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A Midterm requirement for CORE ACCTG 13


Submitted by: Ma. Mars G. Danao


Submitted to: Cristine M. Mirabueno

After taking the ABM strand in senior high school, I decided to continue my journey of
becoming a CPA by taking the BSA program 1. It’s difficult; the process is really difficult 2. I
remember that I cried for consecutive nights, questioning
my capability to pass this 4-year course 3. It even got worse
when the COVID-19 pandemic changed to the new normal
education 4. A lot of adjustments were needed 5. However,
when Bicol University approved the implementation of
blended learning, I can say that this is much better than
before 6. Entering this program is as difficult as working in
the actual work, but looking at the Certified Public
Frustrations when studying
Accountants, I am becoming more determined to finish
this course and grab the same title no matter how difficult the journey will take 7. I realized this
after studying the environment of the Accountancy Profession where I was able to know the
backbone of this program 8.

The Gender and Development on Sexual Harassment was the first topic discussed, I learned
that there are various forms of harassment that could possibly happen anytime and anywhere,
specifically in a workplace 9. It’s important that we know our rights and limitations when it comes
to this matter to avoid unwanted scenarios 10. Accounting
professionalism also broadens my understanding of what
my course is expected to undergo to attain the
accountancy profession 11. After knowing the formations
and Regulations which require that there should be at least
a bachelor’s Degree and enough training to be qualified
along with its prospects 12. I am also happy to know that
there are a lot of opportunities after becoming a CPA 13.
The further explanation can also be seen in the Code of
ethics, and RA 9298 Also known as the Philippine
Accountants’ in training
Accountancy Act of 2004

I enjoyed the 4th week because we were tasked to create questionnaires and I began interacting
with my classmates face-to-face 14. I am planning to take a master’s degree, good thing that we
have studied RA 10912 also known as the Continuing Professional
Development act 15. It gave me an idea on what is the process and
the laws abiding by it 16. I also had the opportunity to interview a
CPA because of the assigned activity on week 6 from the interview
I made with ma’am Tin Balderama 17. I learned that CHED’s
proposal of having specialized accounting tracks (BSIA, BSMA,
Calculator; the Accountant’s Best friend BSAIS) as a separate degree program is necessary because
given that Accountancy is a field with a wide scope, it
would help the profession to target specific fields of study to master 18.
In this case, professionals that would be produced are
equipped with the right knowledge for their career since they
would have a sole focus 19. Also, in the event that they would
want to shift careers, the furtherance of their study would
always be available 20. In addition, the BSA program provides
general accounting education to students wanting to pursue a
professional career in accountancy 21. Further, pursuant to the
Accountancy Act of 2004 (RA 9298), this is the program that
qualifies someone to take the CPALE (CPA Licensure
Answering with determination
Examination) according to the material which was given 22.
The latter topics made me wary because of the result of the CPALE 23. It also tackles the
Examination Subjects, Topnotchers, Top Performing Schools, school performance, and Examinee
status 24. This is where I should prepare myself 25.

In the first place, I know that my journey will be tough 26. All I need to do is to believe in
myself and have a firm foundation in God 27. I know that I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens me, (Philippians 4:13) 28. There
are so many discouragements that I hear from other students and
graduates but as Rex Banggawan said “Only believe in those who
made it”29. Alam ko, magiging CPA ako! 30

Studying with prayers is powerful

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