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Optimist, Believe And Action ‘Of Apprectation Presented to oN AS SITI ROHMAH, Amd.Kep + Zo As Participant International Workshop o eieanee Based Practice In (rutical Cane eae 4% > iS INDONESIAN NATIONAL NURSES ASSOCIATION (INNA) T SN Accreditation Number : 1123/DPP.PPNI/SK/K.S/XI/2016 a5 Participant 2 SKP, Committe 3 SKP. Instructors 4 SKP et: by Organized by HOUSE OF EVENT a ee Th. Lice ee 2016 s a CEO H.0.E ea DE GopameNy Ns. Vera Sulistyaningrum, S. Kep NIRA PPNI. 31740271528 to At Hall Mercu Buana University — AN) ser, Jakarta, Indonesia 7y y Weel : No ay) ve za Sa WR ie =e OPTIMIST, BELIEVE, AND ACTION Sa y ae s LO We pe y he iad Me FSGS? Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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