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Pets Association

for Mental

Pets Association for Mental Well-being

Prepared for:

Ahmed Tausif Saad

Course Instructor

Prepared By:

Lamia Rahman (19102037)

Noman Ahmed (19102045)

Zarin Tasnim Hoque (19102051)

Tahrima Khan Proma (19102056)

BBA Program

University of Asia Pacific

1st April 2021

Letter of Transmittal
1 April, 2020

Course Instructor,

Business Statistics II

Department of Business Administration

University of Asia Pacific

Sub: Submission of a report titled Pets Association for Mental Well-being


With due respect we would like to state that we are the students of Department of Business
Administration. As a fourth-semester student, we would like to thank you for the direction you
have given us over the report on analysis of Pets Association for Mental Well-being. To prepare
the report we have collected what we believe to be the most important to make our report as
analytical and reliable as possible. All the knowledge has been acquired from the respective course.

We would be grateful if you accept this report and enlighten us with your thoughts and views
regarding the report.


Lamia Rahman

Noman Ahmed

Tahrima Khan Proma

Zarin Tasnim Hoque

Executive Summary
Pets bring a sense of fulfillment to our lives. For the pet owner, having pets as friends gives them
joy and security that most people yearn for. Pets also give us many psychological benefits like they
help us to become more sociable, reduces aggression, stress, anxiety, and depression reduces
loneliness, make us more affectionate, give us security, bring us close to nature, Etc. For this
reason, many health professionals use pet therapy on people who are having psychological
problems. The main focus of the report is, can a pet help us with our mental health issues.

In the report, both qualitative and quantitative data are used. We have also used both the probability
sampling method and the non-probability sampling method. Under the probability sampling
method, we have used a simple random sampling method and a stratified sampling method. And
under the non-probability sampling method, we have used convenience sampling. The information
of the report has been gathered from various articles, news, online survey question-answer session.
The sample size of our online survey research was 100, where most of the people were female
(55%) and male (45%). Among them, 57 people own pets. 44 among 57 people admitted that they
are happier than before, after having a pet. The majority of participants (62%) of the sample agreed
that Bangladeshi parents are conservative about having a pet. The range of population proportion
of this statement is 52% - 72%. The population proportion is only 11% - 27% of participants agreed
that society thinks positively about having a pet. And 52% strongly admitted that pets helped them
to overcome depression. The range of population proportion for that statement is 73% - 89%. 21%
of participants strongly agreed on recommending a pet to someone who has lost their dear one
recently. The population range is 61% - 79%.

In the report hypothesis test has been performed. It can be said with a 95% confidence level that
parents are conservative about having pets as the null hypothesis for the statement is not rejected.
Again, it can also be said with a 95% confidence level that society thinks positively about having
pets as the null hypothesis is not rejected. The null hypothesis of the statement "Pets help to
overcome depression" is not rejected. So, all the statements in the hypothesis test are correct as the
null hypothesis was not rejected in any of the statements.

Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal ....................................................................................................................... ii
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... iii
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Origin of the report ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Research Objective ................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.4.1 Data Source ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.4.2 Types of variable.................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.3 Sample size ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.4.4 Sampling methods.................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Scopes and Limitations ............................................................................................................. 3
1.5.1 Scopes .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 Limitations ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 Literature Review...................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 History of the Human-Animal Bond......................................................................................... 4
2.2 Theories on Human-Companion Animal Interactions .............................................................. 4
2.3 Health Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions ....................................................................... 5
3.0 Report Analysis and Findings ................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Demographic Information ......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Thoughts and opinions about Pets ............................................................................................ 6
3.3 Proportion ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Hypothesis............................................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Findings................................................................................................................................... 14
4.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 References ............................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 17

1.0 Introduction
A pet is a great companionship to reduce stress and depression (Lundgren, K., Robinson, L. and
Segal, M.A.R, 2020). It brings comfort and peace in life. The company of a pet helps many people
to live a mentally healthier life. The company of a pet reduces the tension or stress that an
individual face in their daily life (Washington State University 2019). A pet makes a person feel
more wanted and needed. A person gets a new meaning of life as they care for another living. A
study has shown that pet owners are more conscientious and less worried, they have better self-
esteem, they don’t feel lonely and they are less fearful. The company of a pet also reduces blood
pressure, cholesterol levels increase the opportunities for exercise (Ballinger, B. 2020). A person
feels more secure with the company of a pet. Having a pet is not very costly as many people think.
This project will mainly focus on how do pet help us with our mental health issues.

1.1 Origin of the report

This report is originated as a requirement of Business Statistics II of BBA program.

1.2 Background
A pet is a wonderful way to remove loneliness and depression. They create a positive environment
around us. It is very common in foreign countries to have a pet. They develop a wonderful bond
with their pets and care for them like their own child. People find a friend in their pets enjoy the
affection they provide. However, in Bangladesh, having a pet is not that common. Most of the
parents in Bangladesh don’t allow pets for many reasons. In Bangladesh, many are suffering from
depression but they are unaware of the fact that having a pet can bring happiness to their life. How
does a pet help to overcome depression and also what is society’s viewpoint towards pet will be
highlighted in this project.

1.3 Research Objective
Broad Objective: To find out how pets’ impact on mental well-being of human.

Specific Objective:

1. To analyze the benefits of people are deprived from not having a pet.

2. To analyze the mental benefits people might get from having a pet.

3. To analyze society’s viewpoint towards pet.

1.4 Methodology

1.4.1 Data Source

Pets help people to be more conscientious and make people happy. To make sure how much mental
satisfaction they are getting by having pets, some information through articles, news, online survey
question-answer sessions with people and their thinking on pets will be needed for this project. So,
two type of source will be needed for this research.

1. Primary source: Survey and question-answer session with people and relatives where we

can know their thinking on pets.

2. Secondary source: Research articles, news, interviews, social media.

1.4.2 Types of variable

Quantitative data will be used for this project. Quantitative data is also needed for the survey on
numbers or percentages.

1.4.3 Sample size

The sample size for this research would be 100 people.

1.4.4 Sampling methods
Probability sampling method

Probability sampling method has been used in this project. The point of view of random people
about having a pet has been taken and for that simple random sampling method has been used.
Man and woman might have a different opinion. So, there are two subgroups which comes under
the stratified sampling method.

Non-Probability sampling method

People who were easier to reach was the key focus of this project and for that convenience
sampling has been applied. It is important to know about how pets help both mental and physical
health and an expert will be able to give proper information about it. For this purpose, purposive
sampling is followed as well.

1.5 Scopes and Limitations

1.5.1 Scopes
The analysis is related to Pets Association for Mental Well-being. We are analyzing how does a
pet help to overcome depression and also what is society’s viewpoint towards pet.

1.5.2 Limitations
• We had to be dependent on online survey research. We couldn’t any open-ended
interviewing due to pandemic.

• Time was also a big constraint for or study as we had to submit a broader deal in a shorter
form of outcome.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 History of the Human-Animal Bond

According to Bossard, pets play various roles in the family that includes: a source of unconditional
love, an outlet for people to express love, a teacher of children, social lubricants, and companions.
He considered household pets as a basic instrument in mental health because of 24 their integral
role in the family. In 1962, Levinson promoted pet therapy by extending the health value of animals
from households to therapeutic settings (Fine, 2000). In 1977, the Delta Society, the first
professional, interdisciplinary organization focusing on the human-animal bond, was founded. In
1979, the relationship between humans and companion animals was determined to have intrinsic
value. In 1987, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) examined the health benefits of human-
animal interactions. Specialists in various fields approved that bonding with animals can have
human health benefits during that workshop, (Argus Institute for Families and Veterinary
Medicine, 2002b)

2.2 Theories on Human-Companion Animal Interactions

In order to explain human-animal interaction, several theories have been proposed. A suggestion
was given by Bergler in 1988 that pets help in giving psychological benefits that comprises
sociability, affection, security and closeness to nature. Through human-animal interactions, quality
of life and and well-being are boosted when the psychological advantages surpasses the
psychological value of pets. According to Odendaal opinion in 1988, for psychological and
primarily attention needs, people are involved with companion animals. In 1993, a model was
developed by Hills based on motivational attitudes toward animals. A definition was given by
Costall about the positive interaction between the pet and the owner as a mutual relationship in
1996. In order to explain the human-animal bond, the relational theory was used by Lasher in 1998.
In several studies, it is found that pets help to reduce aggression and anxiety. Higher levels of pet
attachment have also been associated with increased happiness and decreased depression (Garrity,
Stallones, Marx, & Johnson, 1989).

2.3 Health Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions
It is reported that people who owns pet get various health benefits. Pet helps to reduce sympathetic
nervous system arousal and also help in increasing physical activity. A companion of pet boosts
up social support and self-esteem, decreases stress level and loneliness. Lower blood pressure and
heart rate activity is shown in the presence of pets. Additional psychological benefits of pet
ownership that have been reported include nonjudgmental companionship, intimacy, constancy,
availability, facilitation of human social interactions, and lessening of social isolation (Jennings,
1997). According to a study, people feel less depressed with the company of a pet.

3.0 Report Analysis and Findings

3.1 Demographic Information

In this research, a questionnaire survey has been done. Sample size (n) was 100. A greater
proportion of the sample was female (55%) than male (45%) and majority of them are married
(93%). 81% of people are in the age group of 18-24, 10% are 25-34, 7% were under 18 and 2%
are in the age group of 35-44. The educational background of 76% people is bachelor or equivalent.
73% people earn in between 0-5000 taka and and 14% people earn in between 5000-15000 taka.
Most of the people are student and the percentage are 84%, 6% are business person, 4% are self-
employed, 4% service holder, 2% are unemployed.

3.2 Thoughts and opinions about Pets

Kind of pet people have
Out of 100 people, 43% has said that they don’t have any pet. While the other 57% people
responded positively about having a pet.

Kind of pet people have

a. I have pet (Cat)

b. I have pet (Dog)

c. I have a pet (Fish)
d. I have a pet (Bird)

17% e. I have pet (reptiles, turtle,

snakes, lizards)
f. I have pet (others)

Figure: 1
The pie chart shows that most of the people owns cat as the percentage is 20%, and 17% of the
people owns bird as pet. 8% of the people has owns dog, 7% of the people owns fish, 5% owns
other animals as pet. So out of 100 people, 57 people owns pet which is going to be beneficial for
this research to find out the relation between pet and mental well-being.

Age of getting First pet

Age of getting first Pet

14% 16%

under the age of 5

23% 21-30

Figure: 2

The pie chart shows that most of the people got their first pet at the age of 11 to 20 and the
percentage is 47%. At the age of 5 to 10, 23% people got their first pet. 16% people got their first
pet under the age of 5 and 14% people got their first pet at the age of 21 to 30.

Amount of time spend with pet per week:

Amount of time spend with pet per week





1-2 hours 2-5 hours 5-8 hours 8+ hours

Figure: 3

According to this pie chart, good amount which is 38% of people spends 1-2 hours with their pet
per week. Whereas most of the people spends 2-5 and 5-8 hours nearby the percentage of 28.20%
and 21.10%. In compare to above information, less people spend 8+ hours with their pet per week
in the percentage of 12.70%.

Change a person feel after having a pet

Changes a person feel after having a


31 33
11 7

Figure: 4

Side effects of having pets has been discussed in this bar chart. It can be seen that among 100, 44
number of people accepted that they feel happier after having pets. Some of them spend their daily
time more peacefully (31) and less lonely (33). In this generation depression is one of the known
terms, but after having a pet most of them (20) have been recovered from being depressed
(according to our sample size). Having pets helped few of them to be more social (11) and fearful

Amount of money that a person wants to spend per month on pet

Amount of money that a person willing to

spend per month on pet

11% BDT 200-500

5% 27%
9% BDT 500-800
BDT 800-1200

26% 22% BDT 1200-1500

BDT 1500-2000
BDT 2000+

Figure: 5

This pie chart concludes the percentage of amount which people wants to spend on pets. Overall
people of 27% (BDT 200-500), 26% (BDT 800-1200) and 22% (BDT 500-800) wants to spend
their money on pets. Around 5% of people wants to spend on pets about BDT 1500-2000. Nearby,
9% and 11% people decides to spend their money on pets around BDT 1200-1500 and 2000+.

Reasons of people disliking to have pets

Reasons of people disliking to have


60 51
16 19
13 14

Figure: 6

By reviewing this bar chart, it’s so obvious that having pets is too much responsibility and tiresome
as they create mess that’s why most of the people don’t want to have pets. Even people think that
taking care of pets is time consuming. Few of people assumes that pets can be harmful and don’t
allow them because of traumatizing and negative past experience with pets. Others think
differently about not having pets.

3.3 Proportion
The majority of the participants (62%) of the sample agreed on the fact that parents in Bangladesh
are conservative about having a pet. The range of population proportion of this statement is 52% -
72%. The population proportion is only 11% - 27% of participants agreeing that society thinks
positively about having a pet. 52% participants strongly agreed that a pet helps to overcome
depression. The range of population proportion on this statement is 78% - 91%. 86% people of the
sample gave their statement in the support of pets understanding human conduct while only 2% of
the people disagreed on this statement. The population proportion range of this statement is 73%
- 89%. Out of 100, 50% people strongly agreed that pets reduce loneliness. The population range
of agreeing on this statement is 79% - 93%. Out of 100, 29% participants are neutral about the
statement that pets improve daily work performance while total 60% participants agreed on this
statement. The proportion range is 55% - 65%. Majority (38%) of the participants of the sample
are neutral about pet making people more sociable. The proportion range of participants agreeing
on this statement is 43% - 63%. 50% participants strongly agreed on recommending a pet to
someone who have lost their dear one recently while 21% participants simply agreed on this. The
population range is 61% - 79%.

3.4 Hypothesis
Some statement has been made about the population parameter developed for the purpose of
testing. A hypothesis testing has been done by taking data from sample, to determine if these
statements are reasonable or not. If the statement is correct or in other words, if the testing doesn’t
bring any change in the statement, then Null Hypothesis (H0) is not rejected. If the statement is not
correct, means if the testing brings any change in the statement, then it can be said that Null
Hypothesis is rejected (H1). In this analysis, it is assumed the population mean (μ) is 3.

Critical t
Statement Hypothesis t value Result
Parents are moderately
H0; μ = 3 Null is not
conservative about 0.38 1.984
H1; μ ≠ 3 rejected
having pets
Society moderately H0; μ = 3 Null is not
-0.131 1.984
thinks about having pets H1; μ ≠ 3 rejected

Pets can reduce H0; μ = 3 Null is not

0.46 1.984
loneliness H1; μ ≠ 3 rejected

Pets help to overcome H0; μ = 3 Null is not

0.44 1.984
depression H1; μ ≠ 3 rejected

3.5 Findings
• It can be said with 95% confidence level that parents are conservative about having pets.
As 52% to 72% of the participants has agreed on this statement. Also, t value is 0.38 which
lies between -1.984 and 1.984 which means Null hypothesis is not rejected and the claim
is right.

• It can be said with 95% confidence level that society thinks positively about having pets.
Though majority of the participants (48%) were neutral about this statement, but test
statistic value lies between -1.984 and 1.984 which indicates that the null hypothesis is not

• With 95% confidence level it can be said that 79% to 93% of the population has agreed on
the statement that pets can reduce loneliness. Also, the null hypothesis about this statement
is not rejected as the statistic value is 0.46 which falls under the critical value. As a result,
it can be said that companion of a pet can reduce loneliness.

• The null hypothesis of the statement “Pets help to overcome depression” is not rejected.
As the value 0.44 lies between -1.984 and 1.984. Also, with 95% confidence level it can
be said that 73% to 89% of the participants agreed on the statement. So, it can be said that,
the statement is right.

4.0 Conclusion
The companionship of a pet can bring many positive changes to a person’s life. They help to
remove depression, stress, loneliness from a person’s life. From the analysis, it can be said that
parents in Bangladesh are conservative about having a pet. The reasons might be that pets are
messy, hard to handle, can harm people, etc. But those who own pets have a positive opinion. The
majority of the people agreed with the statement that pets help to overcome depression, remove
stress and loneliness. Also, from the analysis, it can be said that society has a positive point of
view towards the pet. As a result, it can be said that pets and mental well-being are connected and
they have a positive impact on humans.

4.1 References
Washington State University (2019), stress reduction benefits from petting dogs and cats, viewed
7 February,

McNicholas, J., Gilbey, A., Ormerod, E., (2005), Pet ownership and humanhealth: breif review of
evidence and issues, viewed 9 February,

Ballinger, B. (2020), The Health Power of pets for seniors, viewed 8 February,

Lundgren, K., Robinson, L. and Segal, M.A.R (2020), The Health and Mood-Boosting Benefits of
pets, viewed 6 February,

Therapy Dogs (2019), Offers comfort and cheer to people in Need, viewed 13

Healthy Pets, Healthy People, (2019), About Pets and People, viewed 15

Weliver, D., (2021), The Annual Cost Of Pet Ownership: Can You Afford A Pet?, viewed 21

Bangor Daily News (2013), Pets temper loneliness and bring meaning late in life, viewed 25

4.2 Appendix

Mean and Standard Deviation

Mean SD
Parents in Bangladesh are conservative
3.8 21.04
about having a pet.
Society thinks positively about having a
2.79 16.04
A pet helps to overcome depression. 4.24 27.98

Pets understand human conduct. 4.27 27.38

Pets reduces loneliness. 4.29 28.11

Pets improves our daily work
3.74 20.46
Make people more sociable 3.62 19.59
Recommending a pet to someone who
4.07 26
have lost their dear one recently


Statement p z Result

Parents in Bangladesh are

0.62 1.96 52% - 72%
conservative about having a pet.

Society thinks positively about

0.19 1.96 11% - 27%
having a pet.

A pet helps to overcome depression. 0.85 1.96 78% - 91%

Pets understand human conduct. 0.81 1.96 73% - 89%

Pets reduces loneliness. 0.86 1.96 79% - 93%

Pets improves our daily work

0.6 1.96 55% – 65%

Make people more sociable 0.53 1.96 43% - 63%

Recommending a pet to someone

who have lost their dear one 0.7 1.96 61% - 79%


Section A:
1. Gender *
a) Male
b) Female
c) Other
2. Your age *
a. 15-25
b. 25-40
c. 40-65
d. 65+
3. Your educational background *
a) Below SSC
b) Secondary School Certificate
c) Higher Secondary School Certificate
d) Bachelor or equivalent
e) Master or above
4. Your income*
a) BDT 0-5000
b) BDT 5000-15000
c) BDT 15000-25000
d) BDT 25000-50000
e) BDT 50000+
5. Your occupation*
a) Student
b) Self-employed
c) Service holder
d) Businessperson
e) Lawyer
f) Doctor
g) No occupation

6. Your marital status *
a) Single
b) Married
c) Divorced

Section B:
7. If you have any pet, what kind of pet do you have?
a. I have pet (Cat)
b. I have pet (Dog)
c. I have a pet (Fish)
d. I have a pet (Bird)
e. I have pet (reptiles, turtle, snakes, lizards)
f. I have pet (others)
g. I don’t have any

8. When did you get your first pet?

a. Under the age of 5
b. 5-10
c. 11-20
d. 20-30
e. 30+
9. How many times do you spend with your pet per week?
a. 1-2 hours
b. 2-5 hours
c. 5-8 hours
d. 8 hours+

10. What kind of change do you feel after having a pet?
(*you can choose multiple options)
a. I spent my days more peacefully
b. I don’t feel depressed like before
c. I don’t feel lonely anymore
d. I have become more socialized
e. I feel more happy
f. I feel less fearful

11. How much money are you willing to spend per month on pet?
a. BDT 200-500
b. BDT 500-800
c. BDT 800-1200
d. BDT 1200-1500
e. BDT 1500-2000
f. BDT 2000+

12. Why do you think people don’t like to have pets?

(*you can choose multiple options)
a. Because they create mess
b. Taking care of them is time consuming
c. They can harm children or young kids
d. Because of a traumatizing experience with pet
e. Negative pet experience as a child
f. Others

Section C:
Answer the following questions on a scale of 1-5, where 5 being strongly agree and 1 being
strongly disagree

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

13. Parents in Bangladesh are

conservative about having a 1 2 3 4 5

14. Society thinks positively

1 2 3 4 5
about having a pet.

15. A pet helps to overcome

1 2 3 4 5

16. Pets understand human

1 2 3 4 5

17. Pets reduces loneliness. 1 2 3 4 5

18. Pets improves our daily

1 2 3 4 5
work performance.

19. Make people more sociable. 1 2 3 4 5

20. Recommending a pet to

someone who have lost their 1 2 3 4 5
dear one recently


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