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FSDP – Finacle Customization IDE

(Core) 2.5.0
Multirec Quick Reference Guide

Document No.
Version No. 1.0
Created by Ashish Verma

© 2013 Infosys Limited. Strictly private and confidential. No part of this document should
be reproduced or distributed without the prior permission of Infosys Limited.
FCIDE (Core) 2.5.0 Multirec Quick Reference Guide Infosys Limited

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 What is a Multirec? ................................................................................................................. 3
1.1.1 MRH Type 1 (Table or List Multirec) ............................................................................. 3
1.1.2 MRH Type 2 (Table or List Multirec) ............................................................................. 3
1.1.3 MRH Type 3 (Page Multirec) .......................................................................................... 4
1.1.4 MRM ................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Multirec Designing – MRH 1 / 2 ............................................................................................ 6

3. Multirec Designing – MRH 3................................................................................................ 11
4. Multirec Designing – MRM .................................................................................................. 14
5. Prepopulating Multirec Data from backend scripts .......................................................... 17
6. Adding more than one Multirec on a page ........................................................................ 18
7. Adjusting look of Multirec (MRH 2) for selective inputs .................................................. 19

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1. Introduction
1.1 What is a Multirec?
In Finacle, the term “Multirec” refers to the display of records in a linked list for viewing/editing by the
user. A multirec provides an interface through which the user can add, modify or browse through
records in a linked list format.

Abbreviations –
MRH – Multiple Record Handler
MRM – Multiple Record Modifier

1.1.1 MRH Type 1 (Table or List Multirec)

This is a Grid with multiple rows and columns, each row representing a single record and each
column representing a field of that record. User can’t edit a grid directly. For editing a grid, respective
controls are given directly below each column. Only one row can be edited at a time.

MRH Type 1 (Table or List Multirec)

1.1.2 MRH Type 2 (Table or List Multirec)

This is a Grid with multiple rows and columns, each row representing a single record and each
column representing a field of that record. The width of the columns is adjusted accordingly to adjust
the full table into the window. User can’t edit a grid directly. For editing a grid respective controls are
given below each column, not necessarily directly below. Only one row can be edited at a time.
MRH 1 and MRH 2 are different in terms of how the input fields are arranged below the table. This
arrangement helps in scenarios where numbers of fields in a record are too many and only few of
them are needed to be displayed in the table, provided that all input fields are present below.

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MRH Type 2 (Table or List Multirec)

1.1.3 MRH Type 3 (Page Multirec)

In page multirec the records are displayed one at a time. This kind of display is used when the
number of fields in the record is too many to be displayed as columns of a single table row (without
loss of readability).

MRH Type 3 (Page Multirec)

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1.1.4 MRM

Grid with multiple row and column and user can edit a grid directly. All the fields of all the records are
editable at a time.


MRM can also be used for creation of an inquiry menu where all the fields are required to be non-
editable as shown below.

MRM in Inquiry Mode

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2. Multirec Designing – MRH 1 / 2

 Steps for designing a Custom menu having MRH type 1 or 2 (Table Multirec)

 Create a new Project – File  New  Customization Project

 Type a Group Name (e.g. ncm) and Select New Custom Menu as project type
 Create criteria, details and result HTML(s) by selecting one of the available templates or by
importing predesigned custom HTMLs
 Design the HTML(s) by adding controls (HTML and Finacle controls) from the HTML palette
 Add Multirec (MRH type 1 or 2) to the details page, drag and drop the MRH control from the
HTML palette

Drag and drop MRH type 1 or 2 control on the page

 A Multirec Specification dialog box will open. It has two tabs – Column details and Row details
Specifications viz. Type of Multirec, Number of columns, column details (column header,
control type) and row details are required to be provided.
Additional details such as column width, class applied can also be specified.

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Multirec Specification dialog box

MRH 1, 2 Parameter details - Multirec Specifications dialog box

o Number of Columns – Desired number of columns in the MRH

o Select MR Type – MRH type 1, 2 or 3
o Column Header – Label of the Column heading
o Column Width – Desired width of the column in pixels
o Type of Control – Text Field, Text Area, Select, Checkbox, Radio button, etc.
o Class Applied – CSS class to be applied for styling and layouts
o Number of Rows - Desired number of rows in the MRH
o Class of Selected Row - CSS class to be applied for the rows that is selected/clicked
o Class of Even / Odd Row – CSS class for styling of alternate rows in the MRM table

NOTE: “Class applied” is not mandatory. Default values will be set if class is not specified.

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 After specifying the Multirec related parameters, click Save. The multirec will be added to the
HTML under design as in the below image.

Multirec design

 If required, the ‘name’ attributes if individual controls can be modified for better readability of
For changing the name attributes, click and select the field in the Design Pane, go to
Customization Properties pane and provide new name. To save the changes done in
Customization Properties pane, tab out of the “name” attribute and click the save button as
shown in the following image.

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Click Save button save

the changes done in
Properties pane

Save changes to MRH type 1,2 Customization Properties pane

 Save all the changes made in the HTML

 For making the Multirec fully functional, user has to add functionality in the Link JS File

For adding functionality to Link JS File –

Right click on the Page HTML  Finacle Customization  Update Link JS File
Write a new functions addCustomDetRow1(arrObj) in <pageName>_link.js file. Refer to below

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Specifies number
of columns in the

Functions to be written in <page-name>_link.js for enabling Multirec

Sample <pagename>_link.js –

 Validate Group HTMLs: After designing all group HTML(s) they should be validated.
Select group folder  FCIDE Core  Validate Group HTMLs
If the HTMLs are syntactically and functionally correct a success message will be displayed.

 Build or Build and Deploy – Post successful validation of HTMLs, customization code can be
generated -
Select group folder  FCIDE Core  Build / Build and Deploy
to generate and deploy code on the local web server.

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3. Multirec Designing – MRH 3

 Steps to design a Custom menu having MRH type 3 (Page Multirec)

 Create a new Project – File  New  Customization Project

 Type a Group Name (e.g. ncm) and Select New Custom Menu as project type
 Create criteria, details and result HTML(s) by selecting one of the available templates or by
importing predesigned custom HTMLs
 Design the HTML(s) by adding controls (HTML and Finacle controls) from the HTML palette
 Add Multirec (MRH 3) to the details page, drag and drop the MRH control from the HTML
palette as in the below image

Drag and drop MRH type 3 controls on the page

 A Multirec Specification dialog box will open (refer to below image). It has one tabs – Column
details Specifications viz. Type of Multirec, Number of columns, column details (column
header, control type) are required to be provided.
Additional details such as column width, class applied can also be specified.

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Multirec Specification dialog box

MRH 3 Parameter details - Multirec Specifications dialog box

o Number of Columns – Desired number of columns in the MRH

o Select MR Type – MRH type 3
o Column Header – Label of the Column heading
o Column Width – Desired width of the column in pixels
o Type of Control – Text Field, Text Area, Select, Checkbox, Radio button, etc.
o Class Applied – CSS class to be applied for styling and layouts

NOTE: “Column width” and “Class applied” is not mandatory. Default values will be set if class is not
Row details are not application in case of MRH 3 (page multirec)

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 After specifying the Multirec related parameters, click Save. The multirec will be added to the
HTML under design

 If required, the ‘name’ attributes if individual controls can be modified for better readability of
For changing the name attributes, click and select the field in the Design Pane, go to
Customization Properties pane and provide new name. To save the changes done in
Customization Properties pane, tab out of the “name” attribute and click the save button as (as
indicated in the below image).

Click Save button save

the changes done in
Customization Properties

Save changes to MRH type 3 customization properties pane

 Save all the changes made in the HTML

 Validate Group HTMLs: After designing all group HTML(s) they should be validated.
Select group folder  FCIDE Core  Validate Group HTMLs

 Build and Deploy – Post successful validation of HTMLs, customization code can be
generated -
Select group folder  FCIDE Core  Build / Build and Deploy
to generate and deploy code on the local web server.

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4. Multirec Designing – MRM

 Steps to design a Custom menu having MRM

 Create a new Project – File  New  Customization Project

 Type a Group Name (e.g. ncm) and Select New Custom Menu as project type
 Create criteria, details and result HTML(s) by selecting one of the available templates or by
importing predesigned custom HTMLs
 Design the HTML(s) by adding controls (HTML and Finacle controls) from the HTML palette
 Add Multirec (MRM) to the details page, drag and drop the MRM control from the HTML
palette as (refer to below image)

Drag and drop MRM control from palette to the HTML design pane

 A Multirec Specification dialog box will open (as in the following image). It has one tabs –
Column details Specifications viz. Number of columns, Is Select All required column details
(column header, control type) and Row details are required to be provided.
Additional details such as column width, class applied can also be specified.

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MRM Specification dialog box

MRM Parameter details - Multirec Specifications dialog box

o Number of Columns – Desired number of columns in the MRM

o Is Select All required – Select if “Select All” functionality is required. If selected, the first
column of the MRM will be a select all control
o Column Header – Label of the Column heading
o Column Width – Desired width of the column in pixels
o Type of Control – Text Field, Text Area, Select, Checkbox, Radio button, etc.
o Class Applied – CSS class to be applied for styling and layouts
o Number of Rows - Desired number of rows in the MRH
o Class of Even / Odd Row – CSS class for styling of alternate rows in the MRM table

NOTE: “Column Width” and “Class applied” is not mandatory. Default values will be set if class is not

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 After specifying the Multirec related parameters, click Save. The multirec will be added to the
HTML under design

 If required, the ‘name’ attributes if individual controls can be modified for better readability of
For changing the name attributes, click and select the field in the Design Pane, go to
Customization Properties pane and provide new name. To save the changes done in
Customization Properties pane, tab out of the “name” attribute and click the save button (as
indicated in the following image)

Click Save button save the

changes done in
Customization Properties

Save changes done is Customization properties pane

 Save all the changes made in the HTML and then Validate the HTMLs
Select group folder  FCIDE Core  Validate Group HTMLs

 Build or Build and Deploy – Post successful validation of HTMLs, customization code can be
generated -
Select group folder  FCIDE Core  Build / Build and Deploy
to generate and deploy code on the local web server.

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5. Prepopulating Multirec Data from backend scripts

Multirec table can be pre-populated with data for requirement based scenarios (e.g. Inquire, Verify,
Modify modes).
Format in backend scripts for data pre-population –

For menus designed in FCIDE (Core) 2.4 and higher

MRH Pre-population -
sv_a = "<MultirecName>_<txtfldname00>_" + <RowNumber> + "|" + <value>

MRM Pre-population –
sv_a = urhk_SetOrbOut("<pageName>.setSize|10") // setSize here is total no. of records
sv_a = urhk_SetOrbOut("<pageName>.MaxRecsPerPage|5")
sv_a = "MRM_<txtfldname00>_" + <RowNumber> + "|" + <value>

For menus designed in CWB (Core) 2.2 / 2.3

MRH Pre-population -
sv_a = "<txtfldname00>_" + <RowNumber> + "|" + <value>

MRM Pre-population -
sv_a = "MRM_<txtfldname00>_" + <RowNumber> + "|" + <value>

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6. Adding more than one Multirec on a page

In FCIDE (Core) v2.4 and above, feature of adding multiple Multirecs on a page is provided. The
Multirecs can be of the same type or a combination of Table or Page multirecs.
Designer can add more than one Multirec on the page by simply dragging and dropping the desired
multirec (refer to below image). Design process is the same as described in Sections 2, 3 and 4.

Designing multiple Multirecs

The <page-name>_link.js file has to be updated accordingly.

For example, if the page under design has three Multirecs (MRH), same number of corresponding
addCustomDetRow<Index>(arrObj) need to be added in the link.js file (Refer Section 2 and 3).
(<Index> = 1 for first Multirec; <Index> = 2 for second Multirec; <Index> = 3 for third Multirec)

NOTE: No changes are required in link.js in case of MRM

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7. Adjusting look of Multirec (MRH 2) for selective inputs

In Multirecs where number of fields is on the higher side, generally MRH type 2 is used.
Arrangement of MRH type 2 is such that only few columns appear in the multirec table, but ALL
controls are presented below the table for input (Refer Section 1).
Designer can further customize this display by hiding desired columns in the Multirec table, with the
corresponding input control present below the table.
Please note that this is applicable in the case of MRH type 2 only.
For example, in the below multirec the column “Debit” has to be removed from the table but is still
required to be displayed in the input section for regular multirec functioning.

This can be done by making modifying the already generated front end files. The following files have
to be changed for this:
1. < pageName>_link.js (mrhtwo_det_link.js in the sample code)
2. < pageName>_glink.js (mrhtwo_det_glink.js in the sample code)
3. <pageName>_ginc.jsp (mrhtwo_det_ginc.jsp in the sample code)

Description of the changes:

1. < pageName>_link.js

From the link.js file, remove the line corresponding to the column that has to be removed from the
table. In this example, “Debit” is the last column of the multirec table.
Highlighted code snippet needs to be removed in the example (refer to line no. 76 of
mrhtwo_det_link.js in the attached sample code) –

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write('<tr ' + locStyle + 'class="ctext">');
write('<td align="left">'+jsUtil.encodeChar(arrObj[2]) + '&nbsp;</td>'); //code for column1
write('<td align="left">'+jsUtil.encodeChar(arrObj[3]) + '&nbsp;</td>'); //code for column2
write('<td align="left">'+jsUtil.encodeChar(arrObj[4]) + '&nbsp;</td>'); //code for column3
write('<td align="left">'+jsUtil.encodeChar(arrObj[5]) + '&nbsp;</td>'); //code for column4
write('<td align="left">'+jsUtil.encodeChar(arrObj[6]) + '&nbsp;</td>'); //code for column5
write('<td class="leftscroll">&nbsp;</td>');

2. < pageName>_glink.js

The column header corresponding to the removed column also needs to be deleted.
Highlighted code has corresponding to “Debit” column header has to be removed from the glink.jsp in
the example (refer to line no. 61 of mrhtwo_det_glink.js in the attached sample code) –

write('<td class="searcheader1a" type="text">' + jspResArr.get("FLT700020") + '</td>');
write('<td class="searcheader" type="text">' + jspResArr.get("FLT000020") + '</td>');
write('<td class="searcheader" type="text">' + jspResArr.get("FLT000013") + '</td>');
write('<td class="searcheader" type="text">' + jspResArr.get("FLT000014") + '</td>');
write('<td class="searcheader" type="checkbox">' + jspResArr.get("FLT000015") + '</td>');

3. <pageName>_ginc.jsp

Finally, remove the highlighted code from the ginc.jsp file (refer to line no. 29 of mrhtwo_det_ginc.jsp
in the attached sample code) –

String inputFields[][] = {

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With these changes, the “Debit” column will be removed for the table but will be available for input and
for other multirec related frontend and backend functionalities. Below is the screenshot of the modified
multirec -

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