those that The Cx Plan 1nust define the docu,nentation that
address equip111ent and co1nponents should be included in
will be required as part of the Cx Process during the Con-
Divisions 2 through 16, as described further in the following:
struction-Phase and Occupancy/Operations Phase. This
includes the specific fonnats to be used ( electronic/paper, a. T he obligations to perfonn Cx Process Activities ,nust be
software progra1n and version), the infonnation to be docu1nented in the contract between the Owner and con-
included, the frequency of sub,nittal, and the distribution. tractor.
. . .. .. . .. ·-·-

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b. Detailed scope and responsibilities of the contractor shall When a test data form is required for a specific
be included in the "Sum1nary of Work" section in Divi- systen1 or assembly, there should be an item in the associated
sion 1. construction checklist for the test data forn1 to be sub1nitted to
c. The Cx Process requirements for documentation, training, the CxA.
and testing facility syste,ns and asse,nblies are integrated 6.2.5. 7 Construction checklists should be kept as short as
into co1n1nissioning sections in Division I. possible and the questions should be worded clearly so that
d. Specific equipment and component performance docu- the correct answer is typically yes.
mentation requirements and use of construction checklists Construction checklists are used by the Cx Team
should be integrated into specification sections in Divi-
to verify that the installation meets the OPR. They can also be
sions 2 through 16, with appropriate cross-references.
used by the contractors to track progress of construction The Cx Process Activities to be integrated include against the schedule of values.
the follo\.ving: Annex M contains sa111ple formats for construc-
a. Perforn1ance, installation, and operations information tion checklists.
requirements as part of shop drawing sub1nittals in Divi- 6.2.6 Systems Manual
sions 2 through 16 sections The systems manual should provide the infonna-
b. Completion of construction checklists in Division I and tion needed to tmderstand, operate, and 111aintain the syste,ns
references to Division I in Divisions 2 through 16 sec- and assemblies and to inform those not involved in the design
tions and construction process about the syste,ns and assemblies.
c. Contractor involven1ent in the Cx Tean1 in Division 1 The syste,ns manual should be the repository of infonnation
d. Test require,nents in Division I on updates and corrections to syste,ns and asse,nblies as they
e. Training program development and implementation occur during the Occupancy/Operations Phase.
requirements in Division 1 The systems manual expands the scope of the tra-
f. Syste,ns ,nanual require,nents in Division I ditional operating and ,naintenance doctunentation to include
the additional infonnation gathered during the Cx Process A guide specification section te1nplate for general
and to provide a systems-based organization of infonnation.
Cx Process requiren1ents in Division 1 is included in Annex L. Contractor doctunentation require,nents for the
6.2.5 Construction Checklists
systems ,nanual shall be clearly stated in the construction Construction checklists aid the installers by pro- doctunents.
viding specific infonnation on the OPR for equip1nent and The following should be included in the syste111s
assen1blies for Jong-term operation. Checklists typically
111anual (see Annex O for an exa111ple fonnat):
include the follo,ving:
a. Index of syste111s ,nanual with notation as to content stor-
a. Equipment/assembly verification
age location if not in actual 111anual
b. Preinstallation checks
c. Installation checks b. Executive surmnary
d. Any negative responses c. OPR
d. BoD documents The first section of the checklist is equipment/ e. Construction record documents, specifications, and
asse1nbly verification. This section should include vital infor- approved submittals
mation on the equipment or materials being supplied (specific
f. A list of recom1nended operational record-keeping proce-
listings of vital information are included in the technical
dures, including sample forms, logs, or other means, and a
guidelines developed for various facility systems). This sec-
rationale for each
tion contains infonnation on what equipment/material was
g. Ongoing optimization guidance
specified/submitted and space to document/verify what was
h. Operations and 111aintenance ,nanuals (includes operating
actually delivered to the site.
procedures for all normal, abnormal, and e111ergency The preinstallation section of the checklist is used
modes of operation; maintenance procedw·es; parts and
to verify the condition of the equip111ent/1naterial at the site
recom111ended spare parts list; troubleshooting guide; and
im111ediately prior to its installation.
systems schematics (one-line diagrams) The installation section of the checklist is used to 1. Training materials
verify proper installation. This section focuses on the ability J. Cx Process Report
of the installation to meet the construction documents and the
OPR. For equipment, this section focuses on the physical 6.2.7 Training Requirements .

installation and its start-up when applicable. For assemblies, During the Design Phase, the tra1n1ng require-
the focus is typically on installation and performance. 111ents of the operations and 111aintenance personnel and occu- .. The negative responses section is a space pro- pants are identified relative to the syste111s and asse111blies to
vided to docu111ent the reason for any negative responses and be installed in the facility. It is critical that the operations and
whether any action has been taken to correct the proble111 or 111aintenance personnel have the knowledge and skills
proble111s that led to the negative responses. required to operate the facility to 111eet the OPR. The occu-

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pants need to understand their in1pact on the use of the facility f. Repair procedures: instructions for diagnosing proble1ns
and its ability to meet the OPR. and for disassembly, con1ponent removal, replacement, These training require1nents can be obtained and reassembly
using a no1ninal group technique workshop, interviews, or g. Upkeep of the systems manual and associated n1ainte-
surveys. The require1nents are obtained after the syste1ns and nance documentation and logs
asse,nblies have been decided on, and prior to issuance of the In the specifications, as a 1ninimun1, define the
construction docu1nents, to ensure that the require1nents for ti1ne requiren1ents for each type of syste1n/asse1nbly that
training are clearly conveyed in the construction docwnents. requires demonstration and training or include an allo,vance
The results of the workshop, interviews, or surveys should for den1onstration and training capabilities. Also include the
address the following: expected experience and kno,vledge of trainer, the nu,nber of
a. The systerns, subsystems, equipment, and assernblies for unique training sessions, the need for repeating the training
\.vhich training will be required. for multiple shifts, and subn1ittal of training plan, handouts,
b. The capabilities and knov.rledge of the occupants and record of the training, and electronic recording of on-site
operations and maintenance personnel. training.
c. The number and type of training sessions. The training Training rnaterials should include or utilize the
program should be organized into a series of instn1ctional following ite111s:
modules, each covering a portion of the facility's systems,
a. Copy of the training plan including schedule, syllabus,
equip1nent, and assemblies.
and agenda
d. Measurable learning objectives and teaching outlines
b. Syste1ns 1nanual
should be developed to clearly describe the specific skills
c. !Vfanufacturers' training 1nanuals
and knowledge that the participant is expected to master.
d. Electronic media or videotapes of ,nanufacturers' or ven- The first training session should be general in dors' training and service rnaterials
nature for the operations and rnaintenance personnel and the
6.2.8 Revie,v of Design Professional Submittals
occupants, and it should review the OPR and the BoD. This
provides the background on why the facility is being con- 6.2.8.l Co1nplete targeted design revie,vs at strategic
structed and its lirnitations. ti1nes during the Design Phase. All design issues should be
resolved before continuing with design. The rnajority of training should be planned to be
accornplished during the Construction Phase and prior to sub- A. targeted design review is composed of four
stantial co,npletion. tasks: Training during the Occupancy/Operations Phase a. General quality revie,v of the documents, including legi-
may be required for certain systems and assemblies to achieve bility, consistency, and level of completeness.
or maintain the OPR. b. Coordination between disciplines. The syste1ns 1nanual has a close functional rela- c. Discipline-specific revie,v for achieving the OPR.
tionship with personnel training. A meaningful and useful d. Specification applicability and consistency with OPR and
training progran1 typically includes using the operation and BoD.
1naintenance con1ponents of the systen1s 1nanual as the basis The general quality of the docu,nents is evaluated
of develop1nent.
by checking for consistent layout and legibility of the design Reviev.r of docu1nentation during training consists professional submittal and construction docu1nents. Co1npli-
of reviewing the content of e1nergency, operation, and 1nainte- ance with the OPR along with ease of use and clarity are the
nance infonnation in the syste1ns rnanual, project record doc- n1ajor issues to check when looking at the co,nplete package.
tunents, syste111 and equiprnent identification systerns, This revie,v looks for completeness of the drawings and for
warranties, and 1naintenance service agreernents contained in ite1ns of concern identified during previous reviews.
the systems rnanual. Training should specifically address: Sa,nple areas of the facility, I 0-20% of the total
a. Ernergency instn1ctions and procedures: those required area, are reviewed in detail to evaluate the coordination
for operating the facility during various emergencies, accornplished within and a1nong disciplines. This includes
including step-by-step instructions for each type of e,ner- reviewing for constructability and interfaces a1nong disci-
gency plines. The intent of this review is to detennine if there are
b. Operation instn1ctions and procedures: the procedures syste1natic errors, not to fully check the drawings. The
required for nonnal operation of the facility, including responsibility for co1nplete checking of the drawings for coor-
step-by-step instn1ctions for day-to-day operation dination and accuracy rernains with the design tea111
c. Adjustment instructions: infonnation for maintaining A discipline-specific review involves a review of
operational para1neters the construction docu1nents along with the BoD, design cal-
d. Troubleshooting procedures: instructions for diagnosing culation assu1nptions, and rnethods for cornpliance with the
dperating problems and procedures for testing and OPR. A sa,npling strategy of focusing on I 0-20% of the
inspecting drawings provides for an in-depth analysis and evaluation of
e. Maintenance and inspection procedures the ability of the docu1nents to rneet the OPR.
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or transmission in either print or digital form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission. A review of the specifications is performed to described in the "Owner-Design Professional Service Agree-
detern1ine co1npleteness and applicability to the project. A tnent." These Cx Process Activities may be tnore than are
review of 10-20% of the specification is performed in detail nonnally required in their scope of services. The scope of ser-
for verification of compliance with the OPR. Items checked vices in the "Owner-Design Professional Service Agreement"
include applicability of the section to the project, Cx Process should also include the requirement to cooperate with the
requirements, submittal requirements, applicability of equip- CxA during Predesign, Design, and Construction phases of
n1ent, training requirements, and coordination with other sec- the project. This tnay include tnaterial testing, TAB, perfor-
tions. 1nance tests, records, photography, outside training, Owner's See Annex N for additional guidance on how to furnished equipment vendors, and other require1nents during
accomplish quality-based design reviews. the Construction Phase.
7.1.4 If the Cx Process on a particular project starts at the
6.3 Design-Phase Acceptance Requirements
Constn1ction Phase, Cx Process Activities described for the
6.3.1 The Cx Process should include the fonnal acceptance Predesign and Design Phases 1nust be cotnpleted before the
by the o,~1 ner of the BoD and the updated OPR during the follo,ving Construction-Phase activities are begun.
Design Phase, following review and co.1nment by the CxA..
7.2 Construction-Phase Cx Process Activities
6.4 Design-Phase
. Documentation Requirements 7.2.1 Construction-Phase Cx Process Responsibilities
6.4'. 1 Construction doctunent co1n1nissioning requiretnents, During the Construction Phase, the Cx Team
updated OPR, updated Cx Plan, the updated Issues and Reso- works to verify that syste1ns and assetnblies are installed in a
lutioH. Log, and the Cx Process Progress Reports are the pri- . manner that ,viii achieve the OPR.
mary doctunentation requirements for the Design- Phase Cx Use quality-based sampling for verification of
Proc~ss. each task and test detennined to be related to the OPR during
6.4.2 The infonnation in these deliverables is used through- the Construction Phase. (See Annex N for additional guid-
out subsequent project phases (including Occupancy and ance.)
Operations). Conduct and docun1ent regularly scheduled Cx
6.5 Design-Phase Training Identification Requirements Teatn meetings to facilitate coordination and cooperation in
6.5.1 Training require1nents for facility, syste1n, and assetn- delivering a facility that 1neets the OPR.
bly operation and 1naintenance are addressed during the Essential team 1nembers during the Construction
Design Phase by the co1npletion of a training require1nents Phase include 0\.vner's representatives, the CxA, design pro-
identification workshop, develop1nent of the Construction- fessionals, contractors, suppliers/vendors, and construction/
Phase and Occupancy/Operations-Phase training progra1n, program/project 1nanagers.
and inclusion of the training progra1n require1nents in the Cx Responsibilities of the Cx Tea1n during the Con-
Plan and construction docwnents. struction Phase include the follo,ving:
a. Participate in the prebid conference.
b. Coordinate participation of Owner's representatives.
7.1 Introduction c. Identify specialists who ,viii be responsible for accom-
7.1.1 During the Construction Phase of the project delivery plishing the Cx Process Activities for specific systetns and
process, syste1ns and assemblies are installed, inspected, assemblies.
tested, and placed into service to meet the O\J.rner's Project d. Update the OPR to reflect decisions made during bidding
Requirements. This phase 1nay also include bidding, negotia- and constn1ction.
tion, and contracting activities. The syste1ns manual is deliv- e. Update the Cx Plan.
ered during this phase and training is provided. f. Conduct a preconstruction Cx Process ,neeting.
g. Review the following sub1nittals for co1npliance with the
7.1.2 Construction-Phase Cx Process objectives include the
OPR : coordination dra,vings, shop drawings, product
data, preli1nina1y systems manual, and training progratn.
a. Updating the OPR h. Schedule the Cx Process Activities and integrate the1n
b. Updating the Cx Plan into the project construction schedule.
c. Verifying that submittals ,neet the OPR i. Address schedule changes.
d. Developing detailed test procedures and data fonns j. Develop and docu1nent test procedures and data fonns.
e. Verifying that systetns and assetnblies cotnply \.vith the k. Conduct and docurnent ongoing Cx Teatn tneetings.
OPR I. Monitor co1npliance with the OPR through periodic site
f. Delivering the syste1ns 1nanual visits.
g. Verifying training of the Owner's operation and tnainte- tn. Verify completion of itetns indicated in the construction
nance personnel and occupants. checklists.
n. Witness tests.
h. Acceptance ofConstn1ction-Phase Cx Process Activities
o. Verify tests.
7.1.3 Construction-Phase Cx Process Activities described p. Verify test data reports.
in this section that are to be performed by the design tea1n and q. Verify training of operation and maintenance personnel
special consultants tnust be included in the scope of services and occupants according to the OPR.

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r. Identify, diagnose, and track issues and deviations relating 7.2.6 Conduct Preconstruction Cx Process Meeting
to the OPR and docu,nent resolution of same. Early in the Construction Phase, the CxA shall
s. Write and revie,v Cx Process Progress Reports. conduct a preconstruction Cx Process ,neeting with the Cx
t. Revie,v construction progress reports. Tea,n.
u. Verify incorporation of new equip1nent and syste,ns into During the preconstn1ction n1eeting, the OPR,
the n1aintenance 1nanagement progran1. BoD, and unique contract docu1nent require1nents are
v. Verify updates to the BoD documentation. reviewed. In addition, the specific roles and responsibilities of
w. Verify updates to the syste1ns ,nanual. the contractors relative to the Cx Process Activities are
x. All Cx Tea,n members are responsible for keeping the Cx reviewed.
Tea,n infonned of decisions that result in modifications to 7.2.7 Verify S ubmittals
the OPR. It is recommended that a sa1npling strategy ofran-
y. Revie,v contract 1nodifications for co1npliance ,vith OPR.
do1nly selecting 5% to l 0% of the submittal be used to focus
7.2.2 Prebid Conference on the quality and ability of the submittal to achieve the OPR.
7.2.2.l Ti,ne should be allotted during the prebid confer- If deviations are substantial, then review an additional 5% to
ence for the Cx Team to alert bidders to Cx Process require- l 0%. If substantial deviations still exist, then reject the sub-
1nents \.vith which they ,nay not be familiar. 1nittal and return it ,vith comments. (See Annex N for addi-
tional guidance.)
7.2.3 Coordinate O"•ner's Representatives Participation Concurrent \.vith design team and Owner reviev.r, a
7.2.3. 1 Coordinate and schedule participation of Owner's
designated Cx Tearn ,nember revie,vs coordination drawings,
representatives in Cx Process A.ctivities. Owner representa-
shop dra\.vings, and project sub,nittals for cornpliance \.vith
tives ,nay vary fro,n one activity to another, both in ntunber
the OPR. Special attention must be paid to substitutions and
and in the specific individuals. It is in1portant for Owner's
representatives to participate in Cx Tea1n ,neetings, revie,v of proposed deviations fro,n the contract docwnents and the
co1nmissioning process reports, discussions of changes to the BoD that could adversely irnpact the OPR.
OPR, and staff and occupant training. Other Cx Process Upon receipt, designated me1nbers of the Cx
Activities in which Owner's representatives typically partici- Team shall review the systems manual for compliance ,vith
pate include reviewing sub111ittals and witnessing testing. the contract docu,nents and the OPR.
7.2.4 Update OPR R.evie,\1 training program, materials, and sched-
ule, and monitor delivery of training to verify that it meets the Changes to the OPR during bidding and the Con-
struction Phase may be initiated as the result of o,vner- OPR for the preparation of operations and maintenance per-
directed changes to the OPR or design/constn1ction process- sonnel.
initiated changes to the constn1ction docwnents. Training records are revie,ved by designated
me,nbers of the Cx Team for proper docwnentation of attend- When the Owner initiates a change to the OPR,
the design shall be modified and reviewed as necessary to ees, rnaterial covered, and associated details.
meet the change. 7.2.8 Schedule Cx Process Activities When the Owner considers changes initiated 7 .2.8.l The objective of scheduling Cx Process Activities
through the design/constn1ction process, the Cx Tea,n should is to integrate and coordinate them with other Constn1ction-
review the proposed changes to detern1ine if they con1promise Phase activities and to allow all Cx Team me,nbers to plan
the OPR, paying special attention to the fi.mctional itnpacts of their work to achieve the OPR. Cx Process Activities should
value 1nanage1nent proposals. If the Owner chooses to initiate be integrated into the construction schedule. Detailed integra-
a change after reviewing the Cx Team's com.m ents, the OPR. tion of commissioning work with the construction schedule is
,nust be updated as necessary to match the change. critical to 1naintaining project schedule milestones.
7.2.5 Update the Cx Pla n The project schedule needs to include the sta1t
7.2.5. 1 Update the Cx Plan to include ne,v or revised date, duration, description, and entity responsible for cornple-
descriptions of Cx Process Activities during the Construction tion.
Phase. Incorporate the follo,ving: As a n1ini1num, the following should be included
in the project schedule:
a. Test procedures and data fonns developed during the Con-
struction Phase. a. Cx Team meetings
b. Refine,nent and integration of Cx Process Activities in the b. Start and completion of each Construction Phase
constn1ction schedule. c. Key system and asse,nbly co1npletion and tests
c. Roles and responsibilities of the Cx Tean1 during the Con- d. Training sessions
stn1ction Phase, including the identification of new tea,n e. Substantial completion
1ne1nbers. f. Warranty start date
d. Identification of specialists responsible for acco,nplishing g. Occupant move-in
Cx Process Activities for specific systems and asse111blies. h. Warranty review two tnonths prior to end of warranty
e. Changes to the co1n1ntu1ication channels and procedtu-es period
to be used during the Constn1ction Phase. 1. Lessons-learned 1neeting

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7.2.9 Develop Test Procedures d. Identification of the syste1n, equipment, or assembly Test procedures define the ,neans and methods to tmder test. List the location and the construction docu-
carry out the tests that are acco,nplished during the Constn1c- ment designation. Include the sampling strategy to be
tion-Phase. Test procedures provide the follo\ving: used for the test.
e. Conditions tmder \vhich the test \.Vas conducted. For
a. Participants required for the test, ,vhich may include the
example, when testing, fully describe the arnbient condi-
pri1nary contractor, secondary contractors, design profes-
tions, setpoints, overrides, and the status and operating
sionals, the CxA, operators, the local authority having
condition of devices, systems, and equiptnent that impact
jurisdiction, and manufacturers associated ,vith the equip-
the results of the test.
1nent, syste1n, or assembly.
b. Prerequisites for the test perfonnance in tenns of co,nple- f. Expected perfonnance of the syste,ns and asse,nblies at
tion of syste,ns and asse,nblies and acceptable co,npletion each step of the test.
of other activities. g. Observed performance of the system, equipment, or
c. Step-by-step instructions to exercise the specific systems assembly at each step of the test. When data fonns are
and assemblies under test. Instructions include ho,v to used, check boxes generally do not adequately describe
configure the system or assembly to start the test and how the syste,n perfonnance and therefore should be avoided
to restore the system to normal operation at the conclusion in most cases. A blank space in \.vhich the observed or
of the test. 1neasured performance may be described provides more
d. List of instrtunentation, tools, and supplies required for information for diagnostics and a future baseline for per-
the test. The list should indicate which of the participants formance.
is responsible for each of the ite,ns listed. The list should h. Notation to indicate whether the observed perforn1ance at
be specific as to ,nake, 1nodel, range, capacity, accuracy, each step ,neets the expected results.
calibration, and other pertinent perfonnance require,nents. 1. Other observations about system performance or test pro-
e. An indication, for each step of the procedure, of what cedure.
observations or measurements must be recorded and the J. Issue nwnber, if any, generated as a result of the test.
range of acceptable results.
k. Dated signatures of the person performing the test and of The Cx Tea,n will develop a range of test verifica- the ,vitness, if applicable.
tion procedures. These procedures include the following:
7.2.11 Cx Team Meetings
a. Component test procedures: verify the perfonnance of Consistent, periodic Cx Team ,neetings are
co,nponents under a full range of actions, responses to
essential to maintaining the progress of the project.
inputs, and loads.
b. Systeni/assembly test procedures: verify the perfonnance The schedule of,neetings should be docu,nented
of subsystems, syste1ns, and assemblies under a full range as early as possible during the Construction Phase and
of operating conditions (both nonnal and emergency), updated as required due to schedule changes. The 1neeting
responses to inputs, and loads. dates and times should be known a 1nini1n1un of t\.vo weeks in
c. lntersystem test procedw·es: verify the interactions advance and should be coordinated ,~rith other 1neetings to
between systems and assernblies. 1nini1nize travel ti,ne and costs for various attendees.
d. OPR test procedures: verify that the various systems and 7.2.11 .3 Team ,nembers represented at the meeting must
assen1blies that comprise the facility deliver the intended be authorized to 111ake conu11illnents and decisions for their
OPR at the point of use. respective organizations to facilitate an effective Cx Tea,n
e. Use quality-based sa,npling for verification of each test 1neeting.
detennined to be related to the OPR. (See Annex N for Prior to a n1eeting (usually a 1ninimu1n of three
additional guidance.) days) an agenda should be distributed to all invited attendees. In developing the test procedures, special atten- The agenda should include the follo,ving:
tion 1nust be paid to issues of personnel safety, equipment/
a. Meeting location
assembly protection, and 111anufacturer's recom1nendations to
protect the validity of the warranty. b. Start ti,ne
7.2.10 Develop Test Data Records c. List of invited attendees
d. List of ite1ns to cover (previous action items, outstanding Test data records capture test data, observations,
issues, schedule review, new issues, and other business)
and measure1nents. Data 1nay be recorded on photographs,
forms, or other means appropriate for the application. The along \vith defined time allotments for each item
following mini1num infonnation should be recorded: e. End time
f. Attach1nents, if applicable
a. Test nu,nber.
b. Date and time of the test. The 1neeting ti,ne and duration should be strictly
c. Indication of whether the record is for a first test or retest adhered to. This will set the tone for other Cx Process Activi-
following correction of a proble,n or issue. ties.

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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Add itional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digita l form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission. Within a reasonable and established period (fre- 7.2.13 Test Execution
quently, three days) after the ,neeting, distribute meeting During test execution there can be witnessing of
notes or minutes. This should include the follo,ving: tests, verification of tests, or verification of test data reports.
Typically, only one of these is performed by the CxA for a
a. Date, time, and location of the meeting
specific test or series of tests. However, depending on the type
b. List of attendees
and complexity of the test, it is possible in some cases to ,vit-
c. Resolved action ite1ns and issues
ness a portion of the test, verify the test through a rando1n
d. Outstanding action iten1s and issues, including clear iden- sa1npling of con1ponents, and verify the test data report
tification of the responsible party and due dates through rando111 sampling of the reported results.
e. Date, ti,ne, and location of the next ,neeting Co,npletion of tests should comply with the fol -
7.2.12 Accomplish Periodic Site Visits to Verify Compli- lo,ving:
ance ,vith the OPR
a. Tests shall be perfonned according to approved written Site visits are the pri,nary ,nethod used during procedures. Results of test perfonnance shall be recorded
the Construction Phase to verify that the installed systems and on the test data fonns and witnessed.
assemblies comply with the OPR. b. Deviations from the approved procedures, if permitted, A clear, concise, and consistent procedure must should be docuinented in writing.
be followed for each site visit to properly identify Constn1c- c. Test data should be recorded under steady-state and stable
tion-Phase process problems and issues. conditions. The site visit procedure uses statistical sa,npling d. If an issue is observed during a test, the test should be ter- .
techniques for verification of the construction checklists and 111inated, ,vithin the scope of the contract. An issue report
record documents. This provides assurance that the verifica- is created at the ti1ne of observation. If the issue cannot be
tion process is not biased and has reliable consistency. The resolved ,vithin a reasonable ti1ne period, it may be
recomn1ended procedure has the following general steps: required to run the test im1nediately, with the understood
options to run the test later, after all issues are resolved.
a. Identify the current state of construction to define the e. If an issue is discovered during review of the data, the
scope of syste,ns and assemblies that can be verified. The issues shall be resolved or the test repeated in its entirety.
construction checklists completed since the previous site f. Upon co1npletion of the test, the technician performing
visit provide one way to define this scope. the test and the witnesses sign the test data record, attest-
b. Rando1nly select bel\veen 2% and 10% of the systems and ing to the verity of the recorded observations.
asse,nblies identified for verification. This can be acco,n- Generally, the sequence of testing will be exe-
plished by rando1nly selecting a starting point and selecting
cuted in the order of activities listed:
every tenth ite,n fro,n a list or by auto,natically generating a
randotn sa,nple fro,n a co,nputerized database. a. The verification of the construction check lists begins \.vith
c. Identify Cx Team 1ne1nbers for the site visit. equip,nent or asse,nbly delivery and continues through
d. Review OPR. start-up and testing.
e. Acco,nplish verification. This task is co,npleted by going b. Tests verifying syste,n and intersyste,n perfonnance
to the selected system or asse,nbly and co,nparing the according to the OPR cannot begin until the construction
installation to the completed (full or partial) construction checklists have been verified and accepted by the Cx
checklists. Any negative responses should be reviewed in Team.
detail. c. Other sequencing requiren1ents, depending on the specific
f. Any consistent problems \.vith the installation identified syste1n, may be required to ensure the proper conditions
(typically n1ore than 10°/o of the sample has the sa1ne are present or can be created.
issue), including record docu,nents, are docu,nented in d. A specified test is run according to contract doctunents or
to manufacturer's require,nents.
general terms and provided to the contractor for resolu-
tion. The contractor is then responsible for l 00% check- 7.2. 14 Verify Training
ing of all affected systems or asse,nblies and ,naking Within a reasonable period (such as three weeks)
corrections as required. of each training progratn, bet\.veen 5% and I 0% of the train-
g. Any inconsistent problems (one or t\.vo occurrences) are ees shall be randomly selected and tested or informally evalu-
sent to the contractor, detailing the specific co,nponent, ated on the material covered in the specific program. The
system, or assembly for resolution. intent of this testing is to verify that the trainees \.Vere pro-
h. Meet ,vith contractors to discuss any issues identified and vided with the pertinent infonnation to operate and tnaintain
the general progress of the project. the facility according to the OPR.
i. Meet ,vith the Owner's representative to review the find- It is not typically expected that the trainees will
ings, project schedule, and outstanding issues. have 1ne1norized everything fro,n the training session but that
J. Develop a site visit report and distribute to the Cx Team they know where the infonnation is, can find it, and under-
me,nbers and other interested parties. stand sufficiently to walk through the key steps to trouble-
k. Update the Issues and Resolution Log. shoot a proble1n and resolve it.

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or transmission in eit her print or digital form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission. Attendee sign-in sheets should be used to verify 7.2.16 Verify Systems Manual Update
that trai ning was delivered to the inte nded people. Verify that the systems 1nanual is updated to
7.2.15 Construction-Phase Cx Process Report incorporate materials gene rated during the Construction The Construction-Phase Cx Process Report is Phase. Materials that should be added are:
the docun1entation of the com1nissioning work and results a. Test procedures and test data records
accomplished during the Construction Phase. The Construc-
b. Training plans
tion-Phase Cx Process Report contains the following:
c. Training records
a. Identification of any systems or assemblies that do not d. Record Drawings
perfonn in accordance with the OPR. For various reasons, e. Subtnittal review reports
the Owner may choose to accept perfonnance that is at f. Updated OPR
variance ,vith the OPR, either permanently or until sched- g. Updated BoD
ule and budget constraints allow for correction. The h. Updated Cx Plan
O,vner's acceptance of these conditions should be docu-
i. Updated Issues and Resolution Log
1nented along with the environmental, health, safety, con1-
j. Cx Process Progress Reports
fort, energy, and operating and maintenance cost impacts.
The OPR 1nust be updated to 1natch the revised expecta- 7.2.17 Verify Update of the BoD
tions. Verify that the BoD is updated to reflect any
b. Evaluations of the operating condition of the syste1ns at changes to the design during the Construction Phase. Verify
the time of test co1n pletion. that design changes co1nply with the OPR. If necessary,
c. Construction checklist completion and verification swn - update the OPR.
7.3 Cons truction-Phase Acceptance Requirements
d. Results from the Issues and Resolution Log, including the
descriptions of issues and the ,n easures take n to correct 7.3.1 The Cx Process should include the fonnal acceptance
them. The description should assess the importa nce of the by the Owner of the systems manual, verified test reports, and
issues and esti,n ate the value of thei r correction in tenns training reports, consistent ,vith the reco1nmendations of the
of environmental impact, i1nproved health, safety, com- CxA and appropriate other Cx Team 1nembers.
fort, energy consumption, operating and maintenance 7.4 Construction-Phase Documentation Requirements
costs, and the ability of the facility to suppoti its 1n ission.
7 .4.1 The pri1n ary Cx Process require1n ents for docu1nenta-
e. Test procedures and data. This section should incorporate tion during the Construction Phase include the Constn1ction-
the original test procedures and signed data fonns, includ- Phase Cx Process Report and co1n1nissioning ele1n ents of the
ing additional data such as photos, computeri zed docwnen- systems 1n anual.
tation, and other records of the tests. Data should include
the final accepted test, as well as earlier tests that fai led to 7.4.2 The inforn1ation in these deliverables is used through-
meet the specified criteria. This section should also include out the Occupancy/Operations Phase.
a set of blank data fonns for future use in the Ongoing Cx 7.5 Construction-Phase Training Requirements
Process and Recomtn issioning. 7.5. 1 The Cx Process training require,n ents for the Con-
f. Cx Process Progress Reports. Copies of progress reports struction Phase are discussed in Section 7.2. 14.
generated throughout the Cx Process.
g. Deferred tests. Execution of some tests ,nay be deferred 8. OCCUPANCY/OPERATIONS PHASE
until appropriate natural loads, such as occupancy or
8.1 Introduction
design ,veather conditions, are available. For these
deferred tests, the prerequisite conditions and an esti- 8.1. 1 The Occupancy/Operations Phase of the Cx Process
1nated schedule for their completion should be included. begins at substantial con1pletion. As a minin1un1, the Cx Pro-
h. Lessons learned. Evaluation of the Cx Process used and cess Activities begun at this point should continue through the
changes that will improve the delivered project and fonn end of the contractual ,varranty/correction period and ideally
the basis for the Final Cx Process Report developed dur- continue throughout the life of the facility. During the Occu-
ing the Occupancy/Operations Phase. This is essential to pancy/Operations Phase, the ongoing operation, maintenance,
ensure that issues, benefits, and recom1nendations are cap- and modification of the facility systen1s and assemblies, and
tured in a written document while all tean1 me1n bers are their associated docu,nentation, are verified against the
available and infonnation is fresh. updated OPR.
8.1.2 The active involve1nent of the CxA and Cx Tea1n dur- A draft Construction-Phase Cx Process Report
ing the initial portion of the Occupancy/Operations Phase of a
should be submitted for O,vner review. Sub1nittal of the draft
project is an integral aspect of the Cx Process.
Cx Process Report to other Cx Tean1 1nembers may also be
appropriate. 8. 1.3 Occupancy/Operations- Phase Cx Process objectives
include the following : The final Construction-Phase Cx Process Report
should incorporate review co1111n ents fro1n the Owner and, a. Usi ng the CxA's project knowledge and expenence to
optionally, fro1n other Cx Tea,n 1ne1n bers. 1n ini1nize contractor callbacks
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b. Providing ongoing guidance on operations and 1nainte- he/she has the ability to identify which contractors should be
nance to achieve the OPR contacted to resolve an issue.
c. Completing seasonal testing of facility systerns and 8.2.3 Verification of the perfonnance of all syste1ns and
assemblies assemblies being co1nn1issioned should be con1pleted during
d. Docu1nenting lessons learned fro1n applying the Cx Pro- the Construction Phase. However, certain ,veather conditions,
cess for application to the next project load conditions, or occupant interactions are required to con1-
e. Acceptance of Occupancy/Operations-Phase Cx Process plete so1ne verification activities. Such deferred perforn1ance
Activities verification shall be conducted at an appropriate time, and
8.1.4 Occupancy/Operations-Phase Cx Process Activities under appropriate conditions, as early as possible after occu-
described in this section that are to be performed by the pancy.
design team and special consultants that must be included in 8.2.4 Training of the O,vner's operation and 111aintenance
the scope of services described in the "O,vner-Design Profes- personnel on the funda1nentals of facility and system/asse111-
sional Service Agreen1ent." These Cx Process Activities may bly operations and the occupants on facility usage will ideally
be 1nore than are norn1ally required in their scope of services. occur primarily during the Construction Phase of a project.
The scope of services in the "Owner-Design Professional Ser- Son1e training, ho,vever, is likely to be best deferred until the
vice Agreement" should also include the require1nent to O,vner has assumed responsibility for the facility. Such train-
cooperate with the CxA during Predesign, Design, and Con- ing will be defined in the Cx Plan and contract documents.
struction Phases of the project. This may include training, Ongoing training is an integral part of an Ongoing
seasonal tests, problem resolution, design evaluation, site vis- Cx Process. The Owner's operation and maintenance person-
its, updating drawings and specifications, or other require- nel and the occupants will be critical 1nembers of the Cx
1nents performed during the occupancy and initial operations Team responsible for these periodic efforts.
period defined for the project.
8.2.5 The final project Cx Process Report will be con1-
8.1.5 If the Owner adopts the Cx Process on a project at the
pleted during this phase. The requirements for a successful
Occupancy/Operations Phase, then this process is termed
Cx Process Report are described in Section 7. Content not
"retrocornrnissioning" and, while it accomplishes sorne Cx
available or incon1plete at the end of the Construction Phase
Process Activities described herein, it is sufficiently different
will be added during this phase.
frorn the Cx Process that it is not \\1ithin the scope of this
guideline. Should the Owner choose to implement the Ongo-
8.1.6 It is often desirable for the Owner to 1naintain the ing Cx Process for his/her facility, periodic Cx Process
benefits of the Cx Process ,veil into the life of the facility. Reports will be created throughout the Occupancy/Operations
Phase to reflect the Cx Process Activities undertaken.
8.2 Occupancy/Operations-Phase Cx Process Activities
8.2.6 The final project syste1ns manual will be co1npleted
8.2.1 Occupancy/Operations-Phase Cx Process Respon-
during this phase. The requirements for a successful syste1ns
111anual are described in Section 7. Content not available or
8.2.1. l During the Occupancy/Operations Phase, the Cx incomplete at the end of the Construction Phase will be added
Tearn \.vorks to verify the ongoing cornpliance ,vith the QPR. during this phase. Essential tea1n 1nembers during the Occupancy/ The syste1ns 1nanual should be updated as
Operations Phase include Owner's representatives, the CxA, changes are 1nade to the facility throughout the entire Occu-
design professionals, contractors, and construction/progra1n/ pancy/Operations Phase. This includes updating the OPR to
project managers. reflect current conditions and needs and updating the BoD to Responsibilities of the Cx Tearn during the Occu- reflect changes to syste1ns and asse1nblies.
pancy/Operations Phase include the following:
8.2.7 Dyna1nic syste1ns and equip1nent, as well as static
a. Coordinate contractor callbacks. syste1ns, assernblies, and co1nponents, tend to 1nigrate fro1n
b. Verify seasonal testing of facility systems and assemblies. their as-installed conditions over ti1ne. In addition, the needs
c. Verify continuing operation and 1naintenance personnel and de1nands of facility users and processes typically change
training. as a facility is used. To attain opti1nal perfonnance of facility
d. Verify system and assembly operations rneet updated syste1ns, periodic verification of syste111, assernbly, and con1-
OPR. ponent condition and operation is essential. The syste1ns 1nan-
e. Verify continual updating of the syste1ns 1nanual. ual provides the tools and docu1nented bench1narks for
evaluation of ongoing perfonnance. Such periodic verifica-
f. Conduct and verify periodic performance evaluations of
tion is often best done in the context of an Ongoing Cx Pro-
facility systerns and assemblies.
g. Convene lessons-learned workshop.
h . Complete the final Cx Process Report for the project. 8.2.8 The Ongoing Cx Process has the following key activ-
8.2.2 The CxA should aid in the coordination of the call-
back of contractors during the Occupancy/Operations Phase. a. Maintaining the OPR to reflect changes in use and opera-
Since the CxA has been involved since the Predesign Phase, tion of the facility.
•• ., ... , •• .,.,,., •H

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b. Maintaining the BoD to re.fleet changes in systems and n1ation in these deliverables is used throughout the life of the
asse1nblies due to renovations or in response to changes in facility.
the OPR. 8.4.2 If periodic pe1formance verification is conducted for
c. Periodic evaluation of achieving the current OPR and the O\.vner, an Ongoing Cx Process Report and updates (as
against previous benchmarks by appropriate tests. necessa1y) to training and the syste,ns manual should be pro-
d. Maintaining the syste1ns manual to reflect changes in vided as deliverables.
OPR, BoD, and systen1s/assemblies.
e. Ongoing training of operations and 1naintenance person- 8.5 Occupancy/Operations-Phase Training Requirements
nel and occupants on current OPR and BoD and changes 8.5.1 The Cx Process training requirements for the Occu-
in systems and asse1nblies. pancy/Operations Phase are discussed in Section 8.2.4.
8.3 Occupancy/Operations Phase
Acceptance Requirements 9. REFERENCES
8.3.1 The Cx Process should include the formal acceptance 1. DeVor, R., T. Chang, and J. Sutherland. 1992. Statistical
by the CxA and the Owner of any deferred training, the final Quality Control: Conte111porary Concepts and Methods,
project syste1ns manual, and the final Cx Process Report dur- Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, Chapter 7.
ing the Occupancy/Operations Phase. 2. Gitlow, H. and S. Gitlo\v. 1987. The De,ning Guide to Qual-
8.4 Occupancy/Operations-Phase Documentation Require- i~y and Co,npetitive Position, Prentice-Hall, Engle\vood
ments Cliffs, NJ, Chapter 3.
8.4.1 The final project Cx Process Report and final project 3. Juran, J.M. (Ed.). 1995. A History of Managing.for Quality:
syste1ns n1anual are the pri1naiy docu1nentation requirements The Evolution, Trends, and Future Directions o.l i'vfanag-
for the Occupancy/Operations-Phase Cx Process. The infor- ing.for Quality, ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI.

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(This is a normative annex and is part of this guideline.) "The procedures, n1ethods, and docu1nentation require-
n1ents in this guideline describe the application of the Cx Pro-
NORMATIVE ANNEX A cess for each project delivery phase fron1 Predesign through
GUIDE FOR DEVELOPING SUPPLEMENTARY O,vner Occupancy and Operation for [insert topic] to support
TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR the Cx Process Activities described in ASHRAE Guideline 0-
THE COMMISSIONING PROCESS 2013, The Co,nrnissioning Process (also published by NIBS
The purpose of this annex is to provide the recornrnended as Guideline 0, The Total Building Cornrnissioning Process).
format and content for Total Building Cx Process supporting This includes requirements for
technical guidelines. The objective is to use the same format a. [insert topic] to fully support the Total-Building Con1mis-
for all Cx Process guidelines. The National Institute of Build- sioning Process Activities;
ing Sciences (NIBS) is facilitating the development of a ntun- b. verification during each phase of the Cx Process;
ber of technical topic guidelines to support the effective c. acceptance at each phase;
irnplernentation of the Total Building Cx Process. These d. docu1nentation during each phase;
guidelines will be developed by various professional, techni- e. syste1ns 1nanual; and
cal, and trade organizations. For exarnple, the technical guide- f. training for operations and 1naintenance personnel and
line for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and occupants."
refrigeration (HVAC&R) will be developed by ASHRAE.
The technical guidelines are developed to assist the Cx Team A4. SECTION 3, UTILIZATION
in successfully using the Cx Process for various systems and
assemblies. The goal is to use the process as defined and pro- The following paragraphs should be included as the Uti-
vided in Guideline 0, ''The Cx Process." Further, it is desired lization section:
that each different syste1n or assernbly involved in the con- 3.1 The application of this guideline depends on the OPR and
struction, addition to, or rehab of buildings, structures, carn- how the project will be designed, buil t, and operated. This
puses, or utilities use the Cx Process fro1n Guideline 0-2013 guideline is supplen1ental to the Cx Process detailed in
and not redefine it within the respective (topic) technical ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013.
guideline. 3.2 This guideline describes specific details required to prop-
The objective of both Guideline 0-2013 and the technical erly implement the Cx Process relative to (insert topic]. This
guidelines is to provide information on implementing the Cx includes documentation, test procedures, and checklists.
Process. The technical guidelines are not intended to be a
detailed user's guide or provide guide specifications, full AS. SECTION 4, DEFINITIONS
co1nmissioning plans, development of owner's project Include definitions that are unique to the technical l,'llide-
requirements, construction checklists, statistical or other line. Do not redefine or repeat those in ASHRAE Guideline O;
quality tools, or other detailed requiren1ents for implementing instead, include a statement referring to the definitions in Sec-
the Cx Process. tion 4 of Guideline 0.
The fonnat of the technical guidelines should follow the
sa,ne fonnat used in Guideline 0-2013 . The following is the A6. SECTION 5, PREDESIGN PHASE
general organization to be used in the develop1nent of the
The following should be included in the Predesign-Phase
technical guidelines.
section for [insert topic]:
A 1. FOREWORD a. List of Cx Tea1n mernbers
The Foreword should provide key information on what has b. List and description of criteria and items to be included in
led to success on previous projects, the role of the specific tech- the OPR docu1nent
nology in a successful building or construction project, and c. List of milestones
closely related supplementary technical guidelines or topics. d. List of specialists required for implementing the Cx Pro-
A2. SECTION 1, PURPOSE e. List of items to focus on during the design reviews
f. List of items to be included in the Cx Plan
The following should be used as the general pw·pose for g. List of ite1ns to be included as part of the Issues and Reso-
each technical guideline: lution Log
"The purpose of this guideline is to describe the technical h. List of iten1s required for acceptance of Predesign-Phase
requirements for the application of the Cx Process described co1nm1ss1on1ng
in ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013 that ,~1il1 verify that the {insert 1. List of tests that need to be perfonned
topic, for exa,nple, .fire systems or envelope asse,nbly ]
J. Training require1nents
achieves the OPR.."
k. Require1nents for the systen1s 1nanual, such as parts lists,
troubleshooting needs, operations and 1naintenance
require1nents, syste1n description, and the level at which
The following text should be used as the general scope each set of n1aterial needs to be written for clear under-
for each technical guideline: standing
• + •••

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The following should be included in the Design-Phase The follov;ing should be included in the Occupancy/
section for (topic). This will be the basis for Construction- Operations-Phase section for [insert topic]:
Phase doctunents for contractors, vendors, and equiptnent/
a. List of training ite,ns to be accomplished during the first
assembly ,nanufacturers:
year of operation
a. List of items required for the BoD b. List of warranty items to be checked during the first year
b. Revision review procedure for Cx Team members and of operation
OPR c. List test require1nents during occupancy, including peri-
c. List of coordination require1nents and iten1s provided by odic retesting for a successful continuous operation of the
others facility.
d. Key ,nilestones that need to be reviewed d. List who should attend the lessons-learned workshop
e . Update lists of specialists required to implement the Cx e. List of criteria to be included in the final Cx Process
Process based on the actual design and interrelationship R.eport
with other systems and assemblies f. List of items required for acceptance of Occupancy/Oper-
f. List of items to be included in the construction docwnents ations-Phase co1nmissioning
g . Lists of priority iteins and relate "'henever possible to
safety, health, energy, environmental impact, aesthetics, A 10. SECTION 9, REFERENCES
operations and maintenance, in addition to the OPR Include industry-specific references that support recon1-
h. List of constn1ction checklists to be used by the contractor 1nendations for bench1narking, testing, and other supporting
1. Samples of construction check lists (examples of construc- guidance in the development of the OPR, BoD, tests, and
tion checklists are included in Annex M to this guideline other Cx Process documents.
and in other annexes in other supplementary technical
guidelines (such as ASHRAE Guideline I. 1-2007, A 11 . APPENDICES
HVAC&R Technical Require,nents.for the Com,nissioning Appendices are to be used to provide additional informa-
Process.) tion, examples of documentation, exa,nples of specifications,
J. List of items to be included in the syste1ns 1nanual, such as acceptance procedure details, and other items that are not
parts lists, troubleshooting needs, operations and 1nainte- required to achieve co,npliance ,vith the technical guideline
nance require1nents, syste1n description, and the level at but will assist in i1nple1nenting the Cx Process for the specific
which each set of ,naterial needs to be written for clear technical system or asse,nbly. This is the place to illustrate
understanding best practices and to provide information on ho\.v to achieve
k. List of training require,nents, ti,ning, learning outcomes. best practice and econo,ny in design. Annex Q, References,
I. List of tests that need to be perforn1ed should provide current articles, guides, and other infonnation
,n. List of ite,ns required for acceptance of Design-Phase on i1nple1nenting the Cx Process for the specific supporting
co1nm1ss1on1ng technical require,nents guidelines.
The desired goal is to have all Cx Process guidelines use
AS. SECTION 7, CONSTRUCTION PHASE the same annex designation. They should use the same annex
The following should be included in the Constn1ction- letters as Guideline 0-2013. If an annex is not required, it
Phase section for [insert topic]: should specifically be so noted in each technical guideline-
suggested wording: "This annex is intentionally left blank" or
a. List of test procedures and data forn1s to verify achieve- "There is no supplemental information required for [insert
ment of OPR and BoD asse,nbly or systen1] technology." Annex A ,~1ill be empty in
b. Samples of test procedures and data fonns (Exa,nples of all supplemental guidelines. Annex B is specific to Guideline
these are included in Annex U to other supple,nentary 0 and should not be changed in supplemental guidelines.
technical guidelines (such as ASH RAE Guideline 1. 1- Appendices C through E may require no modification for
2007, I-IVAC&R Technical Requirements.for the Co,nmis- 1nost supple1nental guidelines.
sioning Process.) l11for111ative Note: The list and nun1bering of annexes, to
c. List of coordination require,nents and ite111s provided by be in compliance with Guideline 0-2013, 111ust be as follo,vs:
d. List of specific ite,ns for the site visit procedures • Annex A--Guide for Developing Supple1nentary Techni-
e. Tests needs and schedule cal Guidelines for the Cx Process (used only in Guideline
f. Cx Teatn meetings
g . Issues and Resolution Logs • Annex B-Co1111nissioning (Cx) Process Flowcha11 (used
h. Input into the final Cx Process Report only in Guideline 0)
1. Lessons-learned ,vorkshop schedule during Occupancy/ • Annex C-Cost and Benefits of the Con1111issioning (Cx)
Operations Phase Process (typically only in Guideline 0)
J. List of ite111s required for acceptance of Construction- • Annex D-Co1n1nissioning (Cx) Process Doctunenta-
Phase co1111nissioning tion Matrix (typically only in Guideline 0)

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• Annex E-Com1nissioning (Cx) Process Request for that provide examples and guidance on the follo,ving top-
Qualifications (typically only in Guideline 0) ics or should include notes such as "Not used," or "This
• Annex F-Roles and Responsibilities annex is intentionally left blank," or "There is no supple-
• Annex G-Comn1issioning (Cx) Plan 1nental information required."
• Annex H-Acceptance Plan • Annex Q-Publications, Articles, R.eferences, Codes,
Regulations, and Standards
• Annex 1-0PR Workshop Guidance
• Annex R- lntegration Requirements
• Annex J-Owner's Project Requirements (OPR)
• Annex S- Interference and Coordination with Other
• Annex K-Basis of Design (BoD)
Syste1ns and Asse1nblies
• Annex L-Specifications
• Annex T-Con1munications: What, When, and Who
• Annex M-Construction Checklists
• Annex U-Test Procedures and Data Forms
• Annex N-Quality-Based Satnpling Examples
• Annex V-Predesign-Phase Commissioning (Cx) Pro-
• Annex O-Systen1s Manual
cess Specific Needs
• Annex P-Training Manual and Training Needs
• Annex W- Design-Phase Co1nmissioning (Cx) Process
• Appendices Q through X-In addition to the annexes
Specific Needs
(above) that are included in Guideline 0-2005, The Co,n-
• Annex X-Construction-Phase Co1n1nissioning (Cx)
1nissioning Process, all supplen1ental technical guide-
Process Specific Needs
lines should include the following annexes ,vith specific
technical topic guidance or requirements, as appropriate. • Annex Y-Occupancy/Operations-Phase Con1mission-
It is the intent to have all technical guidelines use the ing (Cx) Process Specific Needs
same reference letter for each topic. That is, all examples • Annex Z (and, if needed, Annex AA and beyond) can be
of checklists would ahvays be included in Annex M. The used as required for other topics that are determined to be
technical Cx Process guidelines should include annexes useful for a specific assembly or syste1n.

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- applicable commissioning technical guidelines tailored to
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for their specific projects.
conformance to the guideline.)
The flow chart shown in Figure B-1 depicts an exa1nple
INFORMATIVE ANNEX B for an ov.rner who has adopted the Cx Process frotn project
COMMISSIONING PROCESS FLOW CHART inception. If the owner adopts the Cx Process after project
This annex provides an exa1nple of ho,v to implement inception, then the tasks sho,vn are still acco1nplished in
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive whatever phase the Cx Process begins. The Ongoing Cx Pro-
representation or a best practice exan1ple. Practitioners apply- cess is sho,vn in the tlo,v chart as ongoing tasks during the
ing the Cx Process should carefully fo!lo,v Guideline O and Occupancy/Operations Phase after the last acceptance block.


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' ,.
t ._

Inception :,
lo.. .J

1 • I
Develop Ovmet's Develop lnltlal
S-Oope & Bodget
e-o Commissioning
Requirements Plan


, •
Design Phase ""
lo.. .J

' + +
Update Owner's
Project Requirements ,.. Design
Systems Manual
& Basis or Design Requirements 8tructure Requirements

l I
• ' '


Develop Cx
Requirements tor
& BOD Construction
Update ex

, •
'-. ..J

Update ex

Submittals Resolve
1' / •
' Verily Update Owller·s
De,,;,lop Test
- Project
Requirements &
Oasis of Design
,-.. Update
Issues Log

' l I

Direct & Update Rooolve

Vetify Tests Issues Log Issue


• .
r ""I Ongoing Commissioning Process
OcCtJpancy and 1 1
Operations Phase
Change or use, Annual
\... ~ or sy!1tem or Be-nchmarking ot
1 ! ! assemtiy facility
Coordinate !
Direct & Verily Coordinate
contractor caJI Evaluate impact ot
Seasonal Tests Warranty Revie,,v
back Ovmer's Project
I I Requirements and
Basis or Design
Issues Log
,- • •' •

Lessons Learned
- Chango Basis
of Design

Change Ownefs
No Change
1 j
Update Reoo,d Update Systems Accomplish
Acceptance Drawings Manual T,aining

FIGURE B-1 Commissioning (Cx) process flow chart.

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely C3. DISCUSSION OF BENEFITS
info rmative and does not contain requirements necessary
for conformance to the guideline.) For convenience and clarity, benefits will be discussed as
they relate to rnajor participants in the Cx Process: the Design
INFORMATIVE ANNEX C Professional, the contractor, and the o,,.,ner.
C3.1 Benefits to the Design Professional. Potential benefits
COMMISSIONING PROCESS include the follovving:
This annex provides an example of how to implement
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive a. Facility vvill achieve the of OPR
representation or a best practice exatnple. Practitioners apply- b. Reduced risk exposure
ing the Cx Process should carefully follo,v Guideline O and
c. Improved kno,vledge base for use in future designs and
applicable com1nissioning technical guidelines tailored to
their specific projects.
d. Benefit of other participants' input, leading to the 1nost
C1. OVERVIEW cost-effective design and operation

The Cx Process focuses on producing a quality-based e. Reduced number of interference dravvings during con-
syste1n that achieves the OPR. struction due to improved co1nmunication and coordina-
This annex discusses the potential benefits and where tion throughout the project
they accrue and quantifies these benefits by providing evi-
C3.2 Benefits to the Contractor. Potential benefits include
dence of potential costs and savings.
the following:
C2. DISCUSSION OF NEW COST ITEMS a. Improved planning and coordination through the imple-
Ulti1nately, the owner of the facility will detennine the 1nentation of the Cx Plan
extent of the Cx Process Activities and ,vho ,viii be responsi- b. Improved coordination between different trades and
ble for each phase of work. The intent here is to outline the reduced likelihood of site interference drawings required
scope of work that represents new cost ite1ns rather than to of contractors throughout the project. Reduced nun1ber of
assign responsibilities for each task. The cost of the Cx Pro- deficiencies at substantial co1npletion. Reduced nu1nber
cess should be considered as a part of the project budget. of callbacks
C2.1 Design Professional. In addition to the design profes- c. Reduced nutnber of calls for operational guidance due to
sional's typical scope of work, including the preparation of participation in training progra1ns for operations and
design drawings and specifications, the Cx Process often 1naintenance personnel
requires that the design professional work with the CxA to
integrate the Cx Process Activities into the project specifica- C3.3 Benefits to the OV\ ner. Potential benefits include the

tions. These activities typically include the follo,ving: follo,ving:

a. Test require1nents and documentation a. Improved operator knowledge of how to optimize the
b. Operational, n1aintenance, and troubleshooting docu1nen- facility operation and maintenance due to the early inch1-
tation requirements sion of operators in the Cx Process
c. Construction checklists b. Reduced training requirements due to continuously
d. Systems manual updated documentation of ho,v systen1s should operate
e. Comprehensive training program for operation and main- and be 1naintained; perso1u1el will only need to be trained
tenance personnel and users with regard to changes
The design professional 1nay also be responsible for c. Facility perfonnance is in accordance with the Owner's
reviewing the Cx Plan at the various phases of the process and Project Require1nents
for delivering the BoD in a fonnat specific for the o,vner. d. Systems rnanual provides an easy reference docurnent for
C2.2 CxA. The activities acco1nplished by the CxA as system and asse1nbly operation and rnaintenance
defined in this guideline require that additional funds be allo- e. Reduced do,vntime due to better diagnosis of failures
cated during the Predesign, Design, and Construction Phases.
These funds are allocated fro1n the savings obtained through f. Improved ability to provide accurate information to occu-
fewer change orders and requests for infonnation and through pants on facility operation and maintenance
reduced problerns during stat1-up of the systerns and occu- g. Lower operating costs due to improved operational tech-
pancy of the. facility. niques
C2.3 Contractors. The con1pletion of some detailed tests is h. Benefits to building occupants, including greater worker
tmique to the Cx Process. The contractor will have additional productivity, reduced co1nplaints, and reduced incidence
work and costs associated with co1npleting these tests. of absenteeisrn

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or transmission in eit her print or digita l form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor-

mative and does not contain requirements necessary for
conformance to the guideline.)

This annex provides an exan1ple of ho,v to implement
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive
representation or a best practice exan1ple. Practitioners apply-
ing the Cx Process should carefully follo,v Guideline O and
applicable comn1issioning technical guidelines tailored to
their specific projects.
Table D-1 summarizes the docwnents that are produced
during the implementation of the Cx Process on a project.

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TABLE D-1 Documentation Matrix

Phase D ocument Input By Provided By Used By Notes
Approved By
O&M, Users,
Design Team
Predesign OPR Capital Projects, CxA or Designer 0,vner CxA, Design Tean,
,nay not be hired yet.
Design Team (?)
Ov,ner, Design CxA, O,vner, Design Tea1n
Conunissioning Plan CxA Owner
Tea1n (?), CxA. Design Tea1n ay not be bj red yet.
Systems 0\vner or May be included in
O&M, CxA Owner Design Team
Manual Outline CxA OPR
Training O&M, Users,
Owner or May be included in
Requiren1ents CxA, Design 0,vner Design Tean,
Outline Team
Issues and Resolution May be only fonnat
CxA CxA N/A CxA, Design Tean1
Log at this phase
Design Tean,,
Issues Report CxA CxA 01.vner
CxA CxA Owner o,vner Close of Phase report
Cx Process Report
O&M, Users,
Design OPR Update Capital Projects, CxA or Designer Owner CxA, Design Tean,
Design Tean1
Basis of Design Design Team 0,vner, CxA Design Tean,, CxA
May also be provided
Construction Design Tean1, Design Tea111 or Contractors, CxA,
01.vner by Project Manager/
Specifications for Cx CxA, O,vner CxA Design Tean1
01.vner's Rep.
Design Tean,,
Syste1ns 1nanual Design Tean1 or Design Tean1, Contractor n1ay not
CxA, O&M, Owner, CxA
Outline-Expanded CxA Contractor be hired yet.
Contractor (?)
Trainjng O&M, Users,
Contractor n1ay not
Requirements In CxA, Design OwnerorCxA O,vner Design Tearn
be hired yet
Specifications Tea,n
Design Revie1.v
CxA CxA 01.vner Design Tean1
Issues and Resolution
CxA CxA NIA CxA, Design Tean,
Design Tearn,
Issues Report CxA CxA Owner
CxA CxA Owner Owner Close of Phase report
Cx Process Report
O&M, Users,
CxA, Design
Constru ction OPR Update Capital Projects, CxA or Designer O,vner
Tea1n, Contractors
Design Tearn
Basis of Design
Design Tea111 Design Tea111 CxA, O\\rner Design Tea111, CxA
Design Team, CxA, 01.vner, CxA, Owner,
Cx Plan Update CxA, Owner, CxA Design Teain, Design Tean,,
Contractor Contractor Contractors
Sub.rnittal Revie"''
CxA Design Tea1n Design Tea1n Contractor
I. The term "contractor" is understood to refer to any of several entities that provide constniction services. Depending on the project, this could include, among others, tl1e owner's repre-
sentative, constructjon manager, contractors, and subcontractors.
2. Abbreviations: CxA: Commissioning Authority; O&M: operations and maintenance personnel; OPR: Owner's Project Requirements.

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© ASHRAE ( ). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

TABLE D-1 Documentation Matrix

Phase Document Input By Provided By Used By Notes
Approved By
Construction System Coordination Contractor, CxA, Design
Contractor Contractor, CxA
(contd.) Plans Design Team Team
CxA, Contractor, CxA, Design
Inspection Checklists CxA Contractor
Design Team Team
Inspection Reports Contractor CxA CxA, Owner Contractor
CxA, Contr'dctor, CxA, Design
Test Procedures CxA Contractor
Design Tean1 Tean1
Test Data Reports Contractor CxA CxA, 01,vner Contractor
Meeting Agendas
CxA CxA All All
Design Tean1,
Contractor or O&M, Users,
Training Plans CxA, O&M, 01,vner, CxA
CxA Contractor
Design Tearn,
Systems Manual CxA, O&M, Contractor Owner, CxA O&M, Users
Issues and R.esolution CxA, Design
Log Tearn, Contractor
01,vner, Design Design Tean1,
Issues Report CxA CxA
Tean1 O,vner, Contractor
Construction CxA CxA 01,vner o,vner Prior to Occupancy
Cx Process Report
Final Construction-
Phase Cx Process CxA CxA Owner Owner Close of Phase report
Occupancy and O&M, Users, CxA, Design
OPR Update CxA or Designer Owner
Operations Design Tean1 Tearn, Contractors
Basis of Design
Design Team Design Tean1 CxA, Owner Design Team, CxA
Maintenance O&M,
OwnerorCxA 01,vner, CxA O&M, Users
Prograrn Contractor, CxA
Contractor, CxA,
Design Tearn,
Test Procedures O&M, Design CxA Contractor
Test Data Reports Contractor CxA CxA, Owner Contractor, O&M
CxA, Design
Issues and Resolution
CxA CxA NIA Tea1n, Owner,
Design Tean1,
Issues Report CxA CxA 01,vner o,vner,
Cx Process Report CxA CxA 01,vner Owner Final report
Recoom1issioning O&M, Users,
CxA or Owner 01,vner o,vner
Plan CxA
I. The term "contractor·• is understood to refer to any of several entities that provide constniction services. Depending on the project, this could include, among others, the owner's rcpre-
sentative, construction manager, contractors, and subcontractors.
2. Abbreviations: CxA: Commissioning Authority; O&M: operations and maintenance personnel; OPR: Owner's Project Requirements.

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- E2.2 Cx Process During the Design Phase. The Cx Process
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for Activities completed by the CxA during the Design Phase
conformance to the guideline.) include the following:

INFORMATIVE ANNEX E • Working vvith the Cx Tea,n to doctun ent the OPR for the
FOR QUALIFICATIONS • Working ,~1ith the design professionals in docu1nenting
the BoD
This annex provides an example of how to i1np le1n ent • Verifying the BoD with regard to the OPR
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive • Developing a Cx Plan enco,npassing the Design, Con-
representation or a best practice exa1nple. Practitioners apply- struction, Occupancy/Operations Phases
ing the Cx Process should carefully follov.r Guideline O and • Detenn ining the com,nissioning require,nents and activi-
applicable com1nissioning technical guidelines tailored to ties to include in the construction documents, with
their specific projects. review by the design team, for integration into the proj-
ect's construction specifications
E1. BACKGROUND • Reviewing the in-depth design docu,nentation developed
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Ov.rner) is seeking by the design professionals
the services of a qualified CxA for • Performing statistically based quality design revie,v at
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The project is a _ _ _ _ __ 35%, 50%, 95°/o, and 100% completion of the drawings
g ross ft2 , _ stoty, Class _ [type] _ _ _ _ _ bui )ding in and specifications
[city & state] _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _, with a project bud-
get of$ _ _ _ tnillion. The facility is expected to be coin- E2.3 Cx Process During the Construction Phase. The Cx
posed of _ _% [space type], __% [space type], and Process Activities acco,nplished by the CxA during the Con-
_ _% [space type]. struction Phase include the follo,~ring:

The project is currently in the early predesign phase. The • Organizing the Cx Process co,nponents and conducts a
expected schedule is to start design by _ _ _ _ _ _ _, prebid and preconstruction n1eeting where the Cx Pro-
start construction by _ _ _ _ _ _ , and occupy by cess require1nents are reviewed with the Cx Tea,n
• Organizing and conducts periodic Cx Tean1 n1eetings
The 1nanage1nent structure is traditional design/ bid/ build necessary to plan, develop the scope of, coordinate, and ·
with full design doctunents and specifications being devel- schedule activities and resolve problems
oped by an architectural/engineering firm. The construction • Reviewing submittals concurrent with the design profes-
doctunents will be let out to bid and a general contractor will sional's review
be hired to complete the construction. The Owner's pri1nary • Working with contractors in completing constn1ction
constn1ction representative on site will be provided by the checklists and tracking of checklist con1pletion
separately contracted services of a construction ,nanager. The • Statistically sampling co1npletion of construction check-
CxA will be hired by and report directly to the Owner. lists on a periodic basis to verify that contractor's quality
process is achieving the Ovvner's Project Requirements
E2. SCOPE OF WORK • Developing specific test procedures. The contractors
review the procedures
The O,vner has adopted the Cx Process as his/her quality
• Directing the execution of the tests by the contractors
process to plan, design, constn1ct, and operate this facility. As
• Documenting the results of the tests
with any quality process, the Cx Process provides tools to
• Documenting the correction and retesting of nonco1npli-
enable everyone involved in the construction of the facility to
ance ite1ns by the contractor
verify that the final facility ,n eets the OPR.
• Reviewing the syste1ns manual for achieving the OPR
The following is a su1nmary of the Cx Process that the • Reviewing, preapproving, and verifying the training pro-
Ov.rner intends to i1nple1nent on this project. The proposer is
vided bv the contractors
free to suggest changes and improve,nents to this process. •
Verifying delivery of the systems manual
However, for this proposal the following process will be
assu,ned. E2.4 Cx Process During the Occupancy/Operations
E2.1 Cx Process During the Predesign Phase. The Cx Pro- Phase. The Cx Process Activities accomplished by the CxA.
cess Activities co,npleted by the CxA during the Predesign during the Occupancy/Operations Phase include the follo,v-
Phase include the following: 1ng:

• Scheduling and verifying deferred and seasonal testing

• Developing and docun1enting the OPR
by the contractor
• Identifying a scope and budget for the Cx Process • Verifying continuing training
• Developing the initial Cx Plan • Reviewing warranties ,vith the operations and mainte-
• Acceptance of Predesign-Phase Cx Process Activities nance staff two 1n onths prior to expiration of warranty

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• Scheduling, organizing, and attending a lessons-learned require that this individual be co,nmitted to the project for
workshop. The workshop is facilitated by an independent its duration.
member of the CxA.' s firm b. Provide project and professional references and experi-
• Co1npleting the final Cx Process Report ence for three to five com,nissioning projects for which
the proposer was the principal CxA in the last three years.
E3. LIMIT OF RESPONSIBILITIES Include a description of the projects, identify when the
The CxA is not responsible for design concept, design proposer ca1ne into the projects, and describe the involve-
criteria, compliance ,vith codes, design or general construc- ment of each individual on the proposer's tea,n in the proj-
tion scheduling, cost esti1nating, or construction 1nanagen1ent. ects. For each project, attach a sheet that includes the
The CxA may assist \vith proble,n-solving or resolving non- na,ne and telephone nu1nber of the Owner's project 1nan-
conforn1ance or deficiencies, but ulti1nately that responsibility ager, constn1ction manager, facility administrator of the
resides with the general contractor and design professionals. building, the design professionals, and the contractors.
c. Describe any experience of the proposer's tea,n in the fol-
E4. FOCUS OF THE ex PROCESS lowing areas. List each party's involvement.
The follov,ing syste1ns and asse1nblies are the focus of l . Qua Iity process experience.
the Cx Process: 2. Operation and maintenance experience.
• [Insert list ofsyste,ns and assernblies] 3. Design experience.
4. Life-cycle costing.
5. [Insert other syste,n or asse,nbly specific experience
It is desired that the person designated as the CxA satisfy requirernents].
as ,nany of the following require,nents as possible: d. Describe your proposed approach to managing the project
a. Has acted as the principal CxA for at least three projects expertly and efficiently, including your team participation.
during the past year. (Note that the size of the project Describe what approach you will take to integrate the Cx
should be accounted for. Whereas one proposer n1ay have Process into the nonnal design and constn1ction process
done ten projects all s1nall in size, another proposer that in order to ,nake it "business as usual."
acco,nplished one large and complex project rnay have e. Describe what you will do to foster team,~1ork and cooper- :
equal credentials]. ation fro,n contractors and designers and what you ,viii do :'
b. Experienced in quality processes. to ,ninimize adversarial relationships.
c. Knowledgeable in building operation and 1naintenance f. Describe how your work ,viii facilitate the use of your :
training. product as a prototype that may be subsequently used by ·
d. Excellent verbal and written co,nmunication skills. the Owner in future projects, including access to the elec-
Highly organized and able to ,vork with both rnanagement tronic versions of all documents and forms.
and trade contractors. g. As an attachment, provide the following work products
e. A bachelor's degree in [insert discipline] is strongly pre- that 1ne1nbers of the proposer's tea,n ,vrote:
ferred and [insert type] certification or professional l . Cx Plan that was executed
license is desired. 2. Integrated commissioning specifications
f. The CxA's finn will demonstrate depth of experienced
3. Electronic Issues and Resolution Log
personnel and capability to sustain loss of assigned per-
sonnel without co1npro1nising quality and ti,neliness of 4. Construction checklists
performance. 5. Test procedure that was executed
g. The CxA will be an independent contractor and not an h. [Insert any other desired instructions].
employee or subcontractor of the general contractor or
any other subcontractor on this project, including the E7. SELECTION CRITERIA
design professionals. The submitted proposals ,viii be reviewed and ranked
h. [Insert any qualifications or Jpecial requirernents for a according to the follo,ving (ite1ns fro,n the above nu,nbered
specific syste,n or assernb~y]. list):

E6. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS a. Key individual experience 20 points

A proposer 1nust propose to execute all phases of the Cx b. Staff experience I 5 points
Process in a single proposal. The proposal 1nust be signed by c. Similar project experience 20 points
an officer of your firm with the authority to con1mit the firm d. Tea111 experience in related skill areas I 5 points
and must include the following infonnation: e. Manage,nent approach 20 points
f. Work exa,nples I Opoints
a. List the key individual who ,viii be the CxA for this con-
100 points
tract and describe his or her relevant qualifications and
experience. This information is required in addition to any Reference checks will not be scored individually but ,nay
detailed resu1nes the proposer sub,nits. The contract will be used to supple,nent all categories. The Owner reserves the

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right to elin1inate or change the weight of extre1nely high or E9. LIMITATIONS AND PROVISIONS
extre,n ely lo\.v fee proposals. [Insert 1vording on right to reject, to seek clarifications,
to negotiate a final contract; cost ofproposal preparation not
ES. SUBMISSION AND SELECTION rei1nbursable; prirnary contact for questions; other necessary
legal language, etc.]
Consultants \viii sub,nit [quantity_ _ _ _ _ ] copies of
the written proposal, to be received in the Owner's office at E10. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT
[address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]_ by [date and EXECUTION
time_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]. Late proposals will
not be accepted. ElO.l General Conditions. Miscellaneous as required ...
El0.2 Insurance. The CxA's firm shall obtain, at the firm's
Review and selection process ...
expense, and keep in effect during the term of the project,
Require1nent of personal interview for finalists ... $[list required insurance a,nount].

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- c. Verify that the Cx Process Activities are clearly stated in
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for all scopes of work.
conformance to the guideline.) d. Integrate the Cx Process Activities into the project sched-
INFORMATIVE ANNEX F e. Prepare a Cx Plan that describes the extent of the Cx Pro-
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES cess to meet the O,vner's Project Require1nents. Update
This annex provides an exa,nple of ho,v to implement the Cx Plan during each phase of the project to incorpo-
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a co1nprehensive rate changes and additional information.
representation or a best practice exa1nple. Practitioners apply- f. Revie,v and comn1ent on the ability of the design docu-
ing the Cx Process should carefully follo,v Guideline O and 1nents to achieve the OPR for the comtnissioned syste1ns
applicable cornmissioning technical l:,'1lidelines tailored to and asse111blies.
their specific projects. g. Prepare the Cx Process Activities to be included as part of
Understanding and defining the role of each participant is the project specification. Include a list of all individual
vital to the success of the Cx Process. This annex provides an trade contractor responsibilities for all the Cx Process
example of the responsibilities of each participant in a co1n- Activities (list contractors by na,ne, finn, and trade spe-
prehensive Cx Process. These responsibilities shall be docu- cialty if known).
mented in the contracts between the owner and the h. Execute the Cx Process through the writing and review of
contractor(s) and the o,vner and the design professionals. The Cx Process Reports, organization of all Cx Tea,n meet-
responsibilities of each participant should be included in the ings, tests, den1onstrations, and training events described
contract docun1ents. in the contract docwnents and approved Cx Plan. Organi-
The responsibilities of the owner, CxA, design profes- zational responsibilities include preparation of agendas,
sionals, construction rnanager, contractors, and rnanufactw·ers attendance lists, arrange1nents for facilities, and ti,nely
are detailed below. notification to participants for each Cx Process activity.
The CxA shall act as chair at all com1nissioning events
F1. OWNER and ensure execution of all agenda items. The CxA shall
prepare 1ninutes of every Cx Process activity and send
a. Include a staternent regarding design professional com- copies to all Cx Tea1n 1ne1nbers and attendees ,vithin five
missioning responsibilities and scope in the request for
workdays of the event.
design services.
1. Revie,v the plans and specifications ( during the Predesign
b. Develop and co1nmit to the O,vner's Project R.equirements
and Design Phases) ,vith respect to their co,npleteness in
for the facility and its use.
all areas relating to the Cx Process. This includes verify-
c. Assign operations and rnaintenance personnel and sched- ing that the OPR has been ,net, and that there are adequate
ule them to participate in the various meetings, training devices included in the design to properly test the syste,ns
sessions, and observations/ inspections as follows: and asse1nblies and to docun1ent the perforn1ance of each
I. Design-Phase coordination meetings piece of equipment, system, or asse,nbly.
2. Construction-Phase coordination rneetings j. Schedule all docu,nent review coordination meetings.
3. Initial o,vner-training session at initial placement of k. Attend the project's prebid ,neeting to detail the design
rnajor equipment professional or contractor Cx Process require,nents.
4. Maintenance orientation and inspection I. Schedule the predesign and preconstruction Cx Process
meeting \.vithin 60 days of the award of the contract at
5. Syste1n testing verification 1neetings
some convenient location and at a time suitable to the
6. Procedures meeting for testing systems attendees. This ,neeting will be for the purpose of review-
7. Owner's training session ing the co1nplete Cx Process and establishing tentative
8. Verification demonstrations schedules for the Design-Phase and Construction-Phase
9. Svstems
, and assemblies tests commissioning activities.
10. Final review at acceptance 1neeting 111. Develop the initial format to be used for Issues and Reso-
lution Logs throughout and for each phase of the Cx Pro-
d. Revie,~1 and approve any changes made to OPR..
e. Revie,v and approve the construction documents.
n. Schedule the initial owner training session so that it will
f. Provide qualified personnel for videotaping and editing of
be held i1n1nediately before the contractor training. This
training sessions.
session ,viii be attended by the owner's O&M personnel,
g. Videotape construction progress.
the design professionals, the contractor, and the CxA. The
h. Review and con11nent on the CxA's Cx Process Progress
CxA will revie,v the OPR and the design professional(s)
will review the BoD.
1. Revie,v and comn1ent on the CxA's verification reports.
o. Review proposed contractor-provided training progra,n to
J. Review and accept the CxA's Cx Process Report. verify that the OPR is met.
p. Attend a portion of the contractor-provided training ses-
sions to verify that the OPR is ,net.
a. Organize and lead the Cx Tea111. q. Receive and revie,v the systems manual as subn1itted by
b. Facilitate and docu1nent the OPR. the contractor. Verify that it 1neets the OPR. Insert sys-
•• .. .,.. + • ., . . . . . . ..

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terns descriptions as provided by the design profes- q. Recon1mend final acceptance of the systems to the owner.
sional(s) in the systems ,nanual.
r. Witness systen1 and assembly testing. Verify the results F3. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER
and include a su1n1nary of deficiencies.
a. Include costs for Cx Process Activities 111 the contract
s. Supervise the Cx Team 1nembers in completion of tests. pnce.
The test data will be part of the Cx Process Report.
b. Include Cx Process Activities and require,nents in all con-
t. Periodically review record drawings for accuracy with tractors' contracts.
respect to the installed syste1ns. Request revisions to
c. Provide adequate accessibility as required to properly
achieve accuracy.
operate and maintain the facility.
u. Verify that the systems 111anual and all other design and
d. Provide acceptable representation with the ,neans and
construction records have been updated to include all
authority to prepare and coordinate i1nple1nentation of the
modifications made during the Construction Phase.
Cx Process as detailed in the contract docu1nents.
v. Repeat imple,nenting of tests to acco1n1nodate seasonal
e. Issue a state1nent certifying that all work has been com-
tests or to correct any performance deficiencies. Revise
pleted and that the facility is operational, in accordance
and resubn1it the Cx Process Report.
with contract documents.
w. Prepare the final Cx Process Report.
f. Issue the appropriate final repo1ts to the design profes-
x. Asse,nble the final docu1nentation, which includes the Cx
sionals for review and acceptance.
Process Repo,t, the syste,ns ,nanual, and all record docu-
g. Re,nedy deficiencies identified by the CxA during verifi-
1nents. Sub1nit this docun1entation to the owner for review
cation of the installation or testing.
and acceptance.
h. Revie\.v and com,nent on the final Cx Process Report.
y. Reco1nn1end acceptance of the individual syste1ns and
asse1nblies to the owner (in accord with the defined proj- F4. CONTRACTOR
ect requirements).
a. Include costs for Cx Process Activities in the contract
b. Include Cx Process Activities and require1nents in each
a. Participate and assist in the documentation of the initial
purchase order or subcontract written.
c. Obtain cooperation and participation of all subcontractors
b. Document revisions to the OPR and obtain approval from
and manufactw·ers.
the owner.
d. Attend the preconstruction and Cx Team 111eetings.
c. Document the BoD.
e. Include Cx Process milestones in the project schedule.
d. Prepare contract docu1nents, including the integration of
f. hnple,nent the training program as detailed in the contract
the Cx Process requirements and activities provided by
the Cx A. documents.
e. Prepare contract documents that coordinate required inter- g. Provide sub,nittals to the o\.vner, design professionals, and
the CxA.
'· faces between Systems and Assemblies.
f. ; Attend the Predesign and Design-Phase coordination and h. Notify the CxA \.vhen syste,ns and asse,nblies are ready
· review meetings. for testing.

g. , Respond to Cx Tea1n design sub1nission review co1n1nents i. Demonstrate the performance of asse,nblies and/or opera-
: and other issues in a timely manner. tion of syste1ns to the CxA.
h. ; Attend the prebid and preconstruction meetings as sched- j. Complete the constn1ction check Iists as the ,vork is
uled by the CxA. accomplished. Provide the co1npleted construction check-
1. Specify and verify that the operation and maintenance of lists to the CxA.
the systems and assemblies has been adequately detailed k. Continuously maintain the record dra,vings and submit as
in the construction documents. detailed in the contract documents.
J. Review and inco,porate as appropriate the CxA's com-
ments from submittal reviews.
k. Participate in the initial operation and ,naintenance per- a. Provide all information required for the operation and
sonnel and occupant training session by presenting the 1naintenance of the syste1n or asse1nbly as part of the ini-
project BoD. tial submittal.
I. Participate in other training as detailed in the training pro- b. Provide the require1nents to 1naintain the warranty as part
gram. of the initial submittal.
m. Reviev.r test procedw·es subtnitted by the contractor. c. Coordinate and acco,nplish factory tests as detailed in the
n. Revie,v and con1111ent on the CxA's periodic Cx Process contract documents.
Progress Reports and Issues and Resolution Log repo,ts. d. Provide training as detailed in the training progra,n con-
o. Revie,v and accept record docu,nents as required by con- tained in the contract documents.
tract docwnents. e. Demonstrate operation and pe,formance of the system or
p. Revie,v and comment on the final Cx Process Report. assembly as detailed in the contract docu,nents.

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- Accornplish Design Revietvs
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for Develop Com,nissioning Process Contract Dociunent
conformance to the guideline.) Requirements
Prebid Meeting
COMMISSIONING PLAN Conduct .? reconstruction Meeting
This annex provides an exa1nple of ho,v to implement Contractor Subrnittal Revielv
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive Construction checklists
representation or a best practice exan1ple. Practitioners apply- Delivery Book
ing the Cx Process should carefully follo,v Guideline O and Preinstallation Checks
applicable comn1issioning technical guidelines tailored to Installation and Start-Up Checks
their specific projects. Training
The following is an exan1ple outline for a Cx Plan. The Testing
basic structure of this exa1nple is such that each phase of the OCCUPANCY/OPERATIONS PHASE
plan has its own section detailing what activities will be Final Com111issioning Process Report
accomplished and guidance on who accomplishes them and Seasonal Testing
ho,v they are completed. The results from each activity are Ongoing Training
then included in an appendix. The intent of this format is for Warranty Revietv
the Cx Plan to become the Final Cx Process Report at the end Lessons-Learned Meeting
of the. project by filling in the results as the project progresses. CONTACT INFORMATION
Depending on the size and scope of the Cx Process SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS
Activities, it may be beneficial to have three Cx Plans: one for APPENDIX A-OWNER'S PROJECT REQUIREMENTS
the Predesign Phase, one for the Design Phase, and one for APPENDIX B- BASIS OF DESIGN (BOD)
the Construction Phase. If separate Cx Plans are used, then APPENDIX C- PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS
care must be taken to inforn1 those that are involved in only a APPENDIX D-COMMUNICATION STRUCTURES
portion of the process of the previous 111aterial. APPENDIX E-ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
G1. SAMPLE TABLE OF CONTENTS [listing of syste1ns and asse111blies]
Step I-Identify and Record Issues APPENDIX M-TESTS
Step 2-Calculate Avoided Costs APPENDIX N-TRAINING
Step 3-Evaluate Range of Avoided Costs APPENDIX 0 -SYSTEMS MANUAL
Revie1-v and Modify Project Specifications APPENDIX Q- CORRESPONDENCE
Update Co,nrnissioning Plan APPENDIX S-LESSONS LEARNED

.. .. .... .- .· .... . .. ...

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- b. The CxA evaluates the contract documents using random
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for sampling to detennine their ability to achieve the OPR.
conformance to the guideline.) c. The CxA 1neets \.vith the design professionals to discuss
and resolve con1ments.
INFORMATIVE ANNEX H d. Upon resolution of co,nments, the CxA reco1n1nends to
ACCEPTANCE PLAN the Owner acceptance of the docwnents.
This annex provides an exa1nple of how to i1nple1nent e. Owner reviews the con11nents, their resolution, and
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a co1nprehensive accepts the contract docwnents.
representation or a best practice exa1nple. Practitioners apply-
ing the Cx Process should carefully follow Guideline O and
applicable co1111nissioning technical guidelines tailored to The updated OPR, updated Cx Plan, updated BoD, sys-
their specific projects. te,ns manual, training progra,n, and a preli,ninary and a final
Developing and documenting the acceptance procedures Construction-Phase Cx Process Report are formally accepted
in an acceptance plan is an important task for the successful by the Owner during the Construction Phase. The OPR, Cx
i1nple1nentation of the Cx Process. The acceptance plan Plan, and BoD follow the same process as previously
details the key Cx Process Activities that must be acco,n- detailed.
plished at the end of each phase in a project in order to ,nove The general process for accepting the systems manual is
on to the next phase. as follows:
The following provides a description of the details that a. The CxA tracks the contractor submittals for the required
should be included in the acceptance plan and de,nonstrates a documentation.
format that could be used. b. Within XX days of sub1nittal acceptance for a systen1 or
assen1bly, the contractor subn1its a draft syste1ns manual
H1. PREDESIGN PHASE to the O,vner, CxA, and design professionals.
The OPR and the Cx Plan are formally accepted by the c. The CxA consolidates the revie,vs and meets ,vith the
O,vner during the Predesign Phase, after review and com1nent design professionals to discuss and resolve.
by the CxA. The general process for accepting these docu- d. The contractor sub,nits to the CxA changes to the
ments is: accepted sub1nittals throughout constn1ction.
e. XX days prior to the first training session, the contractor
a. The CxA develops a draft of each document and provides sub,nits the final syste1ns ,nanual to the Owner, CxA, and
it to the Cx Team. design professionals.
b. The Cx Tea1n provides co1nments on the draft documents. f. The O,,;ner accepts the final syste,ns ,nanual based on the
c. The CxA works with the Cx Tea,n to resolve any issues. reco,nmendation of the CxA.
d. The CxA reco1n1nends acceptance of the docwnents to the
The general process for accepting the training program is
Owner and provides copies for review.
as follows:
e. The Owner reviews the ,nodified docwnents and accepts.
a. The CxA provides the training agendas to the contractor.
H2. DESIGN PHASE b. The contractor develops the training program, including
identifying the trainer, the schedule of sessions, and the
The updated OPR, updated Cx Plan, BoD, and contract
material to be developed. This information is submitted to
documents are fonnally accepted by the O,vner during the
the Owner, CxA, and design professionals for review and
Design Phase. The OPR and the Cx Plan follo,v the same pro-
cess as detailed in the Predesign Phase.
c. Based on the recom1nendation of the CxA, the O,vner
The general process for accepting the BoD is as follows:
accepts the training program.
a. Tl}e Cx A provides a list of information required and the d. The contractor then develops the training 1naterial and
fonnat for the BoD to the design professionals prior to the submits it to the Owner, CxA, and design professionals
stArt of design. for review and co1nment XX days before the first training
b. Tlie design professionals gather and organize the infonna- session.
ti6n during the creation of the design. e. Based on the recom1nendation of the CxA, the O,vner
c. The design professionals sub1nit the BoD to the Owner accepts the training ,naterials.
and CxA for review and co1n1nent with each design sub- f. The contractor i1nple1nents the training progra,n.
1nittal. g. The CxA randomly quizzes the trainees two ,,.,eeks after
d. Upon correction and resub,nittal, the 0\.vner accepts the the completion of a session.
BoD based on the reco1n1nendation of the CxA. h. The contractor sub,nits copies of all training materials and
edited videotapes of the sessions.
The general process for accepting the contract documents 1. The CxA reco1n1nends acceptance of the completed train-
is as follows: ing program to the 0\.vner.
a. The design professionals submit the final package to the The general process for accepting the facility is as fol-
Owner and CxA for review. lows:

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a. Throughout construction the CxA randomly samples the Phase. The OPR, BoD, and systen1s manual follow the sa1ne
completion of the construction checklists for 1neeting the process as previously detailed.
OPR. The general process for accepting the seasonal test
b. The CxA directs the completion of system and asse,nbly results is as follows:
testing by the contractor and documents the results. a. The CxA directs the completion of seasonal systen1 and
c. The CxA works with the contractor in resolving any assen1bly testing by the contractor and docu1nents the
issues identified during testing. results.
d. The CxA. verifies that all system documentation is b. The CxA works with the contractor in resolving any
received from the contractor. issues identified during testing.
e. The CxA presents a preli,ninary Construction-Phase Cx c. The CxA verifies that all updated system docu1nentation
Process Report prior to occupancy that provides an evalu- is received from the contractor.
ation of 1neeting each ele1nent of the OPR, including rec- d. The CxA reco1111nends to the Owner acceptance of the
01n1nendations to the Ov,rner for acceptance/rejection of seasonal testing results.
the facility. The general process for accepting the Cx Process Report
f. The CxA provides a final Construction-Phase Cx Process is as follows:
Report with details on the Cx Process Activities com-
a. The CxA provides the Cx Process Report to the Owner,
pleted during the Constn1ction Phase.
design professionals, and contractor for review and con1-
b. The CxA incorporates co1nrnents and provides a final
The updated OPR, updated BoD, updated syste1ns man- copy to the Cx Tean1 n1en1bers.
ual, seasonal test results, and Cx Process Report are formally c. The Owner accepts the Cx Process Report, ending the
accepted by the Owner during the Occupancy/Operations CxA's responsibilities.

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- d. Functional uses and requirements-In addition to general
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for doctunentation produced by the architect on fi.mctional
conformance to the guideline.) uses of the building (office, storage, kitchen, etc.), the spe-
cific requirements for each functional area 1nust be docu-
INFORMATIVE ANNEX I 1nented. This can include such items as security, safety,
OWNER'S PROJECT REQUIREMENTS WORKSHOP co1nfort, energy, 1naintainability, and indoor air quality.
GUIDANCE e. Lifespan, cost, and quality- It is important to clearly doc-
This annex provides an exatnple of how to implement u1nent the owner's expectations for lifespan of 1naterials,
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a con1prehensive cost of construction, and the level of quality desired. By
representation or a best practice exa,nple. Practitioners apply- providing this infonnation, unrealistic expectations are
ing the Cx Process should carefully follov.r Guideline O and identified and eliminated.
applicable cominissioning technical guidelines tailored to f. Perfonnance criteria-Often the 1nost difficult to define,
their specific projects. performance criteria detail 1ninimun1 acceptable perfor-
The QPR is considered the heart and soul of the Cx Pro- 1nance benchtnarks for various aspects of the facility.
cess. When the QPR is not developed, the o,vner, designer, g. Maintenance requirements-The n1aintenance require-
contractors, and operation and ,naintenance (Q&M) person- ments are a ,nixture of the level of knowledge of the cur-
nel each interpret the building require1nents, including their rent O&M staff (what can they maintain) and the expected
individual responsibilities, from the standpoint of their own complexity of the proposed systems (what they can learn).
specific needs. This often creates a range of diverse vie,vs of If there is a significant gap between the two, no ,natter
the constructed project's needs. Unfortunately, while critical ho,v well the building is constructed, it will not be main-
for a successfhl project, the QPR is rarely developed. Devel- tained or operated properly.
oping QPR that reflects the actual needs of the owner, the
The following are examples of QPR elen1ents that are
users or occupants, service and operating units, and some-
com,non to most of the Technical Cx Process Guideline top-
times the com,nunity is one of the, if not the, most important
aspects for successful implementation of the Cx Process.
The following sections detail an exa1nple format to fol- a. Bench,narks for performance-Specific criteria for the
low in developing the OPR and a discussion of ho,v to obtain functional use of each space, asse,nbly, and system ,nust
the required infonnation. Note that historically the QPR has be defined. These include temperature, hu1nidity, airflow,
often been referred to as "design intent" or "project intent." light, noise, durability, aesthetics (1naterials and colors),
service life, reliability, redundancy, and the like. Typi-
11. FORMAT cally, upper and lo\.ver limits are provided for general
While there have been many formats used for presenting spaces, with exceptions noted as required.
criteria for the QPR, the QPR \.vorkshop is one that has been b. Proble1ns to avoid-Because occupant/user/operator coin-
well received by owners, designers, contractors, and Q&M plaints are co1n1non, it is i,nportant to identify and docu-
personnel. The workshop initially addresses general needs/ 1nent those proble1ns that have caused co1nplaints in the
require,nents and progresses to specific require,nents (i.e., past. If these proble,ns are not documented and the situa-
1noves from project needs to system/equip1nent/control tion recurs, the occupants often consider the entire project
needs). lt is organized around and focuses on asse,nblies and as a failure .
syste1ns that have been identified as targets of the Cx Process. c. Specific occupant require,nents- Specific ite,ns that are
The ,vorkshop needs to be well organized, and it is very desir- deemed important to the various occupants in a building
able to have the results fonnatted for i1runediate input into a ,nust be identified and docutnented. In speculatively built
co1nputer analysis program for rapid feedback on consensus buildings, this section would detail the limits to ,vhich
of the group. occupants can make use of their spaces. For exa,nple, a
Jnfonnation fro,n the workshop is only one of various che,nical laboratory cannot be put in a space designed and
resources from which the OPR docu1nent is developed. Fol- constructed for general office use without significant
lowing is a description of some of the information that can be changes to the systems and possibly to the building as a
included in an QPR doctunent. whole.
Key sections of the QPR doctunent are:
a. Background- A narrative description to provide context
about the project. While it ,nay be easy to obtain the infonnation related to
b. Objectives-For any project there are goals that must be develop1nent of the QPR, it is difficult to obtain quality infor-
achieved for the project to be successful. Goals can range 1nation that the ov.rner, O&M staff, service contractors, cus-
fro,n first cost, to ti,ne schedule, to ntunber of change to,ners (i.e., students, patients, retail custo,ners, renters),
orders, or to life-cycle cost. Regardless of \\1hich goals are visitors, subtenants, occupants, and the com1nunity all agree
identified, they ,nust be sutntnarized up front to ensure on. In quality-based processes, it is critical that input be
everyone is on the same page. obtained fro111 all the users (the various user groups) and that
c. Green building concepts-This is an optional section for the consensus of and differences between the groups be docu-
owners ,vho \.vish to focus on the sustainability aspects of 1nented. There usually are require,nents for which users do
their building. not all agree. These ,nust be docwnented as unresolved ite1ns.

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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Nonnally, the owner will make final decisions on what the able?" but should be broader, such as "how do you de.fine
priority order of elements will be. However, the owner and the co1nfort?" or "how ,viii you n1easure the cost success of this
rest of the Cx Tean11nust be aware of all requiren1ents so that project?" (versus a broader question, such as "how will you
the final product will include as many individual group detern1ine if this was a successful project?").
requirements as are deemed appropriate and within the bud- 12.2 OPR Documentation. The OPR workshop will identify
get. key items and priorities important to the project teatn, the
A sin1ple three-step process is recomn1ended for develop- o\.vner, users, and the Cx Tea,n. However, it does not provide
ing the OPR: specific values. For exa,nple, the number one ite,n in the OPR
1. OPR workshop may be good air circulation in the rooms. It is the responsibil-
2. OPR documentation (report) ity of the CxA to take the individual requiretnents developed
3. Project team approval of the. OPR by the project tea,n and translate thetn into physical proper-
ties that can be measured, designed, and doctunented.
12.1 OPR Workshop. The OPR workshop is typically facili- This transfonnation of the OPR often requires input fro1n
tated by the CxA, who elicits the primary concerns of the
a variety of sources, including the design tea1n, contractors,
project tea111. The workshop is organized to encourage identi-
fication of all requirements, to encourage interaction and dis- specialists, standards, and guidelines. Typically, the CxA has
cussion a1nong all team members, and to arrive at group sufficient experience in the planning, design, construction, and
consensus of priorities for the OPR. This is accomplished operation of facilities to provide the oversight ofsuch a task. If
through the presentation of 111ultiple questions in an ordered not, then expe1ts should be retained to aid in the develop1nent
structure. A typical process uses a modified no1ninal group of the OPR.
technique ,vorkshop format. This is a formal means of gather- 12.3 Project Team Approval of the OPR. After several iter-
ing the highest level of consensus that approaches the real
ations and revie,\rs of the OPR by the project and design
needs of the group. The procedure consists of the following
steps: teams, the requirements must be approved to provide the
design team adequate direction for their design. It is impor-
a. Provide each question or open concept to each individual tant to distinguish development of the OPR from the tradi-
. participating in the workshop. tional role of the architect in the planning or program,ning
1:i. Allow three to five 1ninutes of quiet writing time for each process. The OPR define the criteria required for success,
individual to respond ,vith as many ans,vers and ideas as whereas the architect's document may only address specific
.. he/she can. space size and occupant flow requirements. Where the OPR.
c. Record individual responses in a round-robin fashion-no ,nay state that the functional use of the facility is X, Y, and Z,
discussion at this point, just record the responses on a the architect's document may specify the locations of, the size
visual flipchart, overhead, chalkboard, or multicomputer of, and the flow of people through X, Y, and Z .
link to all participants.
d. Revie,v all responses, consolidate similar ones, and clarify 13. SUMMARY
so all in the group have the same understanding of all
The OPR workshop is one means to provide consistency
in the implementation of the Cx Process fro1n project to proj-
e. Have individuals rank the responses for importance (1
ect. It should be a topic addressed in the lessons-learned
through 5).
workshop during the Occupancy/Operations Phase of the Cx
f. Detennine a group ranking fron1 individual rankings.
Process. Other techniques for developing the OPR, such as
g. A rediscussion of the top 10 ite1ns-and any responses
interviews and surveys, do not allo,v interaction bet\veen the
ranked 1nost important-is desired, followed by a second
user groups. Further, it has been shown that the results or
round of individual and group co1nbined rating/ranking.
answers are biased by the beliefs of the expert who develops
The questions asked during this workshop 1nust be broad the questions for the interviews or surveys. Frequently, using
in nature, elicit discussion, result in a variety of viewpoints, such techniques the questions can be analyzed and the con-
and 1nust not leave the ,vorkshop. The questions should not clusions predetermined ,vhether the interviews or surveys are
focus on such iten1s as "at what temperature are you co1nfort- co1npleted or not.

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- f. Occupancy Requirements-Includes the number of
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for occupants (users and visitors) and the schedule of occu-
conformance to the guideline.) pancy, including all special conditions.
g. Budget Considerations and Limitations-The expected
INFORMATIVE ANNEX J budgetary restrictions and considerations are contained in
h. Performance Criteria-The perforn1ance criteria on
This annex provides an exa1nple of how to i1nple1nent which the project will be evaluated by the Cx Tea1n are
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a co1nprehensive included in this section. Each perfonnance criterion
representation or a best practice exa1nple. Practitioners apply- should be 1neasurable and verifiable. Include the follow-
ing the Cx Process should carefully follov.r Guideline O and ing subsections as appropriate to organize and explain the
applicable co1n1nissioning technical guidelines tailored to criteria:
their specific projects. l. General
A general format for an OPR document is presented in 2. Econo1nic
this annex. The structure provided is intended to encornpass 3. User Require1nents
the facil ity requirements and enable the addition of sections
4. Construction Process
depending on the systems and assernblies to be constructed.
5. Operations
a. Introduction- Includes an overview of the project and 6. Syste1ns
the general reasons why the project is being undertaken. A 7. Assemblies
description of the owner's processes (Cx Process) is typi- 1. OPR Version History-Includes a sum1nary of the
cally contained in this section. changes 111ade throughout the Predesign, Design, Con-
b. Key OPR Items-Includes a listing of the key OPR that struction, and Occupancy/Operations Phases. This infor-
the Cx Process will focus on and that the o,vner (Cx 1nation is critical to understand and docu1nent the trade-
Tea1n) has determined are critical to the success of the offs made over time and the resulting impact on the proj-
project. ect.
Table J-1 ,viii assist in the development of the OPR
c. General Project Description-The size and scope of the
docu1nent in accordance ,vith Section using the
project are included in this section.
forn1at presented in this annex. The table is also applica-
d. Objectives- The objectives for acco1nplishing this proj- ble for those developing technical supporting guidelines
ect are detailed in this section. as described in Annex A. Inclusion of specific criteria
e. Functional Uses-The expected functional uses (spaces) (such as the entries in this example matrix) will depend on
for the facility are detailed in this section. A short descrip- the project and the o,vner's needs. The Key OPR Section
tion of each functional use is included to provide the con- should e1nphasize those OPR items that are essential to
text in which it was detailed. the success of the project.

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TABLE J-1 Example Matrix for Developing OPR

OPR Section

Key Owner's General

Guideline 0-201 3
Project Project Functional O ccupancy Budget Considerations
S ubclause Criteria
Introduction Requirements Description Objectives Uses Requirements and Limitations

I 2 3 4 s 6 7

(a) Proj ect schedule and budget Schedu le Budget

(b) Cx Process scope and budget Scope Budget

(c) Proj ect documentation

requirements, including fonnat
for submittals, training
materia ls, reports, and the X
systems manual. Consideration
should be given to use of
electronic format documents
and records where appropriate

(d) Owner directives X

(e) Restrictions and limitations X

(t) User requirements X

(g) Occupancy requirements and X X


(h) Training requirements for X

Owner's personnel

(i) Warranty requirements X

(j) Benchmarking requirements X

(k) Operation and maintenance

criteria for the facility that
reflect the Owner's expectations X .

and capabi lities and the rea lities
of the facility type

(I) &1uipment and system

maintainability expectations,
including limitations of X X
operating and maintenance

(m) Quality requirements for X

materia ls and construction

(n) Allowable tolerance in faci lity X

system operations

(o) Energy efficiency goals X X

(p) Environmental and X X

sustainabi lity goals

(q) Community requirements X

(r) Adaptability for future facility X X X

changes and expansion

(s) Systems integration

requ irements, especially across X

(t) Health, hygiene, and indoor X X

environment requirements

(u) Acoustical requirements X

(v) Vibration requ irements X

(w) Seism ic requirements X

(x) Accessibility requirements X

(y) Security requirements X

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TABLE J-1 Example Matrix for Developing QPR (Continued)

OPR Section

Guideline 0-201 3
Project Functional Occupancy Budget Considerations
S ubclause Criteria
Introduction KeyOPR Description Obj ectives Uses Requirements and Limitations

I 2 3 4 s 6 7

(z) Aesthetics requirements X

(aa) Constructabi lity requirements X

(bb) Communication requirements X

(cc) Applicable codes and standards X

OPR Section

Performance Criteria
Guideline OBody User Construction Version
General Economic Requirements Process Operations Systems Assemblies History

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS
(a) Project schedule and budget

(b) Cx Process scope and budget

(c) Proj ect documentation

requirements, including fo1mat
for subm ittals, training
materia ls, reports, and the
systems manual. Consideration
should be given to use of
electronic format documents
and records where appropriate

(d) o,vner directives

(e) Restrictions and limitations

(t) User requirements X

(g) Occupancy requirements and


(h) Training requirements for X X

Owner's personnel

(i) Warranty requirements X

(j) Benchmarking requirements X X X X

(k) Operation and maintenance

criteria for the facility that
reflect the Owner's expectations X X X
and capabi lities and the rea lities
of the facility type

(I) &1uipment and system

maintainability expectations,
including limitations of X X X
operating and maintenance

(m) Quality requirements for X X X X

materia ls and construction

(n) Allowable tolerance in faci lity X X

system operations

(o) Energy efficiency goals X X X X

(p) Environmental and X

sustainabi lity goals

(q) Community requirements X

(r) Adaptability for future facility X X X X

changes and expansion

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or transmission in eit her print or digit al form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

TABLE J-1 Example Matrix for Developing QPR (Continued)

OPR Section

Performance Criteria
Guideline OBody User Construction Version
General Economic Requirements Process Operations Systems Assemblies History

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS
(s) Systems integration
requirements, especially across X X

(t) Health, hygiene, and indoor X

environment requirements

(u) Acoustical requirements X X X

(v) Vibration requirements X X

(w) Seism ic requirements X X

(x) Accessibility requirements X X X X

(y) Security requirements X X X

(z) Aesthetics requirements X X X

(aa) Constructability requirements X X

(bb) Communication requirements X X X

(cc) Applicable codes and standards

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- tive that provides an overview of assemblies and systems in
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for verbal forn1at is usually an integral elen1ent of the BoD.
conformance to the guideline.) The BoD will typically be developed incrementally as
work on a project 1noves from Predesign, to Design, and into
INFORMATIVE ANNEX K the Construction Phase. Changes to the BoD that often occur
BASIS OF DESIGN (BoD) as a design evolves must be documented.
This annex provides an exa1nple of how to i1n ple1n ent Content of the BoD will vary from project to project and
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a co1n prehensive systen1 to systen1, but in general it should address the follow-
representation or a best practice exa1nple. Practitioners apply- ing:
ing the Cx Process should carefully follow Guideline O and a. Specific codes, standards, and guidelines considered dur-
applicable co1111nissioning technical guidelines tailored to ing design of the facility and designer interpretations of
their specific projects. such requiren1ents.
The BoD records the 1najor thought processes and b. Infonnation regarding a1nbient conditions (clin1atic, geo-
assumptions behind design decisions made to 1neet the OPR. logic, structural, existing construction) used during
The OPR is intended to capture "what" the owner needs and design.
expects fro1n a project. The construction documents detail c. Assu1nptions regarding usage of the facility.
"ho,\1" the OPR will be physically achieved. The BoD cap- d. Expectations regarding syste1n operation and n1ainte-
tures important information I inking the "what" and "how." nance.
BoD docu1nentation is distinct fro1n the construction e. Perfonnance criteria that the system ,vas designed to
docu1nents, is seldo1n included in drawings and specifica- 1neet-linked to the OPR.
tions, and is generally not needed by the contractor to 1neet f. Specific design n1ethods, techniques, sofuvare used in
his/her obligations. It is exceptionally valuable to the Cx design.
Tea1n, however, when evaluating the ability of a design and its g. A narrative state1nent of design that describes ho,v the
co1nponents to 1neet the OPR. designer intends to 1neet the OPR.
The objective of specifically documenting BoD informa- h. A narrative statement of operation that details ho,v the
tion is to provide the parties involved ,vith a project, at each facility is expected to operate under various situations
phase in the process, an understanding of the underlying (such as normal operation, extren1e event, emergency).
thinking that led to the selection of specific components, 1. A listing of specific n1anufacturer makes and models used

assen1blies, syste1ns, and system integrations. A design narra- as the basis for dra,vings and specifications.

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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Add it ional reproduction, distri bution,
or transmission in eit her print or digita l form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- designs for syste1ns or asse1nblies to be signed and sealed by
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for licensed professionals.
conformance to the guideline.)
L2.1 The primary role of the CxA is to verify achievement of
the OPR throughout the project, from Predesign Phase
This annex provides an exarnple of ho,v to implement through Occupancy/Operations Phase. The O,vner should
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive perform this role.
representation or a best practice exa1nple. Practitioners apply- L2.2 When the Owner cannot perform the CxA duties with
ing the Cx Process should carefully follo,v Guideline O and qualified personnel, then the CxA should have a separate pro-
applicable com1n issioning technical guidelines tailored to fessional services agreement with the Owner, as this avoids
their specific projects. conflicts of interest and provides independence fro1n the other
parties (the O,vner's project manager, designers of record,
construction managers, suppliers, and construction contrac-
LI.I This annex provides guidance on writing specifications tors). This professional services agreen1ent defines the duties,
for Co,nmissioning (Cx) Process Activities to be performed rights, and responsi bilities of the CxA for each phase of the
by construction contractors. A l:,'llide specification is included project. This separate relationship allows the CxA to act inde-
with the assu,nption that the construction contractor is pendently as director of Cx Process Activities, to focus on
involved only dw·ing the constn1ction phase and for the cor- achieving the OPR, and to com1nunicate directly with the
rection and warranty period. o,vner.
Ll.2 Cx is a quality-oriented process for achieving, verify- L2.3 The CxA is a group of personnel with expertise and
ing, and documenting that the performance of facility systems experience in the design, construction, and operations of the
and assemblies 1neets defined objectives and criteria. The Cx various syste,ns and asse,n blies included in the project. These
Process begins at project inception during the Predesign personnel are led by an individual who has expertise and
Phase and continues for the life of the facility through the experience in successfully implementing the Cx Process.
Occupancy/Operations Phase. During the Predesign Phase, L2.4 If the CxA is an employee, associate, or partner of the
the OPR (OPR) are determined and documented by the Cx same organization as the designer of record or construction
Tea1n , ,vhich includes the Owner, Cx Authority (CxA), design 1nanagement firm , there is a conflict of interest. While not a
professionals, operation and maintenance personnel, occu- recom1nended approach, in these instances the CxA. must
pants, and users. Throughout each phase of the project, deliv- have a separate professional services agreement, be organiza-
erables ( drawings, specifications, sub1nittals, construction, tionally separate from the design team or construction 1nan-
training, documentation, etc.) are verified against the OPR. agement team, and define and manage the conflicts of interest
LI .3 An i,nportant docu1nent created during the Cx Process to provide the Owner with the independence required for the
is the Basis of Design docwnent or report (BoD). The design Cx Process to be successful.
professionals create this docu1nent or report during the design L2.5 The CxA does not perfonn testing; it directs the process
phase. The BoD records the concepts, calculations, decisions, and directs the recording of the results. The CxA plans,
and product selections to 1neet the OPR and to satisfy applica- schedules, and supervises Cx Process Activities to verify
ble regulatory require,nents, standards, and guidelines. It can achieve,nent of the OPR. The contractor co,npletes constn1c-
include energy, environ1nental, sustainability, and other certi- tion checklists, perfonns tests, and acco1nplishes other Cx
fication criteria, both fonn al and infonnal. The BoD includes Process Activities.
both narrative descriptions and lists of individual ite1ns that
LI.4 ASHRAE or NI BS Guideline O provides guidance on OF COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES IN THE
content and basic fonn at. While the OPR is O,vner-developed SPECIFICATIONS
criteria, few Owners have the resources to develop the OPR. L3.1 Specifications (as a part of the construction contract
Owners without these resources depend on the Cx Tea,n (see docu1nents) should include only the Cx Process Activities the
a definition and discussion of the tenn Cx Tea,n in this guide- contractors perform during the life of the construction con-
line) to assist them in developing the OPR. tract, including the work required during the correction period
Ll.5 The OPR and BoD must be included or referenced in and for ,varranties.
the construction contract documents for informational pur- L3.2 Supplernentary Conditions: Modify the general condi-
poses only. tions of the contract for construction in a doctunent titled
LI.6 The constn1ction contractor's obligation is to construct "Supple1nentary Conditions." A1nong other provisions, define
the building and its syste,ns and asse,nblies according to the the CxA and include the CxA's duties, rights, responsibilities,
requirements prescribed in the contract docu1nents. There and li1nits of authority and additional require1nents for sub-
nonnally are no perfonnance require1nents relating to the stantial co,n pletion. AJA Docu1nent A5 I I, "Guide for Sup-
OPR stated in the contract docu1nents. The exceptions to this ple1nentary Conditions," provides guidance about how to
include situations ,vhere contractors are required to provide write supple1nentary conditions.

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TABLE L-1 Description of Specification Sections

Document/Section List of Contents Scope of Contents
01100 SUMMARY Work covered by contract Describe Cx Process Activities as a part of the project.
Alert the contractor that the Owner has contracted for
Identification of separate prime commissioning with a separate CxA.
Delineate scope ofCx Process.
01290 PAYMENT PROCEDURES No special Cx Process requi ren,ents.
01310 PROJECTMANAGEMENT AND Provisions about coordination of A.dd require,nents to include Cx.A in coordination
COORDINATION Cx Process Activities arnong rneetings (particularly "Preconstruction Meeting").
contractors and subcontractors; Coordination of rneetings and conferences.
project 1neetings.
01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Procedures for subm.ittals Submittal requirements for Cx Process Activity Reports
and schedules should be specified in Sections 01811 to
Add requirements here for additional copies fro1n
contractor to CxA and for approved subn1ittals to be
distributed to CxA.
01400 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS Coordinate wi th Cx Process Activities, witnessing of
tests, and test reports.
01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND Include office space for CxA and utility services for Cx
CONTROLS Process Activities.
01600 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS No special Cx Process requi ren,ents.
01731 CUTTING AND PATCHING No special Cx Process requirernents.
01770 CLOSEOUTPROCEDURES Include key Cx Process milestones to achieve
substantial completion and closeout.

01782 OPERATION AND Include requiren,ents for CxA to review and

MAINTENANCE DATA recon1111end approval of systen1s tnanual.
San,e procedures as described for Section 0133~
01810 GENERAL COMNITSSIONING General administrative and procedural requiren1ents
REQUIREMENTS \Vithout regard to specific systen1s and assen1blies.
0I 8I I BUILDING ASSEMBLY Substructure Lists of construction checklists
ex REQU IREMENTS Superstructure Prerequisites to testing
Building Shell Syste111 or assen,bly test requi ren,ents
Exterior \Vall Assen,blies Test reports
Roof Assen,blies
Building Interior
Paths of Egress
01812 CONVEYING SYSTEM Elevators and Lifts Lists of construction check.lists
ex REQUIREMENTS Escalators and Moving Walks Prerequisites to testi og
Systern or assernbly test requi rernents
Test reports
01813 PROTECTIVE SYSTEM Fire Suppression (including Lists of construction checklists
ex REQUIREMENTS pumps, sprinkler and standpipe Prerequisites to testing
piping, and terminal devices) System or assembly test requirements
Detection and Alarms (including Test reports
fire, smoke, gas, and leak)
Lightning Protection (this is not
part of electrical distribution)
Cathodic Protection (this is not
part of electrical distri bution)

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TABLE L-1 Description of Specification Sections (Continued)

Document/Section List of Contents Scope of Contents
01814 PLUMBING SYSTEM Water Distribution Lists of construction checklists
COMMISSIONING Sanitary \\Taste Prerequisites to testing
REQUIREMENTS Storn1 Drainage Systen1 or assen1bly test requiren1ents
Other Plu1nbing Systen1s Test reports
01815 HVAC&R SYSTEM Heat Generation (including central Lists of construction checklists
COMMISSIONING equipn1ent, distribution systen1s, Prerequisites to testing
R.E QUIREMENTS and tenninal devices) System or assen1bly test require1nents
Refrigeration (including central Test reports
equipn1ent, distribution systen1s,
and tenninal devices)
Ventilation (including central
equipn1ent, distribution systen1s,
and tenninal devices)
HVAC Control Systen1s (including
central equip1nent, distribution
systen1s, and tenninal devices)
01816 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Power Distribution (including Lists of construction checklists
COMMISSIONING central equip111ent, distribution Prerequisites to testing
REQUIREMENTS circuits, and tenninal devices) Systen1 or assen1bly test requiren1ents
Lighting (includes fixtures and Test reports
01817 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Voice and Data Lists of construction checklists
COMMISSIONING Sound and Video Prerequisites to testing
REQUIREMENTS Systen1 or assen1bly test requiren1ents
Test reports
01818 Security Access, Perin1eter Lists of construction checklisls
ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND Security, Intrusion Detection, Prerequisites to testing
SECURITY SYSTEMS Alarn1 and Detection Systems Systen1 or assen1bly test requiren1ents
Cx REQUIREMENTS (including fire and s1noke and leak Test reports
01820 DEMONSTRATION Coordination requiren1enls \vith the CxA
fNDIVIDUAL SECTIONS fN Field Quali ty Control Tests A statement requiring syste1n, subsystem, or equipment
DIVISIONS 2 THROUGH 16 Adjusting and Balancing to be con1n1issioned as a part of ils parent systen1.
Cleaning A statement requiring contractor to complete
Den1onstration construction checklisls and perfonn tests.

L3.3 General Requirernents for the Cx Process: Specifica- table of contents because section nun1bers and titles n1ay have
tions in Division I include the general requirements for con- changed.
tractors relating to Cx Process Activities. The "Sum1nary" L3.3.3 Extent o_f Testing: The contractor's involvement in
Section describes, in general, how the contractors, separate Cx Process tests must be clearly defined. The extent of this
contractors (if there is 1nore than one prin1e contractor), or the testing is detennined by the Cx Team during the Design
construction 1nanager must interact with the CxA. Adtninis- Phase based on the OPR.
trative procedures for the Cx Process are specified in the Divi-
sion I Section "Cormnissioning." L3.4 Component Cx Process Specifications: Sections in
Divisions 2 through 16 should specify testing and reporting
L3.3.I The remainder of the specification language, \Vith require,nents for products and equipment that are part of a
the exception of Division I sections for temporary facilities system or assembly and then be referenced to the appropriate
and controls, should be mute on the subject of who rnust per- Cx Process sections in Division I for the overall system or
form the work. assernbly requirements.

L3.3.2 Other Division 1 Cx Sections should describe the L3.4.1 During construction, the CxA verifies that contrac-
testing requirements for systems and assemblies. tor activities, such as installation and start-up; testing; de1non-
stration and training of the Owner's operator and 1naintenance
L3.3.2.1 References in Table L-1 are to MASTERSPEC® personnel; and syste,ns ,nanual, 1neet the OPR. Coordinating
section nu111bers and titles existing at the ti1ne this annex was activities by the contractor in support of the CxA should be
written. Refer to the current MASTERSPEC consolidated specified within the section where the co1nponent is specified

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(i.e., in individual sections in Divisions 2 through I 6) if spe- nu1nber of options that could occur 1naking the use of
cial require1nents are necessary. The following are examples [Optional text] impractical.
of require1nents to include in individual sections in Divisions
2 through 16: © 2004 The A111erican Institute of Architects (AIA)
ExclL~sively published and distributed by Architectural
L3.4.1.1 Installation and Start-Up: Include requirements
Co111puter Services, Inc. (AR COM) for the AIA
for involvement of factory-authorized service representative This MASTERSPEC Section is licensed by ARCOM for
in individual sections and for the co1npletion of construction li111ited distribution by ASHRAE as a part of"ASHRAE Guideline
checklists. 0 - The Con1111issioning Process," Annex L, "Specifications." The
MASTERSPEC Section n1ay be updated before Guideline O is
L3.4.1.2 Testing: Include require1nents to support the
updated. For inforn1ation about the latest edition of this MASTER-
CxA in verifying test results, ranging fro1n coordinating test-
SPEC Section, contact ARCOM at (800) 424-5080.
ing, to witnessing the test, to utilizing contractor personnel
and test equip1nent to verify the test report.
SECTION 01 9113
L3.4.1.3 De,nonstration and Training: Include special
require1nents unique to the co1nponent within its own section.
L3.4.1.4 Operation and Maintenance Data: Include This Section uses the tern, "Architect." Change this tenn to
unique require1nents for the type of infonnation required n,atch that used to identify the design professional as defined in the
(e.g., particular require1nents about parts lists, service sched- General and Supple111entary Conditions.
ules, preventive 1naintenance lists, and e1nergency operations) Throughout the Section, the optional text "(each )" is
included with the tenn "contractor." Retain "each" for projects that
for long-term 1naintenance of the OPR.
include 111ultiple prin1e contractors; delete for projects that have a
L3.4.2 In each section include an article under "General" single prin1e contractor.
that refers to Division I for Cx Process Activities for system \Terify that Section titles referenced in th is Section are correct
or assernbly require1nents. An exatnple is as for this Project's Specifications; Section titles ,nay have changed.

I .XX Cx Process Activities

A. The roofing rnaterials specified in this Section
are included in the Cx Process as a part of the I .1 RELATED DOCUMENTS
building envelope systern and roofing subsystern
and integrated with flashing, coping, and insula- A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, includ-
tion. ing General and Supplementary Conditions and other
B. Complete the construction checklists and per- Division OI Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
form tests specified in the Division 1 Section
"Building Assemblies Co1nmissioning Require- Docu,nents referenced in paragraph belO\v should be
ments." prepared during sche111atic design phase or earlier and updated as
design progresses. They should be provided to contractor when the
con1n1issioning process is in1plen1ented on Project.

This Specification Section was written in cooperation with

B. OPR and BoD doctunentation are included by reference
Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM), who are the
for infonnation only.
exclusive publishers and distributors ofMASTERSPEC, a prod-
uct of the American Institute of Architects. IvfASTERSPEC 1.2 SUMMARY
Section OI 9113-General Commissioning Requirements-is
included in Guideline Oby special agreen1ent between ASHRAE
A. This Section includes general requirements that apply to
implementation of the comn1issioning process without
L4.1 The section includes boxed notes that are instructions to regard to specific systems, assemblies, and components.
guide specifiers during editing of the specifications for a project.
B. Related Sections include the following:
L4.2 The section includes optional text in boldface font and
square brackets (e.g., [optional text]). These optional text List belo,v only requirements that the reader might expect to
ite1ns include text that often occurs and provides an easy way find in this Section but are specified else,vbere. The first four and
to include these require1nents in the 1naster for consideration the last three subparagraphs are not yet available in MASTER-
for each project. SPEC but should be written and included if total building co,runis-
sioning is implemented.
L4.3 The section includes insert instructions in boldface font
and angle brackets ( e.g., <Insert instructions>). These
instructions are placed ,vhere text 1nust be inserted and pro- 1. Division 01 Section "Facility Substructure Co1runission-
vide so1ne guidance about the nature of the text that 1nust be ing" for co1n1nissioning process activities for foundations
inserted. Insert instructions are used when there are an infinite and base1nent syste1ns and asse1nblies.

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Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013
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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Add itional reproduction, distribution,
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2. Division OI Section "Facility Shell Co1nmissioning" for D. OPR: 0\vner's Project Requirements. A document, pre-
co1nmissioning process activities for superstructure, exte- pared by Owner, that details the functional requirements
rior enclosure, and roofing syste1ns and assemblies. of Project and expectations of how it \viii be used and
3 . Division 01 Section "Interiors Com1nissioning" for operated. This document includes Project goals, measur-
commissioning process activities for interior construction, able perforn1ance criteria, cost considerations, bench-
stair,vays, and interior finishes systems and assemblies. 1narks, success criteria, and supporting infonnation.
4. Division 14 Section "Commissioning of Conveying E. Syste1ns, Asse1nblies, Equipment, and Components:
Equipment" for commissioning process activities for Where these tenns are used together or separately, they
dumb,vaiters, elevators, escalators and moving walks, shall ,nean "as-built" systems, asse,nblies, equipment,
lifts, turntables, and scaffolding systems, assemblies, and components.
equipment, and coinponents.
5. Division 21 Section "Co1n1nissioning of Fire Suppres- I .4 COMMISSIONING TEAM
sion" for com1nissioning process activities for fire
A. Members Appointed by Contractor(s): Individuals, each
suppression syste1ns, asse1nblies, equiptnent, and cotnpo-
having authority to act on behalf of the entity he or she
represents, explicitly organized to implement the co1nmis-
6. Division 22 Section "Comtnissioning of Phunbing" for
sioning process through coordinated actions. The co1nmis-
cotnmissioning process activities for plumbing syste,ns,
sioning tea1n shall consist of, but not be limited to,
asse,nblies, equip1nent, and components.
representatives of [each ]contractor, including Project
7. Division 23 Section "Co1runissioning of HVAC&R" for superintendent and subcontractors, installers, suppliers,
co1n1nissioning process activities for co1n1nissioning heat- and specialists dee1ned appropriate by the CxA.
ing, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration B. Me1nbers Appointed by Owner:
syste1ns, asse,nblies, equip,nent and co,nponents.
8. Division 25 Section "Co1n1nissioning of Integrated Auto- I. CxA: An entity identified by the Owner \vho leads,
1nation" for co1runissioning process activities for co1runis- plans, schedules, and coordinates the co1nmissioning
sioning integrated auto1nation syste1ns, asse1nblies, tea,n to in1plen1ent the con1missioning process.
equip1nent and co1nponents. Owner \viii engage the CxA under a separate contract.
9. Division 26 Section "Con11nissioning of Electrical" for 2. Representatives of the facility user and operation and
co1nmissioning process activities for electrical systen1s, 1naintenance personnel.
assen1blies, equip1nent, and co1nponents. 3. Architect and engineering design professionals.
I 0. Division 27 Section "Corrunissioning of Co1nmunica-
tions" for commissioning process activities for communi- 1.5 OWNER 'S RESPONSIBILITIES
cation syste1ns, assemblies, equipn1ent, and co1nponents.
I I. Division 28 Section "Con11nissioning of Electronic Safety A. Provide the OPR doctunentation to the CxA and
and Security" for com111issioning process activities for [each ]contractor for infonnation and use.
electronic safety and security syste1ns, assen1blies, equip- B. Assign operation and n1aintenance personnel and sched-
1nent, and components. ule the1n to participate in co1nmissioning tean1 activities.
I 2. Division 33 Section "Commissioning of Utilities" for
commissioning process activities for water, wells, sanitary Coordinate activities specified in paragraph below with
Owner-Architect and Architect-Consultant agreen1ents.
sewerage, storm drainage, fuel distribution, hydronic and
steam energy, electrical, and co1nmunications utilities
systems, assemblies, equipment, and co1nponents. C. Provide the BoD doctunents, prepared by Architect and
approved by 0\vner, to the CxA and [each ]contractor for
1.3 DEFINITIONS use in developing the commissioning plan, syste,ns ,nan-
ual, and operation and ,naintenance training plan.
Retain acronyn1s, abbreviations, and tenns belovv that remain
after this Section has been edited.

Coordinate this Article vvith require,nents specified in Divi-

A. BoD: Basis of Design. A doctunent, prepared by Archi- sion O1 Section "Su,n,nary of Multiple Contracts" for Project
tect, that records concepts, calculations, decisions, and Coordinator's responsibilities.
product selections used to meet the OPR and to satisfy
applicable regulatory require,nents, standards, and 1:,11.1ide- A. [Each ]contractor and their subcontractors shall assign
lines. The document includes both narrative descriptions representatives \Vith expertise and authority to act on their
and lists of individual ite,ns that suppo1t the design pro- behalf and schedule them to participate in and perform
cess. comm1ss1on1ng process activities including, but not
B. Cx Plan: A doctunent, prepared by CxA, that outlines the li1nited to, the following:
organization, schedule, allocation of resources, and docu-
rnentation require1nents of the co1n1nissioning process. I. Evaluate perfonnance deficiencies identified in test
C. CxA: Co1n1nissioning Authority. reports and, in collaboration with entity responsible

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for syste1n and equip1nent installation, reco1111nend C. Convene co1nrnissioning team n1eetings.
corrective action.
2. Cooperate ,vith the CxA for resolution of issues D. Provide project-specific constn1ction checklists and com-
recorded in "Issues and Resolution Log." tnissioning process test procedw·es.
3. Attend and participate in co1nrnissioning tea1n meet- E. Verify the execution of commissioning process activities
ings held [\\ eekly] [bi\\'eekly] [monthly] [variable]
using random sampling. The sampling rate may vary
<Insert frequency> . from 1 to I 00 percent. Verification will include, but is not
4. Integrate and coordinate con1mission1ng process limited to, equip1nent sub1nittals, construction checklists,
activities with construction schedule. training, operating and maintenance data, tests, and test
5. Revie,v and accept construction checklists provided reports to verify compliance with the OPR.. When a ran-
by the comn1issioning authority. dom sa1nple does not 1neet the requirement, CxA ,~1ill
6. Con1plete [paper] [electronic] construction check- report the failure in the "Issues and Resolution Log."
lists as Work is con1pleted and provide to the con1mis- F. Prepare and 1naintain issues log.
sioning authority on a [daily] [\\'eekly],<Insert
G. Prepare and maintain completed constn,ction checklist
frequency> . basis.
7. Revie,v and accept co1nrnissioning process test proce- log.
dures provided by the co1nrnissioning authority. H. Witness syste,ns, asse,nblies, equip,nent, and co,nponent
8. Acco1nplish con11nissioning process test procedures. startup.
I. Compile test data, inspection reports, and ce11ificates and
1.7 CxA'S RESPONSIBILITIES include the,n in the systems manual and co1n1nissioning
process report.
Include CxA responsibilities in th is Article that have i1npact
on contractor activities and responsibilities. PART 2-PRODUCTS (NOT USED)
A. Organize and lead the co1111nissioning team.
B. Provide co1nrnissioning plan. END OF SECTION 01 9113

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- Construction checklists consist of two types:
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for
a. Component/Equipment Based. These construction
conformance to the guideline.)
checklists are used for co1nponents and pieces of equip-
1nent that are delivered, installed, and started up during
INFORMATIVE ANNEX M construction. There is an individual checklist for each
CONSTRUCTION CHECKLISTS individual component or piece of equipment.
This annex provides an exa1nple of ho,v to implement b. System/Assembly Based. These construction checklists
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive are used for systems and asse1nblies ,vhere separate
representation or a best practice exan1ple. Practitioners apply- checklists cannot be applied to subco1nponents of the sys-
ing the Cx Process should carefully follo,v Guideline O and tem or assembly. There is a single checklist for the entire
applicable comn1issioning technical guidelines tailored to syste1n.
their specific projects. The following provides a generic structure to follow for the
development of construction checklists for any equipment,
M1 . OVERVIEW co1nponent, syste1n, or assembly.


TAG ID: _ __

l . This fonn is to be completed as the work is completed on [insert equipment/component name].
2. Co1nplete Section I-Model verification on delivery of equip1nent/component to either the job site or storage location.
3. Co1nplete Section 2-Preinstallation checks just prior to initial installation.
4. Co1nplete Section 3- Installation as installation progresses.
5. Fill in data, circle item, and initial as indicated.


Specified Submitted Installed

[list ite111s to check, such as 1nake, 111odel, and size]

The following 1nust be co1npleted on delivery of equip1nent/co1nponent to the work site.

Contractor Initial CxA

2A Physical Checks
[insert physical checks to be verified prior to installation, Yes/No
such as "free of dainage" and cleanliness]
2B Component Verification
[insert con1ponent checks to be verified prior to installation, Yes/No
such as location and type of con1ponents]

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The following ite1ns need to be verified during installation. Fill in blanks with check, specific information, or circle "yes" or
"no." For any negative responses, complete Section 4.

Contractor Initials CxA

3A [insert title of major installation step]
[insert iten1s to verify as installation step is accon1plished] Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
3B [insert title of major installation step]
[insert iten1s to verify as installation step is accon1plished] Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
3C [insert title of major installation step]
[insert iten1s to verify as installation step is accon1plished] Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
3D [insert title of major installation step]
[insert iten1s to verify as installation step is accon1plished] Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
3E [insert title of major installation step]
[insert iten1s to verify as installation step is accon1plished] Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No


Item Reason for Negative Response Resolution

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1. This form is to be con1pleted daily by each [insert system/assen1bly nan1e] work crew at the end of its shift.
2. Date and describe work completed in the appropriate section (I for preinstallation and 2 for installation).
3. Verify achieven1ent of quality requirements by circling "Yes" or "No." For negative responses, complete Section 3.
4. Initial.


Description of Items (see descriptions below)

\.Vork Percent
D ate Perfo1·med [I nse11 Title A J [Inse11 Title BJ [Insert Title CJ [Insert Title DJ [Insert Title E) Complete Initial

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
: Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
' Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No






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Description of Items (see descriptions belon')

Work Dran·ings Pe1·cent
Date Performed [I nse11 Title F] [insert Title G) [insert Title HJ [insert Title IJ Updated? Complete Initial

Yes / No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Yes / No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes/No Yes/No Yes / No Yes / No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes /No Yes/No Yes /No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes /No Yes/No Yes /No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes /No Yes/No Yes /No






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or transmission in eit her print or digital form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.


Date Description of Conflict Suggested Resolution Resolved?

Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No

+4 • • • .,. . . . . . . . . . .

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(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- 7, etc., for each remaining area. This selection is accon1-
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for plished typically using the architectural sheets.
conformance to the guideline.) b. Select RevieH' Sa,nples on Dra1vings: Using the sampling
strategy chosen in Step I, mark the san1ple areas to be
INFORMATIVE ANNEX N reviewed in each area. This should be acco1nplished for
QUALITY-BASED SAMPLING EXAMPLES each trade (landscaping, architectural, structural, plun1b-
This annex provides an exa1nple of how to i1nple1nent ing, mechanical, electrical, etc.).
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a co1nprehensive c. Acco111plish Coordination Revie1,v: For each area, co1npare
representation or a best practice exa1nple. Practitioners apply- the squares between each discipline. The intent of this
ing the Cx Process should carefully follow Guideline O and review is to identify coordination proble1ns with the
applicable co1111nissioning technical guidelines tailored to placen1ent and installation of co1nponents. Iten1s of spe-
their specific projects. cific interest include the follo,ving:
l. Place1nent of 1nultiple pieces of equipn1ent/co1npo-
N1. DESIGN-PHASE SUBMISSIONS nents in the same location
A critical step in the Cx Process is the revie,v of the 2. Accessibility to equipment/components for n1ainte-
design sub1nissions from the design professionals. It is i1npor- nance/replacen1ent
tant to re1ne1nber that the role of the CxA is to verify that the
3. Use of consistent terminology (e.g., room nu1nbers)
OPR is met and that the system is designed in a quality rnan-
ner. There are three distinct reviews that are cornpleted on a 4. Elevations provided where multiple syste1ns are
drawing set: general, coordination, and field specific. A placed in the same area
review of the specifications is also required. The general steps 5. Other trade duties clearly identified (e.g., electric wir-
of cornpleting a dra,ving revie,v are as follo\,vs: ing for HVAC equip1nent, holes for sinks)
Nl.l General Revie"' If significant coordination problems are identified, stop
a. Reviei,v the OPR: Since the drawing revie,,., is to verify the review and contact the design professionals to discuss. If
that the OPR is met, prior to the review, the OPR should the coordination is good, continue on ,vith the Field-Specific
be reviewed to familiarize the revie\,ver with the key crite- Review.
ria of the facility. Nl .3 Field-Specific Revien,
b. Docu,nent the General Revielv Criteria: The criteria from
which to acco1nplish the general review of the sub1nission a. Deter,nine the Revie,,v Sa,npling Procedure: Use rando1n
must be docu1nented. The criteria should be based on gen- srunpling that selects every xth square on the drawings to
eral quality characteristics and specific OPR criteria. The be verified. Squares that are co1npletely blank (no walls,
general quality characteristics should include ite1ns such equip1nent, etc.) are not included in the counting. For
as the following: exa1nple, if there are l O pages of drawings and each draw-
ing is split into 15 grids (5 x 3), there will be 150 potential
1. Continuation of items (ductwork, pipes, etc.) from
grids to review. If a 20% sa1nple rate is desired, then 30
page to page
grids would be reviewed, or every 5 grids. The starting
2. Labeling, including correct roo1n nu1nbering grid should be chosen using a rando1n selection process
3. Details corresponding to actual components (die, 1-6 in a hat, etc.).
4. Schedules including BoD information b. Docu,nent Revielv Criteria: The criteria fro1n which to
5. All information legible (not hidden by crossing lines review the drawings should be based on specific OPR cri-
or text) teria. This typically includes ite1ns such as accessibility,
1naintainability, 1neeting sustainability goals, co1nfort con-
6. OPR information is included on dra,,vings
ditions, docu1nentation of OPR and BoD, and operating
c. Acco111plish Quick General Revie1v: The general revie\v is
intended to familiarize the revie,ver with the sub1nission.
If, during this revie,v, significant iten1s are identified as of c. Select Reviei,v Sa,nples on Draivings: Using the sa1npling
poor quality, then the revie,v process should be stopped strategy chosen in Step I, 1nark the sa1nple areas to be
and the design professionals contacted to discuss the qual- reviewed.
ity concen1s. If the general quality is good, 1nove on to the d. Acco,nplish Detailed Statistical Revieiv: Using the review
Coordination Review. criteria fro1n Step 2 and the selections fro1n Step 3,
accomplish a detailed review of the drawings. This
Nl.2 Coordination Revie,v includes verifying that the specifications 1natch those
a. Deter,nine Sa,npling Areas: For each floor plan area (i.e., shown on the drawings (see below for specification review
if there are five sheets for each floor, then there are five details). For exa1nple, if a VAV box is in the selected
'' floor plan areas for each floor) select a single I O x I O in. square, the steps in acco1nplishing the detailed review
:.(250 x 250 nun) square rando1nly. A si1nple way to do this 1night include the following:
: is to divide the drawing sheet into 15 squares (5 x 3) and I. Revie,,., design calculation inputs for 1natching archi-
tectural assu1nptions and the OPR .
.' select square nun1ber 3 on the first sheet (area) and then 5,
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Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013
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2. Co1npare calculation results with the total airflow of reviews all subn1ittals against the contract docu1nents (specifi-
the diffusers downstrea,n of the VAY box and with the cations), the CxA con1pares a sample (typically 5%-10%) of
VAY box schedule. a submittal against the OPR and BoD. This different approach
3. Co1npare location of VAY box with n1aintenance is due to the fact that the con11nissioning process role is to
requirements of the selected make and model (BoD). verify achieve1nent of the OPR using quality tools.
4. Co1npare VAY box location on dra,vings with require- The following are general guidelines for implementing
ments in the specifications. quality based sa,npling on contractor submittals:
5. Revie,v the OPR for other issues that the VAY box a. Sub1nittal Received: Verify submittal falls ,vithin co1nmis-
could impact. s1on1ng process scope.
e. Docu,nent Concerns: During the review of the dra,vings b. Select Sample for .Review
keep detailed notes of problems found or concerns with I. Single/Few (< I 0) Components: Choose every xth patt
certain items. AJso, at the end of the review, a general of the submittal- for example, for a I 0-page subtnit-
sum1nary of the quality of the drawings should be devel- tal, to get a I 0% sample, divide each page into 6 parts
oped. A. letter detailing the quality of the drawings should and select evety I 0th block (resulting in 6 blocks to
then be sent to the design professionals and the o,\1ner check).
with specific recomn1endations and directions given. 2. Multiple Co,nponents: choose every yth co1nponent
f. Revie1v the Dra111ing Reviei,v Procedure: After the dra,ving (typically 20%- 30% of co1nponents) and then divide
review is completed, this document should be reviewed and select blocks as detailed above for "Single/Few
and modified to improve the process for the next time. (< I 0) Co1nponents."
Nl.4 Specification Revie"' c. Acco,nplish Review: For each sa,nple block, review infor-
1nation contained against the OPR and BoD. Identify dis-
a. Detertnine the Revie1v Sa,npling Procedure: The purpose continuities.
of this revie\.v is to detennine the general quality of the
d. Results: Docu,nent results of the review. Typically, if con-
specifications. During the Field-Specific Review, the
sistent issues are identified, the general quality of the sub-
actual details are checked. The satnpling procedure should
tnittal to achieve the OPR is lacking and the
check approxirnately I 0% of the specifications. The easi-
reco1n1nendation provided to the design professional
est way of doing this is to check every xth page of the
should be to reject the sub1nittal. In the CxA write-up, it is
specifications (i.e., if there are I 00 pages, check every
i1nportant to state that a sa1npling approach was used to
I 0th page).
avoid having the design professional or others assun1e that
b. A.cco,nplish General Revie1-v: The revie,¥ should focus on the CxA reviewed everything.
the quality of the specification, specifically as follo,¥s:
I . Are there extraneous sections that do not pertain to the N3. CONSTRUCTION-PHASE TESTS
project (i.e., medical gas in an office building, 15 types AND VERIFICATIONS
of valves when only 2 used, etc.)?
The role of accomplishing site visits and com1nissioning
2. If a rnanufacturer has been listed, has the engineer process tests is the ongoing verification of OPR achievement.
checked to verify that the OPR is met? Because the contractor is responsible for 100% construction
3. Are there any "or as equals"? ("As equal" should and checking of work, the co1nmissioning process utilizes a
ahvays be defined) sampling strategy in accomplishing verifications and tests.
4. Are the directions clear and concise?
a. Construction Checklist Verifications: Dw·ing site visits,
c. Develop Sumtnaty qf Reviei-v-Develop a surnmary of the
the cotnpleted constn1ction checklists are verified (typi-
revie\.v. If there are problerns with the specifications, con-
cally 2o/o -l 0%). The follo\ving is general guidance for
tact the design professionals and discuss.
selecting and verifying constn1ction checklists.
Nl .5 Design Professional Actions. Comtnents provided by I. Identify completed construction checklists: Identify
the CxA should be formally replied to by the design profes- the constn1ction checklists that have been cornpleted
sionals. If systemic issues are identified during the CxA's since the last site visit.
review, the design process should be stopped and the issues 2. Select Sa1nple: Depending on the pace of construction
resolved. It is expected at the next subtnission that the CxA and the size of the project, the ntunber of new con-
will again use rando1n sa1npling that will result in a review of stn1ction checklists can vary widely. The following is
different areas on the drawings and the specifications and that a general guide for sa1nple rates based on the nuinber
will identify whether the syste1nic issue has been resolved. of ne,,., construction checklists. Please note that this is
Back-checking of the specific ite,ns ,nay be appropriate, but not 1neant to be used directly for your project due to
not as the sole 1neans of verifying resolution of the issue. the 1nany variables in detennining acceptable sa,nple
rates and owner input. Rando1nly select the constn1c-
N2. CONTRACTOR PHASE SUBMISSIONS tion checklists to be verified. Note that you often want
The focus of the review of contractor sub1nittals by the to sa1nple si,nilar co1nponents as a group so that if
CxA during construction is different frotn that accotnplished there is only I or 2 of a particular component, it is not
by the design professional. Whereas the design professional 1nissed. Because the sa1npling rate is lo,,.,er for these

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# Nen· Constru ction Cbecklists Overall Sample Rate Component Sample Rate

1-10 100% 70%-100%

11-20 80% 50°/cr-70°/o

21-50 50% 30o/cr-50%

51-100 30% 15°/cr-30%

> 100 2-20% 2%-10%

than for other components, you can con1pare results This process approach then utilizes san1pling to bet-
between sin1ilar con1ponents more easily. ter evaluate achieven1ent of the OPR as the sampling
3. Accomplish Verification: For the chosen sa1nple, coin- allows for 1nore in-depth testing as well as analysis of the
pare the completed construction checklist to the actual results.
installation. Pay particular attention to con11non OPR, The same sampling approach used for construction
such as accessibility, maintainability and future instal- checklists can be used for Cx Process tests. The differ-
lation steps. Also, verify the record drawings ,vith the ence is that instead of using completed construction
actual installation. checklists as the sampling group, the focus of the test is
b. Cx Process Tests: The preparation for the Cx Process the selection group. For exa,nple, the following are
Tests includes all of the activities co1npleted during Prede- potential selection groups for their OPR:
sign, Design, and Construction Phases, including design 1. Con1fort: The individual roo1ns/spaces in the building
reviews, submittal reviews, construction checklist verifi-
cations, and verification of contractor co1npleted tests and 2. Exterior Enclosure: The individual components or
syste1n startup. Therefore, the role of the Cx Process tests assembly types, or each interface bet\,veen compo-
is to provide the final report card for the project, ,vith the nents/assemblies
expectation of getting an A+. 3. Energy: Energy-using con1ponents

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Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013
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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Add itional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digita l form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- with their contact infonnation should be included in
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for this section.
conformance to the guideline.) 2. OPR (facility level). A copy of the final OPR for the
facility is included in this section. This docurnent ,vas
INFORMATIVE ANNEX 0 initially developed during the Predesign Phase and
SYSTEMS MANUAL was updated throughout the project by the Owner,
This annex provides an exan1ple of ho,v to implement CxA, or design professionals.
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a comprehensive 3. Basis of Design (facility level). This section includes
representation or a best practice exatnple. Practitioners apply- the final BoD document at a facility level. This docu-
ing the Cx Process should carefully follow Guideline O and ment is \.vritten by the design professionals during the
applicable comn1issioning technical guidelines tailored to Design Phase and is updated by the1n to include any
their specific projects. changes during the Construction Phase.
Developing the systems manual encompasses gathering 4. Construction record documents and specifications
all of the infonnation related to the syste1ns, assetnblies, and (not included in specific systems sections). This sec-
the Cx Process and incorporating it into a usable information tion includes eletnents of the record set of construction
resource with indexes and cross-references. This resource docurnents (including specifications) that are not cov-
shall include the final OPR, BoD, the final Cx Plan, Cx Pro- ered under specific syste1ns -updated to reflect the
cess Report, 1nanufacturer installation rnanuals, manufacturer final installation.
operations and 1naintenance rnanuals, system schetnatics, ver- 5. Approved submittals (not included in specific sys-
ified record drawings, and test results. This infonnation is tem sections). This section includes a copy of the
edited and organized to focus on the key systems (roofing, approved submittals (not included under specific sys-
walls, fire alarm, chilled ,vater, hot ,vater, etc.) in the building. te1ns) with all field modifications and accessories
Coordination with operations and 1naintenance personnel in clearly 1narked. In addition, the co1n1nents frotn origi-
developing standard fonnats and divisions (shops) is accotn- nal sub1nittals shall be included.
plished to si1nplify future syste1ns 1nanual development.
6. Facility operating procedures for all normal,
Also included in the systems 1nanual is the develop1nent abnormal, and emergency modes of operation
of periodic maintenance and information for insertion into a (facility level). This section includes detailed operat-
computer maintenance management systetn (CMMS), includ- ing procedures for the facility during nonnal, abnor-
ing equip1nent 1nake and 1nodel infonnation, checking 1nal, and etnergency ,nodes of operation. This is not
requirements, 1naintenance requirements, and troubleshooting intended to be auto1natic control sequences, but gen-
ite1ns. eral operating procedures. This would include items
The CxA shall be responsible for verifying the develop- such as building access during various situations (nor-
1nent of the syste1ns 1nanual. mal operation, after-hours operation, fire alann, civil
The entity responsible for developing the syste1ns 1nanual disturbance operation, emergency power operations,
shall include all items involved in the project and capture the etc.).
system and assembly data in either an electronic or printed 7. A list of recommended operational record keeping
version. In addition, printed operations, service, 1naintenance, procedures at the facility level, including sample
spare parts list, and repair 1nanuals 1nay be provided. This fo rms, trend logs, or others, and a rationale tor each.
entity ( owner, contractor, design professional, other) shall This section includes direction to the operation and
have the skills of design, construction, and operations maintenance personnel as to ,vhat infonnation needs to
required to develop a cohesive systems manual. be documented and kept on the operation of the facility
The required details for a full systems manual are and why these records are important or will benefit the
enhanced in each of the technical Cx Process guidelines. The Owner or operations and maintenance personnel in the
syste1ns 1nanual will have 1nultiple sections depending on the future.
nu,nber of syste1ns focused on during the Cx Process. The
8. Maintenance procedures, schedules, and recom-
systems manual ,viii include a detailed table of contents ,vith
mendations (facility level). This section includes the
a notation as to resource storage location if not in the actual
n1anufacturer's recon1mendations for n1aintenance pro-
manual. The follo\.ving outline is a recomtnended fonnat:
cedures and ,vhen maintenance should be perfonned
a. General on syste1ns not included in specific system sections.
l. Executive summary (facility level). This section 9. Ongoing optimization (facility level). This section
includes an overall description of the building and its includes guidance for the ongoing opti1nization of the
systems, including a listing of 1najor capabilities and facility. Included in the section are schedules of peri-
li1nitations i1nposed by the design or building code. odic benchmarking using checklists and tests devel-
The description should include type of facility, general oped for the original construction, procedures for
description (number of floors, gross area, net area, maintaining the OPR and BoD doctunents, and l,'llid-
type of occupancy, etc.), and general system descrip- ance on what to do when the OPR is not met.
tions. A list of contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, I 0. Attachments. Cx docu1nents listing and storage loca-
architects, and engineers involved in the project along tion.
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[The jol/01ving section is co,npleted for each syste111 or procedures for xxx syste1ns/asse1nblies during normal,
asse111bly requiring operation and 111aintenance.} abnorn1al, and e1nergency 1nodes of operation. This is
not intended to be automatic control sequences, but
b. xxx System/Assembly general operating procedures.
l. Executive summary (xxx System/Assembly). This 7. A list of recommended ope1·ational record-keeping
section includes a description of the systems/asse1n- procedures, including sample forms, trend logs, or
blies covered in this section, including a listing of others, and a rationale for each (xxx System/
capabilities and lin1itations imposed by the design or Assembly). This section includes direction to the
building code. The description should include type of operations and maintenance personnel as to ,vhat
system/asse1nbly, general description, and schemat- infom1ation needs to be docwnented and kept on the
ics. A list of contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, operation of the syste1ns and why these records are
and design professionals involved with this system important or will benefit the Owner or operations and
along with their contact infonnation should be maintenance personnel in the future .
included. 8. Maintenance procedures, schedules, and recom-
2. OPR (xxx System/Assembly level). A copy of the mendations (xxx System/Assembly). This section
final OPR dealing with thjs system/assembly is includes the manufacturer's recom1nendations for
included in this section. This document was initially maintenance procedures and ,vhen 111aintenance
developed during the Predesign Phase and was updated should be perfonned.
throughout the project by the O,vner, CxA, or design 9. Ongoing optimization (xxx System/Assembly). This
professionals. section includes guidance for the ongoing opti1niza-
3. Basis of Design (xxx System/Assembly level) . This tion of the systen1/asse1nbly. Included in the section
section includes the final BoD (including the design are schedules of periodic benchmarking using check-
intent) as related to the specific syste1n s included in lists and tests developed for the original construction,
this section. This docu1n ent is typically written by the procedures for 1naintaining the OPR and BoD docu-
design professionals during the Design Phase and is ments, and guidance on ,vhat to do when the OPR is
updated by the1n to include any changes during the not achieved.
Constn1ction Phase. I 0. Operations and maintenance manuals (xxx System/
4. Construction record documents and specifications Assembly). This section includes the manufacturer's
· (xxx System/ Assembly). This section includes the printed operations and 111aintenance 1nanuals for the
: record set of construction documents (including speci- specific equipment/con1ponents provided for the xxx
fications) that has been updated to reflect the final systen1/assen1bly. Also included is a parts and recon1-
installation of the specific system/asse1nbly included n1ended spare parts list, a troubleshooting guide for
in this section. comn1on situations, and one-line diagrams for each
5. Approved submittals (xxx System/Assembly). This applicable syste1n.
section includes a copy of the approved sub1nittals for 11. Training records (xxx System/ Assembly). This sec-
the components associated with the system/asse1nbly tion includes infonnation on training provided and
,vith all field 1nodifications and accessories clearly attendees. In addition, infonnation on ongoing train-
1narked. In addition, the com1nents fro1n original sub- ing shall be provided.
1nittals shall be included. 12. Cx Process Report for xxx System/Assembly. This
6. Operating procedures for all normal, abnormal, section includes the final Cx Process Report for the
and emergency modes of operation (xxx System/ xxx syste1n/assen1bly, including all test procedures,
Assembly) . This section includes detailed operating test results, and blank test forn1s .

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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Add itional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digita l form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this guideline. It is merely infor- A receipt ackno,vledging co1npletion of each ite1n of
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for instruction will be secured.
conformance to the guideline.) The training will be evaluated based on the criteria in the
attached evaluation fonn.
PI .3 Electrical Systems. The training shall include the fol -
This annex provides an exarnple of ho,v to implement
a. General familiarization and operating procedures for the
part of Guideline 0. It is not intended to be a co1nprehensive
entire electrical installation
representation or a best practice exatnple. Practitioners apply-
ing the Cx Process should carefully follo,v Guideline O and b. Routine 1naintenance procedures for equip1nent
applicable cornmissioning technical guidelines tailored to c. Specific operating and maintenance procedures for the
their specific projects. following:
This annex is a collection of various require1nents for I . Switchboards
training and identifies needs for the training manual. The
2. E1nergency po,ver supply syste1n
training manual includes the training plan, which is co1nposed
of the training syllabus and agenda that are provided to the 3. Fire alann system
contractor by the Owner with help from the CxA.. The train- Factory-trained technicians will provide operating and
ing 1nanual also contains the results of training, including the 1naintenance instn1ctions on the following:
training rnaterial and training evaluations completed by the
contractor. It is an exa1nple to provide direction, in that train-
ing needs vary substantially for each construction project or System/Equip1nent Mini,num Session Duration, h
ne,v building. The following is an exarnple of a training man-
En1ergency power supply system X
ual outline or syllabus ,vith a focus on electrical and n1echani-
cal systerns.
Fire a!ann systen1 X

P1. TRAINING SYLLABUS Lighting control systen1s X

Pl.l Overvie,v. This syllabus describes the objectives of the

S,vitchboards X
various sessions, lectures, and detnonstrations that form a part
of the training progran1 developed for the Do-It-Right Building. Medium voltage pad-mounted
s,vi tchgear X
PI .2 Sessions. There are two 1nain sessions on the electrical
systerns and hvo rnain sessions on the mechanical systems
that ,viii provide training to the OK Service personnel. The
Pl.4 Mechanical Systems. The training shall include the
first session ,viii be conducted at the tirne of start-up and
check-out and the second session ,viii be about two 1nonths
later. Sessions will be a 1nini1nwn ofhvo days duration for the a. General fa1niliarization \vith and operating procedures for
basics in each systetn and be conducted as specified below. the entire plumbing, laboratory gas, pure water, coin-
The sessions will be conducted at the site. pressed air, fuel, HVAC&R, and fire protection syste1ns
All training sessions will be visually recorded using installation.
either videotape (VHS format) or standard compact disk (CD) b. Routine rnaintenance procedures for equiptnent.
in PC format. The CD forn1at is desired for longevity and key- c. Specific operating and 1naintenance procedures for the
word searching. The sessions can be recorded on videotape following :
and then transferred to CDs. I. Hot-water syste1n consisting of boilers, putnps, con-
A training agenda in the fonnat enclosed will be provided trols, and hydronic specialties
for each session. This will be subtnitted three weeks prior to
2. Chilled-water systems consisting of chillers, cooling
the scheduled training session. All listed o,vner's representa-
towers, pwnps, controls, and hydronic Specialties
tives will sign this prior to proceeding with the training.
3. Auto1natic te1nperature control syste1n consisting of
A list of training topics that are appropriate for consider-
all associated hard,vare, software, and progratn logic,
ation are listed in the attached Training Agenda Topics list.
arranged by systems
The Comtnissioning Authority (CxA) will be notified of
4. Laboratory air-side control systen1 consisting of sup-
the scheduled training time and provided with a copy of the
ply, hood, and general exhaust valves, reheat coils, and
training 1naterial fifteen days prior to each training session.
room control panel
The CxA will review the material and share com1nents with
the Owner and the design professionals. If any aspects do not 5. Clean agent fire suppression systerns, including emer-
meet the requirernents of the specifications, this will be cotn- gency procedures, abort functions, and safety require-
municated through the design professionals. The CxA will ments
attend 25% or 1nore of the training sessions. 6. Laboratory hood exhaust air syste1n
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Factory-trained technicians \viii give instruction on the Pl.5 DDC System. There will be 1:\vo fonnal training ses-
following specialty systems and equipment: sions on the DDC system. Each of the sessions \viii be con-
ducted by factory-trained personnel for a n1ini1num duration
ofxx 8-hour days. Materials and training will be provided for
System/Equiprnent l\llinimurn Session Duration, h up to xx operators per session (selected by the 0 \vner).
There will be a separate training course provided on the
Variable-speed drives X
DDC syste1n for supervisory personnel. This training will
Chillers X briefly cover the material of the operator training session but
will be focused on the 1nore advanced features of the system
Automatic temperature X with e1nphasis on the energy conservation strategies and
controls reporting capabilities of the systen1 and how to implement
\Vater treatment systems X them. The training session will be conducted by factory-
trained personnel for a minin1u1n duration of xx 8-hour days,
Laboratory control systems X
for a total ofxx training hours. Materials and training will be
provided for up to xx persons selected by the Owner.

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Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013
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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Additional reproduction, distri but ion,
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Project: Do-It-R.igh t-\Vonderful Sk-y Building

Systems 1nanual; Evaluation Fonns; Record Forn1s; Specification Sections, Miscellaneous

Training JV[ate1·ial:
Manufacturer's Docu,nentation, Field Equipn1ent (for den1onstrations)


0 O&M Staff, 0 Supe rvisory Personnel
Intended audience type:
0 Laboratory Users 0 ________

General scope of tra in ing: D A . Overv ie,v 0 B . Intern1ediate 0 C. Deta iled

ID Instructor (Factory Trained) Company
1) -------------------------------------
2) -------------------------------------
3) -------------------------------------
5) -------------------------------------



Duration Instructor
Lectures/Demonsh ·ations Dates Location (h x freq*) ID(s)

Al En1ergency power supply syste n1 8x2

A2 F ire alann systen1 8x2
A3 Lighting control 4 x2
A4 s,.vitchboards 4 x2
AS Mediun1 voltage pad-1nounted S\vitchgear 4 x2
O&M procedures for clean agent fire s uppression systen1s,
A6 including e,nergency procedures, abort functions, and safety 4v2

Total duration of training (h) ..........................................................................> 64


Duration Instructo1·
Lectures/Demonstrations Dates Location (h x freq *) ID(s)

BI Variable speed drives 4 x2

B2 Chillers 4 x2
General fa1niliarization and operating procedures for plun1bing
B3 3x2

B4 \Yater treatn1e nt systen1s 2x2

Tota l dura tion of training (h) ·········································································> 26

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Duration Instructor
L ectures/Demonstrations Dates Location (h x freq*) ID(s)
Cl Laboratory control syste1ns 8 X 2*
C2 Auton1atic ten1perature controls IQ X 2*
C3 DDC systen1 operations (for up to xx operators) 32 X 2*
DDC systen1 e1nphasis on advanced features of systen1, energy
C4 conservation strategies, and reporting capabilities and ho1.v to 16 x I
in1plen1ent then, (for up to xx supervisors)

Total duration of training (h) ...........................................................................>

I 116
• Frequency is 2 formal training sessions as per spec. sections 15900, pg. 16, Part 2.1 , and 16800, pg. 5, Part 7.3. The first session shall be conducted at the
time of sta11-up and check-out and the second session shall be approximately 2 months later.

This Training Progran1 has been approved by the follo1.ving individuals, subject to any additions and clarifications noted.
(This is not an approval of training con1pletion.)

Do-It-Right, Inc. Representative Date

Cx Authority

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(Suggested Genera l Topics to Be Included)

Requested by
Suggested List of Subjects D-1-R, Inc.
Duration, h
1. Overview and description of the purposes of the syste111

Syste111 troubleshooting: description of diagnostic s tep-by-step procedures for detennining the source
of problems on the syste111 level; review technical service n1anual in detail

Co1nponent 1naintenance: instruction of required procedures for weekly, 111onthly, and annual
preventive checks and ti1nely repairs to preserve sys ten1 integrity

Con1ponent troubleshooting: description of d iagnostic procedures for determining the source of

proble1ns on the con1ponent level

5. Revie,.v of control drawings and schen1atics (have copies for attendees)

Startup, loading, norn1al operation, unloading, shutdo,vn, unoccupied operation, seasonal changeover,
etc., as applicable

7. Integral controls (packaged): progran11n ing, troubleshooting, alanns, 111anual operation

Build ing auton1ation systen1 (BAS) controls: progran11ning, troubles hooting, alanns, 111anual
operation, interface with integral controls

9. Interactions with other systen1s, operation during power outage and fire

I 0. Relevant health and safety issues and concerns and special safety features

I I. Energy-conserving operation and strategies

12. Any special issues to 1naintain warranty

Con1111on troubleshooting issues and 111ethods, control syste111 1.varnings and error 1nessages, including
using the control systen1 for diagnostics

14. Special requiren1ents of tenants for this equip1nent's function

15. Service, 1naintenance, and preventive 111aintenance (sources, spare parts inventory, special tools, etc.)

16. Question and answer period

Total hours requested

Total hours required by specifications

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Training Evaluation
Session: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date: - - - - - - Location: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Purpose: This fonn is used to evaluate each tra ining session. Based on this evaluation, later sessions can be i1nproved. This fonn ,.viii be
con1pleted by the CxA and one D-I-R e1np loyee in the training session after each session.
Every attendee fills out one copy of this fonn. Mark questions that are not app licable v,ith NIA.
I = \'ery \\'ell to 5 = not at all
I. Hovv 1.vere the obj ectives of th is training session ,net? 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
2. Do you know 1.vhere. the co1nponents/syste1ns are located? 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
.) . Do you know 1,vhat area the con1ponentslsysten1s are serving? 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
4. Do you understand the various types and purpose of these con1ponentslsyste1ns? 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
Do you understand/kno\v how to syste,natically troubleshoot con1n1on problen1s with
5. 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
these con1ponents/syste1ns?
6. Do you know how the co1nponents/syste1ns operate under all nonnal ,nodes? 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
Hovv ,.veil do you understand the i,nportance of 1neeting the design intent for the systems
7. 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
Are you able to efficiently find the relevant infonnation in the systen1s ,nanual to operate
8. 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
and 1naintain the syste1ns/co1nponents you \Vere tra ined for in thi s session?
Do you know how to perfonn the needed 1naintenance on the eq uip1nent and/or do you
9. 1 2 3 4 5 NIA
kno\v to get the infonnation you need?
10 Do you know ho\v to get updated technical service infonnation for the co1nponents/
1 2 3 4 5 NIA
Explain 1.vhy any questions got very low or very high ratings fro,n you:

What topics 1.vould you des ire to be covered that were absent fro,n th is training session?

You ,nay provide other co1n1nents concerning anything about th is training session (e.g., infonnation prior to training, con ten t):

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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Addit ional reproduction, distribution,
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(This appendix is not part of this guideline. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for con-
formance to the guideline. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE.)

ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013 incorporates ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005 and Addenda a, b, c, and d into ASHRAE Guideline
0-2013. Table Q-1 lists each addendum and describes the ,vay in ,vhich the guideline is affected by the change. It also lists the
ASHRAE approval dates for each addendum.

TABLE Q-1 Addenda to ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005

App1·oval Dates:
Addendum Section(s) Affected Description of Changes• • Standards Committee

This addendtun corrects an oversight in the guideline in that

Section requires that a sa1npling approach be utilized for
January 23, 20 10
a Sections 7 .2.9.1 and the Con1n1issioning Process Tests, but it was not referenced in
.'' January 27, 20 10
7 .2.9.1 or The added sentence in iten1 "d" directs the user
to include the san1pling strategy.

This addendun1 clarifies the n1ean ing of Section, ite1n a.

The current wording has caused confusion regarding what defin ing
the scope in this section entails, specifically v,hen the
January 23, 20 10
b Section 7 .2.12.3 Co1nn1ission ing Process is not being applied to an entire project.
January 27, 20 10
The revi sion clarifies how to define the scope of systems and
assen1bl ies that can be verified ,vhen the Co1n1nissioning Process
is not being applied to an entire project.

This addendun1 clarifies iten1 "b" of Section 7 .2.12.3. The current

January 23, 20 10
C Section 7 .2.12.3 wording i1nplies that you rando1nly select fro1n all sys ten1s, not
January 27, 20 10
just those that were identified in ite1n "a" of7.2. 12.3.

This addendun1 clarifies ,vhat the guideline 1neans by "qua lity-

based san1pling." Currently, Annex N only provides guidance for
the completion of design revie,.vs and does not address the other
Sections 7.2. 1.2, 7.2.7. 1, quality-based san1pling referenced in the n1ain body of the January 23, 20 10
d, and Annex N guideline. The changes described in this addendtun provide better January 27, 20 I 0
guidance on jttst what quality-based san1pling is in order to avoid
confusion by practitioners and owners and to avoid i1nproper
application of the guideline.
• These descriptions may not be complete and are provided for infonnation only.

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H • • • . .. • + • • • • • • • +•+

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This guideline is maintained under continuous ,naintenance procedures by a Standing Guideline Project Co,n,nittee (SGPC)
for \vhich the Standards Committee has established a documented progra,n for regular publication of addenda or revisions,
including procedw·es for ti,nely, docutnented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the guideline. SGPC con-
sideration will be given to proposed changes within 13 months of receipt by the manager of standards (MOS).

Proposed changes must be submitted to the MOS in the latest published format available from the MOS. However, the MOS
n1ay accept proposed changes in an earlier published forn1at if the MOS concludes that the differences are in1material to the
proposed change submittal. If the MOS concludes that a current form must be utilized, the proposer n1ay be given up to
20 additional days to resub1nit the proposed changes in the current format.



An electronic version of each change, which ,nust co,nply with the instn1ctions in the Notice and the Fonn, is the prefe1Ted
fonn of sub,nittal to ASHRAE Headquarters at the address shown below. The electronic fonnat facilitates both paper-based
and co1nputer-based processing. Sub1nittal in paper fonn is acceptable. The following instn1ctions apply to change proposals
sub1nitted in electronic fonn.

Use the appropriate file fonnat for your v,ord processor and save the file in either a recent version of Microsoft Word (pre-
ferred) or another co,runonly used word-processing progran1. Please save each change proposal file with a different na,ne (for
exa,nple, "propOl.doc," "prop02.doc," etc.). If supple1nental background docu1nents to support changes sub1nitted are
included, it is preferred that they also be in electronic fonn as word-processed or scanned docu1nents.

For files submitted attached to an e-mail, ASHRAE will accept an electronic signature (as a picture; * .tif, or * .wpg) on the
change submittal fonn as equivalent to the signature required on the change subn1ittal form to convey non-
exclusive copyright.

Submit an e-mail containing the change proposal files to:

Alternatively, mail paper versions to:

Manager of Standards
I 791 Tullie Circle, NE
Atlanta, GA 30329-2305

Or fax them to:

.A.ttn: Manager of Standards

The form and instructions for electronic sub,nittal ,nay be obtained fro1n the Standards section of ASHRAE's l-Io,ne
Page,, or by contacting a Standards Secretary via phone ( 404-636-8400), fax (404-321-5478), e-1nail
(, or ,nail (I 791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305).

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NOTE: Use a separate fonn for each com,nent. Sub,nittals (Microsoft Word preferred) may be attached to e-mail (preferred)
or submitted in paper by ,nail or fax to ASHRAE, Manager of Standards, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305.
E-,nail: change.proposal@ Fax: +1-404/321 -5478.

1. Submitter:


Address: City: State: Zip: Country:

Telephone: Fax: E-Mail:

I hereby grant ASH RAE the non-exclusive royalty rights, including non-exclusive rights in copyright, in ,ny proposals. I
understand that I acquire no rights in publication of the guideline in which my proposals in this or other analogous form is
used. 1 hereby attest that I have the authority and a,n empowered to grant this copyright release.

Sub,nitter's signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

All electro11ic subn,ittals 11111st have the jollo,vi11g state111e11t co111pleted:

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ASHRAE the non-exclusive royalty rights, including non-exclusive rights in copyright, in 1ny proposals. I understand that I
acquire no rights in publication of the l,'llideline in which my proposals in this or other analogous fonn is used. I hereby attest
that I have the authority and am etnpowered to grant this copyright release.

2. Number and year of guideline:

3. Page number and clause (section), subclause, or paragraph number:

4. I propose to: [ ] Change to read as follows [ ] Delete and substitute as follov.,s

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5. Proposed change:

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7. Will the proposed change increase the cost of engineering or construction? If yes, provide a brief explanation as
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Copyrighl ASHRAE Rev. 1-7-2013

Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE
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© ASHRAE ( For persona l use only. Add itional reproduction, dist ri bution,
or transmission in eit her print or digital form is not perm itted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.



ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members' activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment. ASHRAE's
members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and
components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, consistent with accepted
standards and the practical state of the art.
ASHRAE's short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the indoor and
outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by itself and other
responsible bodies.
As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee structure,
continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote those new
and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations.
Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the material is
systematically revised.
ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and will seek
out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and
The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the system's
intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.
ASHRAE's primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAE's scope
operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and energy
transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection should be made by
its members.

Copyrighl ASHRAE
Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE
No rep1oduciion or networking permitted wilhout license from IHS Nol for Resale
ASHRAE · 1791 Tullie Circle NE· Atlanta, GA 30329 ·

ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is an international building technology society with more than 50,000 members worldwide.
The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and
sustainability. Through research, standards writing, publishing, certification and continuing education, ASHRAE shapes
tomorrow's built environment today.

For more information or to become a member of ASHRAE, visit

To stay current with this and other ASHRAE standards and guidelines, visit

Visit the ASHRAE Bookstore

ASHRAE offers its standards and guidelines in print, as immediately downloadable PDFs, on CD-ROM, and via ASHRAE
Digital Collections, which provides online access with automatic updates as well as historical versions of publications.
Selected standards are also offered in redline versions that indicate the changes made between the active standard and
its previous version. For more information, visit the Standards and Guidelines section of the ASHRAE Bookstore at


To ensure that you have all of the approved addenda, errata, and interpretations for this '
standard, visit to download them free of charge.
Addenda, errata, and interpretations for ASHRAE standards and guidelines are no
longer distributed with copies of the standards and guidelines. ASHRAE provides
these addenda, errata, and interpretations only in electronic form to promote
more sustainable use of resources.

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Provided by IHS under license with ASH RAE
No rep1oduciion or networking permitted wilhout license from IHS Nol for Resale

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