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Software tools for requirements management in an ERP system context

Conference Paper · January 2010

DOI: 10.1145/1774088.1774123 · Source: DBLP


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2 authors:

Björn Johansson Rogério Atem De Carvalho

Linköping University Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense (IFF)


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Paper no: EE-132

Software Tools for Requirements Management in an ERP

system context

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ABSTRACT costly task, since development of “wrong” requirements can result

Identification and specification of business requirements are in the need for huge changes. One of the major problems when
extremely important when development of Enterprise Resource developing (as well as maintaining) ERPs in relation to
Planning systems (ERPs) take place. It can be stated that this is requirements management is how to deal with requirements in
still a problematic area not well researched and, as a result from what could be described as an ERP development value-chain. This
that, it does not exist much guidance on how to deal with paper investigates some requirements management tools from an
requirements. In this paper we investigate software tools for ERP development chain perspective, also presenting some
requirements management in an ERP system context. The aim of limitations and future directions on requirements management in
it is to present some prescriptive thoughts about requirements the ERP context. This paper presents some prescriptive thoughts
management in an ERP system context that can be useful when on requirements management in an ERP system context which
developing future requirements management software tools in the could be useful when developing future requirements
ERP system realm. Five factors are suggested for evaluating the management software tools in the ERP system realm. In fact this
tools: Fast and flexible requirements integration, support of work is part of an extensive investigation that aims at developing
software releases in small pieces, support of a ubiquitous a requirement management software tool that can be used when
language, support of requirements test, and support of integration. developing future ERPs.
From an initial test we suggest further research in this area that The paper is organized as follows: the next sections will briefly
could end up in some more practical guidelines on how to develop describe ERP business requirements, how management of
a requirement management software tool that can be used when requirements are made and, what problems there are within
developing future ERPs. requirements management in the ERP context. Finally, an initial
investigation of some software tools for requirements
Categories and Subject Descriptors management, followed by some conclusions, guidelines and
D.2.1 [Software Engineering]: Requirements/Specifications – suggestions for future research on software tools for requirements
elicitation methods. management in the ERP context.
Enterprise Information Systems. The basic assumption from where this paper starts from is that
organizations using ERP systems act in an environment that faces
Keywords constant changes and reassessment of organizational processes
Enterprise Resource Planning, Requirements management, and technology, therefore ERP requirements constantly change as
Software tools. a consequence. This means that management of requirements
implemented within ERP systems must provide adaptability and
agility to support this evolutionary environment in which ERP
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for systems usage takes place. ERP systems development often
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are follows a form of waterfall development processes. It can be
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies claimed that the use of predictive strategies in an ERP
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, environment is inappropriate as well as ineffective since they do
or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior not address the emergent and sometimes chaotic behaviors of the
specific permission and/or a fee. market place for ERP systems.
SAC’10, March 22-26, 2010, Sierre, Switzerland.
Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-60558-638-0/10/03…$10.00. It can be stated that requirements management in this respect
needs to be able to cope with this instability. To be able to do so
there is definitely a need for having some kind of supporting tool.
1. INTRODUCTION The question is then if existing software management tools are
It can be stated that requirements management in the context of supportive in the way they need to be. To be able to make some
enterprise resource planning (ERPs) systems is a complex and kind of statement on this question the research reported in this
paper aimed at investigating existing software management tools. divided into functional requirements and thirteen types of non-
This investigation was made from an ERP development chain functional requirements. A similar distinction is made by
perspective, meaning that the investigation focused on Robertsons [6], who identifies seventeen different types of
management of requirements from the three different stakeholders requirements divided into product constraints, functional
(ERP vendor, ERP solution partner, ERP end-user), involved in a requirements and non-functional requirements. From this it can be
indirect sales model (which is one way of delivering ERPs), that suggested that requirements could be seen as either: a function,
all are more or less supposed to deal with development of ERP capability, or property of a proposed system; and/or, the statement
systems – directly or indirectly. The basic assumption is that of such a function, capability, or property [4] and/or as described
ERPs are a standard software package which from the beginning by Jackson [2] as descriptions of the application domain and the
is developed by an ERP vendor. The ERP vendor develops the problems to be solved there. This last description emphasizes on
core product which then often is changed or is further developed what and not how. This is to some extent in conflict with the
by an ERP solution partner or ERP implementing consultancy description from Zave and Jackson [7] that state: there was a time
partner. The final development is then sometimes made by the when the epigram “requirements say what the system will do and
ERP end-user organization – sometimes they do it by themselves not how it will do it” summarized all of requirements engineering.
and sometimes they use an external consultant to further develop That time is long past. What Zave and Jackson state could be
or, in other words, customize the ERP system. interpreted as that a change in what requirements should describe
A crucial functionality of ERP systems requirements management has occurred and that requirement specification now also to some
software tools is therefore to support an efficient communication extent focus on how the developed system will execute the wanted
as well as fast response to changes on requirements. In that way it requirement. This statement suggests that the scope of what
can be claimed that the tool needs to support agile development requirements are have broaden a lot, however, it also shows the
methods by delivering software in small and frequent increments. importance of having requirements described in a way so that they
It can also be stated that one question that needs to be solved can be implemented in the way they need to be implemented.
when using agile methods, or any iterative incremental lifecycle in Another angle of why there are some basic problems when
general for customizing ERPs, is how to both achieve (a) defining what requirements are, comes from the fact that many
incremental requirements elicitation and (b) not to be forced to do stakeholders are involved [4] and that these stakeholders have
heavy rework due to late process integration identification [1]. different perspectives on what requirements are [8]. For instance,
This second situation, ´being forced to do heavy rework, occurs if a CIO says that the basic requirement on a new ERP is the need
when a given requirement is implemented into the software to support the organization’s business processes, the developers
without identifying all its connections with other requirements, then probably will have a hard time to understand exactly how to
which is a natural situation in a process where the requirements do that. This then results in the fact that, especially for ERPs, the
are identified incrementally. Thus, what happens in later iterations implemented solution does not reflect the specification. The
is that when requirements are better understood and a given reason for this is that since the environment changes all the time
requirement needs to be integrated to others lately, leads to and the ERP has to be adjusted to the environment it works in, the
changes in code and consequent rework. adopted ERP solution drifts away and relatively soon after its
adoption it has to change. Another reason, suggested for why the
3. ERP BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS specification not reflects the implemented solution, is that the
A major problem in ERP development is the misfit between specification as such is seen as an end product and not the
required functionality and the functionality offered, which also evolutionary document of an ongoing process that the
could be described as the distance between what end-users want to specification of ERP requirements are.
have support for in the business processes they work within and
what the ERP de facto gives support for. There are definitely a lot It is shown from experience that the analysis and documentation
of different reasons for why this is the case and this paper will not of business and software requirements by means of models are
deal with all of them due to space constraints. But, it can be stated essential for ERP development, which thereby makes it necessary
that one important factor are difficulties of transferring business to use proper techniques and tools [9]. Odeh and Kamm [9] state
requirements from identification to specification and further on that for instance the Unified Modeling Language (UML) software
into implementation. To have some input on this it is first specification techniques are not suitable for translation of business
important to stipulate what requirements and especially ERP models into software models. One reason for this is that the
business requirements are. Jackson [2] describes requirements as modeling tools does not take organizational background
descriptions of the application domain and the problems to be characterized by shifting interests, interpretations, and power
solved. He makes a distinction between requirements and relations into account to the extent that is necessary. It can be
specifications and states that specifications are descriptions of the stated that this is especially important when developing ERPs
interface between the developed system and the application since these are systems that are supposed to support the entire
domain. This is in line with the statement that a requirement organization and also support organizations interaction with
specification should form a bridge between requirements stakeholders outside the organization.
engineering and software engineering [3]. From this it could be
The critique Odeh and Kamm stipulate can be compared to the
said that it is clear what requirements are, but, that is definitely
three levels of software requirements that Wiegers suggests.
not the case, and there are several reasons for that. Earlier
Wiegers [8] states that software requirements include three
research and practice have tried to classify and categorize
distinct levels – business, user, and functional requirements. The
requirements. Many of these classification schemes distinguish
interesting level, in this context, is the business requirements.
between functional and non-functional requirements [4]. For
According to Wiegers [8] business requirements are
example, the IEEE standard for the software requirements
representations of high-level objectives that the organization or
specification [5] distinguishes fourteen types of requirements,
the customer requests from the system. In order to fully 5. INVESTIGATION OF SOFTWARE
understand what these requirements are about it is needed to
clarify what ERPs are. The definition we adopt of ERPs is the one REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT TOOLS
given by Daneva and Wieringa [10]. They state that ERPs are FROM AN ERP PERSPECTIVE
packaged software solutions with the key function of coordinating The investigation so far shows that there exists a need to
the work conducted in an organization. The coordination means investigate existing software requirements management tools from
that ERPs should be seen as the vehicles that modern another perspective when it comes to ERP development. The
organizations use to achieve business connectivity in which reason is that ERP development take place in a distributed
everyone knows what everyone is doing in the organization. This context. This means that the three categories, which we selected
definition of ERPs gives a relatively clear view over what ERP and did a short analysis of, from the INCOSE survey, are
business requirements are, but, it also shows that identifying and important. However, these categories need to be added with some
clearly specifying them are a difficult task. Monnerat et al., [11] additional categories to be able to state something about what a
label the task of describing requirement at this level as systems future requirements management tool for ERP systems would
requirements definition, and it can be stated that requirements need. There is also a need to test some tools from the perspective
management in the ERP context is so hard that it demands some of a distributed requirements management view that exists in the
specific features of requirements management software tools, and ERP system development chain. Our initial investigation, by using
this is the focus of the next section. existing literature that compares software requirements
management tools, and also investigating some tools from their
4. AN OVERVIEW OF SOFTWARE marketing perspective, gave some additional factors that would be
REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT TOOLS of interest to further investigations. It can be suggested that an
There are a lot of software tools which deal with requirements investigation should be done from a set of factors that was
management in general software development. INCOSE discovered as important for a “supportive” tool in the context of
(International Council On Systems Engineering) presents a ERP systems development and maintenance.
comprehensive survey on requirements management tools [12]. The factors we found that would be interesting to investigate were
The survey contains information on 43 different requirements the following: 1) Fast and flexible requirements integration, 2)
management tools [13]. The analysis of these builds on 14 support of software releases in small pieces, 3) support of a
categories which then have sub-categories connected. The 14 ubiquitous language, 4) support of requirements test, 5) support of
categories are: 1) Capturing Requirements/identification, 2) integration. We elaborate on each of these factors below.
Capturing system element structure, 3) Requirements Flowdown,
Having fast and flexible requirements integration is something
4) Traceability analysis, 5) Configuration Management, 6)
extremely important in the ERP context. The reason is that
Documents and other output media, 7) Groupware, 8) Interfaces
without flexibility, integration points identified later in the ERP
to other tools, 9) System Environment, 10) User Interfaces, 11)
life-cycle demand heavy rework, which would result in a complex
Standards, 12) Support and Maintenance, 13) Training, 14) Other
and costly integration of new or adapted functionality. This means
Comments. However, in the ERP context the most interesting
that ERP requirements management tools should support fast and
categories are requirements flowdown, traceability analysis, and
flexible requirements integration. For doing so, the tool should
configuration management. The result of these three categories
support abstract integration patterns that can be used to keep louse
from the INCOSE survey is presented in Table 1.
coupling. For instance, instead of keeping the relationships among
Table 1 Reported results from INCOSE requirements business entities stored on the own entities, patterns such as the
management tools survey Relationship Manager can be used [14]. This pattern manages all
Category Full Partial None the navigation and access code among entities’, making it easy to
support Support support integrate requirements.
Requirements 32 1 10 An ERP system is not static, and it has to be able to change all the
flowdown time. The reason for that is that both technology and organizations
changes all the time. To be able to deal with this situation a
Traceability analysis 31 2 10 software requirements management tool in the ERP area needs to
Configuration 28 3 12 support releases of software in small pieces, and also support and
management improve communication between stakeholders. For doing so, the
tool should be able to keep track of the releases and also support
The results in Table 1 indicate that the major part of tools have the impact evaluation of each release. One solution is to provide
support for the three selected categories, however, an interesting ways of integrating the tool to Continuous Integration (CI)
observation is that there actually there are 10-12 software tools structures. CI is a software development practice proposed to
that do not have support for these. From this it can be concluded solve the integration problems by providing both agility and fast
that a deeper investigation of software tools for requirements feedback, consisting of making (at least) daily project builds [15].
management in the ERP context is needed, and it can also be The concept of build used here is the whole process comprising:
concluded that such a investigation should be done from the get the latest source code from the main repository, build the
perspective that there are different stakeholders dealing with application and the database, perform both testing, inspection and
requirements and therefore there is a need for having other deploying, run software in a production similar environment and
categories as support for the investigation. This is what we give automatic and real-time feedback to developers, ensuring that
describe in the next section. the integrated parts act as a cohesive whole and that there is
always a working version of the software available in the
repository. In that way, each release can be evaluated completely
and immediately before it enters in production, avoiding errors the development of new software tools in the ERP requirements
and their costs associated. management area.
When developing and maintaining an ERP system it is of great
importance that different stakeholders understand each other, a
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