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Section HBC

AGUTO, Yanna
ANIWAY, Clement
ANTONIO, Alexandra
BERMIO, Mharichu
CASES, Darren

Sir. Jumel Oliver T. Salva
First day of Face-to-Face
On Thursday, October 13, 2022, we held the first face-to-face session and demonstration for the Bar and Beverage
Management course. The group planned the tools and glasswares that would be borrowed from the stockroom prior to
the day of practical activity. Also, the group went to the market for the necessary ingredients, primarily fruits and
various types of beverages such as liquid and juices to be used in making and serving different types of beverages.The
face-to-face meeting took place in the Sazerac bar. The first topic covered is the basic components of a bar: the front
bar, which is where customers order and take their drinks to a bartender. The back bar is located behind the front bar
and the bartender and serves as a display and storage area. The back bar mirror was used for both illusion and security.
Finally, under the bar, it is categorized as the heart of the beverage operation, it is where the beverage should be
prepared and mixed before serving.

Familiarizing yourself with the kinds of glassware is one of the activities held during the first face-to-face session. The
types of tumblers, footed glasses, stemmed glasses, and mugs were explained by our professor. The different tools and
their functions were also mentioned. As we adapt the principle of making a cocktail, the instructor guides each group to
start making the specific beverage, following the right ingredient and its measurement. Vigorously shaking it to mix it
thoroughly will extract more flavors. In garnishing, it should be complementary to the ingredients of the drink and have
functional use in drinking beverages. The objective of this meeting is that the student should be able to observe the
difference between the types of cocktails by tasting, smelling, and seeing the appearance of the drinks. Practice and
patience are the keys to a remarkable result.
Cocktail Making
It is our second face-to-face meeting, held on November 10, 2022, in Sazerac Bar. We were tasked to perform and
make our original concoction. Also, to present, make specific drinks for pre-dinner, after-dinner, and long drinks. Our
confidence and knowledge have been tested during that day; figuring out how to deliver and remembering each
component of the drink given to us was not that easy. But thanks to the guidance of our professor, we're able to make
it through.

As we slowly embraced the situation, we were able to beat the pressure and enjoy the rest of our presentation.
Bartending combines art and science to create sensory cocktails for daring drinkers. The extra effort put in to create
unique concoctions will enhance the guest's experience. Take time to prepare, educate ourselves on the basics, develop
our skills, and be proud of our creation.
During this day, we were tasked to make coffee using different tools and equipment. However, during this activity me
and my group were shocked as we were the only ones who processed things from the stockroom. Other groups started
borrowing our cups, saucers, and even our grinders. This has tested out patience because we had to go back and forth
so that our group would have something to use.

As we grinded out coffee beans, we were instructed to do french press, v60, and siphon. There were a lot of technical
skills when making coffee as we needed to have the right temperature and the right amount of grounded coffee. One
mistake and it can damage the quality and flavor of the coffee that is going to be made. With this coffee return demo
we were able to learn how to determine whether the coffee is fresh or not due to its oil and moisture. We also learned
how to make and extract good coffee and how hard it is to make these types of coffee.
During this activity we were taught how to properly serve wine in the industry. Our instructor provided instructions
that everything will start and end with the receptionist. We learned the importance of being a professional in wine
serving and the proper and right way of service. We were also informed about the hierarchy of the servers starting from
the reception down to the sommelier. We were enlightened on how and why we describe the wine that is going to be
served and how it should be served. We were also reprimanded and taught about basic handling and hygiene.

Our instructor used us as examples on how to properly serve guests. Like welcoming them, introducing ourselves,
inquiring about what they want and prefer, and more. We also have to smile at all times and show them a great and
positive attitude towards our work/task. This will give them an idea that they are welcomed and important to the
establishment. Lastly, knowing how to serve wine optimally can include everything from factors that maximize the
quality of the varietal itself to how it is presented to the consumer. Serving wine at the proper temperature brings out
the best characteristics of the wine.

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