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1. what is the characteristic of Elizabeth that catch your attention?

Personality Elizabeth Bennet is invariably gorgeous. Although she is praised for being beautiful
and having particularly expressive eyes, everyone comments on how lively and sensible she is.

2. To whom the letter of Darcy for?

With the help of Darcy's letter, Elizabeth, and he both experience a process of self-reflection that causes
both of their attitudes toward one another to develop. Darcy is forced to react to Elizabeth's rage since
Elizabeth rejected his proposal, which hurts his pride. Elizabeth learns from the subsequent letter how
she erred in her assessment of both him and Wickham. She is sufficiently humbled to start viewing Darcy
in a new light after realizing the full extent of her mistaken prejudice. Some detractors contend that
Darcy's letter is implausible because such a proud and reclusive man would never divulge so many
specifics about his private life. According to this view, the letter largely serves as an artifice by which
Austen introduces a substantial amount of material while defending Darcy. However, one could contend
that the letter's alleged "dreadful bitterness of spirit" explains why it is so out of character for Darcy.
Despite its realism, the letter accomplishes what it set intended to do: it exposes Wickham's true
relationship to Darcy, which causes Wickham to lose support for Darcy.

3. Why is Elizabeth embarrassed at the Netherfield halls?

Mother is attempting to arrange marriages for her daughters. She is persistent in reminding Lady Lucas
of the benefits of having Jane wed a wealthy man like Bingley. From across the table, Mr. Darcy watches
this unfold and is not impressed.

4. what made Elizabeth change her mind about Darcy?

Elizabeth is aware of how much her opinion of Darcy has altered and that she would accept another
proposal from him. She is aware, though, that such a proposal seems incredibly unlikely considering
Lydia's embarrassing actions and the addition of Wickham to the Bennet family.

5. Why was Dracy prejudiced against Elizabeth?

According to what we have read in the book, Elizabeth misjudges Darcy because of her prejudice against
him (and wealthy people in general), and Darcy misjudges Elizabeth because he is proud of the fact that
there are different social classes for a reason and that he should only associate himself with his own
socioeconomic class.

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