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S.Y. 2022-2023
DIRECTIONS: Please read the questions carefully. Read, understand, analyze, and apply.


1. Who is the father of Functionalism?

A. William Spencer
B. George Herbert Mead
C. Herbert Spencer
D. John Dewey

2. From which philosopher did Functionalism grow out?

A. Thomas Aquinas
B. David Hume
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Michael Foulcalt

3. What are the similarities that Herbert Spencer saw between society and the human
A. Functionalism views society as a system (or structure) of interconnected parts such as
groups, institutions such as family, religion, economy, etc.
B. The various organs of the body work together to keep the body functioning, the various
parts of the society work together to keep the society functioning.
C. It suggests that each interconnected, interdependent parts of the structure contribute to the
functioning of the whole system (whole system here means the ‘society‘) which is just
like the human body where every part, such as the brain, heart, kidney, lungs, etc. work
together to keep the whole body system functioning.
D. All the above

4. What are the parts of society that Herbert Spencer referred to?
A. The social institutions, patterns of beliefs and behaviors focused on meeting social needs,
such as government, education, family, healthcare, religion, and the economy.
B. Interconnected parts such as groups, institutions such as family, religion, economy, etc.
which work (function) together to maintain social equilibrium, social solidarity, and
stability. It states that our social lives and behavior are guided by social structure, which
are stable patterns of social behavior.
C. The family provides an environment for reproducing, nurturing, and socializing children.
Education offers a way to transfer society’s skills, knowledge, and culture to its youth.
D. All the above
5. Who is the another early sociologist who applied Spencer’s theory to explain how
societies change and survive over time?
A. Hilary Putnam
B. Daniel Dennett
C. Emile Durkheim
D. John Searle

6. Emile Durkheim believed that society is a what?

A. A group of people who live in a specific area, interact with each other, and share a certain
way of life (or culture).
B. Represented something more enduring and deeper than the ‘state’, less manipulative and
certainly more elusive.
C. As a network of relationships between people or between groups.
D. Complex system of interrelated and interdependent parts that work together to maintain

7. In Emile Durkheim’s perspective, suicide is considered as a what?

A. Duo Phenomenon
B. Individual Phenomenon
C. General Phenomenon
D. Niche Phenomenon

8. Who is the other structural functionalist that pointed out there are social processes
often have many functions?
A. Max Weber
B. W.E.B Du Bois
C. Robert Merton
D. Pierre Bourdieu

(Bonus Items)

9-10. Free Answers! (Worth 2 points only)

II. Identification

1. The one who developed Conflict Theory. ______

2. Two things that maintained the social order within the Conflict Theory. _____
3. Two classes that made up the society according to a certain German philosopher
and sociologist. ______
4. One thing that can the bourgeoisie control and own. _____
5. The only thing that proletarians have. ______
6. Examples of mode of production. ______
7. Examples of relation of production. _______
8. The term for proletarian’s inability to see their real position within the class
system. _____
9. Structural constrains that prevent workers from joining together. ______
10. The German sociologist who agreed to Karl Marx’s main ideas. _______

1. What is the meaning of symbolic interactionist theory?

2. What is the meaning of communication under the context of symbolic
interactionist theory?
3. Who is the one that introduced the concept of the looking-glass self?
4. How is the looking-glass self described as?
5. Who coined the term: ”symbolic interactionism”?
6. What might a symbolic interactionist propose to you if you love books?
7. What are the outlined basic premises of Symbolic Interactionism?
8. What are social scientists looking for when they apply a symbolic-interactionist
type of thinking?
9. A symbolic interactionist would be interested in what aspect?
10. Who developed the technique called: “Dramaturgical Analysis”?

1. In your own words, what is society? (10 points)

2. In your own words, what is culture? (10 points)
3. In your own words, what is politics? (10 points)

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