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INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT CASE STUDY -3 BEYOND THE FOOTBALL: GOING AHEAD TO GROW THE RELATIONSHIP WITH FANS AND ENTERTAINMENT ENTHUSIASTS - Case Summary Indeed, the Club masterfully anticipated changes in the market, as it undertook a growth process aimed at expanding its horizons beyond the football pitch, to become an entity with the potential to contribute to the everyday lives of us all. This long-term project was boosted by the creation of its marketing story LIVE AHEADTM, and puts Juventus at the forefront of a change of tack that is revolutionising the sector. As part of this process, the new identity has a key role: to represent in an unmistakable and utterly distinctive way the DNA of Juventus, and its values of football tradition, excellence and ambition, through a new, transversal language. The logo the universal expression of the Club's very essence through the initial J, the stripes of the jersey and the shield is not just a symbol of allegiance to a soccer team: itis a lifestyle based on passion, on the courage to always look ahead and persevere, something that the various communities of football fans around the world all have in common. It is a common thread that links together the brand's roots with the limitless opportunities for future projects and activities in which football will always be the origin, but not the limit. LIVE AHEADTM completes and articulates the approach the brand has always had in all of its activities and communication, its wish to always be a leader with the ability to set new standards and point its peers in the right direction; but at the same time, it's a message that fans can identify with and trust. The role of storytelling used on the Club's media channels is aimed at bringing together the global community of fans, enthusiasts, and brand lovers beneath a sole common denominator, represented by the brand's values. The brand's new trajectory has allowed the Club to revise all of its points of con- tact in a substantial yet credible way. This also enabled the Club to build outstanding collaborations such as the one it signed in November 2019 with Adidas and Palace for a capsule collection (which sold out on its first day of sales), redefining the benchmark for style in Italian and international football. Today, Juventus is one of the leading brands in the sports-entertainment industry; and it legitimately aspires to go beyond that sphere, to become a fully fledged global love mark (in June 2020 Juventus became the Italian brand with the highest number of followers on Instagram). - SWOT Analysi 1, STRENGTHS The club has a large fan base across the world This provides a vast opportunity to tap into the market and expand the brand. The club has a strong online presence with a large number of followers on social media platforms. This gives the club a big opportunity to connect with the fans and promote the brand. The club has a rich history and tradition. This gives the club a strong identity which the fans can identify with. paogse 2. WEAKNESSES The club does not have a strong presence in Asia. This is a huge market which the club needs to tap into. The club’s fans are not very well-educated, This limits the club’s ability to connect with the fans and promote the brand. aooe 3. OPPORTUNITIES a. The club has a big opportunity to connect with the fans and promote the brand. b. The club has a big opportunity to tap into the Asian market c. The club has a big opportunity to connect with the fans and promote the brand through social media. 4. Threats The sports industry is cyclical in nature Rising costs of sports rights Threat of new entrant Intense competition eoce - Questions Que.1 Why should a sports brand transcend its own sector? Ans.1 There are a few reasons why a sports brand might want to transcend its own sector. First, by appealing to a wider audience, the brand can increase its customer base and sales. Second, by positioning itself as a lifestyle brand, the brand can charge premium prices for its products. Finally, by transcending its sector, the brand can build a more emotional connection with its customers, who may view the brand as aspiration There are many reasons why a sports brand might want to transcend its own sector. For one, it may want to become a more well-rounded company that offers products and services beyond just sports. Additionally, a sports brand may want to tap into new markets and segments that are outside of the sports world. Doing so could help the brand to grow its customer base and expand its reach. Finally, a sports brand may want to transcend its own sector in order to better compete against other companies, both inside and outside of the sports industry. By becoming a more well-rounded company, a sports brand can better position itself to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. Que.2 How must football fans’ loyalty be won and revived? Ans.2 Winning over football fans can be a challenge, but it’s important to remember that they are just like any other group of people — they want to be respected, they want to feel like they are a part of something, and they want to feel like their team is winning. Here are a few ways to win over football fans: 1, Show them respect. Football fans are passionate about their teams, and they can be very protective of them. It's important to show them respect if you want to win them over. Make them feel like they are a part of something, Football fans want to feel like they are a part of something larger than themselves. Make them feel like they are part of a community, and they will be more likely to support you Make sure your team is winning. Fans want to see their team winning, If your team is doing well, football fans will be more likely to support you Que.3 How can we credibly champion and leverage a Club’s identity to extend beyond the sports sector? Ans.3 The evolution of football clubs Football clubs are now a multi-industry business. They are multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional companies - far from the single-sport world of their youth. As the business of the football club has evolved, so too has the football club's brand. The football club brand has evolved from being simply a logo and a name to becoming a living, breathing entity. It is a brand that is now about people and culture as well as about the product. We are continually developing our Club expertise as we work with our client teams and agencies to secure partnerships such as the recent Coca-Cola and Emirates announcements. We're also working with leading digital and social agencies to help our clients make the best use of digital and social media. Strategic partnerships We work with Clubs on their long-term partnerships, as well as identifying new opportunities that they may not have considered. For example, we worked with Manchester City to identify and secure a brand partnership with Nike, as well as multiple partnerships with a range of brands in the United Arab Emirates, including Emirates Airlines and Dubai Sports City. Digital and social media We've worked with Clubs to develop digital and social media strategies and to help Que.4 What can football learn from other sectors, and which sectors might learn from the football category? Ans.4 There is a lot that football can learn from other sectors, particularly when it comes to marketing and commercial partnerships. For example, the way that other sports have used technology to engage with fans and drive revenues through digital channels is something that football could learn from. Similarly, the way that other industries have used data and analytics to improve their operations is something that football could benefit from. Finally, the way that other sectors have managed to create more sustainable business models is something that football could learn from. Que.5 Having undertaken this new direction, what are the next steps we can expect from Juventus, and which ones might we not expect (i.e. in line with what has been done so far, or ‘out of the box’)? Ans.4 “In line with what has been done so far” seems to be the theme here. Juventus have been a very conservative club who, despite having the opportunity to build their brand in new ways and to take advantage of their position as one of the world’s mega clubs, have instead been largely risk-averse. It’s hard to see that changing anytime soon. In terms of next steps, we can expect Juventus to continue to focus on increasing their global reach and appeal. They will likely do this through a combination of continued success on the pitch, as well as further development of their digital and social media presence. They may also look to. expand their partnerships with other clubs and organizations, as well as continue to develop their own events and properties (such as the Juventus Academy).

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