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Brand Name, Generic Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities

Name, Classification frequency, route of Action and Cautions and Warning Signs
Brand Name: 600 mg sachet in ½  Adjunctive Reduces the  Contraindicate CNS: fever,  Monitor cough type
Acetadote glass H2O BID therapy for viscosity of d in patients drowsiness and frequency.
Cetylev abnormal pulmonary hypersensitive CV: chest Alert: Monitor patient for
AVAILABLE viscid or secretions by to drug. tightness, flushing, bronchospasm, especially if
Generic Name: FORMS thickened splitting disulfide Alert: Serious tachycardia, edema. patient has asthma.
acetylcysteine Inhalation solution: mucous linkages between anaphylactoid EENT: rhinorrhea,  Ingestion of more
10%, 20% secretions in mucoprotein reactions, pharyngitis, throat than 150 mg/kg of
Classifications: IV injection: 200 patients with molecular including rash, tightness. acetaminophen may
Therapeutic class: mg/mL pneumonia, complexes. Also hypotension, GI: nausea, cause hepatoxicity.
Mucolytics Tablets (effervescent bronchitis, restores liver stores dyspnea, and stomatitis, Measure
Pharmacologic class: for oral solution): 500 bronchiectasis, if glutathione to wheezing, have vomiting. acetaminophen level
L-cysteine derivatives mg, 2.5 g primary treat acetaminophen been reported. Respiratory: 4 hours after
amyloidosis of toxicity. Reactions usually bronchospasm, ingestion to
 PO the lung, TB<  PO occur 30 to 60 cough, dyspnea, determine risk of
(inhalation cystic fibrosis, Onset: Unknown minutes after start rhonchi. hepatoxicity.
formulation) emphysema, Peak: 1-3 ½ hour of infusion and Skin: clamminess, Alert: Drug is used for
 Administer via atelectasis, Duration: Unknown may require pruritus, rash, acetaminophen overdose
the oral route. pulmonary treatment and drug urticaria. within 24 hours of ingestion.
Dilute oral complications  Inhalation discontinuation. Others: Start drug immediately;
dose (used for of thoracic Onset: 5-10 min  Use cautiously anaphylactoid don’t wait for results of
acetaminophen surgery, or CV Peak: 1-2 hour in elderly or reaction, chills, acetaminophen level. Give
overdose) with surgery. Duration: 1 hour debilitated hypersensitivity within 10 hours of
diet cola or Adults and children: 1 patients with reaction. acetaminophen ingestion to
other diet soft to 2 mL 10% or 20%  IV severe minimize hepatic injury.
drinks or solution by direct Onset: Unknown respiratory  When
water. Dilute instillation into trachea Peak: ½ - 1 hour insufficiency. acetaminophen level
20% solution as often as every hour. Duration: Unknown Use Iv form is below toxic level
to 5% (add 3 Or, 1 to 10 mL of 20% cautiously in according to
mL of diluent solution or 2 to 20 mL Half-life: PO, 18.1 patients with nomogram, stop
to each of 10% solution by hours; inhalation, asthma or a therapy.
unknown; IV, 5-6
milliliter of nebulization 2 to 6 hours. history of  Warn patient that
drug). If hours, prn. bronchospasm, drug my have a foul
patient vomits in those taste or smell that
within 1 hour  Acetaminophe weighing less may be distressing.
of receiving n toxicity than 40 kg, and  For maximum effect,
loading or Adults and children: in patients instruct patient to
maintenance Initially, 140 mg/kg Po; requiring fluid cough to clear
dose, repeat then 70 mg/kg PO 4 restriction. airway before
dose. Use hours after initial dose, aerosol
diluted then every 4 hours for Dialyzable drug: YES administration.
solution within 17 doses (total).
1 hour.
 Drug smells
strongly of
sulfur. Mixing
oral form with
juice or cola
improves its
 Drug delivered
through NG
tube may be
diluted with
 Store opened,
undiluted oral
solution in the
refrigerator for
up to 96 hours.

 PO
 Dissolve
number of 2.5
g or 0.5 g
tablets in
volume of
specified in
based on
patient weight,
and administer
the solution
 If patient
vomits within
1 hour of
loading or
dose, repeat
dose. May
administer by
tube if

 IV
 Drug may turn
from a
liquid to a
slight pink or
purple color
once the
stopper is
This color
change doesn’t
affect the
 Drug is
and is
with D5W,
half-NSS, and
sterile water
for injection.
 Vials contain
discard after

Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name, frequency, route of Action Cautions and Warning Signs
Classification administration
Brand Name: 80 mg 1 Tab BID  To reduce Thought to inhibit  Contraindicated CNS: dizziness,  Beneficial effects
Pletal symptoms of the enzyme in patients headache, vertigo. may not be seen for
Generic Name: AVAILABLE FORMS intermittent phosphodiesterase hypersensitive to CV: palpitations, up to 12 weeks
cilostazol Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg claudication III, thus inhibiting drug or its peripheral edema, after therapy starts.
Adults: 100 mg PO bid platelet components. tachycardia.  Monitor patients
Classifications:  PO aggregation and Black Box Warning: EENT: pharyngitis, for development of
Therapeutic class:  Give drug at least 30 causing Contraindicated in rhinitis. a new systolic
Antiplatelet drugs minutes before or 2 vasodilation. patients with HF of any GI: abnormal stools, murmur or cardiac
Pharmacologic hours after breakfast severity. diarrhea, abdominal signs or symptoms
class: and dinner.  PO  Contraindicated pain, dyspepsia, after drug
cAMP  Don’t give with Onset: Unknown in patients with flatulence, nausea. initiation.
phosphodiesterase grapefruit juice. Peak: Unknown hemostatic Hematologic: Black Box Warning:
inhibitors Duration: disorders or bleeding. Cilostazol and similar
Unknown active bleeding, Musculoskeletal: drugs that inhibit the
such as bleeding back pain, myalgia. enzyme phosphodiesterase
Half-life: 11 to 13 peptic ulcer and Respiratory: decrease the likelihood of
hours. intracranial increased cough. survival in patients with
bleeding. Others: infection. class III and IV HF.
 Use cautiously in Alert: CV risk is unknown
patients with in patients who use drug
severe on long-term basis and in
underlying heart those with severe
disease; also use underlying heart disease.
cautiously with  Dosage can be
other drugs reduced or stopped
having without such
antiplatelet rebound effects as
activity. platelet
 Use cautiously in hyperaggregation.
patients with  If aspirin is added
severe renal to drug therapy,
impairment and monitor patient for
in those with aspirin-related
moderate to adverse reactions.
severe hepatic
 Left ventricular
outflow tract
obstruction has
been reported in
patients with
Dialyzable drug: NO.
Overdose S & S: severe
headache, diarrhea,
tachycardia, arrythmias.

Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name, frequency, route of Action Cautions and Warning Signs
Classification administration
Brand Name: 75 mg 1 Tab BID  Essential and Stimulates alpha2-  Contraindicated CNS: drowsiness,  Drug may be given
Kapvay AVAILABLE FORMS renal adrenergic in patients dizziness, fatigue, to lower blood
Generic Name: Tablets: 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, 0.3 hypertension receptors in the hypersensitive to sedation, weakness, pressure rapidly in
clonidine mg. Adults: Initially, 0.1 brainstem, drug. malaise, agitation, some hypertensive
Injection Solution: 100 mg PO bid; then reducing  Transdermal depression. emergencies.
Classifications: mcg/mL, 500 mcg/mL increased by 0.1 to 0.2sympathetic form is CV: orthostatic  Monitor blood
Therapeutic class: Transdermal patch: 2.5 mg, daily on a weekly outflow from the contraindicated hypotension, pressure and pulse
Antihypertensive 5 mg, 7.5 mg. basis. Usual range is CNS. in patients bradycardia, severe rate frequently.
Pharmacologic 0.2 to 0.6 mg daily in Epidural: Prevents hypersensitive to rebound Dosage is usually
class:  PO divided doses; pain signal any component hypertension. adjusted to patient
Alpha2- adrenergic  Give without regard infrequently, dosages transmission to of the adhesive GI: constipation, dry with blood pressure
agonist to food. as high as 2.4 mg dailybrain and produces layer of mouth, nausea, and tolerance.
 Tablets must be are used. Or apply analgesia at pre- transdermal vomiting, anorexia.  Observe patient for
crushed. transdermal patch to and post-alpha- system. GU: urine retention, tolerance to drug’s
Give last oral dose non-hairy area of adrenergic  Use cautiously in impotence. therapeutic effects,
just before bedtime intact skin on upper receptors in spinal patients with Metabolic: weight which may require
 Transdermal arm of torso once q 7 cord. severe coronary gain. increased dosage.
 Apply transdermal days, starting with 0.1Therapeutic effect: insufficiency, Skin: pruritus, Alert: Remove
system to dry, mg system and Reduces peripheral recent MI, dermatitis with transdermal patch before
hairless area of adjusted with another resistance; cerebrovascular transdermal patch, defibrillation to prevent
intact skin on upper 0.1 mg system or decreases BP, heart disease, chronic rash. arcing.
arm or chest. larger system. rate. Produces renal failure, or Others: loss of  When stopping
 Rotate sites analgesia. impaired renal libido. therapy in patients
(prevents skin  Migraine  PO function. receiving both
irritation). prophylaxis Onset: 0.5-1 hour clonidine and a
 Do not trim patch to Adults: 0.025 mg PO 2 Peak: 2-4 hours beta blocker,
adjust dose. to 4 times daily or up Duration: 6-10 gradually withdraw
to 0.15 mg PO daily in hours the beta blocker
divided doses.  Transderm first to minimize
al adverse reactions.
Onset: 2-3 days  Don’t stop drug
Peak: 2-3 days before surgery.
Duration: 2-8 days  If aspirin is added
 Epidural to drug therapy,
Onset: Unknown monitor patient for
Peak: 30-60 min aspirin-related
Duration: adverse reactions.

Half-life: 6 to 20

Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name, frequency, route of Action Cautions and Warning Signs
Classification administration
Brand Name: 10 mg 1 Tab BID Alert: May cause Competes with  Contraindicated CNS: somnolence,  Stop drug 4 days
Zyrtec drowsiness at dosage histamine for H1- in patients fatigue, dizziness, before diagnostic
AVAILABLE FORMS greater than 10 receptor sites on hypersensitive to headache. skin testing
Generic Name: Oral solution: 5 mg/ 5 mL mg/day. effector cells in GI drug or to GI: dry mouth, because
cetirizine Tablets: 5 mg, 10 mg  Seasonal tract, blood vessels, hydroxyzine and nausea, vomiting, antihistamines can
hydrochloride Tablets (chewable): 5 mg, allergic respiratory tract. in breastfeeding abdominal distress. prevent, reduce, or
10 mg rhinitis Therapeutic Effect: women. EENT: pharyngitis. mask positive skin
Classifications: Adults and children Prevents allergic  Use cautiously in test response.
Therapeutic class:  PO age 6 and older: 5 to response, produces patients with Alert: Don’t confuse
Antihistamine  Give without regard 10 mg PO once daily. mild renal or hepatic Zyrtec with Zyprexa or
Pharmacologic to food. bronchodilation, impairment. Zantac.
class:  Perennial blocks histamine-
Histamine H1 allergic induced bronchitis.
antagonist (second rhinitis,
generation) chronic  PO
urticaria Onset: less than 1
Adults and children 6 hour
years and older: 5 to Peak: 4-8 hours
10 mg PO once daily. Duration: less than
24 hours

Half-life: 6.5 to 10

Drug Study Dosage Classification Mechanism of Action Indications

Generic Name: Required: Classification: Inhibits re absorption of sodium Treatment of edema associated with CHF, cirrhosis of
Furosemide 1 Tab 40mg OD Loop Diuretic and chloride primary in loop of liver, and liver and kidney disease including nephrotic
Brand Name: Route: helme and also in proximal and syndrome. May be used for management of
Lasix PO distal renal tubules; an hypertension, alone or in combination with other
Availability: antihypertensive that decreases antihypertensive agents for treatment of
1 Tab 40mg OD edema and intramuscular volume. hyperkalemia.

Contraindication Adverse Effects Side Effects Nursing Responsibility Warning Signs

History of Integumentary: Dry mouth, Headaches, Safe Administration: Furosemide can cause very low electrolyte levels,
hypersensitivity to Pruritus, Urticaria, Feeling confused or -Monitor Vital signs before and which can cause serious liver damage and loss of
furosemide or Dermatitis, Vasculitis. dizzy, feeling or being after admitting Furosemide brain function.
sulphonamides. GIT – Nausea, sick (nausea, vomiting) -Check patient labs and electrolyte
Increasing Vomiting, Oral and levels periodically throughout the
oliguria, anuria, Gastric burning, course of treatment
fluid and anorexia, diarrhea, Patient Education:
electrolyte constipation Encourage patient to have an
depletion. intake of potassium rich foods, like
bananas to help reduce potassium
loss. Instruct patient to move
slowly when changing positions to
avoid injuries as a result of loss
balance or muscle weakness
Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name, frequency, route of Action Cautions and Warning Signs
Classification administration
Brand Name: AVAILABLE FORMS Adjust-a-dose (for all Inhibits cell-wall  Contraindicated GI:  If large doses are
Rocephin Injection: 1 g/50 mL, 2g/50 indications): In synthesis, in patients pseudomembranous given, therapy is
mL premixed patients with promoting osmotic hypersensitive to colitis, diarrhea. prolonged, or
Generic Name: Infusion: 250 mg, 500 mg, significant renal instability; usually drug or other patient is at high
Ceftriaxone sodium 1g, 2g disease and hepatic bactericidal. cephalosporins. Hematologic: risk, monitor
dysfunction, maximum  Use cautiously in eosinophilia, patient for signs
Classifications:  IV dose is 2g/day. In  IV patients thrombocytopenia, and symptoms of
Therapeutic class:  Before giving drug, patients receiving Onset: Immediate hypersensitive o leukopenia. superinfection.
Antibiotics ensure patient isn’t intermittent Peak: Immediate penicillin Skin: pain, induration  Monitor PT and
Pharmacologic allergic to penicillin hemodialysis, no Duration: because of tenderness at INR in patients
class: or cephalosporins. dosage adjustment is Unknown possibility of injection site, rash. with impaired
Third-generation  Obtain specimen for necessary as drug is cross-sensitivity Others: vitamin K
cephalosporins culture and poorly dialyzed.  IM with other beta- hypersensitivity synthesis or low
sensitivity tests Onset: Unknown lactam reactions, serum vitamin K stores.
before giving first  Uncomplicate Peak: 2-3 hr antibiotics. sickness, anaphylaxis. Vitamin K therapy
dose. Begin therapy d gonococcal Duration: Alert: May cause may be needed.
while awaiting vulvovaginitis Unknown superinfection and mild  Monitor patients
results. Adults: 250 mg IM as to fatal CDAD> If for superinfection,
 Reconstitute drug a single dose, plus Half-life: Adults suspected, manage diarrhea, and
with sterile water for azithromycin 1 g Po as with normal renal appropriately; anemia, and treat
injection, NSS for a single dose or and hepatic discontinue drug if appropriately.
injection, D5W, or a doxycycline 100 mg function, 5 to 9 needed.  Tell patient to
combination of NSS BID for 7 days. hours. Alert: May cause report adverse
and dextrose hemolytic anemia, reactions promptly.
injection and other  UTI; lower which can be fatal. If  Instruct patient to
compatible respiratory anemia develops during report discomfort
solutions. tract, therapy, stop drug until at IV site.
 Add 2.4 mL of gynecologic, cause is determined.
bone or joint,
diluent to the 250- intra-  Use cautiously in
mg vial, 4.8 mL to abdominal, patients with
the 500-mg vial, 9.6 skin, or skin- history of colitis,
mL to the 1g vial, structure renal
and 19.2 mL to the infection; insufficiency, or
2g vial. All septicemia GI gallbladder
reconstituted Adults: 1 to 2 g IM or disease.
solutions average IV daily or in equally
100 mg/mL. For divided doses every 12 Dialyzable drug: NO
intermittent hours. Total daily dose
infusion, dilute should exceed 4 g.
further to achieve Treat for 4 to 14 days.
desired Complicated
concentration, and infections may require
give over 30 longer treatment.
 Diluted IV  Meningitis
preparation is stable Adults: 2 g IV BID
for 48 hours at usual duration of
room temperature or therapy is 7 to 21 days
10 days if depending on clinical
refrigerated. response.
 Alert: Don’t mix or
administer  Preoperative
ceftriaxone with prophylaxis
calcium-containing Adults: 1 g IV as a
IV solutions, single dose 30 minutes
including parenteral to 2 hours before
nutrition. surgery.

 IM  Acute
 Before giving drug, bacterial otitis
ensure patient isn’t media
Adults: 1 to 2 g IM or
allergic to penicillin IV once daily or in
or cephalosporins. two equally divided
 Obtain specimen for doses daily for 3 days.
culture and
sensitivity test
before giving first
dose. Begin therapy
while awaiting
 Inject deep into a
large muscle, such
as the gluteus
maximum or the
lateral aspect of the

Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name, frequency, route of Action Cautions and Warning Signs
Classification administration
Brand Name: 2Tabs x UTZ  Chronic Laxatives ease or  Contraindicated CNS: muscle  Monitor frequency
Dulcolax Supp/rectum x UTZ constipation; stimulate in patients weakness with and character of
preparation defecation. hypersensitive to excessive use, stool.
Generic Name: AVAILABLE FORMS for childbirth, Mechanisms by drug. dizziness, faintness  Monitor occurrence
bisacodyl Enema: 10 mg/30mL surgery, or which this is  Use cautiously in GI: nausea, vomiting, of adverse reaction.
Suppositories: 10 mg rectal or accomplished patients with abdominal distress,  Swallow the tablet
Classifications: Tablets: 5 mg bowel include (1) severe burning sensation in whole, do not crush
Therapeutic class: examination attracting, retaining cardiovascular rectum with or chew.
Laxatives Adults and children fluid in colonic diseases and suppositories.
Pharmacologic age 12 and older: 5 to contents due to rectal fissures. Metabolic: alkalosis,
class: 15 mg PO in evening hydrophilic or hypokalemia, fluid
Diphenylmethane or before breakfast. osmotic properties; and electrolyte
derivatives Or, 10 mg PR for (2) acting directly imbalance.
evacuation before or indirectly on
examination or mucosa to decrease
surgery. Enema may absorption of water
be given as a single and NaCl; or (3)
daily dose. increasing
intestinal motility,
absorption of water
and NaCl by virtue
of decreased transit

Brand Name, Generic Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Name, Classification frequency, route of Action Cautions and Warning Signs
Brand Name: AVAILABLE Ipratropium Ipratropium bromide  Hypertropic The side effects of Ipratropium bromide
Pulmodual FORMS bromide + is an anticholinergic obstructive Ipratropium +Salbutamol (Pulmodual)
Generic Name: Ipratropium bromide Salbutamol (parasympatholytic) cardiomyopathy bromide should be used with caution
Ipratropium bromide + +Salbutamol (Pulmodual) is agent which, based or +Salbutamol in patients with prostatic
Salbutamol  (Pulmodual) 500 indicated in the on animal studies, tachyarrhythmia. (Pulmodual) hypertrophy bladder neck
mcg/2.5 mg per 2.5 treatment of appears to inhibit includes: dry mouth, obstruction, narrow angle
Classifications: mL Solution for reversible airways vagally-mediated nausea, glaucoma; risk of
Bronchodilators Inhalation: 2.5 mL obstruction, like: reflexes by constipation, paradoxical bronchospasm
ampule  asthma and chronic antagonizing the headache, fine usually occurs with the first
DOSAGE: obstructive action tremor (particularly dose of nebulized solution. It
Adult (including pulmonary disease of acetylcholine, the in the hands), should be inhaled under
Elderly Patients) for patients in need transmitter agent nervous tension, medical supervision;
and Adolescents of more than a released at the muscle cramps and hyperthyroidism,
over 12 years: single neuromuscular palpitation. cardiovascular disease,
One (1) ampule (2.5 bronchodilator or junctions in the lung. arrhythmias, susceptibility to
mL) every 6 to 8 who require a Anticholinergics Other adverse QT-interval prolongation,
hours. second prevent the increases effects include: hypertension and diabetes
bronchodilator. in intracellular tachycardia, atrial mellitus.
For the treatment of concentration of Ca+ fibrillation,
acute attacks: + which is caused by arrhythmias, Potentially serious
interaction of peripheral hypokalemia may result from
acetylcholine with vasodilation, and beta2 agonist therapy,
One (1) ampule (2.5 the muscarinic
mL) is sufficient for disturbances of possibly through intracellular
receptors on sleep and behaviour. shunting, which can produce
the prompt relief of bronchial smooth
symptom. In severe adverse cardiovascular
muscle. effects. The decrease in
cases Two (2) Paradoxical
ampules (5 mL) may bronchospasm, serum potassium levels is
be required if an urticaria, usually transient, not
attack has not been angioedema, requiring supplementation.
relieved by One (1) hypotension, and
ampule (2.5 mL). collapse have also
been reported.
Children 2 to 12 Potentially serious
years: hypokalemia may
3 drops/kg/dose occur from beta2-
(maximum dose 2.5 agonist therapy.
mg of salbutamol)
every 6 to 8 hours.

Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications and Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name, frequency, route of Action Cautions and Warning Signs
Classification administration
Brand Name: AVAILABLE FORMS For improvement in When this product SPHERICAL CARBON Major adverse drug  This product
Kremezin uremic symptoms and is administered ADSORBENT reactions were should be
Generic Name: For oral use, the usual adult for prolonging the orally to patients (Kremezin) is gastrointestinal administered with
Spherical Carbon dosage is 6 g of time to initiation of with chronic renal contraindicated in the system disorders such care in the
Adsorbent SPHERICAL CARBON dialysis in chronic failure, it improves following patients: as constipation, following patients:
ADSORBENT (Kremezin) renal failure uremic symptoms Patients with transit anorexia, nausea, Patients with peptic
Classifications: divided 3 times daily. (progressive). and prolongs the disorder in the digestive vomiting and ulcer or esophageal
Alternative CKD time to initiation of tract [SPHERICAL enlarged feeling of varix. Since this
treatment dialysis, since the CARBON abdomen  product is passed in
uremic toxins are ADSORBENT Skin and appendages solid state in the
adsorbed by this (Kremezin) may (<1%): Itching, digestive tract, this
product in the interfere with the eruption. product may
digestive tract and excretion]. Gastrointestinal irritate the affected
excreted with the system (1%, area]. Patients with
feces. <2%):  Constipation, a predisposition to
anorexia, nausea and constipation.
vomiting. (<1%): Enl  Important
arged feeling of precautions:
abdomen, stomach Patients diagnosed
heaviness, abdominal as progressive
pain. chronic renal
failure who are in
the conservative
therapy. The
administration of
this product should
be considered after
the chronic renal
failure is confirmed
to be the
progressive stage
by the increase of
serum creatinine. 
 When
improvement is not
measures such as
discontinuation of
the treatment or
replacement with
other therapies
should be taken.
 When other drugs
are used in
combination, these
drugs should not be
used concurrently,
considering that
this product is an
 There have been no
reports for
abnormalities in
homeostasis of
vitamins and
hormones in vivo,
but caution
physical status
should be exercised
especially on long-
term treatment with
this product,
considering that
this product is an

Brand Name, Generic Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Action Contraindication Adverse Reactions Nursing
Name, Classification frequency, route of Responsibilities and
administration Warning Signs
Brand Name: To prepare a drink, add Glucobest is a  A biguanide with Contraindicated in - Nausea  This product
Glucobest 200 ml of water to a nutritionally complete antihyperglycemi patients with severe - Vomiting is not to be
glass and 4 level scoops drink especially c effects, lowering renal failure (GFR - Diarrhea used for
Generic Name: of powder (52 g). Stir formulated for adults both basal and <30 mL/min). - Abdominal parenteral
Benzalkonium Chloride vigorously until the (19 years and older) in postprandial pain (intravenous)
+ Cetrimide powder is totally powder format. It is plasma glucose. It - Loss of use.
dissolved. indicated for the dietary does not stimulate appetite  This product
Classifications: As a supplement, management of patients insulin secretion is not for use
nutritional or dietary recommended intake is suffering from protein- and therefore does in children
supplements for type II 1 to 2 servings per day. energy malnutrition not produce unless
Diabetes Once prepared, it associated with diabetes hypoglycemia. recommended
recommended or glycemic disorder. It May act via 3 by a
consuming product provides the following mechanisms: physician or
within the hour. benefits: Low lactose; (1) reduction of hepatic healthcare
USE UNDER Low Glycemic Index; glucose production by professional.
MEDICAL Gluten Free; Sucrose inhibiting
SUPERVISION. Free; Fructose Free; gluconeogenesis and
Has 28 Vitamins and glycogenolysis
Minerals; Source of (2) in muscle, by
Omega-3 (Alpha increasing insulin
linoleic acid); High in sensitivity, improving
Chromium. peripheral glucose uptake
and utilization
(3) and delay of intestinal
glucose absorption.
Stimulates intracellular
glycogen synthesis by
acting on glycogen
 increases the
transport capacity
of all types of
(GLUTs) known
to date.
 In humans,
independently of
its action on
glycaemia, has
favorable effects
on lipid
metabolism. This
has been shown at
therapeutic doses
in controlled,
medium-term or
long-term clinical
studies: reduces
total cholesterol,
LDL cholesterol
and triglyceride

Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name, frequency, route of and Cautions and Warning Signs
Classification administration
Brand Name: AVAILABLE Pregabalin is used to Pregabalin is an Hypersensitivity to Body as a Whole:  Monitor for weight gain,
Pregabalin FORMS: treat pain caused by analog of gamma- pregabalin or Accidental injury, flu peripheral edema, and
25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, nerve damage due to aminobutyric acid gabapentin; alcohol. syndrome, pain. S&S of heart failure,
Generic Name: 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 diabetes or to shingles (GABA). It is Safety and efficacy in CNS: Abnormal gait, especially with
Lyrica mg, 225 mg, 300 mg (herpes zoster) infection. structurally related to children not amnesia, ataxia, concurrent
capsules. It may also be used to gabapentin, but shows established. confusion, dizziness, thiazolidinedione (e.g.,
Classifications: treat nerve pain caused greater potency in euphoria, headache, rosiglitazone) therapy.
Therapeutic class: Oral by spinal cord injury. pain and seizure Cautious Use: incoordination,  Lab tests: Baseline and
Anticonvulsants  Dosage reduction This medication is also disorders (3–10 times  Renal impairment myoclonus, nervousness, periodic kidney function
Pharmacologic is required with used to treat pain in greater). The exact or failure, neuropathy, somnolence, tests; periodic platelet
class: renal dysfunction. people with mechanism of action hemodialysis; speech disorder, counts; CPK if
Fibromyalgia  Drug should not fibromyalgia. of pregabalin as an elderly; lactation; abnormal thinking, rhabdomyolysis is
Agents be abruptly antiseizure agent is pregnancy tremor, twitching, suspected.
stopped; For diabetic nerve unknown. It increases (category C); vertigo.  Monitor diabetics for
discontinue by pain: neuronal GABA levels congestive heart CV: Chest pain. increased incidences of
tapering over a Adults—At first, 50 and reduces calcium failure, NYHA GI: Constipation, dry hypoglycemia.
minimum of 1 milligrams (mg) 3 times currents in the calcium (Class III or IV) mouth, flatulence,  Withhold drug and
week. a day. channels of neurons; cardiac status. increased appetite, notify physician if
 Give a this may account for vomiting. rhabdomyolysis is
supplemental For fibromyalgia: its control of pain and GU: Urinary suspected.
dose immediately Adults—At first, 75 anxiety. incontinence.  Supervise ambulation
following milligrams (mg) 2 times Metabolic/Nutritional: especially when other
dialysis. a day. Edema, facial edema, CNS drugs are used
 Store at 15°–30° hypoglycemia, peripheral concurrently.
C (59°– 86° F). For spinal cord injury edema, weight gain.
. nerve pain: Musculoskeletal: Back
Adults—At first, 75 pain, myasthenia.
milligrams (mg) 2 times Respiratory: Bronchitis,
a day. dyspnea. Special senses:
Abnormal vision, blurry
Renal Impairment: vision, diplopia.
PO Clcr 30–60
mL/min: 75–300 mg/d
given in 2 or 3 divided

PO Clcr 15–30
mL/min: 25–150 mg/d
given in 1 or 2 divided

PO Clcr < 15 mL/min:

25–75 mg once daily.
Brand Name, Generic Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism Of Contraindications Adverse Reactions Nursing
Name, Classification frequency, route of Action and Cautions Responsibilities and
administration Warning Signs
Brand Name: It is best if taken along Renolog Tablet 10's RENOLOGⓇ If you are allergic to - Increased You are advised to take
Renolog with a low-protein diet or is used in the allows the intake of this medicine or any calcium Renolog Tablet 10's for
as advised by the doctor. treatment of chronic essential amino other ingredient of levels as long as your doctor
Generic Name: Swallow Renolog Tablet kidney disease. acids while Renolog Tablet. If - Nausea has prescribed it for
Alpha Ketoanalogue 10's as a whole with a Renolog Tablet 10's minimizing the you have a high - Vomiting you, depending on your
glass of water, do not contains “Alpha amino-nitrogen level of calcium in - Diarrhea medical condition.
Classifications: chew or break the tablet. Ketoanalogue”, and intake. Following the blood. If you - Abdominal
nutritional or dietary it works by prevents ingestion, the have deficient pain
supplements the unnecessary ketoanalogues are protein metabolism.
increase in urea transmitted by
levels in the blood taking nitrogen from
due to the intake of non-essential amino
non-essential amino acids, thereby
acids in patients of decreasing the
kidney failure. formation of urea by
Thereby improving re-using the amino
renal function. group.
Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Reactions Nursing
Generic Name, frequency, route of and Cautions Responsibilities and
Classification administration Warning Signs
Brand Name: Break the tablet in half, and For the treatment of Vistalens (Sodium Vistalens (Potassium - Hyperkalemia.  Interaction with
Vistalens take each half separately with patients with Iodide) nitrite is Iodide) supplements - Obstruction Potassium-
a glass of water. hypokalemia with or thought to exert its are contraindicated in bleeding Sparing
Generic Name: Prepare an aqueous (water) without metabolic therapeutic effect by patients with - Ulceration Diuretics
Potassium Iodide, suspension as follows: alkalosis, in digitalis reacting with hyperkalemia since a - Perforation.
Sodium Iodide. Place the whole tablet(s) in intoxication, and in hemoglobin to form further increase in - Nausea  Hypokalemia
approximately 1/2 glass of patients with methemoglobin, an serum Vistalens - Vomiting should not be
Classifications: water (4 fluid ounces). hypokalemic oxidized form of (Potassium Iodide) - Flatulence treated by the
Iodine Deficiency Allow approximately 2 familial periodic hemoglobin incapable concentration in such - Abdominal concomitant
minutes for the tablet(s) to paralysis. If of oxygen transport patients can produce pain/discomfort administration
disintegrate. hypokalemia is the but with high affinity cardiac arrest. - Diarrhea of Vistalens
Stir for about half a minute result of diuretic for cyanide. Cyanide Hyperkalemia may (Potassium
after the tablet(s) has therapy, preferentially binds to complicate any of the Iodide) salts and
disintegrated. consideration methemoglobin over following conditions: a potassium-
Swirl the suspension and should be given to cytochrome a3, chronic renal failure, sparing diuretic
consume the entire contents of the use of a lower forming the nontoxic systemic acidosis, such (eg,
the glass immediately by dose of diuretic, cyanmethemoglobin. as diabetic acidosis, spironolactone,
drinking or by the use of a which may be Methemoglobin acute dehydration, triamterene, or
sufficient without displaces cyanide extensive tissue
straw. leading to from cytochrome breakdown as in severe amiloride) since
Add another 1 fluid ounce of hypokalemia. oxidase, allowing burns, adrenal the
water, swirl, and consume resumption of aerobic insufficiency, or the simultaneous
immediately. For the prevention metabolism. administration of a administration
Then, add an additional 1 of hypokalemia in potassium-sparing of these agents
fluid ounce of water, swirl, patients who would diuretic (eg, can produce
and consume immediately. be at particular risk spironolactone, severe
if hypokalemia were triamterene, amiloride) hyperkalemia.
to develop, eg,
digitalized patients
or patients with
significant cardiac

Brand Name, Prescribed dosage, Indication Mechanism of Contraindications Adverse Reactions Nursing
Generic Name, frequency, route of Action and Cautions Responsibilities and
Classification administration Warning Signs
Brand Name: Shake well before using. For the temporary relief Systane® works  You should - Vision may be For external use only.
Systane Ultra Instill 1 or 2 drops in the of burning and irritation by binding to the not use an temporarily Do not use: If this
affected eye(s) as needed. due to dryness of the eye. hydrophobic Systane if you blurred when product changes color
Generic Name: Lubricating and exposed areas of are allergic to this product is or becomes cloudy.
peg 400-propylene rewetting agent for the epithelial cells, it. This first used. If the patient is
glycol extended wear and attaching a medicine will - eye pain sensitive to any
disposable silicone protective HP- not treat or - change in vision ingredient of this
Classifications: hydrogel and soft Guar tear-gel prevent an eye - continued eye product.
ophthalmologicals (hydrophilic) contact matrix that helps infection. redness/irritation When using this
Class: lens. restore the ocular  Ask a doctor product: Do not touch
Eye Lubricant surface and or pharmacist tip of container to any
increase TFBUT if it is safe for surface to avoid
you to use contamination.
Systane if you Replace cap after each
have any type use.
of infection in Stop use and ask a
your eye. doctor if: The patient
feels eye pain.
The patient experiences
changes in vision.
The patient experiences
continued redness or
irritation of the eye or
the condition worsens
or persists for more
than 72 hours.
If swallowed, get
medical help or contact
a Poison Control
Center right away.
Generic Name: Insulin
Brand Name: Glargine
Mechanism of Actions: Insulin glargine is a human insulin analogue designed to have a low solubility at neutral pH. It is completely soluble at the acidic pH of the
Insulin glargine (Basaglar) injection solution (pH 4). After injection into the subcutaneous tissue, the acidic solution is neutralized leading to formation of micro-
precipitates from which small amounts of insulin glargine are continuously released, providing a smooth, peak less, predictable concentration/time profile with a
prolonged duration of action.
Indications: Treatment of type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes
Treatment of type 2 (noninsulin-dependent) diabetes that cannot be controlled by diet or oral agents
-Regular insulin injection: Treatment of severe ketoacidosis or diabetic coma
-Treatment of hyperkalemia with infusion of glucose to produce a shift of potassium into the cells
-Highly purified and human insulins promoted for short courses of therapy (surgery, inter current disease), newly diagnosed patients, patients with poor metabolic
control, and patients with gestational diabetes
Contraindications: Contraindicated with allergy to pork products (varies with preparations; human insulin not contraindicated with pork allergy). Use cautiously
with pregnancy (keep patients under close supervision; rigid control is desired; following delivery, requirements may drop for 24 72 hr, rising to normal levels
during next 6wk); lactation (monitor mother carefully; insulin requirements may decrease during lactation)
Side Effects: Anxiety, Clamminess and sweating, with cold hands and feet, Confusion, Disorientation, Dizziness or light-headedness, Heightened irritability,
Hunger, especially if you’ve just eaten, Inability to think clearly, Mood swings
Adverse Effects: Low blood sugar. Symptoms may include: hunger. nervousness.
Unexplained weight gain.
Swelling in your arms, legs, feet, or ankles (edema)
Reactions at the injection site. Symptoms may include: a small indent in your skin (lipoatrophy)
Nursing Responsibilities: Ensure uniform dispersion of insulin suspensions by rolling the vial gently between hands; avoid vigorous shaking. Give maintenance
doses subcutaneously, rotating injection sites regularly to decrease incidence of lipodystrophy; give regular insulin IV or IM in severe ketoacidosis or diabetic coma.
Warning Signs: anxiety, irritability, restlessness, trouble concentrating, feeling confused or not like yourself. tingling in your hands, feet, lips, or tongue. dizziness,
lightheadedness, or drowsiness, nightmares or trouble sleeping, headache, blurred vision, slurred speech, fast heart rate.
Generic Name: Sevelamer
Brand Name: Renvela
Classification: Phospate Binder
Required: 1tab BID
Route: PO
Availability: 1tab BID

Mechanism of actions: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) retain phosphorus and can develop hyper phosphatemia. When the product of serum calcium
and phosphorusconcentrations. Hyperphosphatemia plays a role in the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism in renal insufficiency. Treatment of
hyperphosphatemia includes reduction in dietary intake of phosphate, inhibition of intestinal phosphate absorption with phosphate binders, and removal of
phosphate with dialysis. Sevelamer carbonate taken with meals has been shown to control serum phosphorus concentrations in patients with CKD who are on
Indications: Control of serum P inpatients w/ chronic kidney disease (CKD)on dialysis; hyperphosphatemia in adults receiving hemo or peritoneal dialysis.
Contraindications: Sevelamer carbonate (Renvela) is contraindicated inpatients with hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.
Side Effect and Adverse Effect: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation. GI disorders, abdominal distention& discomfort.
Nursing Responsibilities: Assess patient for GI side effects periodically during therapy. Lab Test Considerations: Monitor serum phosphorous, calcium,
bicarbonate, and chloride levels periodically during therapy.
Warning Signs: monitor bicarbonate and chloride blood levels. Reduced vitamins D, E, and K (clotting factors) and folic acid blood levels may be followed by
your doctor. Talk to your doctor when taking sevelamer with other medications.

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